Thursday, October 16, 2008

The ‘Brave New Marxist World’ of BARRY OBAMA

The ‘Brave New Marxist World’ of BARRY OBAMA

SENATURD BARRY’incurably-dishonest’OBAMA promises to put SOCIALISM/MARXISM as the course for his ‘change’ AMERIKA moment. Nevermind it has never ‘worked’ anywhere it was tried. BARRY will make it work [telling a plumber in a campaign rally yesterday “…you must be prepared to share your money with everyone behind you in line that has not made it.” WHAT??? What kind of pure MARXIST ‘schiess-spiele’ is that??? In BARRY O.’s ‘Lost World’ taxation is the goal to make everyone equal in dismality. $ONE TRILLION DOLLARS + packages from DEMBHOLES to ‘boost’ the economy will give ‘control’ over BANKS and moratoriums of heretofore private loans/mortgages. In short SENATURD BARRY will be able to force lenders to permit those not paying legitmate incumberances – to evict or proceed with evictions. This because BARRY’the-legal-beagle’OBAMA taught confrontation and ‘race-tricks’ to ACORN employees aside from VOTER FRAUD to advance his own political SOCIALIST agenda. OBAMA has paid ACORN over $1MILLION-DOLLARS this calendar year to encourage ‘VOTE FRAUD’ in key supposedly ‘swing-states’. How many of BARRY’s “…57 states” has ACORN ‘got out the vote for BARRY???’ BARRY’incurably-dishonest’OBAMA has always LIED when ever it suits his political MARXIST agenda. Examples are too numerous too list in toto, but following are ‘BARAMABISMS’ most easily fact-checked as FALSE and outright tergivisations. #1) BARRY told us his parents had met in Selma during a ‘civil-rights’ march – LIE. #2) OBAMA said his first-name was derived from the Hebrew ‘baruch’ – LIE.[How many JEWS do you named BARACK HUSSEIN???] #3) BARRY claimed he never submitted ‘a sex bill’ for kindergartners while he was a ILLINOIS STATE SENATOR – LIE. The bill was ILLINOIS SENATE BILL #0099 and contained ‘specific’ sex training for grades K-6, not just don’t go home with some gut or woman claiming to be your uncle or aunt!!! #4) BARRY claimed he never worked for ACORN – LIE. BARRY initiated litigation on their behalf against banks and further ‘taught’/instructed courses on how to game the vote system. #5) BARRY claimed he only ‘knew’ terrorist/murderer + fellow MARXIST – BILL AYERS as a guy from “…the neighborhood” – LIE. Both BARRY + MICHELLE OBAMA met/were friendly with BILL AYERS+BERNADETTE DORN from the 1980’s when BERNADETTE met MICHELLE at the law office they both worked at. BARRY’s first political meeting was at a coffee ‘klotch’ in the home of fellow MARXIST BILL AYERS. In OBAMA’s ‘Lost World’ it is now the SOCIALIST STATES of AMERIKA presided over by the hegemony of REPREHENSIBLE NANCY’sphincter –of –the House-of-Fools’PELOSI + REPREHENSIBLE bank chairman BARNEY’play-with-my-little-schmeckle-or-you-r-a-racist’FRANK who will insure that the ‘secret vote ‘ is outlawed to start in ‘union elections’ and your tax monies are doled out to support companies they alone approve of!!! To paraphrase the quote from MASTER SHAKESPEARE - : “Oh brave new world – what MOODY Marxist MORONS WITH SUCH CREATURES IN IT???” DO NOT LET BARRY’incurably-dishonest’OBAMA GUIDE US TO HIS ‘BRAVE NEW WORLD –of MARXISM ’!!!

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