Friday, October 3, 2008

Governor SARAH PALIN confronts Senator JOE BIDEN...

SARAH PALIN in last nights's so-called 'debate' proved that a) she is competent standing-up to SENATURD JOE'it-was-a-hairplug-not-a-brain-transplant'BIDEN, b) PALIN is telogenic with a folksy mid-WEST kind of straight-talk c) PALIN[just luv printing out her name cuz LIBERALS-no-PROFRESSIVES-no-COMMIES-no-DEMBHOLES cringe at her name!!! Ha.] is just downright likeable - the same way former PUTZ-in-CHIEF BILL CLINTON is likeable - the same way GEORGE BUSH is more likeable than say former SENATURD AL GORE, SENATURD JOHN'the-Fraud'KERRY or even SENATURD JOHN'the-old-fool'McCAIN] SARAH PALIN is more LIKEABLE and definitely more HONEST than most of these SENATURDS!!! SARAH PALIN also proved that she is not 'toxic ivy' because of her FEMALE SEX or her HORMONES!!! These so-called 'debates' are not football games. They are designed to expose candidates composure, speaking ability, and stage presence. PALIN aside from asking SENATURD 'Hairplug' JOE if she could just call him 'JOE'??? knew the name of the ARMY commander in IRAQ which 'Hairplug' JOE did not mention in his bathetic attempts down maudlin memory lane is repeatedly restating how his father called him "...CHAMP"[as if he was cute RICKY SCHROEDER from the movie with JON VOIGT or perhaps JACKIE COOPER with WALLACE BERRY in the original tearjerker 'THE CHAMP' which is more in old 'Hairplug' JOE's timeframe at the dawn of 'talkies'???] 'Hairplug' JOE squawked "Talk - talk - talk" AS PROOF that he and BARRY'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA would have a better 'foreign diplomacy' than the BUSH or McCAIN administration's. TALKING was wonderful for NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN in dealing with HERR HITLER and more recently in not-confronting 'MAD'VLAD in GEORGIA wan't it??? Doubtless this 'debate' will not change many opinions/attitudes. BUT IT DOES ESTABLISH FOR SOME SARAH PALIN's BONAFIDES TO BE ON THE NATIONAL STAGE.

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