Wednesday, May 7, 2008

JOHN KERRY opens his 'yap' yet again!!!

SENATURD JOHN'the-Fraud'KERRY opens his big-stupid-fucking-fake-patrician 'YAP' and states that RUSH LIMBAUGH is interfering in DEMBHOILE PRIMARIES by LIMBAUGH urging his fans/supporters to cast votes for BITCH HILLARY!!! WOW!!! HOW COME JOHN'the-Fraud' never said anything about LIBERALS endorsing JOHN'the-old-fool'McCAIN or when DEMBHOLES helped elect a 'dirtbag' in VERMONT who eventually refused to run against SENATURD PAT'steal-what-i-can-from-the-yokels'LEAHY in VERMONT??? IS THIS MORE OF YOUR 'FABULOUS STORIES' OF WORKING FOR THE C.I.A. OR WINNING MEDALS THAT WERE NOT AWARDED IN VIETNAM JOHN'the-Fraud' OR YOUR EXPERT SUMMARY AS A SHARP LITIGATOR FROM SUFFOLK LAW IN BOSTON WHERE THE POLS/HACKS GO TO GET A LAW DIPLOMA??? SHITHEAD!!!

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