Saturday, February 2, 2008

SHAKESPEARE did a 'play' about them - We 'advised' you about them six months ago!!!...

MASTER SHAKESPEARE wrote 'TITUS ANDRONICUS' over 400 years ago - TEMORA 'the evil Goth queen' and AARON 'the Moore' combine forces to rape, disembowel, cut off the arms+legs, tongue, gouge out the eyes of LAVINIA - AND NOW - BITCH HILLARY and 'BARKY' OBAMA will join 'liberal lunatics' to eviscerate AMERICA in the same way TEMORA + AARON joined forces to ravish LAVINIA. IS SHAKESPEARE'S BLOODIEST PLAY A MESSAGE/PREDICTION AS TO WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO AMERICA??? TEMORA = BITCH HILLARY AARON = 'BARKY' OBAMA LAVINIA = PROSTRATE AMERICA

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