Tuesday, October 20, 2009

'the OBAMA' dithers about troops...

Presidente BARACH'pet-monkey-on-the-leash-of-monied-organ-grinder-George"im-having-a-very-good-crisis"Soros'the OBAMA continues to dither/Proofrock like about necessary AMERIKAN troops in AFGHANISTAN because the convicted-fraudster GEORGE SOROS doesn't want more troops in AFGHANISTAN or IRAQ. SOROS makes money from anarchy and the coming of FASCISM/MARXISM - as long as he controls the leash+puppet strings of his monkey/puppet!!! Ever wonder why the price of OIL goes up and the DOW JONES average goes up at the same time??? Ever wonder why the AMERIKAN dollar loses value against the EURO and the stock market still rises??? Welcome to the world of convicted/fraudster GEORGIE SOROS!!!

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