Thursday, November 22, 2007


This COEN BROTHERS MOVIE was a series of violent metaphors on top of violent metaphors leading into strained expectations of nothingness!!! Of course every effete P.C. ASSHOLE MEDIA NESWPAPER/CABLE CHANNEL 'gushed' over this film's insipid mediocrity pretending some kind of intellectual depth. For starters if ANTON could find MR. LEWELYN MOSS with a 'transponder' - how did the MEXICAN BANDITOS find MOSS??? ALSO is this movie supposed to be a subliminal message for bette medical coverage insurance and care with all the dead/mangled bodies in almost every frame??? NEEDLESS TO SAY WE ARE HAPPY THAT WOODY HARRELSON PLAYING MR. C. WELLS WAS 'BLOWN-AWAY' SO QUICKLY AND THAT A WOMAN OFFERING 'COLD BEER' WAS MR. MOSS' ULTIMATE DOWNFALL - OTHERWISE THE QUESTIONS LEFT FOR US TO 'DITHER' OVER AREN'T DEEP AND WHO CARES IF MOSS' WIFE LIVES/DIES OR IF THE PSYCHOPATH ANTON IS EVER CAUGHT. MONEY AND DRUGS DRUGS MONEY AND DEATH IN THIS MOVIE TURN INTO 'BORING' METAPHORS FOR WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN ANOTHER DESCENT COEN BROTHERS PRODUCTION.

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