Monday, June 11, 2007

Almost as 'big a waste of time' as trying to whack TONY SOPRANO - the 'faux' vote on ALBERTO GONZALES!!!

Well the Senate is wasting more time and our money 'playing' useless politicasl theatre by supposedly voting a 'faux' confidence non-binding measure today (Wait a minute just a sec don't we remember CHUCK'the-schmuck'SCHUMER stating that ATTORNEY-GENERAL GONZALES would resign before this??? WRONG AGAIN CHUCK'the-schmuck' just like when you got 'caught' cheating at HARVARD LAW and your sponsor donated your way clear!!!) Aha more non-action but cost to you the taxpayer from the DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG led Senate!!! DO YOU PLAN TO TAKE THIS 'SHOW' ON THE ROAD - IT WILL DEFINITELY BOMB ANYWHERE!!! DEMOCRATS UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING BUT PARADE AROUND AND RANT/RAVE AS TAXPAYERS PAY FOR THIS FOURTH-RATE COMEDIA DEL'ARTE!!!

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