Saturday, June 30, 2007
Another Hollywood 'fathead' screeches about impeachment - so what's nu???
ROSEANNE BARR has decided that PRESIDENT BUSH, VICE-PRESIDENT CHENEY should be impeached - and all of their supporters 'shot'!!! WOW - a DEMBHOLE(operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLE) with a 'new' thought DUH??? Heh 'FAT' ROSEANNE much on another 'diner-donut' why don'tcha to commemorate your forgotten TV series and momentary 3 minutes of 'fame'??? So many ASSHOLES - HOLLYWOOD is only so big how do they all fit their self-inflated egoes in such a small place???
Friday, June 29, 2007
JOE BIDEN claims he is 'proud' to wear a condom!!!
JOE'Obama-is-clean-articulate-neat-a-credit-to-his-race'BIDEN purported that he was 'proud' to wear a condom last night at the DEMBHOLES(operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) DEBATE on hardly watched PBS for the DEMOCRAT-DOUCEBAG PARTY!!! BIDEN proud to say he supports using/wearing condoms a la JIMMY'afraid-of-wabbits-i-am'CARTER and his wearing/using sweaters to EZ the energy crisis - CONDOMS WILL GO DOWN IN A LONG LIST OF IDIOT DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG MANTRAS THAT SERVE NO PURPOSE WHATSOEVER!!!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
DEMBHOLES(operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) led by NANCY'new-stinker-of-the-House'PELOSI and HARRY'bought-and-paid-for-by-the-Vegas-mob'REID fresh off their whopping defeat of the AMNESTY IMMIGRATION BILL have 'vowed' to fix TALK-RADIO!!! FINE - FIRST HOW ABOUT MAKING THE 'FAIRNESS DOCTRINE' IN COLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES HUH DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS???
SUPREME COURT 'rules' against 'race' being determining factor in schools!!!
In one of the most important ruling of this term, the SUPREME COURT ruled 5-4 that 'RACE' should not be the determining factor in school apportionment. The majority opinion given by CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS firmly bars school districts from allocating 'racial references' as regards class assignments and scheduling. Are we back to the concept of 'seperate but equal' as in PLESSY v. FERGUSON from the early beginnings of 1900 and unabashedly ssetting limits on the sweeping ruling of BROWN v. BOARD of EDUCATION in the 1950's???
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
C.I.A. documents divulged but...
C.I.A. documents from the 1960's early 1970's have been divulged and yet the ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA has purposely 'REFUSED' to disclose the miscreants in this abuse of personal freedoms - i.e. ROBERT KEMMEDY, JOHN F. KENNEDY, LYNDON B. JOHNSON, and diverse other DEMBHOLES(being the operant/relevant parts of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) causing harm to AMERICANS CIVIL RIGHTS!!! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT IT WOULD BE THE DEMBHOLE TURDHEADS???
ROSIE'S daughter paraded around dressed with 'bullet bandolier'!!!
ROSIE'Jabba-the-cunt'O'DONNELL has published photos of her daughter 'VIVI' attired in a bullet-bandolier dressed in terrorist chique!!! IS THIS REALY THE KIND OF CREATURE WE WANT 'INDOCTRINATING' YOUNGSTERS IN OUR COUNTRY??? 'Jabba-the-cunt'ROSIE should be 'forced' to undergo counseling for this 'parental abuse' as well as her many other psychosises!!!
DEMBHOLES out on a limb!!!
DEMBHOLES being the operant/relevant portion of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS have pledged their 'power' in the U.S. SENATE on securing passage of the AMNESTY IMMIGRATION BILL with a strict 'voluntary' mandate that all 'ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS' oh-sorry as HARRY'bought-and-paid-for-by-the-Vegas-mob'REID stated they are "undocumented AMERICANS" - he of the DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG PARTY - will force this bill into law!!! The WASHINGTON PISSED ran a 'story' reporting that 37% of these ILLEGALS "hiding in the shadows" would not 'touch-base' to their native countries or pay any sort of 'fine'!!! GOOD ALLOW THE CRIMINALS WHO 'WE' SUPPOSEDLY CAN'T FIND TO DETERMINE THE LAW THEY WILL ADHERE TOO!!! PASS THIS 'IMMIGRATION' AMNESTY&FRAUD AT YOUR OWN RISK SENATORS - YOU WILL NOT BE ELECTED EVER AGAIN!!!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Like a load of 'snot & germs' with that handshake says JOHN EDWARDS???
You kin take the rube' outta' the NORTH CAROLINA hick only so far - but as far as manners or civility - we don't know??? JOHN EDWARDS was caught on camera 'sneezing-blowing his nose into his hands' and then sans cleaning them - shaking peoples hands and then wipping them in his luxurious head of hair!!! Oh yuck!!! SNOT-HAIR-JELL!!! Didn't your mama ;teach' you any manners JOHNNIE'THE FAGGOT CHRISTENED BY ANN COULTER'EDWARDS??? Or are you just sum schmuck who made sum money lawyering to those 'morons' in the CAROLINAS??? Sum PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE with the 'SNOT-HAIR-JELL'???
STUDIO 60 attempts to be thoughtful and provocative!!!
STUDIO 60 which has moved to Thursday nights - is desperately trying to revive itself.(ALWAYS LIKED THE SHOW ALTHOUGH CAST CHEMISTRY STILL REMAINS PROBLEMATICAL) The series of episodes titled K + R {stands for kidnap + rescue} deals with the kidnapping of TOM JETER'S air-force brother by terrorists in AFGHANISTAN and the subsequent 'drama' of JORDAN'S pregnancy and 'preemie' delivery and her complications as well as DAN'S emotional state and the continuing 'love-war' between MATT and HARRIET. STILL HAVEN'T DECIDED IF THESE PLOT TWISTS MAKE THE CHARACTERS MORE ENDEARING TO US THE VIEWERS AND THE DIALOGUE BETWEEN WHAT IS 'PATRIOTISM' WHAT IS JINGOISM WHAT IS JUST PLAIN 'BULLSHIT' IS IMPORTANT AND SHOULD BE OPEN TO DEBATE AND DISCUSSION TO A BROADER AUDIENCE...HOPE THIS 'SHOW' GETS A CHANCE TO BROADEN ITS APPEAL AND LAST FOR ANOTHER SEASON INTO THE SUPPOSED 'TRIUMPH' OF CLINTON REDUX IN THE WHITE HOUSE - WHO KNOWS???
One 'MOB' FAMILY 'spoofs' another 'MOB' FAMILY!!!
BITCH HILLARY & DICKHEAD CLINTON decided they would 'spoof' the 'MOB' ENDING of TONY SOPRANO'S famille by 'redoing' it for YOU TUBE to show BITCH'S kinder/gentler/funnier aspect...the only thing it showcased was who was the 'true' MOB FAMILY? HOW DO YOU DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN ILLEGAL PAYOFFS, MURDERS, PLOTS, BETRAYALS WITH BITCH&DICKHEAD or TONY&CARMELA??? LIFE IMITATING ART???
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
JIMMY CARTER wants to support HAMAS instead of FATAH!!!
JIMMY'afraid-of-wabbits-i-am'CARTER insists the U.S. 'support' HAMAS instead of FATAH in the PALESTINIAN squabble!!! How the fucking-asshole CARTER comes to these conclusions is beyond us??? IS HIS HATRED OF JEWS&ISRAEL SO ALL-CONSUMING THAT HE WANTS US TO BACK THE BARBARIC MURDERERS OF HAMAS WITH THEIR ROOF-JUMPING PARTIES FOR RIVALS??? Perhaps CARTER needs a good-schtuppung from MS. ROSALYNNE or stronger meds for his DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG CPMPLEXES???
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Where are all the other 'apologies' in the 'DUKE RAPE CASE'???
Now that MIKE NIFONG DA of DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA DEMHOLE(being the relevant combination of ASSHOLE+DUMB-DEMOCRAT=DEMHOLE) has been proven what so many knew for over a year that he was a piece of SHIT and a worthless human being out for his own benefit at the expense of others lives/futures - AND NOW THAT HIS LICENSE TO 'PRACTICE' LAW HAS BEEN REVOKED AND HE WILL MOST CERTAINLY BE DISBARRED - where are all those apologies from those others involved in this DUKE RAPE CASE CONSPIRACY??? We specifically refer to the 'race-pimps' AL SHARPTON & JESSE JACKSON - WHERE ARE YOUR APOLOGIES??? Where are the apologies from DUKE UNIVERSITY??? Where are the apologies from the supposed 'teachers/professors at DUKE UNIVERSITY??? Where are the apologies from the DUKE STUDENT BODY??? Where are the apologies from the BLACK-FOLK of DURHAM??? Where are the apologies from the supposed 'New NLACK PANTHERS'??? DO NOT HIDE LIKE THE MISERABLE COWARDS YOU ARE - AND MAKE US 'ROOT' YOU OUT OF YOUR HIDING-PLACES AND DEAL WITH YOU LIKE 'HAMAS' IS ROUNDING-UP AND EXECUTING ITS ENEMIES SUMMARILY IN THE STREETS - BECAUSE IF THAT IS NECESSARY WE WILL DO THAT!!! Where are the apologies from the Asshole National Media - particularly the NEWYORKSLimes and the CommunistNewsNetwork for their so bigotted 'reporting' of this RACIALLY TAINTED CASE??? Where are all the apologies from all the BLACK supposed experts on law and psychollogy that 'proclaimed' they 'knew' facts not in evidence but conjured out of their own warped minds and fictionalized racial histories??? WELL DAMN-IT WHERE ARE ALL THESE APOLOGIES??? OR ARE YOU TOO EMBARASSED TOO SCARED TOO INSECURE OF YOUR POSITIONS IN SOCIETY AND FEAR FOR YOUR SUPPOSED EXALTED STATUS IN THIS COUNTRY OF JUSTICE - AMERICA??? A BLACK-MAN was acquitted in a trial for murdering his wife and another man ten years ago because a WHITE DETECTIVE used the word 'NIGGER'!!! Today a piece of SHIT DA from DURHAM was convicted for a deranged BLACK WOMAN'S attempt to 'play the race card' once again!!! PERHAPS SOME 'GOOD' MAY EVENTUALLY COME OUT OF THIS ATTEMPTED RACIAL EVIL!!!
Friday, June 15, 2007
RALEIGH, N.C. - A 'dembhole coward' opts out!!!
MIKE NIFONG - DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG, DA of DURHAM, DEMBHOLE COWARD(ASSHOLE + DUMBDEMOCRAT=DEMBHOLE) has taken the true coward's way out of the situation he created to 'aid' his DEMBHOLE POLITICAL AMBITIONS and resigned his 'position' as DA. THIS WILL NOT VOID ANY DECISION BY THE ETHICS BOARD OF N.C. WHETHER TO 'TAKE' HIS LAW LICENSE!!! This creature was a SHIT more than a year ago as evidenced by this site and others and can now return to being a SHIT at his chosen field of SOCIAL WORK!!! FUCK YOU NIFONG YOU DEMBHOLE COCKSUCKER!!! AH A TRUE DEMBHOLE D.A. - A COWARD AS WELL AS A BIGOTTED ARROGANT BULLY!!!
HAMAS the new spirit in PALESTINE???
HAMAS has over-run FATAH in the GAZA STRIP!!! True to its spirit of co-operation, democracy, equal rights, co-existence - HAMAS is shooting FATAH MEMBERS in the street in front of their family members!!! HOO-HAA at least they aren't 'beheading or torturing' them??? HAMAS backed by IRAN/SYRIA the group that will bring real peace to the MIDEAST - TOLERANT MUSLIMS AT LAST!!!
HARRY'bought-and-paid-for-by-the-Vegas-mob'REID DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG said to a group of ASSHOLE DUMB-DEMORAT BLOGGERS in a phone spiel that GENERALS PACE + PETRAEUS were "...incompetent" and the "...surge has failed"!!! The ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA LIARS immediately denied this and demanded 'proof' of these egregious remarks! BLAM! DEMBHOLE REID(COMBINATION of relevant parts ASSHOLE + DUMB-DEMOCRAT producing DEMBHOLE!) admitted he had opined this to those 'whacky lib blogheads'!!! What a surprise eh??? DEMBHOLE REID with all his chillun' now WASHINGTON LOBBYISTS sucking the government 'dry' and DEMBHOLE REID'S own 19% approval rating - is sure to get a boost from his 'abandonment' of the troops in this time of war don'tcha think??? AH THE DEMBHOLES TRUE TO THEIR NAME AND THEIR PARTY!!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
The 'greatest fraud' in the DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG CONGRESS!!!
NANCY'new-stinker-of-the-House'PELOSI has dealt with the 'culture-of-corruption' by ordering the term 'EARMARKS' to be replaced with 'DIRECTED-LEGISLATIVE-SPEBDING' problem solved - right??? WHAT A SHAM WHAT A FRAUD TYPICAL DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG-DO-NOTHING-DOUBLESPEAK!!!
LYNNE CHENEY will be the VICE-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE of the REPUBLICN PARTY no matter whom the PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE turns out to be!!! CHENEY immensely qualified and intelligent too boot will add history as the first husband/wife ever to occupy the WHITE HOUSE as fellow V.P.'s!!! GOOD LUCK LYNNE!!!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Almost as 'big a waste of time' as trying to whack TONY SOPRANO - the 'faux' vote on ALBERTO GONZALES!!!
Well the Senate is wasting more time and our money 'playing' useless politicasl theatre by supposedly voting a 'faux' confidence non-binding measure today (Wait a minute just a sec don't we remember CHUCK'the-schmuck'SCHUMER stating that ATTORNEY-GENERAL GONZALES would resign before this??? WRONG AGAIN CHUCK'the-schmuck' just like when you got 'caught' cheating at HARVARD LAW and your sponsor donated your way clear!!!) Aha more non-action but cost to you the taxpayer from the DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG led Senate!!! DO YOU PLAN TO TAKE THIS 'SHOW' ON THE ROAD - IT WILL DEFINITELY BOMB ANYWHERE!!! DEMOCRATS UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING BUT PARADE AROUND AND RANT/RAVE AS TAXPAYERS PAY FOR THIS FOURTH-RATE COMEDIA DEL'ARTE!!!
Hey - hey - ho - ho - FEINSTEIN - has - got - to - go!!!
DIANE 'fat-ass' FEINSTEIN DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG Senator of K-AL-EYE-FORN-YA has summarily decided that all those who oppose the ridiculous 'IMMIGRATION AMNESTY BILL' are in her words"...RACISTS - and listeners of 'right-wing' talk radio"!!! REALLY??? Time to bring back that slogan of the '60's:
A NewJoisy 'Mob' family ends!!!
Some 'hated' the last episode of the SOPRANO'S some loved it! PAULIE tells TONY he has seen the 'VIRGIN MARY' at the BADA-BING - TONY tells PAULIE he should have told him sooner - TONY would have closed the 'STRIP-JOINT' and turned it into a shrine worth millions! The episode was pure existentialism a la SARTRE or CAMUS in HUIS CLOS(NO EXIT for you anglais habla dullards!)!!! PHIL LEOTARDO is whacked/deadened amd then 'run' over by a FORD - fitting end for a greasy mobster getting squished by an automaker who is yet to meet its own dismal demise!!! MEADOW and her affianced tell TONY they/their law firm is representing mobsters involved with TONY in construction bribery/crime etc. - fitting 'poetic justice' eh??? A CAT KEEPS STARING AT A PICTURE OF TONY'S PROTEGE AND WHACKED BY SUFFOCATION NEPHEW CHRIS!!! Bothers the heck out of PAULIE but TONY just 'keeps on'!!! Fed agent supposedly 'bets' on when PHIL 'GREASY' LEOTARDO gets whacked - did he win the bet??? ONE OF MANY QUESTIONS LEFT UNANSWERED IN THIS FINAL EPISODE - OR IS IT???
POWELL advising OBAMA - SO WHAT???
THE FORMER GENERAL, FORMER SECRETARY-OF-STATE, SUPPOSED REPUBLICAN POWELL - IS GIVING POINTERS TO BARAK'big-ears'OBAMA DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG AND PRESIDENTIAL HOPEFUL - SO WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL??? POWELL a failure as SECRETARY-OF-STATE, a failure as GENERAL in allowing SADDAM HUSSEIN to escape/suvive, and a failure to all REPUBLICANS for his 'tepid' views/ideaogy - is 'scmoozing' with his landzman OBAMA!!! WHAT'S HE GONNA' TELL 'Big-Ears'BARAK be a rat/snitch like my buddy RICHARD ARMITAGE and don't ever tell-the-truth or fess-up when someone else's ass is in the wringer??? GREAT - GETTING POINTERS FROM A FORMER HAS-BEEN??? MIGHT AS WELL GET 'MACARANAH' LESSONS FROM 'FAT-ASS' MADDY ALLWRONG WGILE YOU ARE AT IT???
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Why is it...???
...when DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS are caught and charged with crimes like WILLIAM JEFFERSON Representative of LOUISIANA DEMOCRAT-SHITHEAD and 'cold cash' expert THE NATIONAL ASS HOLE MEDIA always screams/yells/whines the catchphrase "...INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY"??? While when REPUBLICANS like Attorney-General GONZALES is runoured to do something in question "...He is judged guilty and should resign!!!" HUH - AMERICAN JUSTICE DOLED OUT BY THE NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA - WHAT FAIRNESS - WHAT OBJECTIVITY - WHAT ASSHOLES!!!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Aside from 'good tan lines' what do PARIS HILTON and ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS have in common???
PARIS'gives-blow-jobs-while-on-phone'HILTON and ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS like too FUCK-OVER everybody and then get AMNESTY for all the 'acts' they have done!!! SUM GREAT SYSTEM OF JUSTICE EH???
Monday, June 4, 2007
Culture of Corruption - indeed???!!!
was INDICTED today Mon. Jun 4-2007 on 16 FEDERAL counts of
felonies – how’s that for “A CULTURE of CORRUPTION” NANCY’new-
stinker-of-the-House’PELOSI??? GIVES NO MEANING TO ‘COLD CASH’ as
the sting-money ($90,000dollars) was found in his freezer in NEW ORLEANS!!!
How many more DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS are not identified
by the oh-so honest/trustworthy DEMOCRAT-SLEAZEBAGS-MAJORITY???
Time for a ‘new-facelife’ eh NANCY’new-stinker-of-the-House’PELOSI???
Or how about sum more ‘botox’ instead of fat injections from your skinny-ass???
was INDICTED today Mon. Jun 4-2007 on 16 FEDERAL counts of
felonies – how’s that for “A CULTURE of CORRUPTION” NANCY’new-
stinker-of-the-House’PELOSI??? GIVES NO MEANING TO ‘COLD CASH’ as
the sting-money ($90,000dollars) was found in his freezer in NEW ORLEANS!!!
How many more DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS are not identified
by the oh-so honest/trustworthy DEMOCRAT-SLEAZEBAGS-MAJORITY???
Time for a ‘new-facelife’ eh NANCY’new-stinker-of-the-House’PELOSI???
Or how about sum more ‘botox’ instead of fat injections from your skinny-ass???
What will the MAGICLESS and the SLIMY-ORLANDO-SENTINEL do now that DONOVAN has bolted the ARENA SWINDLE???
Finally, BILL DONOVAN, awoke from the euphoria and 27Million contract 'bribe' to be part of the MAGICLESS 'FRAUD'-BILKING-RAPE of the ORLANDO/ORANGE COUNTY TAXPAYERS!!! What do you do now for 'cover' MAGICLESS, the SLIMY-SENTINEL, BUDDY BUFFOON & RICH CRUDDY + the corrupt POLS & HACKS 'on the take' - no more DONOVAN to take the 'heat' off those increased tax bills which are LOOMING EVER-LARGER IN EVERYONE'S MINDS RIGHT NOW??? The ARENA SCAM one step closer to disaster??? OR CAN IT BE OUR SALVATION and the DEATH of this outright fraud foisted on us by the SLIMY-SENTINEL and CORRUPT POLS bought by the MAGICLESS???
Friday, June 1, 2007
WARREN'bullshitter'BUFFET - once a 'fraudster' always a fraud&bullshitter!!!
WARREN'bullshitter'BUFFET fraudster who bilked investors at SALOMON BROS. with his 'fix' on markets - arranged the frauds at A.I.G. with his felonious 'buddies' - determined to 'bankrupt' those poor KARINA victims with his insurance non-payment policies - now endorses BITCH HILLARY or BARAK'big-ears'OBAMA for the nation's office of 'CHIEF-N'-THIEF' or as we know it PRESIDENT!!! WHAT A SURPRISE??? NO - THE THIEF/FRAUDSTER BUFFET - ENDORSES THOSE OF HIS OWN STRIPE - NAMELY INSIDIOUS INDIVIDUALS WHO PRETEND PRETEND TO BE DECENT SORTS OR SODS IN THIS CASE!!! NOTHING COULD BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH!!!
Warren Buffet laughs
Warren Buffet laughs
because he has bought America cheap
He is a man who embraces his masks
Never showing us what is there
Your health co-pay goes up and Warren laughs
Your car insurance increases and Warren laughs
Movie ticket prices go up and Warren laughs
Airline fares increase and Warren laughs
Insidiousness comes in short/stout/off white
in this men's dept. always with a broad fake smile
Like your minister smiling
as he tells hermeneutic lies
Like your stockbroker smiling into the phone
as he touts another loser
Like your banker smiling gently
as he denies you a loan
Like your teacher smiling in pity
as you fail another test
Like the police smiling before the judge
as you await your fate
Warren Buffet laughs
He is a man who hides behind masks
because he has bought and sold losers
Dairy Queen, US Air, Disney, ABC,
Salomon, MickeyD's, GEICO and all the insurance companies
that with every 'loss' raise their premiums
Only to dump the cost always on us
Go ahead claim your hurricane loss in ‘Katrina’
He’ll probably tell you you’re not covered for flood damage
Ha…Ha…Ha…What about bond-fixing at Salomon or fraud at A.I.G.?
So what if hundreds of millions are squandered
Betting against the U.S. currency
Warren does what’s best for Warren
After all he became a ‘big charity’ man – didn’t he?
Giving away all those monies he stole and conned from us?
Yeah 9/11 was tragic the loss of life and all
allowing insurors and airlines and everyone to raise prices
to increase profit isn't that what it's all about?
And everyone tells Mr. Warren Buffet how brilliant he is
And Warren continues to laugh at us.
Warren Buffet laughs
Warren Buffet laughs
because he has bought America cheap
He is a man who embraces his masks
Never showing us what is there
Your health co-pay goes up and Warren laughs
Your car insurance increases and Warren laughs
Movie ticket prices go up and Warren laughs
Airline fares increase and Warren laughs
Insidiousness comes in short/stout/off white
in this men's dept. always with a broad fake smile
Like your minister smiling
as he tells hermeneutic lies
Like your stockbroker smiling into the phone
as he touts another loser
Like your banker smiling gently
as he denies you a loan
Like your teacher smiling in pity
as you fail another test
Like the police smiling before the judge
as you await your fate
Warren Buffet laughs
He is a man who hides behind masks
because he has bought and sold losers
Dairy Queen, US Air, Disney, ABC,
Salomon, MickeyD's, GEICO and all the insurance companies
that with every 'loss' raise their premiums
Only to dump the cost always on us
Go ahead claim your hurricane loss in ‘Katrina’
He’ll probably tell you you’re not covered for flood damage
Ha…Ha…Ha…What about bond-fixing at Salomon or fraud at A.I.G.?
So what if hundreds of millions are squandered
Betting against the U.S. currency
Warren does what’s best for Warren
After all he became a ‘big charity’ man – didn’t he?
Giving away all those monies he stole and conned from us?
Yeah 9/11 was tragic the loss of life and all
allowing insurors and airlines and everyone to raise prices
to increase profit isn't that what it's all about?
And everyone tells Mr. Warren Buffet how brilliant he is
And Warren continues to laugh at us.
NewJoisey defrauds its own pension funds for over 10 years???
TONY SOPRANO'S home-state mob run by DON CORZEINI has been defrauding state pension funds for over 10 years and the SecuritiesExchangeCommission is investigating!!! SO WHAT'S NEW in Joisey??? The DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS who ran the MOBBED-UP-STATE for 10 years did not DID NOT put the money in the state's pension funds they claimed - but diverted the monies for other purposes(maybe 'buying' paying salaries for homosexual liaisons or unreported abortions for 'special' workers eh???) AND NOT INVESTED FOR WORKER'S BENEFITS??? CLEAN OUT THIS DEMOCRAT CESSPOOL OF CORRUPTION NOW!!! SUM 'CULTURE-OF-CORRUPTION' EH NANCY'new-stinker-of-the-House'PELOSI???
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