Monday, January 28, 2008

HILLARY breaks another 'pledge'!!!

BITCH HILLARY has broken a 'pledge' made to the NATIONAL DEMBHOLE COMMITTEE not to campaign in FLORIDA --- so what else is new neither BITCH or DICKHEAD has ever told the truth or fact about anything???!!! HILLARY not as smart - not as articulate - not as good-looking as 'IL DUCE - BENITO MUSSOLINI' but then again "...asbestos pants-suits" hide a lot of 'UGLINESS/CORRUPTION/LACK OF ILLEGAL CAMPAIGN DONATIONS '!!! WHAT WILL DICKHEAD DO WITH MS. BELINDA STRONACH AND HIS OTHER BIMBETTES IF HE DOES NOT HAVE THE 'PLAYPEN' AT THE WHITE HOUSE FOR HIS SEXUAL PERVERSITIES???

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