Friday, April 18, 2008

The big quiestion from the RED-SOX/YANKEES game last night...

is not that MANNY RAMIREZ was thrown-at by KYLE FARNESWORTH. But rather that if FARNESWORTH's 98 M.P.H. fastball had hit MANNY's skull-dome would the 'plunk' have any affect on MANNY'S MENTAL ACCUITY or would 'MANNYcontinue-just-being-MANNY'???

Manny being Manny

Manny Ramirez
Manny Ramirez
# 24 at play near FENWAY’S GREEN MONSTER
galumphing along
as if in a field of buttercups
enchanted with the motion of bright butterflies
RED SOX # 24
takes his time
A large ox-like creature
Uniform always askew
never ‘crisp’ like a head of lettuce or starched white shirt
Sometime using ‘visits’ to relieve himself
inside the hidden recesses of the sacred verdant tin-wall
Manny just being Manny
returns the ball to the infield
Awkward in the field unconcerned
just galumphing along


Manny at bat
# 24 becomes a fearsome hitter
His eyes darken with intent
a true student of rapping out hits
a keen eye at the plate
works the pitch-count
from atop his 6foot 5inch frame
Dreadlocks fly in disarray
at the force of his swing
as if he were some different galumpher
Arms outstretched heavenward in triumph
after another home-run
while he just stands watching nightly cheers fade

Manny just being Manny

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