Saturday, March 31, 2007
In MINNESOTTA are they allowing Shari'A Law to rule the state???
In MINNESOTTA has Shari'A Law taken over the state??? At the airports and in major cities, MUSLIM TAXI-CAB DRIVERS are refusing to pick-up/transport passengers carrying wine/liquor or seeing-eye dogs because the TAXI-CAB DRIVERS claim it is against their religion!!! The last time we looked MINNESOTTA(even with AL'the doofus'FRANKLIN running for U.S. SENATE!!!) was part of the UNITED STATES and governed by state law not whackadoo ISLAMIC FATWAHS!!! HOW MUCH FURTHER WILL WE ALLOW POLITICAL-CORRECTNESS TO SUBVERT OUR VERY CULTURE??? NEXT SUIT FOR THE ACLU - WILL MUSLIM CABBIES HAVE TO PICK-UP JEWS OR BLACKS BECAUSE THEY ARE 'UNCLEAN' ACCORDING TO THAT ENLIGHTENED BOOK THE QUARAN???
Is a DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG SENATOR against environmental restraints if it blocks his view???
TED'gimme-another-Chivas-rocks'KENNEDY DOUCHEBAG-DEMOCRAT SENATOR is against a windmill farm on CAPE COD because it will block his view and make it harder for him to drive his boat drunkenly!!! TED'gimme-another-Chivas-rocks' who let his assisstant drown in the back seat of his car at CHAPPAQUIDDICK CREEK because he was too busy fucking someone else's wife in the front seat - stated he was opposed to the 'WINDMILL FARM' for a variety of environmental reasons!!! WHAT??? THE 'WINDMILL FARM' IS SUPPOSED TO 'HELP' THE ENVIRONMENT YOU DRUNKEN STUMBLE-BUM!!! WATCH FOR JOHN'The Fraud'KERRY TO LOBBY AGAINST THIS 'ENERGY SAVING PROJECT' BECAUSE IT WILL RUIN HIS WIND-SURFING!!! DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS ALWAYS THE HYPOCRITES AND FRAUDS!!!
A 'BLACK DICTATOR' runs amok and no one objects!!!
ROBERT MUGABE dictator/'BLACK' 'RACIST' shithead who has stolen/looted all wealth from ZIMBABWE turning the nation into a 'buyer' of foodstuffs rather than AFRICA'S LARGEST PRODUCER OF AGRARIAN PRODUCTS - now NOW has decided who deserves to be murdered, imprisoned, beaten in ZIMBABWE and has viciously attacked opposition-leader MORGAN TRANSIGIVIRI because MUGABBE said "...TANSGIVIRI deserved and asked for a beating"!!! SOME SYSTEM OF JUSTICE AND LOGIC IN ZIMBABWE??? WHY DOES THE WORLD DO NOTHING AND ALLOW THIS 'BLACK MORON' TO INFLICT HIS WHARPED WHIMS ON ZIMBABWE??? IS IT BECAUSE HE IS 'BLACK' OR ARE WE JUST AFRAID OF DOING THE RIGHT THING??? GET RID OF MUGABBE NOW???
Friday, March 30, 2007
Is JOHN TRAVOLTA 'off' his meds???
Knowing that 'Scientologists' are a little whacky ever since they tried to pimp-off their religion in BOSTON years ago by luring stupid males into 'talks' about getting 'clear' with gorgeous available young girls/women - has JOHNNY TRAVOLTA gone completely bonkers lecturing us about 'global warming' when he personally owns 5 count 'em 5 large jet passsenger planes which he personally flys about the globe??? JOHNNY probably doesn't need no stinking 'meds' he's got 'SCIENTOLOGY'!!! OR IS IT THAT 'SCIENTOLOGY' HAS GOT HIM??? ANOTHER 'HOLLYWOOD' NUTTER!!! Fly the 'friendly skies' even though you are destroying them eh JOHNNY???
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Quick let's send JOHN KERRY to 'save' those BRITT HOSTAGES!!!
Let's send JOHN'The Fraud'KERRY to save the BRITT HOSTAGES in IRAN with his'swiftboat'!!! JOHN'The Fraud' is so brave, courageous, trustworthy - no doubt he could save them after all he worked for the C.I.A. in CAMBODIA - or so he claims??? JOHN'The Fraud' is definitely the 'man' to rescue them - maybe he could use his 'windsurfer' to do it - less polution and all don't you think???
Another day - another NJ State Senator indicted!!!
WAYNE BRYANT, DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG STATE SENATOR from CAMDEN NEW JERSEY was indicted today on multiple curruption charges!!! Obviously BRYANT was unaware of NANCY'New-Stinker-of-the-U.S.House'PELOSI mantra of 'culture-of-corruption' only applicable to EVIL REPUBLICANS and not to the over 200+++ DEMOCRAT POLITICOS 'indicted' since 2005??? BRYANT ANOTHER 'ASSHOLE DEMOCRAT' SOON TO BE DOING TIME IN THE RAHWAH STATE PENITENTIARY!!!
NANCY PELOSI warns PREZ. BUSH "There's a new Congress in town" Oh yeah???
NANCY'New-stinker-of-the-House'PELOSI warned Prez. BUSH that "There was a new CONGRESS in town" and to stop threatening the IRAQ WAR FUNDING BILL!!! REALLY - A NEW CONGRESS??? BUT WITH THE SAME 'PORK-LOADED' AGENDA??? PELOSI'S DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS ATTACHED provisions for tobacco farmers, beet sugar farmers, the recent freeze in CALIFORNIA subsidies, union affiliated perks, and of course monies for some 'lame' CONGRESSIONAL committees and other irrelevant unnecessary programs!!! SOME NEW CONGRESS HUH??? THE SAME OLD DEMOCRAT BULLSHIT!!! WATCH OUT NANCY'New-House-Stinker' you'll have to get another 'face-lift' your NOSE IS GOING TO GROW TOO FAST!!!
A former NBA PLAYAH makes his 'race' prejudice known!!!
MICHEAL RAY RICHARDSON, former NBA PLAYAH, now coach of the ALBANY PATROONS in the CONTINENTAL BASKETBALL LEAGUE - said some really intolerable things lately about 'the tribe' as mean-spirited and ill-infomed as ARCHIE BUNKER used to opine!!! RICHARDSON said "...he got some big-time JEW lawyers and everyone knows the JEWS run the world of finance" REALLY??? AND 'BLACKS' AREJUST 'GOOD' AT BASKETBALL RIGHT MICHEAL RAY??? WHY IS RACIAL IGNORANCE OR PREJUDICE SO PERVASIVE???
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
SENATOR WEBB'S aide caught with WEBB'S gun?
After being caught with SENATOR JIM WEBB'S gun in a bag - his aide stuck to 'Jerk-off' JIM'S excuse that he was "a-scared to be a politician in these days!" WOW!!! Just what is it you are afraid of JIMBO??? Is it shaky-90year-old ex-Klansman BOBBY BYRD or perhaps it is some of the other older useless fucks in the SENATE - and you are afraid without their debtures and drooling 'pablum' from their lips - THEY'LL 'GUM' YOU TO DEATH??? DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS SLIGHTLY AFRAID AND A LOT LESS THAN HONOURABLE - RIGHT 'JERK-OFF' JIMMY???
Strange - Zyskandar A. Jaimot doesn't sound like an American name to me!!!
This comment was delivered in the ORLANDO SENTINEL directed at me by one BurgerBetty who also encouraged me to leave her country!!! Did i mention that BugerBetty was a DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG who epitomizes the free-spirit-freedom-loving-oh-so-tolerant party of ignorance!!! SCRATCH A LIBERAL NITWIT GET A FASCIST EVERYTIME!!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Latest anti-PUTIN activist shot dead in UKRAINE!!!
MAKSIM KUROCHKIN was shot dead by a 'sniper' outside his trial in the UKRAINE yesterday!!! KUROCHKIN had stated he was afraid for his life from Pro-PUTIN elements!!! SO MUCH FOR DISSENT AGAINST VLAD-the killer who tolerates no dissent to his authority!!! ONCE KGB ALWAYS KGB!!!
Can JACQUES CHIRAC be far behind???
CHRISTOPHE MARGERIE the new head of FRANCE'S 'TOTAL' is the latest FRENCH ASSHOLE 'indicted' in the oil/gas frauds/pay-offs to IRAQ/IRAN/RUSSIA!!! Needless to say can JACQUES CHIRAC be far behind in being indicted for his 'oh-so-FRENCH habit' of taking/giving bribes to/from despotic dictators like SADDAM HUSSEIN and 'once KGB always KGB' VLAD PUTIN???
Monday, March 26, 2007
BITCH HILLARY isn't satisfied with her quest to 'buy' voters---
BITCH HILLARY, not content with her effort to 'buy' votes from the BLACK COMMUNITY using the 'First Black Prez' her supposed husband(when he can pull his schlong out of Ms. STRONACH or the 'bimbo-du-jour') DICKHEAD, not content with her TUESDAY TACO NIGHTS in CONGRESS for HISPANICS, not content with offering a 'GLATT KOSHER KITCHEN' for the JEWS afain another time - has decided to pander to everyone - UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE for all her friends!!! SO WHAT IF IT BANKRUPTS US ALL!!! WE'LL GET HEALTHCARE FOR FREE!!! OR SO CLAIMS BITCH HILLARY!!! COST AND ECONOMICS BE DAMNED!!!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Yeah - someone has finally done something for professional basketball and for all those teens who idolize those overpaid oversize athletes!!! STEPHON MARBURY of the NYKNICKS has put out a 'sneaker' that sells for less than get this $15 dollars!!! He is in charge of design, allaspects of product development, and pricing!!! Unlike AIR JORDANS and other shoes endorsed by LeBRON JAMES and KOBE which sell for in excess of $100 dollars and make tens of millions for the endorsers and NIKE and other companies etc. - MARBURY'S ATHLETIC SHOES are affordable and hopefully teens won't be killing each other to 'get them'!!! KUDOS to Mr. MARBURY and his positive input for basketball and our nations youth!!! MARBURY HAS FINALLY SHOWN THAT SOMETHING 'GOOD' CAN COME-OUT OF THE ROUNDBALL SPORT!!! YOU DESERVE ALL OUR THANKS STEPHON MARBURY FOR SHOWING US THAT BASKETBALL IS NOT JUST ABOUT MONETARY GAIN!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR INPUT!!!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Ah the NYSlimes is at it again 'fighting the good-fight' in SPAIN 1938!!!
The NYSlimes is 'fighting the good-fight' in SPAIN circa 1938 by regaling us with stories/photos of the 'LINCOLN BRIGADE' and wartime relief from COMMUNISTS and sympathizers - but not a word or a photo encouraging our 'stand' against ISLAMO-FASCISM in present day IRAQ/IRAN/or the rest of the MIDDLE EAST - how come??? Plenty of pics of BLACKS LANGSTON HUGHES, PAUL ROBESON, and 'happy' BLACKS with WHITES even socializing in this mixed-race society!!! But COMMUNISTS are so much more 'enlightened' - isn't that true NYSlimes??? Aw the NYSlimes looking fondly back on its years of ineptitude/lies/racist views - isn't it just so nostalgic??? AND FRANCO IS STILL DEAD - OR HAS HE BEEN REINCARNATED IN GEORGE BUSH???
Friday, March 23, 2007
How bad is BITCH HILLARY doing in her campaign???
Things must be pretty bad for BITCH HILLARY if DICKHEAD has to be her pointman/spokesperson and whine about how the 'ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA' is mistreating BITCH HILLARY!!! Watch-out watch-out DICKHEAD is on the case when DICKHEAD isn't getting randy/perverse/kinky with the CANADIAN MS. STRONACH and others!!! SOME MOUTHPIECE DICKHEAD!!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
The PRESIDENT fires a U.S. ATTORNEY - for cause!!!
DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS will vote money for IRAQ WAR - if they get 'money' too!!!
Ah DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS always so honourable!!! They will vote for further monies regards the IRAQ WAR - only ONLY if the bill is loaded with 24billion in 'pork' needed to 'get' votes for their districts!!! TALK ABOUT CONVICTION - TALK ABOUT HONESTY - TALK ABOUT BULLSHIT!!! YOU ARE NOW 'FOR THE WAR' IF YOUR PAID ENOUGH???
Monday, March 19, 2007
Dueling opinions about 'The WAR in IRAQ'!!!
On the very same day - two radically differing 'opinions' of the war in IRAQ hit print -1)USA TODAY had a survey of 2000 IRAQIS who said the war and moral is going abysmally - what a surprise??? 2) The UK TIMES Online surveyed 5000 IRAQIS who said conditions are improving and things are better in IRAQ than when SADDAM HUSSEIN ran the country!!! SOME DIFFERENCE IN SURVEYS AT THE SAME TIME!!! WHO TO BELIEVE???
Sunday, March 18, 2007
RAY NAGIN thinks there is a 'plot' to keep BLACKS out of NEW ORLEANS!!!
RAY'i want a 'chocolate city here in New Orleans'NAGIN stupid politician actually thinks there is a 'plot' to keep BLACKS out of NEW ORLEANS!!! WHAT??? You mean BLACKS or anyome for that matter wants to live in a city where you can be drowned because the government of that city is too stupid to provide transportation in an emergency??? Or may be BLACKS or anyone doesn't like the odds of getting murdered or robbed in lawless NEW ORLEANS??? You are an idiot RAY BAGIN - a BLACK IDIOT a DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG MORON!!! You are one of the many reasons why people are afraid to go to NEW ORLEANS!!!
If your propaganda isn't working - USE THE CHILDREN!!!
In the 'peoples-republic-commune' of whacked-out VERMONT - the 'global warming' commissars have resorted to having 6th graders 'testify' before the legislature about 'the horrors' of global warming!!! By the way it was snowing in most of VERMONT yesterday!!! Wasn't it the COMMUNISTS who espoused 'first indoctrinating the children' to control any society??? SUCKERS!!!
In VENEZUELA - inflations out-of-control, there are shortages of foodstuffs, spending is rampant - oh WHAT-TO-DO WHAT-TO-DO???
It is easy for you if you are HUGO CHAVEZ punk-shithead-dictator of VENEZUELA!!! Inflations rising, basic foods are in short supply, spending is astronomical - why VENEZUELA will just issue 'new money'!!! Scrap certain denominations of the 'BOLIVAR' reissue a new '12.5cent coin called the 'LORCHA' and things will just be fine right??? WRONG ASSHOLE CHAVEZ!!! VENEZUELA WILL SINK FURTHER INTO OBLIVION AS YOU NATIONALIZE THE OIL INDUSTRY AND TRY TO 'PLAY' AT BEING A WORLD TINPOT LEADER!!! WHY NOT ANNOUNCE YOU WANT VENEZUELA TO BECOME A NUCLEAR POWER - LIKE NKOREA OR IRAN??? THAT WILL SURELY MAKE YOUR ECONOMIC PROBLEMS GO AWAY!!!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Is Rep. HENRY WAXMANN a 'covert' fool - or just a fool???
Rep. HENRY WAXMANN refused refused to let the witness 'who helped write the law' in the VALERIE PLAME/WILSON SHOW-TRIAL testify today in CONGRESS!!! HENRY 'nose-hair down to my armpits'WAXMANN cut-off VICTORIA TOENSING from identifying 'Lame' PLAME as not covert!!! HENRY are you a COVERT FOOL or just a DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG FOOL ??? She was (TOENSING) your subpoenaed witness!!! Afraid of her truthful answers???
ROSIE'Jabba-the-cunt'O'DONNELL defends her own!!!
The reason ROSIE'Jabba-the-cunt'O'DONNELL has defended KHALID SHEIK MOHAMMED is that KHALID is somehow related to 'Jabba-the-cunt'ROSIE!!! Yep - look at their pictures and physiques side-by-side!!! Both fat, disgusting, unctious - look like hungry pigs!!! Both are stupid!!! Both have big mouths!!! Both have 'hair' that is somehow similar to baboons!!! PROVED - IN ANY DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG COURT THEY ARE FROM THE SAME FAMILY LINE!!!
A not 'so-covert' agent lies under oath!!!
VALERIE PLAME/WILSON or whatever her real name is - testified before 'nose-hair'HENRY WAXMANN and DENNIS'it's-my-own-hair-not-a-toupee'KUCINICH under oath and stated she was always covert!!! Maybe in your own mind or when you were giving 'blow-jobs' to future hubby JOE'the-putz'WILSON??? Fact is you told your family members when you were a secretary in the C.I.A. you worked for the agency and you wanted to 'marry' someone important with money!!! Well 1-out-of-2 ain't bad??? And of course the ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA goes right along with this fraud and sham!!! DO SOME INVESTIGATIVE 'JOURNALISM' AND RELEASE SOME FACTS FOR A CHANGE INSTEAD OF DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG OPINIONS!!!
Are DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS pure 'mean-spirited' SHITHEADS???
DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS have fruitlessly been after President BUSH for a long time - then it was Vice-President Dick Chenet's turn - now it's BUSH/CHENEY advisor KARL ROVE!!! Who is next on these DEMOCRAT-SHITHEADS agenda the cops who brought-in PATTY'fuck-my-ass' KENNEDY for his latest drug/alcohol induced jag??? Sen. CHUCK'The SCHMUCK'SCHUMER is the leader of this political 'witch-hunt'!!! SURPRISING SINCE CHUCK'The Schmuck' got caught 'cheating' at HARVARD LAW!!! SO MANY REPUBLICANS SO LITTLE TIME LEFT EH CHUCK'The Schnuck'??? POLITICAL SHITPLAY AT ITS FINEST!!!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
ROSIE'Jabba-the-cunt'O'DONNELL makes a FOOL of herself yet again!!!
ROSIE'Jabba-the-cunt'O'DONNELL said today on her show 'The View'(shortly to be renamed The ShitView!) said KHALID SHEIK MOHAMMDED was in U.S. custody since 1993! Further she stated that we(the U.S.) had robbed this despicable creature of his humanity! IN POINT OF FACTS - KHALID was indicted in 1996 and not in U.S. custody till much later!!!! As far as his humanity - this creature has none!!! Way to go 'Jabba-the-cunt'ROSIE pull your head out of your enormous asshole or out of your girlfriends!!! THEY BOTH REEK LIKE YOU OF SHIT!!! ANOTHER NO-NOTHING DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG!!!
PETE ROSE finally 'fesses-up!!!
PETE ROSE has finally after 30 years has 'confessed' to betting on baseball!!! ROSE aside from the 'sin' of betting on games when he was the manager of the CINCINNATTI REDS would be in the HALL of FAME!!! Congrats to the late BART GIAMATTI as BASEBALL COMMISSIONER for 'doing the right thing!!!
an homage to Wallace Stevens
The baseball player Pete Rose
Dressed in a Cinncinnatti Reds uniform
On a box of breakfast cereal looking
At Pete Rose in uniform on a box of cereal looking
At uniformed Pete Rose on a cereal box looking
At the ballplayer Pete Rose on a cereal box looking
At Pete Rose emperor of hits looking
At a ballplayer trying to halt an obsession
If-he-can stop looking as if in a mirror
At Pete Rose on a cereal box looking
At a dark-shadowed image of Pete Rose looking
For an escape to meaning as millions of fans
Want only to remember looking at Pete Rose
On a box of breakfast cereal and what something so simple
As a cereal box can mean to a young boy
Looking at an image of what Pete Rose once was
Adorning a cereal box while the ballplayer pure
Agony in his dreams replaying memories
From cereal boxes repeated endlessly...
an homage to Wallace Stevens
The baseball player Pete Rose
Dressed in a Cinncinnatti Reds uniform
On a box of breakfast cereal looking
At Pete Rose in uniform on a box of cereal looking
At uniformed Pete Rose on a cereal box looking
At the ballplayer Pete Rose on a cereal box looking
At Pete Rose emperor of hits looking
At a ballplayer trying to halt an obsession
If-he-can stop looking as if in a mirror
At Pete Rose on a cereal box looking
At a dark-shadowed image of Pete Rose looking
For an escape to meaning as millions of fans
Want only to remember looking at Pete Rose
On a box of breakfast cereal and what something so simple
As a cereal box can mean to a young boy
Looking at an image of what Pete Rose once was
Adorning a cereal box while the ballplayer pure
Agony in his dreams replaying memories
From cereal boxes repeated endlessly...
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
PETER PACE doesn't 'like' gays - S-O-O-O-O???
GENERAL PETER PACE, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has made his attitudes towards 'gays' in the military quite clear - PACE doesn't 'like' them or want them in the U.S. MILITARY!!! Certain 'gay' groups are outraged by the GENERAL's statements!!! 'Gay' groups are also outraged that the PACE family is a 'devout' religious family!!! It would seem that liberal-toadys and DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS are trying to make it illegal to express one's own opinions??? You are not allowed 'to think' anything we don't approve of!!! TALK ABOUT THE 'NEW' NAZI-THOUGHT POLICE???!!!
AL GORE 'harpooned' by the NYSlimes???
AL'fat-fuck'GORE was 'harpooned' by the NYSLimes today for his outright lies and distortions about 'global warming'!!!{whether or not this was a hit piece brought about by BITCH HILLARY to discredit 'fat-fuck'AL from eventually entering the DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG PREZ contest - we have no knowledge nor do we care!} The NYSLimes for 'reasons best known to its liberal toady editorial board' has decided to expose the GOREIBISMS and outright untruth in 'fat-fuck'AL's junk science spiel!!! Too bad you'll have nobody to trade 'CARBON-CREDITS' with 'fat-fuck'AL??? Perhaps LAURIE DAVID - Hollywood no-nothing cunt and masturbatrix of neon-dildo bulbs can trade nitwitticisms with you???
GOLDMAN SUCKS posts record profit!!!
GOLDMAN-SUCKS the 'mob' brokerage house posted record profits!!! Why has no DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG congressman or senator demanded an investugation like they scream/whine when an OIL COMPANY posts a profit??? GOLDMAN-SUCKS makes nothing 0 zilch nada - yet BIG OIL supplys the source of our heating, cooling, transportation, source of plastics, and power yes to use in our lawnmowers!!! Help 'THE MOB' invest with GOLDMAN-SUCKS!!!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Finally the ORLANDO SENTINEL has printed that most of the so-called ARENA DEAL is beset by no bid contracts, insider dealings, and cost over-runs!!! WOW!!! WHAT A SURPRISE??? The cost of this 'con-job' has already been in the several millions of dollars and the 'estimated costs' have risen to over 2Billion DOLLARS!!! BUDDY DYER and his BUFFOONS and the MAGICLESS are desperately trying to deceive the public that 'tourist tax dollars' will pay for this ARENA FIASCO!!! A group has been set-up '' by the MAGICLESS, the ORLANDO SENTINEL, and corrupt land-pimps and politicos - to try and CON the public on this insanity!!! BUFFOON BUDDY is a DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG trying to set his 'legacy' before the RICOH INDICTMENTS just the same as TAMMANY HALL in NYC or KEVIN WHITE'S terms of theft/fraud as BOSTON'S MAYOR!!! BUDDY at least you could have learned to be a better thief/fraudster like the DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG DALEY's of CHICAGO or the 'still-beloved' DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG CURLEY's of BOSTON or perhaps NANCY'New-Stinker-of-the-HOUSE'PELOSI'S FAMILY OF LONG-TIME THIEVES/EXTORTIONISTS in BALTIMORE??? Those were DEMOCRATS who knew how to steal and not get caught!!!
RUSSIA won't help IRAN without getting paid!!!
VLAD PUTIN'S RUSSIA won't help with IRAN'S nuclear ambition without getting paid!!! UH-OH!!! RUSSIA has no extra rubles and IRAN for all its supposed 'oil-wealth' has no hard currency!!! IRAN has no economy other than its own military pretensions!!! Too both of these dynamic wannabe 'superpowers' soon to be economic midgets we say - GOOBYE ADIOS we won't miss you at all!!!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
CHUCK'The Schmuck'SCHUMER should resign!!!
Senator CHUCK'The Schmuck'SCHUMER should resign for his ongoing 'criminal activities" in office!!! That is his disclosing stolen personal data on politicians, his ongoing interference into FEDERAL INVESTIGATIONS, and his 'laundering' of mob-monies through his campaign funds!!! Ah CHUCK'The Schmuck' just like at HARVARD LAW when you got cheating, eh????
JACQUES CHIRAC will finally step 'down' from office in La belle FRANCE!!!
JACQUES CHIRAC, thief and fraudster, will finally abandon FRANCE to its fate as a 'has-been' nation. CHIRAC sure to be indicted for various domestic OIL frauds and his association with IRAQ'S Saddam and LIBYA'S Moammar - is getting-out while the gettings good!!! Could a deal have been possibly 'arranged' with the 'new' SOCIALIST/COMMIE/ LEFTIST candidate MS. ROYALE in exchange for CHIRAC's not running again??? Who knows - anything is possible in FRANCE home of the supposedly 'fixed' 'Tour-de'-France' to NOT LET 'les americannes' triumph???
Saturday, March 10, 2007
The voting was indeed close for picking the 'supreme' ASSHOLE of the MASS MEDIA for 2007!!! DAVID GREGORY 'whining punk' of NBC gave it a good go as did KATIE COURIC 'idiot reporter' for CBS(try wearing no panties KATIE you'll still stink the joint out but maybe your ratings will inch up your crack???) AND the winner was...CHARLIE GIBSON for his perceptive observations like: "...there are those AMISH in their costumes" and "...does everyone in NKOREA look so thin DIANE?(could it be cuz' they are starving - duh?) and other trenchant obsrvations!!! CONGRATS CHARLIE you are unquestionably the ASSHOLE NEWS MEDIA 'BIG' DOOFUS for 2007!!!
Friday, March 9, 2007
JOHN'faggot'EDWARDS has decided to 'opt' out of a debate in NEVADA to be broadcast by FOX NEWS!!! A scheduling 'problem' was given as his excuse!!! Could it be that radical DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG groups like MOVEON.ORG are opposed to FOX broadcasting this event??? Does JOHNNIE'faggot'EDWARDS think he will win their sympathies??? Strike 1 you have a house worth between 6-12million! Strike 2 you have a 'beach house' worth 4-6million! Strike 3 you are worth between 25-50million! YOU'RE OUT!!! No matter how you suck-up to the MOVEOUT IDIOTS!!! ANN COULTER was right you are a 'FAGGOT'!!!
It used to be easy to 'BEAT' BOSTON'S dreaded parking tickets and the subsequent BOSTON BOOT placed upon cars by the parking department police!!! How you ask??? Well BARAK'big-ears'OBAMA all you had to do was 'list' your plate as being stolen - the computers (in the 70's at least) couldn't update the tickets to the new plate!!! Thanks for being 'so honest' 'Big-ears'BARACK too bad it doesn't carry-over to your land-dealings or stock investments or where you 'GOT' the money from???
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Too early for PRESIDENTIAL POLITICS but...
It is much too early (by about two full years!) to begin PRESIDENTIAL POLITICAL debates and RUDY GIULIANI for PRESIDENT and KAYE BAILEY HUTCHINSON for VICE-PRESIDENT might be a perfect REPUBLICAN ticket???!!! As far as the DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG PARTY it may be any of a number of candidates but as far as a VICE-PRESIENTIAL candidate it may have to be somebody sleazy with bucks like DON CORZEINI aka GOVERNATOR of NEW JERSEY???!!! He's ITALIAN, part of the 'mob' at least at GOLDMAN-SUCKS, and might 'deliver' the suckers in JERSEY for the DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG PARTY??? Who knows??? TOO EARLY TO TELL!!!
MAXINE WATERS on a rant yet again???
MAXINE WATERS elected House member of the 35th district in CALIFORNIA has decided that we should 'get out of IRAQ now!' much as she decided that the C.I.A. was involved in speading drugs throughout BLACK Los Angeles whike she and her husband were being investigated for 'questionable' business deals with many of her supposed-supporters!!! WATERS has invoked her role as BLACK 'nonsensical' welfare shrew and decided to teach DUMB DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS that she is the 'real power' in the DEMOCRATIC-DOUCHEBAG PARTY and not NANCY'New-Stinker-of-the-House'PELOSI!!! See if you can explain away the 'illegal' 1million+++ that you and your husband supposedly raked-in to the poor BLACKS in your district??? AMAZING - your district is just as poor just as crime-ridden just as decrepit as when you first took office all those years ago??? Progress ain't it great Miss MAXINE???
JOHN EDWARDS aka the 'faggot' invokes JESUS!!!
JOHN EDWARDS sleazy lawyer, DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG, failed U.S. Senator, failed canidate for V.P., now invokes JESUS in his quest for national attention!!! EDWARDS 'the faggot' stated that JESUS would be appalled at 'all the materialism' in this society!!! REALLY??? EDWARDS 'the faggot' has a 6,000square foot gated house and an 1800square foot beach-house aside from having 20-60million from his law practice!!! What was the quote that went - "...people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones or try and 'con' people by quoting JESUS"???
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
What is going-on in CHARLOTTE, VERMONT???
CHARLOTTE is a small-town of about 6,000 just outside BURLINGTON in VERMONT. It runs partly along LAKE CHAMPLAIN and its residents are fairly comfortable economically and socially. At CHARLOTTE'S TOWN MEETING which was yesterday March 6; the big 'kerfuffle' was the issue that some in this town wanted to install 'affordable housing'. The problem was that some wanted to use 'wetlands' for this oh-so noble project!!! And plus the fact that low-income housing would need transportation to BURLINGTON or some other large city!!!(No public transport exists in CHARLOTTE - no buses, no trains, no jittneys!) What you have is basically 'well-to-do' liberal-toadys wanting to say they are willing to do something for the 'poor' without really doing any thing!!! Why else would they 'plan' a project on a 'wetlands' which would never pass a 'PERK TEST'??? Will CHARLOTTE pay for the transport of these 'poor' not only to work but get them to supermarkets, services, every-day needs??? More liberal-toadys showing how they talk a 'good-game' of supposed caring as long as they don't have any hope of accomplishing anything!!! Why don't you invite HOWIE 'don't-call-me-short' DEAN to advise you on how not-to-do anything but make yourselves feel good???
As VENEZUELA sinks further - it has now decided to not 'pay' any of its legal bond and other debts!!! Too bad 'investment suckers'!!! Ah CHAVEZ the 'latest lefty ASSHOLE' of the southern hemisphere!!!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Yet another 'EL GLOBO' reporter/columnist is ousted for plagiarism!!!
RON BORGES sports reporter/columnist for the BOSTON GLOBE was suspended without pay for 'PLAGIARISM'!!! BOGRES joins a long-list of 'El Golbo' alums caught for plagiarism and 'inventing news stories'!!! Heading the list was PATRICIA SMITH who once 'requoted' (that's political correct verbiage for 'PLAGIARISM'!) at least five-times before after two years of 'made-up stories' 'plagiarism' and just being stupid - she was finally given the old booterooski from the 'minority' paper the 'EL GLOBO' formerly the BOSTON GLOBE!!! BORGES a 24year veteran of El Gobo - who knows what he's plagiarized/made-up before??? Ah journalism - such a noble profession - NOT!!! Another liberal-toady disgraced!!!s
For a great auto mechanic in ORLANDO/KISSIMMEE FLORIDA!!!
AUTO-DOC, 1030 Carroll Street, Kissimmee, Fl. 407-348-1362 Owned by JOSE BAEZ - this small auto mechanic shop is honest, hard-working, and doesn't BS people! JOSE BAEZ prices are reasonable and his work is guaranteed and efficient! ONE OF THE BEST AUTO MECHANICS AREOUND!!! JOSE TAKES PRIDE IN HIS WORK!!! CALL HIM AT 407-348-1362!!!
'Name calling' and 'evil wishes' - which is worse???
BILL 'the shithead' MAHER decided on his little-watched HBO SHOW 'to hope that VICE-PRESIDENT CHENEY would be assassinated!' The 'ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA' gave MAHER's assanine statement very little if any coverage!!! Was this from the fact that MAHER's stupid show has so little if any audience or did the ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA agree with MAHER??? Did MAHER take time out of his busy schedule of assaulting/beating-up his largely BLACK 'GIRLFRIENDS' and paying settlements for their subsequent lawsuits??? Or was MAHER too busy 'returning to his job' of selling drugs like he did in college to pay his way - 'cuz he ain't making it on HBO??? THIS BRINGS US TO REMARKS BY ANN COULTER!!! COULTER decided to make apoint that certain words engender 'outraged hostility' because they have become the 'flashpoint' of political correct toadys!!! Examples would be the use of the word 'niggers' only for BLACKS and COULTER's choice using 'faggot' to describe JOHN 'scumbag lawyer' EDWARDS AS A DEROGATORY REMARK USUALLY SAVED FOR 'GAYS'!!! Personally we think that 'lawyer' is a much more slanderous word than 'faggot' BUT IT REALLY DEPENDS ON HOW 'POLITICALLY CORRECT' YOU ARE - EH ANNIE??? That was your point wasn't it - or could EDWARDS actually be a 'faggot'???
Monday, March 5, 2007
The atrociousness at WALTER REED and all veterans hospitals!!!
The situation at WALTER REED HOSPITAL is/was despicable!!! 20 years ago i visited acquaintances at VETERANS HOSPITALS/FACILITIES in RHODE ISLAND and MASSACHUSETTS and the conditions were dingy, dirty, and disgusting!!! After much complaining through various officials - nothing was dobe!!! In fact then GOVERNOR WILLIAM FFLOYD WELD threatened to close these facilities!!! Our veterans should not be subjected to this abuse or mistreatment!!! FIX THESE CONDITIONS NOW!!!
Who was the 'STIFF' strolling with DICKHEAD in SELMA???
BITCH HILLARY looked like a mannequin as DICKHEAD waved and was animated like looking for a new MONICA walking in SELMA this past weekend!!! BITCH was 'stiff' and 'characterless' and its no wonder DICKHEAD takes his pleasures elsewhere!!! BITCH pandered herself to the BLACKS trying to be southern stupid with phony dialect!!! Maybe she can promise the JEWS another 'GLATT KOSHER KITCHEN' in the WHITE HOUSE which she didn't deliver on last time around!!! Maybe for the HISPANICS she can throw in a little Spanish lingo like 'que pasa amigos/amigas' and have every Tuesday as 'taco night' at the WHITE HOUSE??? Is there any group the BORGIAS whoops i mean the CLINTONS won't pander too???
Biketoberfest in Daytona
Biketoberfest in Daytona
Bikers all wearing dark glasses
to make sure their eyes never betray
inner secrets invade this sandyseaside resort
every March
Bikers outfitted in de rigeur black leather,
big boots, gloves, wrist bands, sprout metal studs
Bikers with tatoo and piercings incorpareted
as supposedly noncomformist art
Strip to shiny thongs
flexing biceps, buttocks, breasts
all decorated like wild colorful nomads
while they suck down cold beer
Causing momentary stares from older residents
outfitted in terrycloth furry bathrobes
and white beach hats
Cars and traffic crawl along Route One
as onlookers; tourists and 'biker wannabes' lounge on sidewalks
taking in the supposedly raw annual playtime
Bikers depart towing chromed, polished,
bikes on shiny new trailers – virginal bikes
which have never been ridden
reality all pretend just for lusty show.
Bikers all wearing dark glasses
to make sure their eyes never betray
inner secrets invade this sandyseaside resort
every March
Bikers outfitted in de rigeur black leather,
big boots, gloves, wrist bands, sprout metal studs
Bikers with tatoo and piercings incorpareted
as supposedly noncomformist art
Strip to shiny thongs
flexing biceps, buttocks, breasts
all decorated like wild colorful nomads
while they suck down cold beer
Causing momentary stares from older residents
outfitted in terrycloth furry bathrobes
and white beach hats
Cars and traffic crawl along Route One
as onlookers; tourists and 'biker wannabes' lounge on sidewalks
taking in the supposedly raw annual playtime
Bikers depart towing chromed, polished,
bikes on shiny new trailers – virginal bikes
which have never been ridden
reality all pretend just for lusty show.
ANN COULTER calls JOHN EDWARDS a no-no name!!!
ANN COULTER in a recorded/televised commentary called DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG JOHN EDWARDS a 'faggot'!!! Hmmm...Was it a joke??? But the real issue should be is JOHN EDWARDS a 'faggot'??? Look he's a DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG and a scummy lawyer who made millions from poeople's suffering and a failed one-term Senator!!! He played second-fiddle to JOHN 'The Fraud' KERRY's presidential swift-boat disaster!!! Is JOHNNIE EDWARDS a 'faggot' or not??? PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW???
BITCH HILLARY 'adopts' a southern drawl!!!
BITCH HILLARY & DICKHEAD, knowing her candidacy is less than secure - have decided to 'adopt' a southern drawl to make BITCH more palayab;e to those southern rednecks!!! What's next BITCH HILLARY wrapped in a 'doo-rag' headscarf??? Or eatin' chitlins and greens??? Or serving lemonade to her slaves??? PL-EE-ZZZEEE!!!! ENOUGH of these two BORGIA wannabes!!!
Sunday, March 4, 2007
The M & M boys at it again in MASSACHUSETTS!!!
ED MARKEY & MARTY MEEHAN 2 DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG U.S. HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES from TAXACHUSEETS are it again!!! MARKEY the alcohol/drug/sex addict is trying to 'convince' all who will listen that several oil firms including EXXON-MOBIL and ANADARKO PETROLEUM shouldn't have write-offs/tax advantages and 'that it is your money not theirs'!!! WHAT??? MARKEY believes all monies are 'his' and his fellow 'governmental thieves' are 'free' to use your tax dollars as they see fit!!! GREAT COUNTRY THIS SOCIALIZED/SCUMBAG/LEFTY/COMMIE DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS LIVE IN - THEIR OWN WORLD!!! MARTY MEEHAN another 'little shit' from TAXACHUSETTS plans to become a chancellor in the UMASS SYSTEM(like BILLY BULGER before him!) and avoid the long lines of thieves in the CONGRESS and 'steal' directly from the idiots of TAXACHUSETTS!!! A TRUE DOUBLE-DIPPER!!! APENSION FROM THE CONGRESS AND ALL HE CAN RIP-OFF AT UMASS.!!! DOES IT GET ANY BETTER??? Two M & M boys at their best 'taking' from the taxpayers!!!
Saturday, March 3, 2007
LIBBY juriros ask "What is reasonable doubt???
In the trial of fomer aide SCOOTER LIBBY the jurors asked the JUDGE for the 'meaning' of 'reasonable doubt'??? Who would have guessed that nonmonosyllabic words would have thrown them??? The JUDGE promptly answered that we know 'the REPUBLICAN SCUMBAG is lying and most probably a child pederast and against abortion, equal rights for minorities, against 'global warming', against unions and their thuggery, against BITCH HILARY and DICKHEAD, and against the ERA for women - but heh LIBBY still may be 'guilty' even though the prosecution hasn't presented any evidence except lies from reporters!!! SO HANG HIM!!! NOW THAT'S 'REASONABKE DOUBT'!!!
The NYSlimes 'strikes' again - as usual ALLWRONG!!!
The NYSLIMES true to its idjit style of made-up so-called 'news' portayed the tapping of trees to make maple syrup in VERMONT as AN ECOLOGICAL DISASTER BROUGHT ABOUT BY YES YOU GUESSED IT - 'GLOBAL WARMING'!!! Unfortunately for the NYSLIMES -it has been a colder more wintry winter in VERMONT than usual!!! SHOULD MAKE FOR AFINE MAPLE SUGAR CROP!!! Count on the NYSLIMES not to get the story right or to cave in to DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG GROUP IDJIT THINK!!! And they wonder why 'sales/profits' are down and spiralling into an abyss out-of-control???
The truth about BITCH HILLARY finally comes out!!!
BITCH HILLARY for her senior theosis at WELLESLY COLLEGE in Ma., wrote basically a 'love letter' to commie/lefty/socialist SAUL ALINSKY that has managed to 'be buried' all these years!!! Is BITCH HILLARY a marxist or just a wannabe'??? Can we rely on the thoughts of a hormone addled college girl or was this just her 'BORGIA-IN-TRAINING-PHASE'??? Do anything, say anything, to get money-power-importance??? Even fuck DICKHEAD??? Or make it appear that she likes DICKHEAD???
'Niwit' NIFONG's pathetic excuses!!!
DA(that's DUMB-ASS) MIKE 'Nitwit' NIFONG offered up some 'pathetic assanine excuses' for his nonperformance in the alleged DUKE RAPE CASE!!! 'DUMB-ASS' NIFONG said he couldn't 'remember' what he said to DNA SPECIALISTS even though everyone else took notes!!! AMAZING - DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS and politicos always go back to the old stand-bys "I don't remember!" Then DUMB-ASS NIFONG said he was involved in a tight political race and couldn't give the DUKE CASE his full-time!!! ANOTHER AMAZING STUPOID ADMISSION!!! Finally and most incredibly - DUMB-ASS NIFONG regarded this case as a 'witness' case only!!! Let's see his witness is a proven liar on many other occassions, frequent drug abuser, part-time prostitute, with no corroberating witnesses AND YET AND YET WITH NO EVIDENCE NO OTHER WITNESSES DUMB-ASS NIFONG pushed ahead with his 'case' and his election!!! What a joke on justice in NORTH CAROLINA - having someone as criminally stupid as MIKE NIFONG in any position of authority!!!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
FART CREDITS - available now!!!
What with the current lunacy over so-called 'CARBON CREDITS' - we have decided to offer FART CREDITS!!! They will come in 3 categories: 1) The average big stinker sure to clear a 10ft square area! 2) The 'SBD' for females/males and those desirous of anonynous stink! 3) The ouright megaSoundStinker or the 'LouCostello' sure to clear out any 400square foot room! PURCHASING THESE STINK CREDITS WILL GUARANTEE THE FARTER MANY HAPPY 'BREAKWINDS' FREE FROM CLIMATE WARMING!!! PRICES AVAILABLE AND PROSPECTUS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST!!! FART AND SAVE THE EARTH FROM CLIMATE STINK AND WARMING!!!
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