Friday, June 20, 2008

You are correct there is a 'CULTURE-of-CORRUPTION' in BALTIMORE ---

NANCY'sphincter-of-the-House-of-Fools'PELOSI and your family of corrupt/venal/scumbag DEMBHOLE-DOUCHESBAG POLS the D'ALESANDROS raped/stole/trud on the publik graft so long you thought it was natural - you BOTOX-FACED-SKINNY-ASS BITCH!!! NOW that BALTIMORE MAYOR DUMB-DEMBHOLE SHEILA DIXON is 'being investigated' with her 'house raided' and a fur coat manufacturer's records 'subpoenaed' to MS. DIXON's availability of what we are sure is just 'gifts' for the homeless - YOU AND YOUR CORRUPT CREW OF DEMBHOLE-DOUCHESBAGS TOGETHER WITH YOUR 'SCUMMY' FAMILY ARE GOING TO GET THE KIND OF SCRUTINY YOU DESERVE!!! What a STOOPID-ASS SHEILA DIXON must be!!! YOUR 'CULTURE-of-CORRUPTION' COMES 'HOME-TO-ROOST'!!! Ha!!!!

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