Wednesday, May 14, 2008


JOHN'the-faggot-so-christened-by-Anne-Coulter'EDWARDS, JOHN'the-hedge-fund-capitalist-who-wants-you-to-think-he-is-a-populist'EDWARDS, JOHN'the-rich-lawyer-who-is-a-fucking-socialist'EDWARDS that JOHN EDWARDS has endorsed the MARXIST/SOCIALIST B. HUSSEIN OBAMA because he wants a position with the COMUNIST JUNTA of 'BARRY' OBAMA when he takes over this winter!!! ELITIST FUCKERS like MARXIST/SOCIALISTS OBAMA & EDWARDS - two cretinous SENATURDS who would like WASHINGTON + this country to be MOSCOW on the POTOMAC while they tell the poor they will tax the rich to make everything fair!!! Cling to your guns and religion suckers because that's all you will have left when these Marxist FUCKING THIEVES GET THROUGH WITH ALL OF US!!!

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