Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ashes in the ocean breezes

I have not been able to write.
I did not know how difficult it would be to send your ashes out into the wind. The time was 6ish the day was sunny warm and beautiful just as it was on our wedding day 23 years ago. I sat on the cliff, near were we had our first apartment. I read a few poems from the book you wrote for me. I took part of the braid you had grown over the past few years and intertwined it with a lock I cut of my own. Our hair was the same length. I sent the circle out over the ocean.
I waited to see if I would hear chimes as you came to our nuptials with bells tied with a red ribbon in a place I was to find later.
I cried.
I scooped your bones into one of your caps, I had a baseball with me. The breeze blew you toward shore.
I miss you.

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