Tuesday, April 29, 2008

HILLARY claims vote intimidation - but can't prove it!!!

Voters according to BITCH HILLARY are 'intimidated' at having to show picture ID according to the SUPREME COURT RULING!!! BITCH HILLARY can't prove one instance of this voter intimidation but she is sure it exists!!! AS SURE THAT DICKHEAD her pretend-husband does not never has fooled around had cigar sex or blowjobs with BIMBETTES including MS. BELINDA STRONACH and FATTY MONICA and JENNIFER FLOWERS!!! Ha what a SOCIALISTA 'fucking fool' BITCH HILLARY has always been!!!

According to 'REV. J. WRIGHT' and other prominent 'BLACK THEOLOGIANS-THINKERS'...

the virus AIDS is a 'plot' by the UNITED STATES government to 'wipe-out' the BLACK populations of the world!!! Unfortunately for this amazing 'conspiracy' originated by the UNITED STATES government it affects WHITES, BROWNS, 'GAYS', DRUG-USERS, MEN, WOMEN, besides just BLACKS!!! HOW STUPID ARE BLACKS WHO LISTEN TO THIS PATHETIC PASTOR WHO ALSO THINKS THAT LOUIS FARRAKHAN IS BRILLIANT AND LIKE WRIGHT NOT A RACIST-IMBECILE BUT A FINE BLACK THEOLOGIAN??? WRIGHT sort of reminds me of ALGONQUIN J. CALHOUN - the buffoonish lawyer on the old AMOS & ANDY SHOW - full of malapropisms and ridiculous assertions - None of them either correct or relevant!!! AND THIS GUY WAS OBAMA's SPRITUAL ADVISOR??? Ha-Ha-Ha!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

'Replicas' of 'BULLS-BALLS' banned in autos in FLORIDA by legislature???



Among many other 'new citizens' CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS and CRAIG FERGUSON became 'AMERICAN CITIZENS' recently. WHY??? Why have an ENGLISHMAN and a SCOTT - blessed with the same language and a culture of freedom established longer than our own AMERICAN traditions decided to 'become' citizens of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA??? Could it be for certain [if there are?] 'tax benefits??? Could it be because both [FERGUSON the comic/actor and HITCHENS the writer/pundit] have a greater 'marketability' of their talents in this country??? WHY??? With all or many of us[read DEMBHOLES complaining/carping/kvetching about how AMERICA is despised over the entire world and our national prestiege is shot-zilch and we are a pariah nation in the world's conclave] saying our nation is in decline - WHY ARE THESE TWO (AMONG MANY OTHERS) SO DESIROUS OF UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP??? Why indeed??? ["A perfect government is never formed by imperfect people" - ALEXANDER HAMILTON]

Friday, April 25, 2008

Can ‘BLACKS’ get a ‘air trial in the AMERICAN JUDICIAL SYSTEM???

Can ‘BLACKS’ get a ‘fair trial' in the AMERICAN JUDICIAL SYSTEM???

With the verdicts today[April 24, 2008] of the trial in NEW YORK CITY of police officers subsequently acquitted after a late-night shooting in front of a strip-club where a ‘BLACK/HISPANIC’ was shot to death because the police thought he and members of his bachelor-party [as he was the prospective groom] were armed AND the sentencing of WESLEY SNIPES, ‘BLACK’ MOVIE-ACTOR to the maximum sentence of three years in jail for ‘failing to pay taxes and threatening with bodily harm federal officials/investigators’ – CAN MINORITIES GET A ‘FAIR TRIAL’ IN THE UNITED STATES JUSTICE SYSTEM??? Is this perception of minorities( i.e., that is BLACKS, HISPANICS, GAYS, MOSLEMS etc.) a wholly ridiculous notion that they can not receive justice in AMERICA’s court system??? Or has the bias/prejudice/bigotry of our worst dreams somehow infected what should be a pristine judicial system???

Thursday, April 24, 2008

which is worse being addressed as 'BARAK HUSSEIN' or just 'BARRY'???

Is being called 'BARAK HUSSEIN' with all of the connotations of MID-EAST TERRORISM even though BARAK HUSSEIN is a perfectly acceptible name or - being called 'BARRY' as he used to like others address him in school conjuring images of BARRY GOLDWATER - the arch-conservative who in death was softened-up by his daughter to make hin a 'squishi-liberal' images of BARRY MANILOW with his silky-sweet tunes or GENE BARRY 'prancing' his way down fag-road despite his 'mannish roles'- WHICH OF THESE BEST DESCRIBES 'OUR' OBAMA??? IS HE THE BARAK HUSSEIN OF DEMBHOLE DREAMS OR JUST A 'SCHMUCK' NAMED BARRY???

Chernobyl Nuclear Plant April 26,1986

Chernobyl Nuclear Plant April 26,1986
Kiev then USSR now Ukraine Republic
(transcript/translation by Victor M. Chebrikov, from files in
Komitet Gosundarstuennoi Bezopasnosti - KGB
The Soviet State Security Committee)

Voice 1 --- There has been an accident at chihtirih Block...

Voice 2 --- Block 4 - when?

Voice 1 --- Approximate 20 minutes ago...

Voice 2 --- How bad?...
How many injuries?...

Voice 1 --- Fsyoo...

Voice 2 --- All?
You said all?...

Voice 1 --- Yes-All-Everyone in Block 4 is dead or will be...
The bio-robots have disintegrated
They are now just crystalline shapes
We are like witches in motion picture " Wizards of Oz"...

Voice 2 --- Why are you referencing western bourgeois entertainment...
What has movie to do with this serious
but manageable situation?...

Voice 1 --- Because like the Soviet Union - we are melting away...
But this is not a movie!
This is about our deaths
and maybe the end of the Ukraine
for two-thousand years...

Voice 2 --- Your antirevolutionary comments have been noted...
Your statements are kompromat...

Voice 1 --- My statements are not compromising testimony...
They are the truth of what is happening...

Voice 2 --- What are you saying?...
Are you drunk?...

Voice 1 --- No - I wish I was drunk enough not to feel
or realize what we have done to our rodina...

Voice 2 --- So you admit you care about our rodina - our homeland...
Good - now stop your panic...

Voice 1 --- It is not panic - it is a nightmare...

Voice 2 --- How zhahrkuh is it?...

Voice 1 --- How hot is it - dychsihl tisuchee rads maybe more...

Voice 2 --- Repeat - say again...

Voice 1 --- 10,000 rads enough to cook
bone marrow and stomach linings...

Voice 2 --- Impossible - 400 is lethal dose...
Your equipment must be malfunction...

Voice 1 --- We will all soon cease to function...

Voice 2 --- Can we control the tehckuh?...

Voice 1 --- This is not just a leak - you fucking imbecile!...

Voice 2 --- Remember who you are addressing...
Watch your mouth..

Voice 1 --- Or what?
You will ship me off to a terrible place...
Comrade you don't realize -
no where is safe anymore...

Voice 2 --- Your anti-Soviet remarks are being recorded...

Voice 1 --- Good - you can play them over our graves...

Voice 2 --- No more of this defeatism...
Our scientists here tell us to
confine the reactor in concrete...
Call for volunteers...

Voice 1 --- Then you can send them down here to do it...
They (we) will only last 90 seconds
if we go into the reactor control room...

Voice 2 --- Do it from the top of the roof...

Voice 1 --- There is no more roof...
The radioactivity is spewing into the air...

Voice 2 --- Pucheeneetyih!...

Voice 1 --- We can not just "fix it" comrade...

Voice 2 --- You must confine this somehow...
You will all receive The Order of Lenin...

Voice 1 --- The radionucleotides in our bodies
afterwards will vaporize us
along with any medals we wear...

Voice 2 --- This is an order from the Supreme Soviet...
Tell them it is bihzahpahsnuh...
Tell them they will live
to all be generals drunk on free vohtkoo...

Voice 1 --- Yes sure tell them it is "safe"...
It's just that they won't have hair
and they'll be impotent and always sickly...
And we all will be able
to light up the night by just being...
We will follow instructions and build
a concrete sarcophagus for ourselves...

Voice 2 --- You have your orders...
Go get your volunteers...
You are all heroes...

Voice 1 --- And if you dare to bury
what will be left of us -
our souls will melt
all the snows ever after...

Voice 2 --- Transmission kahnehts...

Voice 1 --- Da - it is ended...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

As of APRIL it is the year of the CHICAGO CUBBIES!!!

It is only APRIL and it is a long season - but the CUBS - the CHICAGO CUBS appear for real!!! Adequate pitching - terriffic relievers(so far) and with timely hitting from RAMIREZ and LEE and SORIANO the CUBBIES appear for honest to goodness time-is-at-hand contenders!!! HOO-HA THE CUBBIES IN THE SERIES - BESTILL MY TIRED HEART!!! GO CUBBIES!!!

What was ‘amazing’ to me on AMERICAN IDOL tonight….

What was ‘amazing’ to me on AMERICAN IDOL tonight….

wasn’t that i was watching(Tuesday April 22, 2008, 8 p.m. est) but that I was familiar/with had seen all of the musicals of ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER – and few if any of the singers/performers were familiar with any of the songs from EVITA, JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR, CATS and the other music of Mr. WEBBER!!! No this has nothing to do with anything as i am not particularly musical as i have NO VOICE or SENSE OF KEY(although i do ‘bang’ away on the piano still to Mozart, Liszt, ‘Little Richard’, ‘Jerry-Lee’Lewis, Chopin, etc.) BUT it amazed me that ‘singers’ did not appear to acknowledge some of the finest most melodic songs ever composed!!! IN THE SAME VEIN – I had to wonder how many writers/poets on this site had ever seen or read works by DYLAN THOMAS(the hunchback in the park, night at mcsorley’s, among others), MASTER SHAKESPEARE(his sonnets, and the incredible beauty of a midsummer night’s dream + other plays), e e cummings(in just spring, buffalo bill’s, + others), the divine EMILY DICKINSON(too many poems to relate), LANGSTON HUGHES(theme from English b, + others), or just what have ‘WE’ read or experienced???[UNDERSTAND THIS IS NOT IN ANY WAY A ‘COMPLETE LIST’ OF AUTHORS/WORKS OR IN ANY WAY DESIGNED TO SHOW YOU WHAT TO READ BUT MERELY TO MAKE A POINT AND AN ISSUE!!!]How many of us just throw out works ‘slapdash’ with no thought other than to create and not to grow by experiencing the works/thoughts of others??? Are we so obsessed with our own ‘creations’ we have no time to read/experience the intricacies of others??? ARE WE ALL CAUGHT UP WITH OUR OWN WORDS/THOUGHTS/EMOTIONS THAT WE EXCLIDE THOSE WHO WENT BEFORE US??? Can we all not learn/experience epiphanies from absorbing the words/emotions/adventures of others???

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

"I don't have to take this shit..." direct quote from former President CLINTON!!!

DICKHEAD after saying "OBAMA had played the race card..." among other things expressed his 'elitist' view of reporters/questioners when DICKHEAD once again decided this was 'HIS CAMPAIGN' not NOT 'BITCH HILLARY'S' his pretyend wife!!! What is the problem DICKHEAD - can't get as many 'blowjobs' or cigar-sex with the CANADIAN BELINDA STRONACH or from any of your other 'BIMBETTES' that 'BITCH HILLARY' pretends to ignore when there is so much attention around??? CLINTON INC. the most gruesome/canniving/bunch of frauds and potential co-conspirators at it again!!! HOW ABOUT YOU PIMPING-OFF CHELSEA FOR VOTES TO THOSE GAYS IN PHILLY??? A FAMILY OF SLEAZEBAGS!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Why haven't there been more photos/videos of UFO's???

Since the advent of 'picture-phones' new handier-to-use video equipment --- WHY HAS THERE NOT BEEN MORE PHOTOS/VIDEOS OF UFO's??? Have the UFO's and their occupants suddenly become 'camera shy'??? WHERE ARE ALL THOSE INCREDIBLE PHOTOS - SIGHTINGS OF EXTRA-TERRESTIALS??? OR WAS IT ALL JUST A GREAT HOAX AS GREAT AS AL'fat-fuck'GORE'S 'GLOBAL WARMING' SCAM??? PROVE IT WASN'T - POST THOSE PHOTOS/VIDEOS!!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

The big quiestion from the RED-SOX/YANKEES game last night...

is not that MANNY RAMIREZ was thrown-at by KYLE FARNESWORTH. But rather that if FARNESWORTH's 98 M.P.H. fastball had hit MANNY's skull-dome would the 'plunk' have any affect on MANNY'S MENTAL ACCUITY or would 'MANNYcontinue-just-being-MANNY'???

Manny being Manny

Manny Ramirez
Manny Ramirez
# 24 at play near FENWAY’S GREEN MONSTER
galumphing along
as if in a field of buttercups
enchanted with the motion of bright butterflies
RED SOX # 24
takes his time
A large ox-like creature
Uniform always askew
never ‘crisp’ like a head of lettuce or starched white shirt
Sometime using ‘visits’ to relieve himself
inside the hidden recesses of the sacred verdant tin-wall
Manny just being Manny
returns the ball to the infield
Awkward in the field unconcerned
just galumphing along


Manny at bat
# 24 becomes a fearsome hitter
His eyes darken with intent
a true student of rapping out hits
a keen eye at the plate
works the pitch-count
from atop his 6foot 5inch frame
Dreadlocks fly in disarray
at the force of his swing
as if he were some different galumpher
Arms outstretched heavenward in triumph
after another home-run
while he just stands watching nightly cheers fade

Manny just being Manny

Just how much 'input' do the 'ASSHOLES' have at MOVEON.ORG on the DEMBHOLE PARTY???

MOVEON.ORG the ASSHOLE GROUP now wants to 'vet' the questions to any candidate for the DEMBHOLE NOMINATION!!! Not content with 'restructuring' the DEMBHOLES in/with their own rabid lunacy - they want too manage any question and debate also!!! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT CONGENATIVE IDIOTS COULD CONTROL THOUGHT/DEBATE IN THIS COUNTRY??? Oh sorry the 'STALINISTS' made their way here after the EUROPEAN COMMIES got fed up with them!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

BRIGITTE BARDOT is on 'trial' in FRANCE for making 'ANTI-ISLAMIC' comments!!!

BRIGITTE BARDOT - film star now 73 years young - is being prosecuted in a FRENCH COURT for making "...ANTI-ISLAMIC" comments yet again!!! BARDOT has formally been prosecuted for making 'ANTI-GAY' and 'ANTI-IMMIGRANT' comments!!! BARDOT has oftened complained of the MUSLIMS-slaughtering sheep for their festivals and the ISLAMIZATION of FRANCE. BARDOT has always been a spokesperson for 'animal rights'. 'FREE SPEECH' does not exist in FRANCE or much of the EU. THE SENTENCE OF THE FRENCH MAGISTRATE MAY IMPRISON OR FINE MS. BARDOT OR BOTH. SO IF YOU ARE IN FRANCE WATCH WHAT YOU SAY - CUZ PRETTY SOON YOU'LL HAVE TO BE CAREFUL OF 'WHAT YOU THINK' - THOSE FRENCHIES SO SMART AND POLITICALLY CORRECT!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Why the CLEVELAND INDIANS ain't going anywhere this baseball season!!!

In evidence during last night's 9th inning collapse and loss to the BOSTON RED SOX - the CLEVELAND INDIANS showcased why their chances are dismal this season!!! To wit - DAVID DeLUCCI their left-fielder has no arm to throw out runners going from 1st to 3rd or 1st to second or runners streaking home on this weak-armed cast-off!!! Further - the embarassment of JOE BOROWSKI a supposed 'closer' although his 'stuff' ain't spectacular and his 84 MPH 'FASTBALL' [actually sloeballs!!!] intimidates no one - HARKENS TO OPPOSING TEAMS TO FEAST OFF OF BOROWSKI's INADEQUACIES!!! WITH THESE TWO WEAK LINKS - CLEVELAND WILL NOT CHALLENGE IN THE CENTRAL DIVISION AGAIN THIS YEAR!!!

FEMALE STUDENTS in POLK COUNTY FLORIDA fight/taunt one of their own – FOR YOU TUBE!!!

FEMALE STUDENTS in POLK COUNTY FLORIDA fight/taunt one of their own – FOR YOU TUBE!!!

The recent occurrence of a teen-age girl being beaten/provoked by fellow female high-school students in POLK COUNTY, FLORIDA[where males stood as ‘look-outs’] and videotaped/recorded so as to be shown on YOU TUBE/MY SPACE publishing venues – BEARS A ‘CLOSER’ LOOK THAN A MERE VIOLENT ‘PRANK’ TO GAIN NOTORIETY AND EXPOSURE!

If this was a ‘dog’ or say a ‘bear’ in captivity forced to fight with other animals – would not this be deemed ‘ANIMAL CRUELTY’???

Is this depraved act of these high-schoolers so different after all from Medieval ‘Bear-baiting’ or ‘dog-fighting’???

Are the actions of this ‘pack’ of females indicative of the perverse lusting for notoriety/exposure/prominence that much different from the gush of adult pornography know accepted by so many in ‘starring roles’ delighting in the influx of monies and ‘so-called’ stardom???

Has human society really advanced from the time of ‘Bear-baiting’ or gladiatorial entertainments in the arena???

It is not enough to classify these attempts to inflict pain and force others to fight AS the result of a YOU TUBE driven amoral society.

Rather it is time for all the sociologists and quantifiers/evaluators of our society to ask whether we have advanced as a group culture or is this desire to hurt/gain notoriety at another’s expense[be it another human or an animal] intrinsically part of the human condition???

Monday, April 14, 2008


Remember or mark down this site:


The site will take your old cell phones and refurbish them and give them to our military personnel to use to help them call 'loved-ones/friends' far from where they are stationed. They will supply prepaid envelopes for you to donate your old cellphones!!! Check out and help our military at:


JIMMY CARTER has decided he can 'speak' for 'US' to HAMAS!!!

JIMMY'afraid-of-wabbits-i-am'CARTER 'THE WORST PRESIDENT THIS NATION HAS EVER ENDURED' has chosen to collaborate with the terror orgainization HAMAS despite DESPITE the warnings of the SECRETARY-of-STATES OFFICE of the UNITED STATES!!! PERHAPS ALL THOSE WARNINGS FROM CARTER's 'inner-circles' that he was decidely ANTI-JEWISH in his policies and personal life were not so far off after all??? Hmmm...JIMMY'peanut-brain' did this nation no favors when he supported COMMIE NORIEGA'and his boutique of designer sun-glasses' in EL SALVADOR, HUGO'fat-commie+friend of fidel'CHAVEZ in VENEZUELA, helped give away the PANAMA CANAL to the 'CHICOMS', helped the ISLAMICISTS take-over IRAN with his fumblings while 'telling' us to wear sweaters to fight our lack of oil, and is now making 'nice' to HAMAS - 'THE MURDERERS + ASSASSINS' of the MIDDLE EAST!!! WAY TO GO JIMMY'peanut-brain' youse is a fucking fool from GEORGIA. WHY DON'T YOU AND TED TURNER JERK-EACH OTHER OFF AND SPILL YOUR PENT-UP IDIOCY ON EACH OTHER!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Time for JOE GIRARDI to pull his 'head' from outta his ass!!!

The NYYankee manager left MIKE MUSSINA in to pitch to MANNY RAMIREZ in the 6th inning Saturday [April 12, 2008] with two outs runners on 2nd + 3rd - and did not 'order' his former player MUSSINA to walk MANNY with first base open!!! STOP TRYING TO BE A 'NICE GUY' AND START BEING A MANAGER!!! Needless to say RAMIREZ doubled - driving in two and later was driven in by KEVIN YOUKILIS. PULL YOUR HEAD FROM OUTTA YOUR ASS AND MANAGE THE TEAM INSTEAD OF TRYING TO BE 'ONE-OF-THE-GUYS' AND COMPASSIONATE FOR THE VETERAN MUSSINA WHO CAN BARELY GET HIS FASTBALL UP TO A 'BLISTERING' 85 M.P.H. aided by a strong tailwind.

Friday, April 11, 2008

A DEMBHOLE FOOL spews more shit!!!

CHRIS MATHEWS erstwhile ‘journalist’ read DEMBHOLE ‘shill’ for assholes stated on one of his hardly watched or listened to shows that:”…DICKHEAD BILL CLINTON was sounding like JESUS speaking in the temple…”!!! WHAT???!!! Was ‘FATTY MONICA’ doing ‘cigar-tricks’ under the table or was BELINDA STRONACH giving DICKHEAD a blowjob Canadian style??? Reads/sounds like JESUS don’t it??? Ha!!! ANOTHER DEMBHOLE-DIMWIT STOOGIE pimping off just a presidential pervert not fit for any society even MATHEW’s maudlin DEMBHOLE DISPEPSIA !!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The 'tax-generousity' of the CLINTONS!!! Yuck...

BITCH HILLARY & her-pretend husband DICKHEAD made over 100MILLION DOLLARS since 2001!!! They gave donated approximately 10% of that too get this DICKHEAD's SCAM LIBRARY in ARKANSAS for whores/prostitutes in grants/salaries/pay-offs and hush-money!!! The CLINTONS always so generous with monies from 'CHINESE DISHWASHERS + TWO YEAR-OLDS' not to mention funds from the CHINESE MILITARY!!! These two cretins are nothing more than human puke!!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

HILLARY has the affrontery to joke about her 'LIES' on national TV!!!

BITCH HILLARY on the JAY LENO 'TONIGHT' SHOW 'joked' she was late arriving because she was "...under sniper fire"!!! Ha-Ha! BITCH HILLARY makes a joke of her "LIE'!!! WHAT'S NEXT??? BITCH HILLARY 'joking' about her ROSE LAW FIRM records found in the WHITE HOUSE RESIDENCE only after the 'statute of limitations' expired or JOHHNY CHUNG's bags-full of cash delivered to the WHITE HOUSE from the CHINESE MILITARY or DICKHEAD's statement "I never had sex with that woman - Miss Lewinsky" or BITCH HILLARY's repeating over-and-over-and-over-again that she 'tried' to enlist in the military??? YES IT IS A JOKE BITCH HILLARY - THAT YOU THINK WE ARE STOOPID ENOUGH TO 'BELIEVE'/JOKE ABOUT ALL THESE LIES!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


OBAMA rank with 251 + 51 'pork' projects while JOHN'old-fool'McCAIN has 0!!! SENATURDS CORCORAN of MISSISSIPPI, SENTAURD STEVENS of ALASKA, SENATURD SHELBYof ALABAMA lead all 'pigs' with 100's of millions of dollars of 'useless pork' spending!!! YOUR MONEY WASTED BY MORONS IN THE SENATE!!! Also in the 'HOUSE-of-FOOLS' CHARLES'the-pimp'RANGEL 'earmarked' almost 2 MILLION DOLLARS spent on yes the CHARLES B. RANGEL 'school' of DEMBHOLE THIEVES+SCUM at CCNY!!! NICE TO KNOW NOBODY CARES ABOUT WHO OR WHERE OUR TAX DOLLARS ARE SPENT!!!

The 'U.S. CONGRESS' wants to grill 'BIG OIL'!!!

'U.S. CONGRESS' claims that 'BIG OIL' made 123 BILLION DOLLARS last year - way too much they yell/carp. WAIT - THAT SAME YEAR HOW MUCH DID THE 'CONGRESS' MAKE IN TAXES - THE TAX RATE RISING AS THE PRICE OF A GALLON OF GASOLINE RAISES??? WAS IT 50BILLION, 100BILLION, OR MORE - for these schmucks, and assholes, and worthless cunts 'doing nothing' for their cut of OIL REVENUE??? Become a member of the biggest whore's club going the UNITED STATES CONGRESS and get to rake in profits from other people's labor!!! KICK THESE 'USELESS' FUCKS OUT OF ELECTIVE OFFICE THAT HAVE BECOME SINECURES TO WARD THEMSELVES AND FRIENDS JOBS/POSITION/PAYDAYS THEY HAVE NOT DESERVED OR EARNED!!!

HILLARY compares herself to 'ROCKY' does this mean she -

like the real 'ROCKY'-SLY STALLONE is finally admitting her use of 'STEROIDS/HGH' like SLY??? BITCH HILLARY our wannabe FIRST FEMALE FASCIST FUHRER not as smart not as articulate not as good-looking as 'IL DUCE -BENITO MUSSOLINI' but then again horrible "...asbestos pants-suits" hide a lot of 'UGLINESS/CORRUPTION/DRUG-USE'!!!Ha!!!