Tuesday, March 9, 2010

AL GORE - still at it...

In a long op-ed piece for The New York Slimes the other day, AL'fat-fuck'GORE cranked up the doomsday rhetoric. Human beings, he warned, “face an unimaginable calamity requiring large-scale, preventive measures to protect human civilization as we know it.’’ His 1,900-word essay made no mention of his financial gain or the fackt that the NYSlimes readership is down to 40% of its halcion, everybody must read, the NYSlimes will set the national if no World's agenda as tio what is importabnt and what not. AL'fat-fuck'GORE use a condom for the calamity that has become your mouthy sales-pitches for you and your GLOBAL WARMING PROFITEERS! Oh by the way - PAUXATAWNEY PHIL predickts 6 more weeks of wuinter in your GLOBAL WARMING HEAT-WAVE!!! You are as aburd ridiculous as Carmen Miranda dancing around with bowls of fruit on her head!

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