Thursday, August 23, 2007

The 'N.A.A.C.P.' defends MICAEL VICK - sort-of???

The N.A.A.C.P. came out with 'statements' today that a) wondered if it had been 'WHITE-STAR QUARTERBACK' PEYTON MANNING and not the 'BLACK' MICHAEL VICK if the punishment for conducting betting on dog-fighting/killing dogs would be as 'severe', b) are the predominant % of BLACK and LATINO convicts due to the same prejudice as MICHAEL VICK is enduring, c) BLACKS are 'treated' worse than dogs in this country. JUST HOW FUCKIN' STUPID IS THE N.A.A.C.P. ANYWAY??? DO THEY STILL BELIEVE 'BLACKS' LIVE IN THE 1850's IN THIS COUNTRY??? IN POINT OF FACT MICHAEL VICK WILL USE HIS 'CELEBRITY STATUS' TO RECEIVE LESS JAIL TIME/A LESS SEVERE SENTENCE WHEN HE PLEADS 'GUILTY' ON MONDAY AUGUST 27TH TO THESE VARIOUS FELONY CHARGES!!!

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