Wednesday, April 11, 2007

SURPRISE - SURPRISE Duke LaCROSSE TEAM charges dropped!!

Whoeee - all charges against the DUKE LaCROSSE TEAM PLAYERS will be dropped this afternoon at 2:30PM EST according to the 'SPECIAL PROSECUTOR' appointed by the NORTH CAROLINA ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE!!! (We will not gloat and say/write 'we told you so' to all of you who have written 'hate emails' and other vile epithets to this post for your misguided and asinine oh-so politically-correct conclusions - below are measures to restore justice in NorthCarolina and at DUKE UNIVERSITY!!!)

1) MIKE'nitwit'NIFONG should be held to account for his 'illegal' activities as DA and held also civilly accountable to the families he has hurt/embarassed!!!

2)DUKE UNIVERSITY must be held accountable for its absurd behavior and 'ther politically-correct GESTAPO that has become its faculty'!!! They should be firedand this 'cess-pool' of LIBERAL-DOUCHEBAG THOUGHT must be flushed and made clean!!!

3)BLACKS should realize that 'voting' for a 'stupid WHITE GUY' no matter how he bows and prostrates himself before you AND PROMISES YOU THE WORLD IS JUST THAT -- VOTING FOR A STUPID WHITE GUY WHO WOULD USE RACIST CANT INSTEAD OF JUSTICE!!!


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