Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Da NYSlimes KILLS' anudder interestin story!!!

The NYSLIMES besides 'fookin' the NATAIONAL ASSHOLE-wannabe-MARXIST MEDIA and every reader/observer in the SUPREME COURT CASE NYSlimes v. SULLIVAN [376 U.S. 254 (1964)[ ALLOWING FOR THE FIRST TIME - ALLOWING 'ASSHOLES-OF-THE-DESPICABLE-MORONIC-MEDIA-TO-LIE/PURVEY-OUTRIGHT-FALSEHOODS-WITH-IMPUNITY ' due to the phrase from the cunts-of-the-court's actual decision "...actual malice"[made into the movie with the late actor PAUL NEWMAN, SALLY'the-flying-nutso'FIELD, and other familiar character actors loosely based on portraying 'LIBERALS-no-PROGRESSIVES-no-DEMBHOLES-no-SOCIALISTS-no-MARXISTS-no jest plain VERMIN' as the 'heroes' in an involved 'legal case' that pitted CHIEF JUSTICE FRANK-N-FURTER(lordee how ise luvs printin that name while images of da cult movie ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW flashes acrosst mys dissipated mine!) against counsel for SULLIVAN oner RICHARD MILL-AROUND-REPUBLICANTS-NECKS NIXON and how hard FRANK-N-FURTER had to 'lobby-see mug-cajole-chivy-intimidate' des udder jus-disses to somehow rule agin SULLIVAN even though he surely was the injured party - but dose DEMBHOLE DOUCHESBAGZ kuld not let their bolshie brudders at the NYSlimes be bested in da ciourtz let alone by 'TRICKY DICK' so da entire MARXIST MEDIA wuz let offen da hool wid da invented fraze '...ACTUAL MALICE' which dated frum a strained case in the 1920's-1930's in their fooked-up legaleze!] Zo now wid da NYSlimes and mostly everee udders MARXIST-MEDIA OUTLET in da shitztank cuz of der 'slanted/byased/predicktabullshitz coverage' and loss of viewerz/readerz cuz LIES/PROPSAGANDIZEMENTS/DEESEINFOMERSHALS will only be tolerated zofar by dea peeples - its da NYSlimes 'dully' coverage sucks and is poorly writesin rezurched. Ise givez youz az exhibit today Tuesday Noivember 11 a story/article printed about "seeding oysters into dey 'KILL VAN KULL' beach-head of BAYONNE which completely DUZ NOT go into exPOSTfax-u-late on da facts of da DUTCHERS sigsniff-e-kunts to da 'new wurld' wid da ALGONQWAIN tribes da hackensack + tappans. TRU da NYSlimes scribennerz r kuntstrained by spacse undt mys owns pellicular interests on how/what/why/where a storiez shoud go be wriiten be of interest - BUT ISE STANDZ BY MY CLAIMZ/CRITERIZISMS DAT DIS STORY LIKE DA OVERAWL NYSkimes ITSELFD DUZ NOTZ GO INTO WHY WHY da 'water channel-da meaning in DUTCHERS-or-walloon-or-may of der udder tonguez' wuz named KILL VAN KULL as zo many other reguns arundt dere like ARTHUR KILL in staten isdland and meenni-meenie-tekele-uparshadsudders haf nommerms not frum da englishers - wuld haf made this aricle/story mur interreszante. Butt den agin who carez about 'reseeding' oyssters in ze place kalled KILL VAN KULL(not da band of za zame nommen!!!) da declinez of da newz cunt direktlee trace-fingurd ta NYSlimes v. SULLIVAN and DEMBHOLE-DROIDZ paranotnormial pretenz!!! or maynez itz jest KILL VAN KULL afterawlz???

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