Saturday, October 18, 2008

QWIK get TV's DR. HOUSE - OBAMA'S hemorrhaging---

QWIK get TV's DR. HOUSE - OBAMA'S hemorrhaging---

HELP - HELP 'BUTTHEAD'BARRY + his tribe of DEMBHOLE-DOUCHESBAGS are leaking statements of 'stoopidity'!!! The NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA + MARXIST SOLONS with all your LIES statements on behalf of MARXISM+SOCIALISM staunch the 'bleeding' before it proves terminal???!!! GET DR. HOUSE HE IS A MIRACLE WORKER. First - REPREHENSIBLE JOHN'the-war-is-lost-marines-a­re-killers-that-bribe-is-not-b­ig-enough-for-me-yet'MURTHA just stated:"...we are not doing well in western PENNSYLVAIA because they are all racists there." WHAT??? MURTHA'the maggot' echoes SENATURD BARRY'incurably-dishonest'OBAM­A's statement that:"...those people cling to their guns and religion." Then the leader of the 'BUTTHEADS', BARRY-the-1st, says while on a working tour in OHIO to 'JOE-the-plumber':" have to 'share-the-wealth' that you've earned with someone who has not made-it as you have." WHAT??? A STATEMENT DIRECTLY OUT OF 'PRAVDA' OR MOSCVA'S MOODY MARXIST TABLESIDE READING FOR USEFUL IDIOTS!!! Why is 'BUTTHEAD' BARRY now stating directly to everyman/woman that he is a 'COMMIE' like everyone at 'THE ASSHOLE MEDIA'??? Then SENATURD JOE'hairplug-so-my-sons-+-brot­her-can-get-rich-off-contracts­-i-give-em-from-34-years-in-th­e-senate'BIDEN gaffes his way to another precious moment[besides the gaffes/mistakes in addressing a parapalegic to get up and walk, not knowing where he is from in pennsylavania, quoting old boxing-tearjerker movies to amplify his own personal story and the other outright frauds/lies errors of judgement such as doing the macarena with fatass maddy allwrong for the nkorean dictator, and his idea to divide iraq into three so tony rezko + his buddies could get better land deals!!!] when 'Hairplug'JOE says:"...OBAMA's most important word to youse is 3 letters --- J - O - B - S." NICE TRY JOEY - BUT JOBS IS 4 LETTERS!!! Aside from not NOT learning anything at LAW SCHOOL -couldn't they teach youse how to spell or even friggin count??? HELP HELP US DR. HOUSE BEFORE THESE SELF-INFLICTED WOUNDS OF EXHIBITING OUR STOOPIDITY LOSE US THIS ELECTION??? The more we YAP - the greater DEMBHOLE FOOLS we makes of ourselves. HELP SAVE US FROM OURSELVES. 'COMMIE + SOLONS of the NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA' can't youse help to stop the bleeding - all our stoopidisms are on display especially our 'SHARE-the-WEALTH-SHyTe' for USEFUL IDIOTS like youse!!! Help us run-out-the-clock so peebles(not to denigrates MELVYN VAN PEEBLES +his fine family of actors) don't see-hear us for the friggin MARXIST MORONS we is and want you to turn out to be!!! Save us Dr. Gregory House cuz u is a made-up character just like SENATURD 'BUTTHEAD'BARRY'incurably-dish­onest'OBAMA is - save him from hisself - please.The revolution is almost here when we can take all that tax money and use it to bankroll our 'commie' freakin friends in the CONGRESS + the NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA.

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