Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Will OBAMA inflict a 'windfall profits tax' on JIM JOHNSON???

JIM JOHNSON is a long-time DEMBHOLE DOUCHESBAG now 'vetting' VP's candidates for B. HUSSEIN OBAMA - the MARXIST DEMBHOLE candidate for president!!! Unfortunately JOHNSON made over $21MILLION DOLLARS in his position at FANNIE-MAE and has a beneficial interest in the SOROS[you remember the felon financier still wanted in FRANCE for fixing rates on money!!!] hedge form PERSEUS - think the MARXIST OBAMA will hit JOHNSON and other DEMBHOLES with a 'windfall tax' like he wants too with 'BIG OIL'??? OH the MARXIST OBAMA further muddled his position by first denying JOHNSON worked for him then saying it would become too cumbersome to have someone"...vetting the vetters". WHAT??? JUST HOW MUCH STOOPIDITY CAN WE ENDURE FROM A BLACK HARVARD EDUCATED MARXIST???
***update update at 6:45 pm est*** JIM JOHNSON was forced to resign his position at OBAMA's campaign as further revelations of his obtaining 'special loan rates' from COUNTRYWIDE MORTGAGE COMPANY made it to the NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA!!! OBAMA will never be accused of being 'lily-white & pure' obviously!!! Another DEMBHOLE DOUCHESBAG is exposed for the 'fraudster' he is/was!!!

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