Tuesday, July 10, 2007

R.F.K.Jr. states 'SHOOT ALL the GLOBAL-WARMING deniers!!!"

ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR., DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG, states that: "All 'GLOBAL-WARMING' critics and deniers should be rounded-up and shot!!!" Ah another KENNEDY embracing the spirit of JOE KENNEDY after a coupla' of scotches brought-into the U.S.A. on the mob's trucks, boats and then THEN sopporting the ethics of the DER FUHRER ADOLF by rounding all those JEWS up and eliminating them!!! ANOTHER 'FUCKED-UP' KENNEDY SHOWING HIS FASCIST ROOTS!!! Where is LEE HARVEY OSWALD or SIRHAN-SIRHAN when you really REALLY need them???

1 comment:

Unknown said...




HE didn't say that by the way.