Friday, March 21, 2008

HILLARY appointment lists released - all 'redacted'/blackened-out!!!

BITCH HILLARY's appointment lists were released yesterday - except they were 'redacted'/blackened-out by who else her pretend-husband DICKHEAD to ensure 'nothing' controversial made its way into the official record!!! FOR EXAMPLE - JOHNNY CHUNG who visited 'CLINTON INC.' 49 times at the WHITE HOUSE with 'handsfull/armloads' of cash for both BITCH HILLARY & DICKHEAD from CHINESE ARMY 'INTELLIGENCE' was amazingly 'REDACTED'/BLACKED-OUT on orders from DICKHEAD!!! WHICH MEANS ACCORDING TO BITCH HILLARY's & DICKHEAD's view of history - why it never happened???!!! Ah the 'scummy' CLINTON legacy - forcing us to prove they are both SHITHEADS and TURDS of the first order!!!

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