Monday, November 10, 2008

Is HBO's TRUEBLOOD - the 'hottest' show on TV???

TRUEBLOOD is set in steamy, sweaty, sex-gorged, blood-flowing, irrascible, mind-blowing LOUZSIANNE where the STACKHOUSE family is intimately involved with the local VAMPIRES and now 'SHAPE-SHIFTERS'. SEWKI wth her cute blondness and ability to 'read' others thoughts is forced to defend herself from a 'SHAPE-SHIFTER' in a bathroom shower with a 'loofa-on-a-sticxk'. NOW WOT THE HECK WUZ SHE GONNA DO WID THAT??? LOOFA his back-or-genitals??? AND her bro JASON STACKHOUSE is da dumbest WHITE BOY ever claiming he suffers from 'gout-o-da-dick'!!! TRUEBLOOD is generally well written, decently acxted wid lottsa fucking, blood-letting, violence, death but wherez it goin??? IS DIS JUST THE 1960'S SHOW 'DARK SHADOWZ' ALL GROWN UP??? And who is 'killing' all dese so far jest femalezs on TRUEBLOOD??? HOW FAR WILL A SHOW GO THAT SEEMS TO HAVE NO DISCERNIBLE PLOT EXCEPT 'ANYTHING IS PERMITTED'???[much like WILLIAM BURROUGHS sobriquet from his book 'CITIES OF THE RED NIGHT']

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