Saturday, September 13, 2008


This was from a so-called jornalist of the 'NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA' who once referred to 'the Amish' of PENNSYLVANIA as "...there are those AMISH in their costumes again." CHARLES GIBSON is an moribund YUTZ; incapable of intelligent thought. CHARLIE was like 'the little engine who thought he could' and so doggedly attempted to 'trip'-up or embarass Governor SARAH PALIN. A Governor like 'MOB' CAPO DON CORZEINI aka John Corsine of TONY SOPRANO's NEW JOISEY, or ex-Governor E - L - I - O -T SPITZER who likes to hire 'PROS-TEE-TUT-EES' all paid for by your tax dollars, or like the former ROMAN PROCURATOR of JUDEA(that's a governor to DUMB-DEMBHOLES!!!) PONTIUS PILATE. GOVERNOR'S ALL. Compare this to 'BARRY'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA the former 'COMMUNITY ORGANIST' who worked for ACORN soliciting fake voters and relate this somehow weirdly to the first Christian savior and messiah of all mankind, one JESUS of NAZARETH. Funny in the Coptic GREEK gospels never saw that this JESUS was a 'community organizer', or that this JESUS favored infanticide or abortion. Must have been in the GNOSTIC GOSPELS???!!! Ah DEMBHOLES + the NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA trying to 'frame/influence' the debate about whom is qualified. One serving of GIBSON, hoisted on his own so-called journalistic petard - grilled+skewered by an ALASKAN hockey mom, with nonsense spittle on the side. SOME MENU. Ha

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