Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Why isn't the story of NKOREA's ending NUKES being covered???

The 'NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA' true to its DEMBHOLE/LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE/SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST ROOTS - has refused one iota of coverage/space to the success of the BUSH ADMINISTRATION in ending NKOREA's quest to be a nuclear power!!! Instead of dancing the 'maqarana' with dog-eating dictators a la MADELEINE ALLWRONG - 'real' diplomacy and pressure was applied by CONDY RICE of the so-hated BUSH ADMINISTRATION and another 'crisis' not handled by DICKHEAD & BITCH HILLARY so far averted!!! KUDOS TO AN ADULT ADMINISTRATION THAT KNOWS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 'PRETEND SPIN+TALKING POINTS' AND ACTUAL DIALOGUE!!!

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