Saturday, April 28, 2007


DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS held their SOTH CAROLINA 'CAKEWALK' and ANTI-IRAQ WAR REVIEU the other night and 'hysterically described this boring performance' as a Presidential debate - more like debacle for 'DES BLACK FOLK YESSUM'!!! There was BITCH HILLARY doing her best "fiddledeedee impresions and hiding her legs afflicted with 'elephantitus grossia' in her 'model' pantsuits knowing wearin' a dress even sumthin' homespun and southern' would make her 'hommies' vomit...Then there was BARAK'dunt-call-me-bigears'OBAMA all edicated-cleans-well-spoke at least according to JOE'hair-plugs-for-all-us-white-overseers'BIDEN cumming frum that great-slave-stateNOT of DELAWARE and of course there was JOHNNIE'faggotized-by-ann-coulter 'EDWARDS doing his VIVIENNE LEIGH hair commercial and 'mugging' for the coloureds!!! WOW - talk about boring and nonsensical it was likes 'MAMMY'(played by that fine actress HATTIE McDANIEL)tellun' the O'HARA chillun' to be 'nice and respectfuls' to dese SOUTH CAROLINA 'KNEEGROES' and to sez things they likes!!! SUM DEBATE??? NO NEW IDEAS - NO THOUGHTS -NO ANSWERS - JUST TYPICAL DUMB DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG SHIT!!! AND JUST THINKS - WE HAVE THREE MORE YEARS OF THIS TO PUT ALL OF US TO SLEEPS!!!

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