Friday, March 5, 2010

KAY RYAN lauded by the NYSlimes - but one must ask why?

The NYSlimes has a review of Kay Ryan's latest book of poetry issued by one of their book editors Dwight Garner who has taken time off from masturbating to his visions of liberal loonacies to spout his enlightened residues on us about the mediocre Ms. Ryan - and is enthralled or rather gushes about Ryan's faux poetry "...gawkiness" or "...Her rhymes are “recombinant” — that is, as she has put it, they tend to be stashed “at the wrong ends of lines and at the middles.” These rhymes are often stealthy..." - just what you want in a poet - stealth poetry right? [Garner should be back at Salon - telling other middling writers how orgasmic they are also - but this is how far the NYSlimes has fallen!!! following is an original 'blurb' published when Ryan was named Poet Laureate.]

KAY RYAN - poetlauded - but one must ask why???
KAY RYAN has ridden the wave of 'politically/correct+attenuated poetry' venues [prizes in the GUGGENHEIMS, serial publications in the 'not-so-important-NYer and APR, a RUTH LILLY prize/award] despite her protestations and advanced degree status that she is an 'outsider'. Ms. RYAN's poetry is largely devoid of metaphor/symbolism and despite her lacklustre desultory nternal rhyme utilizes what some critics would deem a 'spare' style. Her poetry could be defined with the rank of other maudlin talents pimped onto the national stage by other middling talents such as JOHN ASSBURIED or JOSEPH KUMENYACKA or LOUISE GLUCK[who claims that her name does not rhyme with f^ck in the original German pronounciation]. Such is the state of the ARTS[poetry in particular] when obvious 'insiders' can claim they are 'outsiders' to somehow justify selections by supposedly objective observers. PSHAW - as RYAN might write in her 'spare style.

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