Thursday, March 1, 2007

FART CREDITS - available now!!!

What with the current lunacy over so-called 'CARBON CREDITS' - we have decided to offer FART CREDITS!!! They will come in 3 categories: 1) The average big stinker sure to clear a 10ft square area! 2) The 'SBD' for females/males and those desirous of anonynous stink! 3) The ouright megaSoundStinker or the 'LouCostello' sure to clear out any 400square foot room! PURCHASING THESE STINK CREDITS WILL GUARANTEE THE FARTER MANY HAPPY 'BREAKWINDS' FREE FROM CLIMATE WARMING!!! PRICES AVAILABLE AND PROSPECTUS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST!!! FART AND SAVE THE EARTH FROM CLIMATE STINK AND WARMING!!!

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