Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The 'race' to be 'MOST PATHETIC' at the DEMOCRAT DEBATE...

Last night in CHITOWN, at the DEMBHOLES(operant/relevant portios of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) DEBATE sponsored by UNION LOCALS+SCUM - a parade of chosen 'unforunates' asxked(ebonics spelling) questions of the 'losers' wanting to be the DEMBHOLE CANDIDATE FOR PREZ at this gathering: A former 'veteran' said he had lost his job when the company moved to MEXICO while he served in the military - what will you do? ANSWER BLAME THAT 'SCUMHOLE' DICKHEAD CLINTON FOR PASSING/PROMOTING NAFTA!!! A woman who lost her husband in the SEYGO MINE TRAGEDY - axsked(ebonics spelling again) what will you do? ANSWER STOP MINING COAL IT PROMOTES 'GLOBAL WARMING' YOU 'REDNECK IGNUR-ANT' BITCH!!! A man who had no medical coverage for his sick wife who had been a UNION LACKEY all his working life - demanded AMERICA do something to help him and his wife with their medical expenses. ANSWER - BAN ALL CORRUPT UNIONSCUM LIKE YOU AND HOW ABOUT JUST COMMITTING SUICIDE AND MURDERING YOUR WIFE TO PUT US OUT OF 'OUR MISERY'!!! THE RACE TO BE MOST PATHETIC - AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN GOT TO THEIR 'SUPPOSED CANDIDATES'!!! AMAZING!!!

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