Monday, February 22, 2010


DEMBHOLE governor of michigan JENNIFER GRANHOLM aka the canadieene c**t stated yesterday that HEALTH CARE was the cause of the AUTO INDUSTRY WOES!!! This DEMBHOLE refused to blame herself for Michigan's rising taxes, rising unemplyment, failed stoopid DEMBHOLE policies that leave more than 50% 50 fookn % of the city of Detroit unable to read!!! Instead of giving blowjobs and sucking coq and c**ts of the UNIONS(had to include the fems unless it would be sexist and not pc!ha!) or getting fooked in the asss byi these corrupt UNIONS and saying how wonderful the bullshit-bailouts were to just help these scummy UNIONS and gangsters of DEMBHOLE MEMBERS - look in the mirror you fookn stoopid governor GRANHOLM - YOU ARE TO BLAME for the economy and michigan's demise and the auto industry's failure because of your cunstunt foookn with the UNIONS not the lame/pathetic dembhole excuse of HEALTH CARE you worthless C**T!!![***addendum feb 23***DEMBHOLE GRANHOM was forced to admit today forced to admit that all 20,000 jobs this STOOPID DEMBHOLE stated were from the SHIT-STIMULUS BILL were registered to LANSING michigan the stae capitol proving PROVING that as michigan employment dried up - STATE FOOKN WORKERS WERE HIRED AND GIVEN RAISES!!! YOU are a STOOPID DEMBHOLE GRANHOLM and a UNION FUCKHOLE FOR PRICKS and those UNION BULLS with fake pricks - like youse a FOOKN FRAUD!!!***]

1 comment:

Jaimot's Jargon said...

NO i don't like DUMB-DEMBHOLES! neither do i like ridikulous REPUBLICUNTZ! butttz with 'the OBAMA' allsz wes gettz is warmed-over FASCISM frumm yur new COMMISIR='the OBAMA' dah Ivy league smartye who everybody iz now laffing atdz!