Tuesday, April 22, 2008

"I don't have to take this shit..." direct quote from former President CLINTON!!!

DICKHEAD after saying "OBAMA had played the race card..." among other things expressed his 'elitist' view of reporters/questioners when DICKHEAD once again decided this was 'HIS CAMPAIGN' not NOT 'BITCH HILLARY'S' his pretyend wife!!! What is the problem DICKHEAD - can't get as many 'blowjobs' or cigar-sex with the CANADIAN BELINDA STRONACH or from any of your other 'BIMBETTES' that 'BITCH HILLARY' pretends to ignore when there is so much attention around??? CLINTON INC. the most gruesome/canniving/bunch of frauds and potential co-conspirators at it again!!! HOW ABOUT YOU PIMPING-OFF CHELSEA FOR VOTES TO THOSE GAYS IN PHILLY??? A FAMILY OF SLEAZEBAGS!!!

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