Sunday, September 28, 2008

The 'BAIL-OUT' mess...

As much as i despise/abhor [pick the adjective/adverbe that best fits my unabased rancor]at this abomination known as the BAIL-OUT - this slimy SOCIALIST measure is necessary at the present instance to prevent the impending collapse of FINANCIAL MARKETS that could happen and further to install confidence in the AMERIKAN/WORLD public!!! GLASS-STEAGLE was effectively killed by former President D^CKHEAD CLINTON and REPUBLICANT 'know-nothings' who infested FREDDIE MAC + FANNIE MAE are you listening REPREHENSIBLE bank chairman BARNEY FRANK who stated that "...FREDDIE + FANNIE are very well run" while SENATURD bank chairman CHRIS DODD arranged 'sweetheart' loans for all his Congressional buddies from 'COUNTRYWIDE MORTGAGE'. Meanwhile DUMB-DEMBHOLES killed at least three seperate attempts by the BUSH ADMINISTRATION to reorganize/restrain the exigencies of cretins such as JIM JOHNSON + FRANKLIN RAINES who directed F+F into the ground while they made $MILLIONS from this debacle.[Figures they are both BARRY'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA's 'economic advisors!!!] THESE ARE FACTS - VERIFIED FACTS!!! AND NOW - and now we must resort to this government intrusion into supposedly private equity firms to restore 'confidence' and liquidity in a system managed/overseen by political hacks who should have NEVER BEEN ALLOWED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO ABUSE THE SYSTEM IN THIS MATTER. No not because of the negation of a 1930's era set of regulations but because of 'promising' people without jobs $500,000 mortgages for homes they should have never qualified for and demanding that private banks assume loans for deadbeats - because it is the AMERIKAN WAY. Ha. PAULSON was a prat-boy at the MOB BROKERAGE HOUSE GOLDMAN-SUCKS and tried to force more $BILLIONS for DEMBHOLE GROUPS such as ACORN[which hopefully was voided by the REPUBLICANTS??!] while the average tax-payer/home-owner/small-businessperson is made to 'PAY' for the excesses of WALL STREET and these quasi-government institutions. The BAIL-OUT is ugly/disgusting - and needed to maintain the fluidity for banks/savings&loans/credit-unions/insurers and overall confidence/acceptance THAT CAR-SALESPERSONS CAN NOT BECOME 'MORTGAGE EXPERTS' OVERNIGHT NOR CAN INSURANCE SALESPEOPLE BECOME EXPERTS IN STOCKS/CONVERTIBLE DEBENTURES BECAUSE A 'LAW' WAS CHANGED!!! And will any of the people really responsible for this mess - ever be brought to account??? DOUBT IT. Let the cover-ups and obfuscation begin. It is the AMERIKAN WAY for DEMBHOLES and REPUBLICANTS to cast aspersions on each other - and do nothing while the FINANCIAL MARKETS fall apart due to greed/avarice and irresponsible oversight.

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