Tuesday, March 18, 2008

OBAMA - you are so wrong!!!

BARACK OBAMA made his latest 'appeal' to DEMBHOLES why he should be the DEMBHOLE candidate for PRESIDENT today in a speech televised/broadcast from PHILADELPHIA; today Tuesday March 18, 2008. In his NEO-SOCIALIST 'schiess-spiel' OBAMA pretended that WHITE AMERICA was the fault for our racial divide in this country - and that his former reverend and still advisor PASTOR WRIGHT - was somehow justified in his race baiting/hatred of AMERICA!!! OBAMA also gave his customary 'very good speech' reading/reciting from a teleprompter. OBAMA is only a 'marginal' attorney - a descent DEMBHOLE politician 'playing' to DEMBHOLE DUMMIES and their ilk - and would probably make a descent preacher - ending his speeches with parables on every occassion he gets. UNFORTUNATELY - OBAMA has shown his ignuramce of economics as he whined during this speech that 'companies' should not have as their first goals making money???!!! AND as far as 'blaming' WHITES for the condition of BLACKS in society for all their problems - GET REAL!!! THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A 'THANK YOU' OR APPRECIATION FOR THE MOSTLY WHITE NORTHERN STATES ENGAGING IN THE 'CIVIL WAR' WITH MOSTLY WHITE SOUTHERN STATES TO OBTAIN BLACKS FREEDOM...WHY NOT??? LET THE HEALING BEGIN OVER RACIAL PROBLEMS WITH THE BLACKS THANKING WHITES FOR FIGHTING A BRUTAL 'CIVIL WAR' NOT FOR PROFIT - BUT TO FREE BLACK SLAVES!!! Also OBAMA has stated in his speech that BLACKS have been ill-used/ill-treated as regards their educations. Well for a long while these public 'schools' have been supervised/run by DEMBHOLE 'systems' managed by DEMBHOLE TEACHER'S UNIONS!!! Why is that??? Whose fault is that??? And OBAMA blamed conservative 'talk-shows' for WHITE racism in this country. OBAMA was 'playing' to his core of BLACK constituents and hoping to 'enlist' WHITE DEMBHOLES - to his cause. THIS 'SPEECH' WAS A POOR EXCUSE AND ATTEMPT TO PLACE THE AGENDA OF RACE OFF THE TABLE IN THE COMING PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS. With OBAMA there is no audacity for hope - only more SOCIALIST BULL-SHIT FROM A MASTER BULLSHITTER TRAINED AT HARVARD AND MADE 'SLICK' THROUGH THE 'DEALINGS' OF CHICAGO DEMBHOLE POLITICS AMID THE LIKES OF CRETINS SUCH AS TONY REZKO AND AMERICA+RACE HATERS SUCH ASPASTOR WRIGHT!!!

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