Saturday, November 15, 2008

'PREPERATION-8' and the GAY protestors!!!

Instead of 'angering' the country's religions with the demand to 'luv us' and 'accept us' by the GAY 'MOB' intent on their alleged so-called 'rights'; perhaps the GAY LEGAL SOLONS should avoid 'perfekt' challenges to the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION under the 14th and 9th amendments and concentrate on the INTERSTATE COMMERCE ACT and its labyrinthine provisions as well as President GEORGE BUSH's memorandum of Nov.27, 2002 in support of NAFTA. Instead of 'alienating' the populace and engendering the 'states rights' questions with due reciprocity between individual states - why not try to ameliorate the situation with a constructive/practical use of existing law??? BUT THAT IS PROBABLY AXSKING(ebonics spellung) OF GAYS WHO WANT 'A JUST SAY NO TO PREPERATION-8' TO BE THEIR BATTLE CRY!!! No vote once cast by a citizen should be scorned, villified, or held to ridicule - particularly by the 'losers' in this plebiscite. WORK THROUGH THE LAW - DO NOT ANTAGONIZE/MAKE MORE ENEMIES FROM THOSE WHO DISAGREE!!

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