Saturday, June 16, 2007

Where are all the other 'apologies' in the 'DUKE RAPE CASE'???

Now that MIKE NIFONG DA of DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA DEMHOLE(being the relevant combination of ASSHOLE+DUMB-DEMOCRAT=DEMHOLE) has been proven what so many knew for over a year that he was a piece of SHIT and a worthless human being out for his own benefit at the expense of others lives/futures - AND NOW THAT HIS LICENSE TO 'PRACTICE' LAW HAS BEEN REVOKED AND HE WILL MOST CERTAINLY BE DISBARRED - where are all those apologies from those others involved in this DUKE RAPE CASE CONSPIRACY??? We specifically refer to the 'race-pimps' AL SHARPTON & JESSE JACKSON - WHERE ARE YOUR APOLOGIES??? Where are the apologies from DUKE UNIVERSITY??? Where are the apologies from the supposed 'teachers/professors at DUKE UNIVERSITY??? Where are the apologies from the DUKE STUDENT BODY??? Where are the apologies from the BLACK-FOLK of DURHAM??? Where are the apologies from the supposed 'New NLACK PANTHERS'??? DO NOT HIDE LIKE THE MISERABLE COWARDS YOU ARE - AND MAKE US 'ROOT' YOU OUT OF YOUR HIDING-PLACES AND DEAL WITH YOU LIKE 'HAMAS' IS ROUNDING-UP AND EXECUTING ITS ENEMIES SUMMARILY IN THE STREETS - BECAUSE IF THAT IS NECESSARY WE WILL DO THAT!!! Where are the apologies from the Asshole National Media - particularly the NEWYORKSLimes and the CommunistNewsNetwork for their so bigotted 'reporting' of this RACIALLY TAINTED CASE??? Where are all the apologies from all the BLACK supposed experts on law and psychollogy that 'proclaimed' they 'knew' facts not in evidence but conjured out of their own warped minds and fictionalized racial histories??? WELL DAMN-IT WHERE ARE ALL THESE APOLOGIES??? OR ARE YOU TOO EMBARASSED TOO SCARED TOO INSECURE OF YOUR POSITIONS IN SOCIETY AND FEAR FOR YOUR SUPPOSED EXALTED STATUS IN THIS COUNTRY OF JUSTICE - AMERICA??? A BLACK-MAN was acquitted in a trial for murdering his wife and another man ten years ago because a WHITE DETECTIVE used the word 'NIGGER'!!! Today a piece of SHIT DA from DURHAM was convicted for a deranged BLACK WOMAN'S attempt to 'play the race card' once again!!! PERHAPS SOME 'GOOD' MAY EVENTUALLY COME OUT OF THIS ATTEMPTED RACIAL EVIL!!!

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