Monday, December 31, 2007
The now pre-eminent 'cult' of the political leader...
In politics it seems it is not a matter of ideology or allignment to a particular philosophy. The case of the recently assassinated BENAZIR'Pinky'BHUTTO(so-named PINKY for her precepts to socialism/communism at her tenure at university) and her 'naming'/endowing the leadership of her political party to her 19 year-old son - suggests this passing-on of a 'cult' legacy - not just in PAKHISTAN or INDIA or EUROPE or CUBA but here in the UNITED STATES!!! Yes there were the NEHRU'S in INDIA and the CASTRO brothers in CUBA and now in AMERICA there are the ROOSEVELT'S, the CUOMO's. the KENNEDY's, the UDALL's, the MACK's, and now the BUSH families and the CLINTON families all 'wishing' to rule as 'kings&queens' once did on EUROPE!!! THIS IS THE 'CULT' OF PERSONALITY - NOT BELONGING TO TRUE 'DEMOCRACY' BUT TO AN ALLEGIANCE TO A POLITICAL FAMILY NO MATTER THEIR ETHICS!!! [What will not be reported/posted is the 'BHUTTO'S FAMILY' graft/illegal reimbursements/possible intimidations+murder from the time of her father(hung for crimes against PAKHISTAN) to BENAZIR and her husband 'charged' with accepting monies/bribes from companies going business with or in PAKHISTAN] OUR ALLEGIANCE SHOULD BE TO THE TENETS OF DEMOCRACY NOT TO THESE CHARISMATIC AND SOMETIMES CORRUPT POLITICAL LEADERS. And remember MITT'the-Mormon'ROMNEY comes from a long-line of politicos!!! Is he the heir-apparent - or the 'dauphin'-in-waiting???
Friday, December 28, 2007
Just how big a 'FOOL' is MIKE HUCKABEE???
MIKE HUCKLEBUCKLE huckster/fraudster from HOPE ARKANSAS speaking of the assassination of BENAZIR'PINKY'BHUTTO somehow 'blamed' 660 PAKHISTANI 'ILLEGALS' who entered the U.S.A. last year!!! WHAT??? DOES HUCKLEBUCKLE EVEN KNOW WHERE PAKHISTAN IS??? OR WHAT LANGUAGES THEY SPEAK THERE??? HUCKLEBUCKLE will be this year's HOWARD'dont-call-me-short'DEAN!!! The only thing he knows that is INTERNATIONAL in scope is the 'INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES'!!!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Well 'ROCKET' ROGER is on the 'hunt' ---
in the same way 'O.J.' is looking for the murderers of his wife + RON G. 'ROCKET' ROGER CLEMENS is 'looking' for those sneaky guys who claimed he was using steroids + hgh!!! GOOD LUCK ROGER HOPE YOU FIND EM' HA!
Monday, December 24, 2007
HILLARY claims 'her' election wil reduce the price of gas!!! WHAT??
HILLARY the FEMALE FASCISAT FUHRER wannabe has stated that if she is elected - poof magically all the OPEC nations will reduce the price of gas!!! Just like you 'magically' made DICKHEAD BILL'S 'BIMBETTES' vanish right except for 'FATTY' MONICA, PAULA JONES, GENNIFER FLOPERS et al, right??? Ha! Or maybe you'll make 'high gas prices' disappear like you made VINCE FOSTER, JIM McDOUGAL, and so many othes 'ahem' disappear??? Or maybe you were referring too that gas-bag your pretend-husband DICKHEAD - off cavorting with MS. STRONACH again is he??? HILLARY the solution fo all our gaseous emanations - not as smart - not as articulate - not as good-looking as 'IL DUCE - BENITO MUSSOLINI' but then again "...asbestos pants-suits' hide a lot of 'UGLINESS/CORRUPTION/+GAS'!!! Ha!!! Wave your magic wand poof - and make yourself disappear!!!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Movie 'Review' --- 'SWEENEY TODD'
The U.S.D.A. does not 'inspect' all MRS. LOVETT's meat pies?!
'SWEENEY TODD' in its monochromatic cinematography with spurts of blood bright crimson from 'the demon barber's razor' is a visual torment and delight!!! Who knew JOHNNY DEPP could carry a tune with his 'white widow's peak' accented make-up hair or SACHA BARON COHEN could act the fake tonsorial fop??? This film is entertaining - filled with gushings of blood - as well as mordant humour - as we devour Mrs. Lovett's meat savouries(played neurotically/slaternly/DELICIOUSLY by HELENA BONHAM CARTER) while we secretly cheer for the young lovers and cringe at the movie's final denouement. A FINE TREATISE ON WHY VEGETARIANS SHOULD RULE THIS HOLIDAY SEASON!!!
'SWEENEY TODD' in its monochromatic cinematography with spurts of blood bright crimson from 'the demon barber's razor' is a visual torment and delight!!! Who knew JOHNNY DEPP could carry a tune with his 'white widow's peak' accented make-up hair or SACHA BARON COHEN could act the fake tonsorial fop??? This film is entertaining - filled with gushings of blood - as well as mordant humour - as we devour Mrs. Lovett's meat savouries(played neurotically/slaternly/DELICIOUSLY by HELENA BONHAM CARTER) while we secretly cheer for the young lovers and cringe at the movie's final denouement. A FINE TREATISE ON WHY VEGETARIANS SHOULD RULE THIS HOLIDAY SEASON!!!
Friday, December 21, 2007
MITT ROMNEY 'marches' to the tune of a different drummer!!!
MIT'the-Mormon'ROMNEY claimed this that both he and his father "...saw - marched" with MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. -only problem was IT NEVER HAPPENED!!! When MITT'the-Mormon' was called on this falsehood - he said 'saw' can have different meanings - what??? Is this D^CKHEAD CLINTON 'speak' for getting caught in an outright lie/falsehood??? C'mon MITT are you just a sleazy-scumbagliar like D^CKHEAD - parsing words/phrses???
Monday, December 17, 2007
ANDREW SULLIVAN screams RON PAUL for president!!!
After all ANDREW SULLIVAN has stated/opined that ABRAHAM LINCOLN was 'GAY' - why not RON PAUL - for president, that is??? Ha what a yutz or putz - either SULLIVAN or PAUL doesn't matter.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Note to ORLANDO - FLORIDA's corrupt scumholes - no money for the 'MAGICLESS ARENA SCAM' bonds!!!
WALL STREET BANKS & INVESTMENT FIRMS have said 'NO' to the scheme to try and get the municipal government of ORLANDO to pay for the ARENA SCAM 'given' to the MAGICLESS and 'pimped' off by the stooges at the ORLANDO SENTINEL. You would think (now there's an oxymoron for you anyone at the SENTINEL CORP. capable of sentient thought) that they'd take the hint that this fraud on the taxpayers is dead - kaput - finito!!! JUST LIKE THE O-SENTINEL TO CANCEL THE TV SECTION - THEN - REVERSING ITSELF AFTER THEIR PAPER SALES FELL OFF MORE THAN 50%!!! THESE 'CLOWNS' COULDN'T EVEN GET JOBS AS DELIVERYPEOPLE - WHAT WILL THEY DO WHEN THE 'ARENA SCAM' IS CANCELLED??? GET JOBS AS POPCORN/SODA JERKS FOR THE 'MAGICLESS' AT THEIR NEW LOCATION IN ANOTHER CITY - CUZ THEY SURE WON'T BE IN ORLANDO???
Saturday, December 15, 2007
*** ATTENTION - ATTENTION BREAKING NEWS *** Reportedly gross-poundage of RAIL TRAFFIC coming
into FLORIDA is down 40% from last year. This can be attributed to a drop in 'building supplies' and a drop in produce goods for restaurants!!! SEE HURRICANES+bad weather are 'good' for an increase in building goods and perishables!!! 40% is a huge decrease in 'goods' coming into FLORIDA from last year's numbers. ARE YOU LISTENING GOV. CHARLIE CRIST AND MEMBERS OF THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE???
Thursday, December 13, 2007
REVIEW - 'No Country for Old Men'...
Despite the almost universal accolades that the movie 'No Country for Old Men' - having a film with no discernible answers to questions posed so artlessly/heavy-handidly is not 'deep'!!! BACK TO THE 60's MAN THIS IS DEEP - PASS THAT TOKE AROUND...VIOLENCE ON TOP OF MORE VIOLENCE TOPPED BY MORE DRUG VIOLENCE DOES NOT NOT A GREAT MOVIE MAKE!!! Question - if they found the money because of the 'transponder' - how did the 'bad-guy' Mexicanos find what was going on??? Also - why did the 'easy woman at the motel pool' have to be the guy's downfall??? What a typical cliche!!! A waste of some good-acting talent - and occassionaly good cinematography - sure it will 'win' many awards. {Nice title eh paraphrasing some lines from WILLIAM BUTLER YATES}
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
NANCY PELOSI has spent over $3MILLION DOLLARS of our money!!!
NANCY'new-sphincter-of-the-House-of-Fools'PELOSI has spent well over $3MILLION DOLLARS as opposed to former SPEAKER DENNIS HASTERT spending $1.6MILLION!!! $16,000 dollars was spent on flowers and $24,ooodollars was spent on NANCY's make-up(which she was forced to refund at a later date). FACE-LIFTS certainly cost a lot don't they NANCY'new-sphincter-of-the-Fools-House'??? Your DEMBHOLE-DIMWITS spending our money on what???
Monday, December 10, 2007
When ISRAEL releases facts/photos of IRAN's nuke facilities - what will...
the 3 'stoogies' of N.I.E. report/scam infamy do??? On Monday December 10, 2007 as ISRAEL proves IRAN 'nuke weapons' ambitions what will the 3 socialista 'stoogies' aka BRILL, FISHER, + FUCKFER do/say??? OOOPS, SORRY - JUST OUR IDJIT SOCIALISM SHIT GOT CAUGHT - WE'RE REALLY BRIGHT GUYS YA' KNOW - GOT ANY JOBS FOR US AT 'STATE' MS. HILLARY??? THE 3 former SOCIALIST STOOGIES AT THE STATE DEPARTMENT - FIGURES. Back to obscurity and incompetence now - too much mental masturbation and lack of 'climax'. IRAN wants NUKE WEAPONS - NOW!!! MORONS.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
The C.I.A. destroys 'tapes' of interrogations - WHY???
The obvious answer as to why the C.I.A. destroyed the tapes of these interrogations is that they didn't want the information as to procedures, information obtained, who were the interrogators to be 'leaked' to outside sources!!! As to their 'evidence/or being evidentiary of accusations of 'TORTURE' - this is why DEMOCRAT members of CONGRESS and some REPUBLICANS want/demand 'investigations' to the C.I.A.'s actions. FURTHER IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT THE WHITE HOUSE, THE NSA, THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND THEIR VARIOUS LEGAL COUNSELS - ALL ADVISED C.I.A. NOT NOT TO DESTROY THESE TAPES!!! If these tapes had not been destroyed another kerfuffle and endless investigations and posturing for face-time vids could have been avoided!!!
Monday, December 3, 2007
JAMES HANEY, Senate aide - arrested for 'propositioning' 13 year-old boy!!!
JAMES HANEY, Senate aide to DEMBHOLE MARIA CANTWELL, was arrested for propositioning 'anal sex' and other acts fro, a 13 year-old unidentified boy. Some 'culture-of-corruption' eh NANCY'sphincter-of-the-House-of-Fools'PELOSI??? IS 'BUGGERY' OF CHILDREN STANDARD FOR DEMBHOLE CRETINS OR JUST FOR SCUMBAGS LIKE BARNEY'i-like-nambla'FRANK???
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Bend-over people of N.J. - GOV. CORZINE is raising taxes - again!!!
Gov. CORZINE aka 'DON CORZEINI' is planning to raise taxes for poor/impoverished 'students' in NewJersey by $400MILLION of your tax dollars!!! JUST GRAB YOUR ANKLES AND BEND-OVER PEOPLE OF NewJoisey 'DON CORZEINI' is ptting-it-to-you-again!!! OF COURSE THIS IS JUST FOR EMPOVERISHED/UNDERSERVED CHILLUNS' --- NOT NOT FOR EVERYONES KIDS!!! Ah 'DON CORZEINI' always doin' good with your taxes eh???
Saturday, December 1, 2007
'CHINESE' GORDON all over again in the SUDAN???
Thursday, November 29, 2007
How many DEMOCRAT 'SHILLS' can CNN fit in an audience???
ANDERSON COOPER 'moderator' of this so-called REPUBLICAN debate [COOPER failed-actor/failed-personality/failed-anchor/failed-tellall-author/soon-to-be-failed-homosexual] claimed he had no knowledge that 5 or 6 of the questions were DEMBHOLE OPERATIVES!!! UNBELIEVABLE - the man who said he was GAY and a former general works for HILLARY and her GAY/LESBIAN task force!!! THIS DEBATE WAS A FARCE AND SHOWED THE DESPERATION OF THE DEMBHOLES AND the CommunistNewsNetwork - 'plants' as far as the questions were concerned and potted 'plants' in the audience including KERR and others flown to FLORIDA from CALIFORNIA by CNN!!! Watch out ANDRSON COOPER - another of your relatives[a VANDERBILT no less] is committing suicide by jumping from a building!!! WHAT A YUTZ EVEN FOR A GAY GUY!!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Where are you 'safer' BAGHDAD or say DETROIT, ATLANTA, or LOS ANGELES???
Yep things have changed in BAGHDAD. You can walk on the streets and not be murdered. CAN THE SAME BE SAID ABOUT DETROIT, ATLANTA, or LOS ANGELES???? But according to the DEMBHOLE-DIMWITS 'we have lost in IRAQ'. Sure - and according to the NYSlimes MARIO'mr. mafia-according-to-DICKHEAD'CUOMO is still 10 points ahead in his race with MR. PATAKI for governor of NEW YORK!!! Ah ha-ha-ha-h-ha-ha!!! AND THE SCHIP PROGRAM WILL PASS EVENTUALLY - Yeah the only thing it'll pass through is your sphincters you pieces of shit!!!
BILL CLINTON 'revises' history -- yet again!!!
DICKHEAD speaking to DEMBHOLES at one of BITCH HILLARY's campaign 'schiess-spiel' rallies stated that "...he (DICKHEAD) was against the IRAQ WAR from the beginning..." and further went on to add "...that why should he (DICKHEAD) get charged a lower tax during a war"...AMAZING FROM THE SAME DICKHEAD AND BITCH HILLARY WHO SAID THEY WORKED AS HARD AS THEY EVER DID TRYING TO FIND SADDAM HUSSEIN'S WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!! What exactly did you do in your years in the WHITE HOUSE DICKHEAD - just get LEWINSKYS from FATTY MONICA??? 'REVISIONIST' history a la DICKHEAD!!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The EcoExplorer sinks in the ANTARCTIC!!!
A boat full of 'environmental whackoos' sunk in the ANTARCTIC --- and nary a peep or a story about the toxic oil spilled or the incessant whining that usually accompanies any disaster...WHY??? COULD IT BE THAT THE 'ECO-EXPLORERS' OPWNER IS A FRIEND OF AL'FAT-FUCK'GORE'S??? SOME NEWS REPORTING EH???
Friday, November 23, 2007
If MUSHARRAF is 'bad' what then is CHAVEZ???
The ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA writes/pronounces PERVEZ MUSHARRAF is a thug/dictator/and much worse in attemptong to keep PAKHISTAN out of the control of the ISLAMIC TERRORISTS and SOCIALISTIC/COMMUNIST appeasers!!! But what do they say about the actual despot/murderer/tyrant HUGO CHAVEZ who hides behind his SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM while 'defrauding' everyone except his 'USEFUL IDIOTS' in VENEZUELA and elsewhere??? WELL - WHAT ABOUT IT ASSHOLES of the INTERNATIONAL MEDIA??? Where are the 'stories' of CHAVEZ abolishing VENEZUELA'S CONSTITUTION and proclaiming the 'fat-fucking-asshole' as dictator/despot for life???
Thursday, November 22, 2007
This COEN BROTHERS MOVIE was a series of violent metaphors on top of violent metaphors leading into strained expectations of nothingness!!! Of course every effete P.C. ASSHOLE MEDIA NESWPAPER/CABLE CHANNEL 'gushed' over this film's insipid mediocrity pretending some kind of intellectual depth. For starters if ANTON could find MR. LEWELYN MOSS with a 'transponder' - how did the MEXICAN BANDITOS find MOSS??? ALSO is this movie supposed to be a subliminal message for bette medical coverage insurance and care with all the dead/mangled bodies in almost every frame??? NEEDLESS TO SAY WE ARE HAPPY THAT WOODY HARRELSON PLAYING MR. C. WELLS WAS 'BLOWN-AWAY' SO QUICKLY AND THAT A WOMAN OFFERING 'COLD BEER' WAS MR. MOSS' ULTIMATE DOWNFALL - OTHERWISE THE QUESTIONS LEFT FOR US TO 'DITHER' OVER AREN'T DEEP AND WHO CARES IF MOSS' WIFE LIVES/DIES OR IF THE PSYCHOPATH ANTON IS EVER CAUGHT. MONEY AND DRUGS DRUGS MONEY AND DEATH IN THIS MOVIE TURN INTO 'BORING' METAPHORS FOR WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN ANOTHER DESCENT COEN BROTHERS PRODUCTION.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
FRANCE & SARKOZY face a dilemna!!!
As great as the 'crisis' DeDAULE faced when the military refused to obey 'Le Grande CHARLES' during the 'ALGERIAN INSURRECTION' - NIKKY SARKOZY faces of f against the FRENCH SOCIALIST UNIONS with their 33 hour work-weeks and jobs for life and will reform FRANCE and its now archaic 'non-work' socialistic structure of FRANCE will cease to be a Western nation but 'fall' into sociak/economic chaos of a third world country!!! SARKOZY WILL PREVAIL - THE FRENCH TRADE UNIONS ARE 'SPLINTERING' AS WE POST THIS!!!! VIVE LA FRANCE DEATH TO THE SOCIALISTS/COMMUNISTS!!!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Just how stupid is REPUBLICANT JOHN McCAIN??? First it was the idiot McCAIN-FEINGOLD BILL which did nothing but create the mess we are in with CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAWS!!![ Oh forgot McCAIN was a 'hero' for being shot-down/captured in VIETNAM where many say he 'ratted' on his fellow inmates in the HANOI HILTON!!!] THEN McCAIN wanted the AMNESTY BILL for ILLEGALS - another brilliant stroke!!! Now the 'mentalmidget' wants foreign drugs with no chance for retribution/recourse if you buy 'defective' drugs from say CANADA, CHINA, MEXICO or some other dipwad drug manufacturer outside the U.S. SAY ANUTHING YOU THINK THE PEOPLE WANT TO HEAR EH JOHNNY??? McCAIN married to the money (his current wife) NOT PRINCIPAL/OR PRINCIPLED/OR EVEN SMART!!! ANOTHER DEBACLE WAITING TO HAPPEN JUST LIKE McCAIN-FEINGOLD!!!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
What were the 2 worst movies ever made??? Hint - DUSTIN HOFFMAN was in both!!!
DUSTIN HOFFMAN follows the very worst movie ever ISHTAR with another stinkerooni spectacular MR. MANGURIUM house of drek/and barf!!! WAY TO GO DUSTIN - FIRST IT WAS WARREN BEATTY IN THE 'AWFULNESS' OF ISHTAR NOW IT'S NATALIE PORTMAN+JASON BATEMAN INTRODUCED TO YOUR AWFUL SHIT!!! DUSTIN HOFFMAN now known as mr. killer at the box office.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
BARRY BONDS indicted!!!
BARRY'bubblehead'BONDS has been 'indicted' by a grand-jury for OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE + PERJURY in his denials that he took/used perfomance enhancing steroids + HGH!!! BONDS whose head size magically grew 2 sizes larger in the past several years will go to 'trial' later this year or early next!!! BARRY'bubblehead' will likely have all his records stripped from baseball's record books!!! GOOD RIDDANCE TO BARRY 'bubblehead'!!!
Pass the 'laced' KOOL-AID ---MARK PENN reveals the outcome of the 'ELECTORAL COLLEGE'!!!
MARK PENN, DEMBHOLE-DOUSCHEBAG + chief of BITCH HILLARY's campaign machine prophesied that if the election were held tomorrow BITCH HILLARY would garber 360 ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES over any REPUBLICANT including RUDY GIULIANI. WHAT??? Have another hit on that joint MARK or some more 'laced' KOOL-AID!!! OPTIMISM is one thing FICTION THAT SOUNDS/READS more like DESPERATION is quite another!!! BITCH HILLARY will be 'lucky' to win her adopted STATE of NY ket alone CONN., MA., N.J., unless she gets DON CORZEINI with his 'gumbas' at GOLDMAN-SUCKS to buy the 'election' and he DON CORZEINI runs as BITCH HILLARY's 'conseigliere'.!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
SAN FRANCISCO issues ID 'CARDS' to everyone legal or NOT!!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
HILLARY didn't know/is 'surprised' yet again!!!
BITCH HILLART now claims 'knowing nothing about' any rigged questions from IOWA TOWN HALL MEETINGS!!! What a surprise eh??? BITCH HILLARY claims she didn't know - even though the NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA has already/written/proclaimed BITCH HILLARY CAMPAIGN 'BLITZKRIEG' as a 'perfect' well oiled-machine running without mistake or flaw!?! WHAT??? BITCH HILLARY again the 'surprised' female on the planet that this happened, Just like she was surprised at all those donations from CHINESE DISHWASHERS!!! BITCH HILLARY just as surprised that 77% of AMERICANS are against DRIVERS LICENSES for ILLEGALS!!! Wow HILLARY is ‘surprised’ that HSU fled and abandoned his $2milliom dollar bond and was ‘caught’ so quickly. Just as she and D^CKHEAD were ‘surprised’ that CHARLIE TRE, JOHHNY CHUNG and 120 other CHINESE/FOREIGN AGENTS fled this country not to testify against CLINTON INC. Just as she and D^CKHEAD were ‘surprised’ at the death of RON BROWN – COMMERCE SECRETARY under D^CKHEAD only after he was ‘appointed’ to handle FOREIGN AGENTS DONATIONS at the COMMERCE DIVISION. Just as HILLARY was ‘surprised’ at the death of her long-time WHITEWATER ‘PARTNER’ JAMES McDOUGAL.
HILLARY has claimed that she was 'surprised' NORMAN HSU was a fugitive convicted felon giving her $MILLIONS in campaign donations - just as she was 'surprised' that her WHITEWATER BILLING RECORDS didn't surface on a desk in the WHITE HOUSE residence quarters until after the 'statute of limitations' had expired - just as she was 'surprised' that 'FATTY MONICA' and all the other 'BIMBETTES' were doing her 'pretend-husband' D ^CKHEAD - just as she was 'surprised' at whom fired those WHITE HOUSE TRAVEL PEOPLE - just as she was 'surprised' that someone had taken her personal papers/files from VINCE FOSTER's ofice immediately after he was found dead – kist as she was ‘surprised’ that those F.B.I. FILES haven’t ‘shownup’ yet even though HILLARY & D^CKHEAF ‘stole them’ when they left the WHITE HOUSE - what's next??? "Oh BILL(aka D ^CKHEAD) you are happy to see me – quite a ‘STIFFY’ after all these years" - YEAH QUITE A ‘STIFF’ SURPRISE EH??? HILLARY 'THE MOST SURPRISED FEMALE ON THE PLANET'.
HILLARY has claimed that she was 'surprised' NORMAN HSU was a fugitive convicted felon giving her $MILLIONS in campaign donations - just as she was 'surprised' that her WHITEWATER BILLING RECORDS didn't surface on a desk in the WHITE HOUSE residence quarters until after the 'statute of limitations' had expired - just as she was 'surprised' that 'FATTY MONICA' and all the other 'BIMBETTES' were doing her 'pretend-husband' D ^CKHEAD - just as she was 'surprised' at whom fired those WHITE HOUSE TRAVEL PEOPLE - just as she was 'surprised' that someone had taken her personal papers/files from VINCE FOSTER's ofice immediately after he was found dead – kist as she was ‘surprised’ that those F.B.I. FILES haven’t ‘shownup’ yet even though HILLARY & D^CKHEAF ‘stole them’ when they left the WHITE HOUSE - what's next??? "Oh BILL(aka D ^CKHEAD) you are happy to see me – quite a ‘STIFFY’ after all these years" - YEAH QUITE A ‘STIFF’ SURPRISE EH??? HILLARY 'THE MOST SURPRISED FEMALE ON THE PLANET'.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Q&A 'TOWN HALL MNEETINGS' with SENATOR CLINTON had 'rigged' questions!!!
TOWN HALL MEETINGS in IOWA allegedly with participants asking questions of DEMBHOLE BITCH HILLARY was discovered to have 'salted' the questioners with those approved by the BITCH and her staff!!! WHAT ELSE CAN YOU EXPECT OF CLINTON TRASH??? Hoenest answers to anything lead her into trouble visa vis BITCH HILLARY's abysmal/incredulous responses to DRIVERS LICENSES for ILLEGALS. The manipulative mechanations of the FEMALE FASCIST not as smart not as articulate not as good-looking as 'IL DUCE - BENITO MUSSOLINI' but then again 'pants-suits' hide a lot of 'UGLINESS' on display for the world to sea how trashy she and her DEMBHOLE-DIMWIT SYCOPHANTS are!!!Iyy uO
Friday, November 9, 2007
The CLINTON 'CAMPAIGN' says the waitress who claims she didn't get a tip - is lying!!!
BITCH HILLARY 'claims' she tipped the waitress in IOWA. The waitress says she most certainly got no tip from BITCH HILLARY or anybody in her CAMPAIGN CROWD - WHOM DO YOU BELIEVE??? A waitress with no axe to grind or BITCH HILLARY a proven liar and repeat offender non-tipper??? Maybe BITCH HILLARY 'thought' the waitress was one of DICKHEAD's BIMBETTES and smeared/lied/treated her like the piece of shit BITCH reserves for all of DICKHEAD'S female 'friends'??? BITCH HILLARY a vicious conniving non-tipping cunt!!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
GOVERNOR CORZINE of NJ says 'the voters didn't understand' what stem cell research means for them - OH YEH???
DON CORZEINI former capo at GOLDMAN-SUCKS(the mob brokerage house) subjects the voters in NEW JERSEY [TONY SOPRANO's home-town mob dumping grounds] to scorn, villification, rebuke when 'THE PEOPLE' rejected overwhelmingly a proposed referendum of 450MILLION DOLLARS + interest to 'build' a "stem cell facility" read 'embryonic stem cell' research area because DON CORZEINI claimed in the tired-old-DEMBHOLE excuse-for-everything " is too complicated for 'voters' to understand." ARE YOU SAYING YOUR VOTERS IN NJ ARE JUST PLAIN STUPID??? Or maybe the 'voters' are smart enough to not want any more TAXES in one of the higher taxed states in the US??? OR MAYBE THE 'PEOPLE' OF NJ WANT TO FIND OUT WHETHER YOU, YOUR MOB FRIENDS, OR THERE 'GUMBAS'; HAVE A BENEFICIAL INTEREST[READ A HIDDEN INTEREST LIKE TONY SOPRANO AND HIS ASSOCIATES IN MOST THINGS IN NJ] IN THIS 'EXPENDITURE' OF PUBLIC TAX MONIES TO BENEFIT YOU AND THE REST OF THE 'MOB' WITH THIS 'STEM CELL' PROJECT'??? DON CORZEINI once a 'MOB' guy always on the 'take' and open to any 'scam'!!!
A sure 'sign' of things to come with HILLARY!!!
BITCH HILLARY's campaign tour landed the 'MAID-RIGHT' restaurant/grill in sime 'jerkwater' IOWA town the other day. BITCH HILLARY positioned her 'fat-disgusting-ass' on a counter stool and 'schmoozed' with the waitress while throngs of her sycophants and DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS hangers-on took up space for this photo op 'BITCH HILLARY' associates with the commoners...TROUBLE IS WHEN BITCH HILLARY LEFT NO ONE - NO ONE FROM HER HUNDREDS OF 'SCUMSUCKING WANNABES' --- LEFT A TIP!!! Foreshadowing of the RICH BITCH HILLARY's ways or just an inconvenient truth, eh??? Use em' then lose em'/forget about em', eh BITCH??? Would you treat 'CHINESE DISHWASHERS' with equal disdain BITCH???
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Don't treat MUSHARRAF the same way we dumped the SHAH!!!
O.K. DEMBHOLES of the 'NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA' and CONGRESSIONAL DEMBHOLE-DIMWITS do not DO NOT jump all over PERVEZ MUSHARRAF with the same bugotted/nonsensical/asanine protestations you used against REZA PAHLAVI aka the SHAH of IRAN!!! In that time period JIMMY'afraid-of-wabbits-i-am'CARTER offered the SHAH on a platter of ignorant DEMBHOLE 'mantras' and we were left with terrorists/ISLAMIC FASCICTS in control of IRAN and the MIDDLE EAST. Whether MUSHARRAF is correct or not declaring 'marshal law' in PAKHISTAN - to thwart 'TERRORISM' and supposedly maintain his control on the government v. 'PINKY' BHUTTO - we can not guess??? Our hopes are for the return of 'democracy' in PAKHISTAN but only after the condition is stable - not when the members of the DEMBHOLE PRESS and IDJITS of the U.S. CONGRESS and 'PEACE' PARTY stop screaming/moaning about 'rights' that wouldn't exist in 'PINKY' BHUTTO's COMMUNIST SOCIETY or the growing ISLAMIC TERRORIST GROWING CALIPHATE!!! DON'T MAKE THE SAME EXTENT WE DID WITH 'THROWING-OUT' THE SHAH!!!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
HILLARY 'claims' all of her 'health-care papers' have been released...REALLY???
BITCH HILLARY claims that 'ALL' of her 'health-care papers' at DICKHEAD's Presidential library have been released - Oh really??? Does that include the over 3million that haven't been or some 1000 emails or over 100 photos still 'locked' in DICKHEAD's vault along with more cum-stained souvenires??? HILLARY not as smart - not as articulate - not as good-looking as 'IL DUCE - BENITO MUSSOLINI' but then again 'pants-suits' hide a lot of 'UGLINESS'!!! HILLARY a FEMALE FASCIST and congenital liar - like all the CLINTONS!!!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
GOVERNOR'the little pisher'ELIOT and SENATURD BITCH HILLARY have said that giving ILLEGALS DRIVER'S LICENSES will make NEW YORK safer...Yeah and pigs will fly!!! What giving DL's to ILLEGALS will do is allow ILLEGALS to vote - you DEMBHOLE-DOUSCHEBAGS for more DEMBHOLES-BANKRUPT of BRAINS like you two pieces of human shit-for-brains!!! AH DEMBHOLES always the DIMWITS and out for the SOCIALIST SCUMBAGS of the world!!!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
What exactly is 'TORTURE'???
We are tortured daily with useless 'drivel-spin-promotion' of DEMBHOLE - TALKING POINTS re:"let's do it for the chilluns", "Bush lied - troops died", "new taxes are good for you", "Dembholes are smarter than Republicants", and my newest favorite "drivers licenses bring ILLEGALS out of 'the shadows'" - are these ridiculous boiler-plate stupidisms any less torture than water-boarding??? At least 'water-boarding' elicits a useful protective result for this nation and western civilization!!! But then again with HILLARY the new FEMALE FUHRER as head FASCIST - WE WON'T NEED 'WATER-BOARDING' WE'LL ALL JUST BE HAPPY LIBERALS/sorry PROGRESSIVES/sorry COMMUNISTAS/ sorry BORGS all thinking with one brain cell that won't allow us too see or comprehend D^CKHEAD and his ongoing afairs with MS. STRONACH and his other 'BIMBETTES' all ignored by HILLARY clone of 'IL DUCE -BENITO' not as smart -not as articulate -not as good-looking but 'pants-suits' hide lottsa''UGLINESS'!!! HILLARY the answer to 'water-boarding' torture in everybody's nightmares!!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
HILLARY 'craps' out again!!!
Aside from the somewhat amusing DENNIS'look-at-my-new-turd-on-my-head-does-it-look-natural?'KUCINICH who repreated his 'claims' of encountering an AGENTIFEROUS UFO "which changed his heart" who sewed up the 'GENUINE ALIEN VOTE' - BITCH HILLARY tried to strong-arm her way through the 'lilliputian' DEMBHOLES at this 'joke' of a debate!!! BITCH HILLARY 'refused' to answer any questions and invoked DICKHEAD and her time as 'mythical' CO-PRESIDENT as her resune for experience. Of course DICKHEAD refuses to release any of that 'resume enhacing information' s0-o-o-o we'll just have to take BITCH's word she 'did anything'???!!! HILLARY the FEMALE FASCIST with a lie for any occassion!!! But then - what can you expect from a CLINTON??? How about an answer amd the truth eh???
Well BITCH HILLARY srepped in it last night at the DEMBHOLE 'DEBATE' in which in the space of two minutes the BITCH gave two different answers about DRIVER'S LICENSES for ILLEGALS!!! Then BITCH SAID IT WAS UP TO FORMER PRESIDENT DICKHEAD on whether to release or not records from the CLINTON YEARS of FRAUD/LIES/OBFUSCATIONS/SEX COVER-UPS at the WHITE HOUSE whem BITCH 'claimed' she was unaware but now 'claims' she helped conspire-to!!! BITCH the new FEMALE FASCIST not as articulate - not as smart - not as good-looking as 'IL DUCE - BENITO' but pants-suits cover lottsa' 'UGLINESS'!!! BITCH HILLARY our worst FASCIST NIGHTMARE!!!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
STENY HOYER says it's time to cut-down on our 'work' hours - WHAT???
STENY'house-of-whores-majority-Dembhole'HOYER sayz IT IS TIME FOR HOUSE-OF-FOOLS TO WORK EVEN LESS - IF THAT IS POSSIBLE!!! HOYER DEMBHOLE leader' of the HOUSE-OF-FOOLS relates it is for all the 'hard-work' the DEMBHOLES have 'NOT ACCOMPLISHED'!!! PRETTY SOON THOSE McDONALD WORKERS WILL BE LOOKING PRETTY PRODUCTIVE EH STENNY??? Wouldn't want to interrupt your 'legislative snoozeathon'!!! DEMBHOLE-DOUSCHEBAGS AT IT AGAIN!!!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
HILLARY says 'campaign dinations' what 'campaign donations law' law doesn't apply to a 'CLINTON'!!!
BUTCH HILLARY is at it again!!! This time the 'corrupt scum' of her campaign team has gotten thousands of 2+3 year-olds to 'donate' the maximum amounts to BITCH HILLARY!!! GREAT 'LAW' McCAIN/FEINGOLD ain't it!!! HOW MANY MORE LAWS WILL BITCH & DICKHEAD 'BE ALLOWED' TO BREAK???
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
HARRY REID says 'GLOBAL WARMING' is the cause of fores on CALIF.!!!
Senaturd HARRY'bought-and-paid-for-by-the-Vegas-mob'REID SAID THAT ONE OF THE REASONS FOR THE CALIFORNIA FIRES IS 'GLOBAL WARMING'. REALLY??? Could it be the U.S. SENATE'S failure to pass the HEALTHY FOREST ACT initiated in 2003 by PRESIDENT BUSH which mandates in part 'removal of loose kindling from forest areas and opposed by 'environmental whackadoos'??? WELL SENATURD REID you 'SHITHEAD' how about it??? YOU AND THE REST OF THE SENATURDS HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT 'BITCH&WHINE' EVER SINCE YOU GOT CONTROL!!! DEMBHOLES the ultimate piles of 'do-nothing' SHIT-HEADS!!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
DENNIS KUCINICH 'claims' he saw a UFO!!!
DENNIS'new-turd-on-my-head-looks-natural-eh?'KUCINICH who as mayor of CLEVELAND set the river on fire now claims he witnessed a large argentiferous triangle which somehow 'bonded' with his heart in some sort of 'extraterrestrial' synaesthesia!!! AMAZING...and this guy who needs a toupee to reinforce his ego or just keep his head warm with a slavering of shit - thinks he has the presidential 'right stuff'??? DENNIS'bad-toupe'KUCINICH might hope to be taken away the next time he 'sees this UFO - to that great DEMBHOLE GRAYEYARD of 'bleached bones' of SOCIALIST lackeys where all 'idjits' belong!!! DENNIS'turd-on-my-head is that so the UFO's know where to find you??? A BEACON FOR 'OUT-OF-PLANETETARY' EXPERIENCE - 'bad-toupe' KUCINICH!!!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
SPITZER NY GOVERNOR orders 'illegals' to get drivers licenses!!!
DEMBHOLE-DOUSCHEBAG GOVERNOR SPITZER of NEW YORK 'ordered' licenses be given to all 'illegals' who drive in the 'EMPIRE STATE'!!! TALK ABOUT FUCKING-ASSHOLES!!! SPITZER who likes to 'use' the NY STATE POLICE to 'spy' on political rivals - 'THINKS'[now there's an oxymoron for you SPITZER having a senrient thought!] that by giving 'drivers licenses' to ILLEGALS the little-boy-from-his-daddy's/mummy's-wealthy-condo-who-never-held-a-legitimate-job will garner ILLEGAL VOTES for himself!!! IMPEACH SPITZER DEMBHOLE-DOUSCHEBAG NOW AND PROTECT THE SAFETY OF THIS COUNTRY!!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
The 'sham/fraud' of HILLARY's CAMPAIGN DONATIONS exposed - yet again!!!
Seems that 100's of mostly CHINESE pot-washers/waiters/buspeople have given BITCH HILLARY $$MILLIONS$$ of dollars in campaign donations - and most can't be 'traced' or 'verified'!!! WHAT A SURPRISE EH??? THE CLINTON REDUX JUST LIKE JOHNNY CHUNG OR CHARLIE TRE AND 120 OTHER FOREIGN NATIONALS FLEEING NOT TO TESTIFT AGAINST DICKHEAD AND BITCH HILLARY - AH THE CLINTON 'SLEAZE' STARTS EARLY THIS TIME AROUND EH??? BITCH HILLARY the new female FASCIST - not as articulate - not as smart - not as good-looking as 'IL DUCE - BENITO MUSSOLINI' [pants-suits 'cover-up' only so much ugliness eh BITCH???] but BITCH HILLARY is the new failed female FASCIST for our time - especially to CHINESE dishwashers who can't be traced/or verified what??? Ha! Yuck!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
'AIR AMERICA' host claims 'mugging' that never happened!!
RANDI RHODES - one of the DEMOCRAT-DOUSCHEBAG 'YAPPERS' on bankrupt 'Airkess Amerika radio' claimed she was 'mugged' on the WEST SIDE of N.Y.C. True to form all the DEMOCRAT-DOUSCHEBAG DIMWITS blamed 'EVIL' REPUBLICANTS for what happened to RHODES. UNFORTUNATELY RHODES 'RECANTED' HER ORIGINAL STORY AND ADMITTED HER LITTLE 'DOG' CAUSED HER FALL AND HER INJURIES!!! IS HER DOG A SECRET REPUBLICANT OPERATIVE??? A typical 'news story' for AIRLESS AMERIKA - all wrong and no factual basis eh??? Ha!!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Instead of 'resurrecting' the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE - why doesn't the DEMBHOLE CONGRESS pass a referendum on CHINA's genocide/enslavement of TIBET???
The DEMBHOLE CONGRESS instead of 'doing' anything constructive about IRAQ[the MiddleEast] brings up the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE to provoke the TURKS(actually the OTTOMAN EMPIRE for crimes that occurred 100 or more tears ago!!!) and 'ruin' our chances for 'victory' in IRAQ. But what of CHINA's enslavement/genocide of TIBET??? AFRAID TO 'ANGER' A SOURCE OF CAMPAIGN DONATIONS EH BITCH HILLARY???DEMBHOLES always such 'political partisan' FRAUDS!!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
HILLARY 'looks like/sounds like' ---
IL DUCE -the old freakin' FASCIST BENITO MUSSOLINI except BITCH HILLARY ain't as smart or as articulate or as good-looking(why does BITCH HILLARY 'always' hide herself in her pants-suits and hide behind DICKHEAD her pretend husband???) and has accomplished nothing in her life except 'outing/denigating' DICKHEAD's 'bimbettes'??? BITCH HILLARY a new FASCIST for our time - not as good-looking or smart as IL DUCE - but what can you expect from some one who thinks TERRY McAWFULL is 'bright' and not just a 'punk thief'???
NOBEL PRIZES are now as 'irrelevant' as OSCARS/EMMYS!!!
With the recent NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 'given' to a PUTZ - i.e. AL'fat-fuck-bloviating'GORE - this 'award' is now a useless piece of 'EUROTRASH PC' WANKERS!!! 'FAT-FUCK'AL who has never 'accomplised' anything except making money off the 'GLOBAL WARMING' scam - has now been given an OSCAR, an EMMY, and NOBEL - cheer-up BEN AFFLECK you can still win a NOBEL for being a SHIT ACTOR and a DEMBHOLE-DOUSCHEBAG!!! THE NOBEL'S COMMITTEE NEW MOTTO SHOULD BE 'BLOVIATING ASSHOLES ARE OUR RAISON D'ETRE'!!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
The NOBEL PRIZES are officially a 'bad' joke!!!
AL'fat-fuck'GORE and the UNITED NATIONS COMMITTEE on SUNTANNING FOR AFRICANS 'shared' the NOBEL PUTZ PRIZE. 'FAT-FUCK'AL still thinks he 'invenyed' the internet. Now 'FAT-FUCK'AL can claim he invented GLOBAL WARMING. GORE figures the bigger he gets the 'FAT-FUCK' can block out the SUN!!! ALOT OF USELESS MENTAL MASTURBATION WENT-ON IN AWARDING THIS PUTZ PRIZE!!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
JIMMY CARTER pronounces CHENEY "...a disaster"!!!
That's quite something coming from the WORST U.S. PRESIDENT of all time!!! After-all JIMMIE'afraid-of-wabbits-i-am'CARTER advised America during the 'oil-crisis' he created " wear sweaters". The same JIMMIE'nookier'CARTER who let the revolutionaries take IRAN, gave-away the PANAMA CANAL, allowed interest rates and unemployment to soar at over 20%, and is about as stale and unnecessary as 'BILLY BEER'. THIS IS THE 'SPITTLE' WHO LABELS VICE-PRESIDENT RICHARD CHENEY "...a disaster"???!!! CARTER the epitome of a DEMBHOLE-DOUSCHEBAG!!!
[PRESIDENT BUSH - 'GENOCIDE' is not a bargaining chip to assuage
the feelings of an ally to the U.S. THIS IS HISTORY NOT 'SPIN'!]
The Turks are coming! Run for your lives - we yelled.
Disrupting the pink-and-blue restful summer's twilight
of those rocking gently on the wooden porch
Seven high-school boys packed tight into a Volkswagen "Beetle'.
High on six-packs of cheap beer that fueled
teenaged frenzy, booming our boyhood bigotries.
Trumpeting and screaming wildly as if we were mad 'Kazakhs' from the steppes of suburbia.
Disrupting the peaceful sunset thoughts of those survivors.
Their dark eyes and eagle-like faces reminders
of imagestinted in sepiamemory of a people fading to another time,
another time of religious slaughter by the faithful.
When Abdulhanid's Muslim moon-shaped knives,
whetted with blood of innocents,
laughed in oriental scabbardsexpressing cruelty and unfelt pity
as we laughed and shouted with glee mocking
the hundreds of thousands that fell at Sasum.
Our cries and hoots of cutting ridicule,
remindingthem of sunflowers spotted with blood from children
whose naked violated bodieswere buried
under a thin veil of the world'ssupposedly more important moments of tragedy.
In our perverted sense of boyhood humeurs;
we were as painful as an old scab ripped from a festering ugly wound,
never realizing in that pink-and-blue twilight time;
we were also shameless young Turks to be hated.
[PRESIDENT BUSH - 'GENOCIDE' is not a bargaining chip to assuage
the feelings of an ally to the U.S. THIS IS HISTORY NOT 'SPIN'!]
The Turks are coming! Run for your lives - we yelled.
Disrupting the pink-and-blue restful summer's twilight
of those rocking gently on the wooden porch
Seven high-school boys packed tight into a Volkswagen "Beetle'.
High on six-packs of cheap beer that fueled
teenaged frenzy, booming our boyhood bigotries.
Trumpeting and screaming wildly as if we were mad 'Kazakhs' from the steppes of suburbia.
Disrupting the peaceful sunset thoughts of those survivors.
Their dark eyes and eagle-like faces reminders
of imagestinted in sepiamemory of a people fading to another time,
another time of religious slaughter by the faithful.
When Abdulhanid's Muslim moon-shaped knives,
whetted with blood of innocents,
laughed in oriental scabbardsexpressing cruelty and unfelt pity
as we laughed and shouted with glee mocking
the hundreds of thousands that fell at Sasum.
Our cries and hoots of cutting ridicule,
remindingthem of sunflowers spotted with blood from children
whose naked violated bodieswere buried
under a thin veil of the world'ssupposedly more important moments of tragedy.
In our perverted sense of boyhood humeurs;
we were as painful as an old scab ripped from a festering ugly wound,
never realizing in that pink-and-blue twilight time;
we were also shameless young Turks to be hated.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Do 'we believe' any so-called NEWS from the 'ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA'???
modern witches of endor
We want to believe
The news we want to believe
To make our experience less stressful
Conjurers dressed in easy viewing blue
Ask us to call them by first names
Hi ya Diane Morning Katie Hello Charlie Evening Wolfe
Their smiles or seriousness flashed on cue-cards
Before our eyes
It is primetime news time all the time
So these crisp heads of continuously talking cabbage
Are our mediums for this electronic age
Speaking slowly
In no more than two syllable words
Hexadecasyllables are only for the ears of G-d
Pronouncing gossip as if it were holy writ
Interchangeable scripted seers inflame our souls
Psychotic schoolyard slaughter - close ups on faces please
Airline disaster - video montage of burning debris and bodies
Child molestation is guaranteed to boost ratings share
How will the lead go?
How to titillate and captivate with the proper tease?
How to pander to our basest needs and desires?
Necromancers now summon future and past
On magnetic tape cartridges
Everything is instant everything is now
Hurricane produces inaction/incompetence in New Orleans
Dubrovnic is as close as next door or the next moment
Apartment fire in Hong Kong feel the flames
Playing boys injured by land mines in Zaire
At college boy tasered for daring too question John‘the-Fraud’
We are caught up in the world's cataclysm
While Sadam Hussein makes his pilgrimage to Graceland
And Monica Lewinsky vows to yet prove her love
And Charlie thinks the Amish are so cute in their costumes
Looking through green vision goggles for new MiddleEast peace
“I did not have sex with that Lewinsky woman” pledges a pol
While a senator plays toe-tapping games in an airport bathroom stall
On this same channel
Everything is live or seems to be
With more details to come
Mistaken prophets set to air
Asking us to call them on a first name basis
Hi ya Diane Morning Katie Hello Charlie check out Larry
Because we want to believe what we want to believe
Words echo in the vacuum of our minds.
We want to believe
The news we want to believe
To make our experience less stressful
Conjurers dressed in easy viewing blue
Ask us to call them by first names
Hi ya Diane Morning Katie Hello Charlie Evening Wolfe
Their smiles or seriousness flashed on cue-cards
Before our eyes
It is primetime news time all the time
So these crisp heads of continuously talking cabbage
Are our mediums for this electronic age
Speaking slowly
In no more than two syllable words
Hexadecasyllables are only for the ears of G-d
Pronouncing gossip as if it were holy writ
Interchangeable scripted seers inflame our souls
Psychotic schoolyard slaughter - close ups on faces please
Airline disaster - video montage of burning debris and bodies
Child molestation is guaranteed to boost ratings share
How will the lead go?
How to titillate and captivate with the proper tease?
How to pander to our basest needs and desires?
Necromancers now summon future and past
On magnetic tape cartridges
Everything is instant everything is now
Hurricane produces inaction/incompetence in New Orleans
Dubrovnic is as close as next door or the next moment
Apartment fire in Hong Kong feel the flames
Playing boys injured by land mines in Zaire
At college boy tasered for daring too question John‘the-Fraud’
We are caught up in the world's cataclysm
While Sadam Hussein makes his pilgrimage to Graceland
And Monica Lewinsky vows to yet prove her love
And Charlie thinks the Amish are so cute in their costumes
Looking through green vision goggles for new MiddleEast peace
“I did not have sex with that Lewinsky woman” pledges a pol
While a senator plays toe-tapping games in an airport bathroom stall
On this same channel
Everything is live or seems to be
With more details to come
Mistaken prophets set to air
Asking us to call them on a first name basis
Hi ya Diane Morning Katie Hello Charlie check out Larry
Because we want to believe what we want to believe
Words echo in the vacuum of our minds.
to the dishonour of CHE and FIDEL and the ASSHOLE COMMUNISTAS...
To the ‘REDS’ - Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Oliver Stone, Maxine Waters & OTHERS - you are wrong about Fidel/Raoul
Fidel your tremendous oratory skill
Did nothing for poor Che who they would corner and kill
On that hostile drug infested Bolivian hill
Yes Fidel education for all was your sacred pledge
Conforming Cubanos with a Marxist pounding sledge
Freedom of thought not important to your type of college
Did you really think Nikita of the pounding shoe
Would loose his load of missiles merely because of you
Bidding the whole world a final adieu
Yes Fidel you watched as mistakes of the Bay of Pigs were paraded
Humiliating the Estados Unidos unaided
While young Presdient JFK's glory faded
But you found communist bloc touristicas don't pay
Your companieros still drive 48 Chevys and Fords in dismay
Leaving the economic fabric of your society in disarray
Fidel watching the ruin of your grandoise plan
Behind amber tinted windows of a new Mercedes sedan
While meeting the Pope as you played the perfect charlatan
Encouraging more socialist heroes with long boring diatribic speeches
More volunteers like little Elian returned to your beaches
Imprisoning and killing dissidents supposedly teaches
The impressionable that this is a classless workers paradise
No butter no toilet paper no electricity but what's a little sacrifice
Always offering your anti-American advice
Fidel on your tropical isle off the Gulf of Mexico
Another aging dictator who overthrew Fulgencio
Desperately hoping to outlive the prosperous capitalist tango.
Fidel your tremendous oratory skill
Did nothing for poor Che who they would corner and kill
On that hostile drug infested Bolivian hill
Yes Fidel education for all was your sacred pledge
Conforming Cubanos with a Marxist pounding sledge
Freedom of thought not important to your type of college
Did you really think Nikita of the pounding shoe
Would loose his load of missiles merely because of you
Bidding the whole world a final adieu
Yes Fidel you watched as mistakes of the Bay of Pigs were paraded
Humiliating the Estados Unidos unaided
While young Presdient JFK's glory faded
But you found communist bloc touristicas don't pay
Your companieros still drive 48 Chevys and Fords in dismay
Leaving the economic fabric of your society in disarray
Fidel watching the ruin of your grandoise plan
Behind amber tinted windows of a new Mercedes sedan
While meeting the Pope as you played the perfect charlatan
Encouraging more socialist heroes with long boring diatribic speeches
More volunteers like little Elian returned to your beaches
Imprisoning and killing dissidents supposedly teaches
The impressionable that this is a classless workers paradise
No butter no toilet paper no electricity but what's a little sacrifice
Always offering your anti-American advice
Fidel on your tropical isle off the Gulf of Mexico
Another aging dictator who overthrew Fulgencio
Desperately hoping to outlive the prosperous capitalist tango.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Yet another 'TOP' THOROUGHBRED HORSE-TRAINER banned for use of illegal substances!!!
PATRICK BIANCONE has been banned for one year for using 'illegal substances' on his horses. BIANCONE joins a growing list of 'trainers' including TODD PLETCHER who have been found guilty of 'giving' horses substances other than wayer, oats, hay. SPORT OF KINGS, ROGHT, MORE LIKE SPORT OF CHEATERS WITH DRUGS EH???
Monday, October 8, 2007
GRAHAM FROST 12year-old who responded to PRESIDENT BUSH --- IS NOT POOR!!!
GRAHAM FROST the 12year-old MARYLANDER who responded to PRSEIDENT BUSH's veto of S.C.H.I.P. PROGRAM - is not 'POOR'!!! FROST's family owns property in MARYLAND well worth more than $600,000dollars + both his parents 'work' making in excess of $100,000dollars income per year!!! MARYLAND does not 'do' asset alotment to determine eligibility in S.C.H.I.P.!!! WHAT A SURPRISE DEMBHOLES IN MARYLAND DON'T VERIFY/CHECK FACTUAL ELIGIBILITY!!! JUST LIKE THE 'ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA' DOESN'T CHECK STORIES ON 'PHONEY SOLDIERS' RIGHT??? Ha-Ha-Ha!!!
HOUSE of FOOLISH REPREHENSIBLES HENRY'nosehairs-down-to-my-armpits'WAXMAN is spending our monies investigating RUSH LIMBAUGH, SEAN HANNITY, and othe 'conservative' radio hosts!!! Will save you some money/time 'NOSEHAIRS' WAXMAN -- turn on the radio to those settings and listen!!! OR ARE YOU 'HUNTING' FOR DIRT LIKE HILLARY DID ON DICKHEAD's 'BIMBETTES'??? ANOTHER DEMBHOLE-DIMWIT HENRY'nosehairs-down-to-his-armpits' WAXMAN!!!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Is this a joke??? BILL CLINTON says HILLARY wants him to ---
DICKHEAD said in LONDON, ENGLAND that BITCH HILLARY wants him to 'restore' the image of the U.S.A.!!! HOW WILL THAT HAPPEN??? Does that mean DICKHEAD will have his personal play-pen at the WHITE HOUSE where he can diddle Ms. STRONACH his current 'bimbette' and the others DICKHEAD will just get 'blow-jobs'+'cigar-jobs'+kinky sex from interns like 'FATTY MONICA'...YEAH A GREAT WAY TO RESTORE THE IMAGE OF THE U.S.A. - HAVING 'NON-SEX' WITH A COWARD AND SOMEONE WHO NEVER ACCOMPLISHES ANYTHING BUT GETTING MONEY AND 'MEDIA SPIN' FOR HIMSELF EH BITCH???
JESSE MacBETH the 'phoney soldier' was originally named ---
al-Zayed AL-SHITHEAD and changed his name before he 'enlisted' for 44 days in the U.S. MILITARY where he did not serve in IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN and did not 'wintess' any atrocities committed by U.S. TROOPS and did not 'win' a bronze-star as he originally claimed. Of course the 'ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA' never bothered to check/verify his preposterous tales/stories!!! Way to go RUSH LIMBAUGH - he was a 'phoney soldier'!!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Why isn't the story of NKOREA's ending NUKES being covered???
The 'NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA' true to its DEMBHOLE/LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE/SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST ROOTS - has refused one iota of coverage/space to the success of the BUSH ADMINISTRATION in ending NKOREA's quest to be a nuclear power!!! Instead of dancing the 'maqarana' with dog-eating dictators a la MADELEINE ALLWRONG - 'real' diplomacy and pressure was applied by CONDY RICE of the so-hated BUSH ADMINISTRATION and another 'crisis' not handled by DICKHEAD & BITCH HILLARY so far averted!!! KUDOS TO AN ADULT ADMINISTRATION THAT KNOWS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 'PRETEND SPIN+TALKING POINTS' AND ACTUAL DIALOGUE!!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
HILLARY CLINTON 'claims' she started 'MEDIAMATTERS'!!!
On August 6, 2007, speaking before the 'NUTJOBS' at the DAILYKOS weekend SENATURD BITCH HILLARY stated:"...she started and help support MEDIA MATTERS!!!" THIS GROUP HAS SPEAD LIES/SMEARS ABOUT THE U.S. MILITARY INCLUDING THE PREVALENT CANARD ABOUT 'PHONEY SOLDIERS' SAID BY RUSH LIMBAUGH ABOUT JESSE MacBETH and his preposterous/assanine tales of atrocities in IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN!!! Will BITCH HILLARY get to use military officers to 'pass-out' hors-d'oeuvres at WHITE HOUSE gatherings again!!! MEDIAMATTERS yet another commie/socialista/fascista media ploy by BITCH HILLARY and her DEMBHOLE-DUMKOPFS!!!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Senaturd HARRY REID 'demands' an apology from RUSH LIMBAUGH - for words never spoken!!!
Senaturd HARRY'bought-and-paid-for-by-the-Vegas-mob'REID has demanded an apology from RUSH LIMBAUGH for the words 'phoney soldiers' taken out of context and used by DEMBHOLES MOVEON.ORG, MEDIAMATTERS.COM, and CLINTON INC. who routinely 'smear' the U.S. MILITARY. SENATURD REID is making himself more of a 'TURD' than he already is!!![The original phrase 'phoney soldiers' was used by LIMBAUGH to describe fraudulant soldiers who had been published by the 'ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA' who didn't verify, didn't check the made-up atrocities of these 'phoney soldiers' supposedly in IRAN or AFGHANISTAN. The 'ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA' and SENATURD REID attempt to change the dialogue again!!! Hey TURD REID isn't it time you do some of the people's business instead of this 'DEMBHOLE POLITICAL CHARADE'???
Sunday, September 30, 2007
28 members of the WASHINGTON, D.C. government bureaucracy under MAYOR WILLIAMS were given over $500,000 in bonuses they were not entitled too - some not even working at the time for WASHINGTON, D.C. government at the time!!! Now guess - GUESS - which political party they represented that's right all of them are 'lifelong' DEMBHOLES[operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES] DIMWITS on the 'take' as usual right NANCY'new-stinker-of-the-House-of-foolish-reps'PELOSI??? CULTURE-of-CORRUPTION indeed!!!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Another melodic Drunken night in NEWPORT, R.I.
On Thames Street
last octaves of sky
give way to purple ribbons
hot nightly phrases.
A curtain of thick fog laughs
at ‘wannabe’ sophisticates
wrapped in false environmental mist.
To befit their ‘position and stature’
ensconced in manses on Belleview Avenue
these polyphonal participants
gather to be spotted or seen.
Fishing trawlers bump against barnacled moorings
as i lurch from lamppost to lamppost
in the hopes to find some rest
for this desire for yet another tequila shooter.
Charmless sounds cloy and suffocate
like those caught belowdecks in a 3-metre skiff
buffeted by a vivacissimo of a sudden squall
while William Vanderbilt
grand-son of the ‘Commodore’
sleeps it off on a bench of ‘Dos Yanquis’.
A real ‘Mexicano’ restorante
pleasuring all with ‘blue daiquiris’
where arabesques of refrain and melody
join the blare from a passing cruise ship.
As the owner/manager Paul J. contemplates divorce
in bluesy bittersweet tangled energy
from his wife who has given him two children
and $1400dollars a month in magazine bills.
The restorante resonates as a double-reed fog horn
bellows from the Goat Island lighthouse
with tones of expressive power
as images bounce back and forth in my drunken haze
where Mrs. Caroline Skelly the ‘Sun Oil heiress’
aka ‘The Mole Woman’
[because of horrible disfigurement
that set her head on fire in a beauty salon]
sups with Mrs. Anita Hamilton
you know ‘tanned’ George’s mom –
they look enough alike to be twins
while both Mrs. Hamilton and ‘Mole-Woman’ wear
sable furs worth more than the income of Newport’s
subsidized ‘poor’ population.
Muted cello swatches combine
in slidechorals of horns from passing Canada geese
flying low and steady
adding to this smaze of nocturn
coalescing into super-rich string strains
and T. Curtis Forbes of the proper Forbes famille
conjugates his social status with incredible ‘bloodlines’.
Good-looking ‘Poturgai’ waitresses
a liedertafel chorus of gulls
fidgety feathered coloraturas
accomplish various sex acts
in the seedy bathrooms.
Always careful to ‘wipe’ themselves
before the next customer or nightly aggressive scherzo.
All wish to be centerstage
in this musical creation epic
hungry for scraps and scales.
Tunes eminate from the ‘Blue Pelican Jazz Club’
up near the new police station
and a single flute of a windsong intermission
signals the relaxing vapors
of the good-smoked herb spead far into
the melodies of another hot drunken night.
On Thames Street
last octaves of sky
give way to purple ribbons
hot nightly phrases.
A curtain of thick fog laughs
at ‘wannabe’ sophisticates
wrapped in false environmental mist.
To befit their ‘position and stature’
ensconced in manses on Belleview Avenue
these polyphonal participants
gather to be spotted or seen.
Fishing trawlers bump against barnacled moorings
as i lurch from lamppost to lamppost
in the hopes to find some rest
for this desire for yet another tequila shooter.
Charmless sounds cloy and suffocate
like those caught belowdecks in a 3-metre skiff
buffeted by a vivacissimo of a sudden squall
while William Vanderbilt
grand-son of the ‘Commodore’
sleeps it off on a bench of ‘Dos Yanquis’.
A real ‘Mexicano’ restorante
pleasuring all with ‘blue daiquiris’
where arabesques of refrain and melody
join the blare from a passing cruise ship.
As the owner/manager Paul J. contemplates divorce
in bluesy bittersweet tangled energy
from his wife who has given him two children
and $1400dollars a month in magazine bills.
The restorante resonates as a double-reed fog horn
bellows from the Goat Island lighthouse
with tones of expressive power
as images bounce back and forth in my drunken haze
where Mrs. Caroline Skelly the ‘Sun Oil heiress’
aka ‘The Mole Woman’
[because of horrible disfigurement
that set her head on fire in a beauty salon]
sups with Mrs. Anita Hamilton
you know ‘tanned’ George’s mom –
they look enough alike to be twins
while both Mrs. Hamilton and ‘Mole-Woman’ wear
sable furs worth more than the income of Newport’s
subsidized ‘poor’ population.
Muted cello swatches combine
in slidechorals of horns from passing Canada geese
flying low and steady
adding to this smaze of nocturn
coalescing into super-rich string strains
and T. Curtis Forbes of the proper Forbes famille
conjugates his social status with incredible ‘bloodlines’.
Good-looking ‘Poturgai’ waitresses
a liedertafel chorus of gulls
fidgety feathered coloraturas
accomplish various sex acts
in the seedy bathrooms.
Always careful to ‘wipe’ themselves
before the next customer or nightly aggressive scherzo.
All wish to be centerstage
in this musical creation epic
hungry for scraps and scales.
Tunes eminate from the ‘Blue Pelican Jazz Club’
up near the new police station
and a single flute of a windsong intermission
signals the relaxing vapors
of the good-smoked herb spead far into
the melodies of another hot drunken night.
There once was a man named MAHMOUD
Who claimed he was quite misunderstood
IRAN he said has no GAYS
In AMERICA they exist in infidel displays
Women in IRAN are so free
We put them to death if they disagree
Zionists are the cause of the Palestinians plight
So we’ll kill all the Jews and make it right
No nuclear bombs for IRAN
Our goal to all is just plane
Combustion of the non-believer infidels
Sure to be accompanied by IRANI sanctus-bells.
There once was a man named MAHMOUD
Who claimed he was quite misunderstood
IRAN he said has no GAYS
In AMERICA they exist in infidel displays
Women in IRAN are so free
We put them to death if they disagree
Zionists are the cause of the Palestinians plight
So we’ll kill all the Jews and make it right
No nuclear bombs for IRAN
Our goal to all is just plane
Combustion of the non-believer infidels
Sure to be accompanied by IRANI sanctus-bells.
Senator HILLARY wants to give each baby born in the U.S.A. - $5000dollars from you!!!
BITCH HILLARY, U.S. SENATURD from N.Y. stated to the BLACK CONGRESSIONAL CAUCUS that:"...all babies born in the UNITED STATES should receive $5000dollars each!!!" BITCH HILLARY is obviously unaware there are over 4million babies born in the U.S. each year $5000dollars X 4million=over 4BILLION DOLLARS over your tax monies!!! [Impoverished families around the world are lining-up for this 'free' fee for haing a baby in the U.S. paid for by BITCH HILLARY's generosity!!!] The same BITCH HILLARY who itemized her used underwears that she donated for a tax deduction - HILLARY the new FASCIST BENITO!!! ALWAYS WITH YOUR MONEY - NEVER HERS OR DICKHEADS!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The U.S. HOUSE increases 'child health care' !!! WHAT A FRAUD!!!
The mostly DEMBHOLE [operant relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES] U.S HOUSE of 'FOOLISHG' REPRESENTATIVES passed a bill to increase 'health-care' to supposed indigent children. Except the 'children' are now minors up until age 25 and are now 'indigent' even if their respective families earn up to $86,ooo dollars in income. Further people who can afford 'private insurance' will now receive mandatory 'government insurance' paid for by our TAX DOLLARS!!! Some 'SOCIALIST DEMBHOLE RIP-OFF eh??? 'Let's do it for the chilluns' - Ha!!! DEMBHOLE SOCIALISTA TURDHEADS!!!
When is the next 'GAY PRIDE DAY' or 'Women's Pride Day' in TEHERAN???
According to MAHMOUD ACHMADINAJEAD "...there is no problem with 'homosexuals in IRAN - there aren't any," told too laughing COLUMBIA COMMUNITY ASSHOLES of that institution.[If MAHMOUD had stated they didn't have 'problems' with Jews cuz IRAN has driven out or killed most of them would the 'assholes' of the COLUMBIA COMMUNITY be laughing at that too???] According to ACHMADINAJEAD IRAN has the 'free-est' women on the planet - violate S'HARIA LAW and get 'stoned' as in put to death - not getting high!!! SOME GREAT SOCIETY IRAN HUH???
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Why did 'BERLINERS' and the 'WORLD' look away???
achtung achtung SCHIWE SIZN es verbotten!
Throughout March
When yellow stars of crocus
Come and go
Throughout the ‘gleichshaltung’
When Herr Goebbels distorted
Stalingrad into victory
Throughout the beginnings of 1943
When allied bombs
Began to crumple buildings
German women –
Most “pure” Aryans –
Marched to ‘polizei’ headquarters
On the Rosenstrasse
Demanding release of their spouses
Jewish men – consigned to die
By goose-stepping troopers ready to bring storm
From Berlin’s railway station
The trains continued to roll
Whistles signaling a horrible premonition
Or was it a recurring ‘nachtmare’
Images of snarling dogs
Herding frightened prisoners
Silently consigned to Riga, Osciem, Thereisenstadt,
Across flowering fields
Where yellow stars of crocus
Come and shortly go
Never realizing the dreaded Gestapo
Efficiently snapped pictures
And made meticulous notes about
These purebred German women
Carrying banners defying the invincible Reich
Insisting on freedom for their husbands
And the people of Berlin
Hid their eyes and closed their minds
While these women screamed and shouted
For illusory justice
Hoping to end
Ongoing ‘konzentrationslager’ madness
Hoping to end atrocity
At least for their own ‘ehemanns’
And on a bright day
When yellow stars of crocus briefly bloom
Jail cells opened as train whistles wailed
Or was it
A child’s screaming in terror
Which summons recurring dread
As the recently released cry
Thankful for another day
Praying that those packed on trains
Should be as lucky
As they were now – ‘zugts afen mir’
Leaving for homes momentarily saved
By love of those Aryan wives
Only a few
Observing the ritual ‘schiwe sizn’ –
Sitting on low stools mourning
Coming death
They and their wives
Would soon be permanently taken away
From life
As fleeting as the yellow stars of crocus.
{this is a true story of German women’s
bravery on the Rosenstrasse during WWII}
Throughout March
When yellow stars of crocus
Come and go
Throughout the ‘gleichshaltung’
When Herr Goebbels distorted
Stalingrad into victory
Throughout the beginnings of 1943
When allied bombs
Began to crumple buildings
German women –
Most “pure” Aryans –
Marched to ‘polizei’ headquarters
On the Rosenstrasse
Demanding release of their spouses
Jewish men – consigned to die
By goose-stepping troopers ready to bring storm
From Berlin’s railway station
The trains continued to roll
Whistles signaling a horrible premonition
Or was it a recurring ‘nachtmare’
Images of snarling dogs
Herding frightened prisoners
Silently consigned to Riga, Osciem, Thereisenstadt,
Across flowering fields
Where yellow stars of crocus
Come and shortly go
Never realizing the dreaded Gestapo
Efficiently snapped pictures
And made meticulous notes about
These purebred German women
Carrying banners defying the invincible Reich
Insisting on freedom for their husbands
And the people of Berlin
Hid their eyes and closed their minds
While these women screamed and shouted
For illusory justice
Hoping to end
Ongoing ‘konzentrationslager’ madness
Hoping to end atrocity
At least for their own ‘ehemanns’
And on a bright day
When yellow stars of crocus briefly bloom
Jail cells opened as train whistles wailed
Or was it
A child’s screaming in terror
Which summons recurring dread
As the recently released cry
Thankful for another day
Praying that those packed on trains
Should be as lucky
As they were now – ‘zugts afen mir’
Leaving for homes momentarily saved
By love of those Aryan wives
Only a few
Observing the ritual ‘schiwe sizn’ –
Sitting on low stools mourning
Coming death
They and their wives
Would soon be permanently taken away
From life
As fleeting as the yellow stars of crocus.
{this is a true story of German women’s
bravery on the Rosenstrasse during WWII}
Monday, September 24, 2007
HILLARY does her 'SCHIESS-CACKLING' tour of 5 'news channels'!!!
Yesterday Sunday September 23, 2007 - BITCH HILLARY did her 'schiess cackling tour' of 5 'news channels'. BITCH HILLARY didn't answer questions but gave scripted set responses a la 'IL DUCE - BENITO MUSSOLINI' except BITCH HILLARY ain't as 'good looking' or articulate as BENITO. No, nada, none, 0 of these so-called 'objective journalists' dared question BITCH HILLARY about the illegal donations of one NORMAN HSU the fugitive felon and foreign agent??? HOW COME??? Meanwhile DICKHEAD dutifully took notes to protect the long-term goals of CLINTON INC. BENITO WAS HUNG ALONG WITH ONE OF HIS MISTRESSES FROM A GARAGE - WHICH 'GAS/OIL BRAND' DO YOU PREFER DICKHEAD??? Perhaps the CHINESE COMMIES will give you more campaign donations for missile technology while you are dangling/kicking your heels there??? As for you BITCH HILLARY - we still burn witches in this country right???
Saturday, September 22, 2007
The problem of being a 'celebrity' for BRITNEY!!!
BRITNEY SPEARS has been charged with a 'hit-and-run & leaving-the-scene-of-an-accident' after tapping a vehicle in a parking-lot on AUG. 5 of this year!!! SOMEONE WITH A DESPERATE NEED TO 'EXTORT' CASH FROM MS. SPEARS HAS USED THE 'LAW' AND HOPEFULLY SPEARS CELEBRITY STATUS TO PRESSURE THE 'TROUBLED POP SINING STAR' INTO A SETTLEMENT FOR VERY LITTLE IF ANY DAMAGE TO HIS/HER VEHICLE!!! Surprise this litigant's excellent attorney didn't try to claim whip-lash even though the alledged damaged car was empty???!!! Ah the price of celebrity!!!
A 'choir' boy in the JENA 'race kerfuffle'???
It seems that MICHAEL BELL, the BLACK yeen-ager held in custody despite the protests of AL'get-dose-Koreans-n-interlopers[read Jews]'SHARPTON and JESSE'nyc-is-hymietown'JACKSON - is not the 'choir-boy' he is made out to be!!! BELL has various 'assaults' on his record inckuding a vicious assault on a female family member of his own family!!! SUM POSTER-BOY FOR RACIAL INJUSTICE EH??? And no wonder why he hasn't ne released on bail huh??? A MENACE IS A MENACE NO MATTER THE RACE!!! Get the 'facts' before you open your disgusting ignurant mouths AL&JESSE or do you really wanna' have another TAWANA BRAWLEY situation on your oh so BLACK hands???
Friday, September 21, 2007
JOHN GRISHAM thinks the BUSH ADMINISTRATION has "evil intent"!!!
JOHN GRISHAN who made a fortune selling 'politically-correct books' to DEMBHOLE-DOOFUSES 'thinks' that the BUSH ADMINISTRATION is fullof "shit and evil intent". REALLY??? Is that why JOHNNIE GRUESOME is throwing a party for the 'despicable thief/liar/possible murderer/fraudster' BITCH HILLARY this week. JOHNNIE G. CHECK THE GROUNDS CAREFULLY AFTER BITCH HILLARY LEAVES - DON'T WANT ANY BODIES SHOWING-UP LIKE JAMES McDOUGAL OR VINCE FOSTER OR ANY OF DICKHEAD'S 'LONG-LIST OF BIMBETTES' DO WE???
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
JESSE JACKSON sayz OBAMA is 'acting' like a 'WHITE GUY'!!!
The latest racial insult by JESSE'hymietown-is-NYJewtown'JACKSON is his mystifying diatribe about BARAK'big-ears'OBAMA regarding the beating of a WHITE student in JENA, LOUISIANA by a group of 'BLACKS'. BARAK'big-ears' was too WHITE for the 'RACIST' JACKSON and should have condemned the WHITES for getting beat-up by the BLACKS in JENA??? Jumping in was HILLARY calling in to a 'radio show' hosted by AL SHARPTON. HILLARY stated " we both repudiate violence..." WHAT??? HOW MANY BODIES[JAMES McDOUGAL, VINCE FOSTER, and other associates of HILLARY&DICKHEAD have to be dug-up + the REV. AL's inciteful rhetoric about TAWANA BRAWLEY's accused, and KOREAN SHOPS+GROCERS, and 'Jewish' inhabitants of BROOKLYNN, NY have to be murdered] BEFORE THESE TWO DEMBHOLE MURDERERS FINALLY ADMIT TO BEING THE REAL 'RACISTS' IN ALL OF THIS??? WHAT THE 'RULES' HATE-CRIMES ONLY APPLY TO WHITES AND NOT TO BLACKS???
Monday, September 17, 2007
SALLY FIELD opens her 'old' mouth at the EMMYS!!!
SALLY FIELD decided to 'use' the EMMYS to vent her ANTI-IRAQ WAR spiel/shit. Perhaps the former 'FLYING NUN' would feel better as the 'FLYING BURKHA'??? ANOTHER 'HOLLYWOOD' TYPE WITH NOT MUCH BRAINS. YOU HAD IT 'RIGHT' WHEN YOU PLAYED THE PSYCHOTIC-NUTSO ON ER - DIDN'T YOU??? Perfect type-casting. An 'EMMY' for being a 'gudt' DEMBHOLE-BORG!!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
No doubt solidifying his 'standing' as a favorite of the MOVEON.ORG CROWD and other haters of AMERIKA, DENNIS'set-the-Cleveland-River-on-fire-and-sporting-a-TURD-on-my-head'KUCINICH wants to embarass AMERIKA worse than he looks wearing that 'TURD' on his head and 'thinks' it's a 'snappy-toupee' and he is 'fooling' everybody that it is his hair???!!! FOOLING NO ONE WITH HIS ANTI-AMERICAN RANTS AND SHITTY 'TURD' THAT EVERYONE IS LAUGHING AT!!! KUCINICH GO BACK TO CLEVELAND THEIR FOOTBALL TEAM NEEDS SOME LAUGHS TO TAKE THE 'FANS' MINDS OFF WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING - AND YOU ARE THE PERFECT COMIC FOOL!!!
Friday, September 7, 2007
FLORIDA 'rules' that using monies without 'vote' is illegal!!!
The STATE of FLORIDA has 'ruled' that using TOURIST TAX MONIES without a 'vote' by how it is used by its residents is ILLEGAL!!! What will the 'backers' of ORLANDO ARENA's SCAM do now??? What will the 'assholes' of the SLEAZY-SENTINEL do to protect 'their gravy train' of advertising $dollars + other non-named 'perks' from the MAGICLESS??? BYE-BYE MAGICLESS - 'DEVIOUS DeVOS' WILL LEAVE ORLANDO cuz he won't cough-up the 'dough' to pay for a 'new arena'!!! Ah too bad - too bad!!!
CHUCK SCHUMER in a 'loony' world of his own-making!!!
SENATURD CHUCK'the-schmuck'SCHUMER' stayed on 6-Sept 2007 that quote: "...the SHEIKS in IRAQ kicked-out al-QUAEDA and not the U.S. MILITARY - THE SURGE IS STILL FAILING" WHAT??? CHUCKIE'the-old-schmuckeroo' is so blinded by DEMBHOLE POLITICS that he denigrates the U.S. MILITARY and gives 'credit/props' to the SHEIKS in certain provinces in IRAQ - for actually requesting U.S. FORCES to give the boot to the IRAQUI TERRORISTS for them!!! A strange world you live-in/inhabit CHUCK'the-schmuck'??? DID YOU EVER DENY BEING 'CAUGHT' CHEATING AT HARVARD LAW AND HOW YOUR 'SPONSOR' 'BRIBED' HARVARD WITH A DONATION NOT TO BOOT YOUR ASS??? EVER 'PRACTICE' LAW C'the-schmuck'S or were you absent those 'dayz' from classes???CHUCK'the-schmuck'SCHUMER a DEMBHOLE(operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLE+DUMB-DEMOCRAT=DEMHOLE) DIMWIT for NEW-YORKers, natch!!! BLUE-STATE BOOBS!!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Don't tell JOHN EDWARDS that...
the GERMANS and the DANES have arrested several 'terrorists' about to inflict acts of violence in their countries. Wouldn't want JOHN'christened-the-faggot-by-AnneCoulter'EDWARDS to have to retrack on his asine quote that its just a tee-shirt slogan war. JOHN EDWARDS still 'studying' poverty while terrorists inflict violence and destruction all over - stay safe studying you DEMBHOLE-DIMWIT!!!
The ORLANDO-SENTINEL 'proves' its prejudices once again!!!
In a supposed 'news blog' by the SKUNKY-SENTINEL they 'forgot' to identify disgraced BROWARD COUNTY SHERIFF KEN JENNE as you guessed it a DEMBHOLE HACK!!! But then the SLIMEBAGS-of-the-SENTINEL often 'forget' too identify DEMBHOLES when they are caught violating or skirting the law!!! Not so the same for those 'EVIL REPUBLICANTS' - identified and marked with a large 'R' everytime. A LITTLE DEMBHOLE BIAS YOU THINK??? WOULD THE SLEAZY-SENTINEL RESORT TO SOMETHING SO PETTY???
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Is HILLARY constantly 'surprised' at everything???
BITCH HILLARY has claimed that she was 'surprised' NORMAN HSU was a fugitive convicted felon giving her $MILLIONS in campaign donations - just as she was 'surprised' that her WHITEWATER BILLING RECORDS didn't surface on a desk in the WHITE HOUSE residence quarters until after the 'statute of limitations' had expired - just as she was 'surprised' that 'FATTY MONICA' and all the other 'BIMBETTES' were doing her 'pretend-husband' DICKHEAD - just as she was 'surprised' at whom fired those WHITE HOUSE TRAVEL PEOPLE - just as she was 'surprised' that someone had taken her personal papers/files from VINCE FOSTER's ofice after he was found dead - what's next??? "Oh BILL(aka DICKHEAD) you are happy to see me - an erection after all these years" - YEAH QUITE A SURPRISE EH??? BITCH HILLARY 'THE MOST SURPRISED FEMALE ON THE PLANET'.
Monday, September 3, 2007
How can this be - U.S. POLICY is 'working' on NKOREA???
The BUSH POLICY of 'dealing with NKOREA on 'NUCLEAR POLICY' is actually working - how is that??? NO MORE FAT-ASS MADDY ALLWRONG doing the 'makerana' with the DESPOT -WHY HOW COULD ACTUAL DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THE FAILURES OF 'DICKHEAD CLINTON' WORK??? Ha-Ha all you effete DEMBHOLE-DIMWITS the 'cowboy know-nothing' from TEXAS via YALE/HARVARD achieved what DICKHEAD couldn't or rather wouldn't!!! NKOREA HAS 'PLEDGED' TO END ITS NUCLEAR AMBITIONS!!! HOORRAY FOR THE GOOD GUYS!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Another THOROUGHBRED HORSE-TRAINER 'BUSTED' for administering 'illegal' drugs to horses!!!
PATRICK BIANCONE -'BIG-TIME' HORSE-TRAINER was 'busted' for administering illegal drugs to his race-horses. BIANCONE joins TODD PLETCHER and others as being suspended for getting caught 'doping' horses just this year!!! 'The sport of kings' has become the 'sport of how to hop horses'!!! SOME SPORT, EH??? WHICH HORSE HAS THE 'BEST' HOP OR ILLEGAL DRUGS??? DO YOU REALLY WANT TO BET ON THESE HORSES THAT 'ASSHOLE TRAINERS' MANIPULATE???
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Should we 'trust' ISLAM???
"It was... written in the KORAN, that all Nations who should not have acknowledged their[the Muslims'] authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon whoever they could find and to make Slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise."
written by Abd-al-Rahman THE 'DEY' of the BARBARY STATES 1785
written by Abd-al-Rahman THE 'DEY' of the BARBARY STATES 1785
What was RICHARD M. NIXON'S 'greatest fear'???
Aside from his paranoia of the EAST COAST 'ELITES' and his overall subjugation of 'judicial ethics' as PRESIDENT - NIXON was terrified of the COMMUNIST CHINESE giving money to the DEMBHOLE(operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLE BORGS) PARTY - and finally we have proof positive that it has come to pass!!! First under DICKHEAD CLINTON monies rolled in from the CHICOMS with bagfulls of 'laundered' monies in the form of postal money orders delivered by CHARLIE TRE now a fugitive along with 120 others who fled rather than testify to this perfidy!!! Now we have under BITCH HILLARY, JOHN'the-Fraud'KERRY, BARFBRA'see-no-evil'FEINSTONED one NORMAN HSU(a self-confessed fraudster with a warrant out in KAL-EE-FORNI-YA for his grand theft!) $100's of thousands of dollars contributed to yes you guessed it just DEMBHOLES !!! WHAT IS GOING-ON HERE YOU SCUMMY DEMBHOLES??? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO SELL THIS TIME THE LINCOLN BEDROOM, MORE MISSILE TECHNOLOGY, MORE NUKE TECHNOLIGY??? NIXON WAS CORRECT ABOUIT THIS - DEMBHOLES ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED!!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
HILLARY CLINTON takes money from yet another COMMIE-CHINESE 'thug'!!!
BITCH HILLARY has taken money from yet another 'COMMIE-CHINESE' thug - NORMAN HSU(SHUE) who is get this 'convicted' of grand theft in CALIFORNIA and yet they couldn't find him attending all of BITCH HILLARY's 'fund-raisers' and living on the EAST COAST!!! HSU(SHUE) supposedly used 'various fronts' to funnel money to the BITCH including 'working-class' families outside SAN FRANCUSCO!!! [Sounds like BITCH HILLARY is following DICKHEAD CLINTON'S being bought by CHINESE COMMIES 'fund-raising' practices...Wonder what BITCH HILLARY has promised to 'sell' the CHI-COMS this time around besides missile/nuclear technology???] THIS STORY IS NOT BEING COVERED BY THE 'ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA' - WONDER WHY NOT??? An arrest 'warrant' is outstanding for HSU(SHUE) - sounds just like the CHI-COMS who skipped before we could get em' for DICKHEAD's CAMPAIGN BULLSHIT DOESN'T IT???
A 'worthless' UNION endorses a 'worthless' CANDIDATE!!!
CHRIS DODD, DEMBHOLE (operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) SENATURD of CONNECTICUTT received the 'endorsement' of the FIREFIGHTERS UNION yesterday. DODD or 'Doodie' as he is known is the son of SENATURD DODD or 'Doodie Sr.' who is the only SENATURD so corrupt so venal that his DEMBHOLE PARTY WOULD NOT RENOMINATE HIM FOR OFFICE and now his son SENATURD DODD or 'Doodie Jr.' is carrying on in the old 'turds' footsteps by accepting monies from AFRICAN WARLORDS and buying E-Z union HONCHOS in his 'ahem' campaign appropriations!!! CONGADULATIONS TO THE DEMBHOLES FOR FURTHER DISGACING THIS COUNTRY BY ALLOWING THIS PIECE OF SHIT TO BE A PART OF THEIR PREZ CAMPAIGN.
Monday, August 27, 2007
When is a 'PRICK' just 'looking' for other pricks in an airport restroom???
'EVIL' REPUBLICANT SENATURD LARRY CRAIG of IDAHO was caught in an airprt restroom looking at other pricks besides his own - and was arrested and admitted his 'LEWD + LASCIVIOUS BEHAVIOR'!!! CRAIG according to some 'GAY SITES' is a 'homosexual' 'EVIL' REPUBLICANT SENATURD from IDAHO. CRAIG is allegedly 'shocked' that his public fixation with others pricks has been made public. AMAZING HOW YOUR 'PRIVATES' LIVES BECOMES SO PUBLIC EH SENATURD CRAIG???
Sunday, August 26, 2007
If the IRAQUI GOVERNMENT is so bad...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
The 'N.A.A.C.P.' defends MICAEL VICK - sort-of???
The N.A.A.C.P. came out with 'statements' today that a) wondered if it had been 'WHITE-STAR QUARTERBACK' PEYTON MANNING and not the 'BLACK' MICHAEL VICK if the punishment for conducting betting on dog-fighting/killing dogs would be as 'severe', b) are the predominant % of BLACK and LATINO convicts due to the same prejudice as MICHAEL VICK is enduring, c) BLACKS are 'treated' worse than dogs in this country. JUST HOW FUCKIN' STUPID IS THE N.A.A.C.P. ANYWAY??? DO THEY STILL BELIEVE 'BLACKS' LIVE IN THE 1850's IN THIS COUNTRY??? IN POINT OF FACT MICHAEL VICK WILL USE HIS 'CELEBRITY STATUS' TO RECEIVE LESS JAIL TIME/A LESS SEVERE SENTENCE WHEN HE PLEADS 'GUILTY' ON MONDAY AUGUST 27TH TO THESE VARIOUS FELONY CHARGES!!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
PAT SCHROEDER, former leather/latex BDSM LEZDOM SEX OFFICIANDO of NYC'S 'trendiest same sex clubs' found a 'tit job' as some 'publishing honcho' and so 'CLAIMS' that LIBERALS -read PROGRESSIVES/SOCIALISTS/COMMUNISTS/LEFT-WING WHACKOS read more than CONSERVATIVES. WOW - an unbiased opinion PAT right - do you still play with whips+leather+torture + LEZZIES or do you not have time reading all those 'scintillating' books written by LEFT-WING ASSHOLES???
Sunday, August 19, 2007
MOVEON.ORG has 'guestimated' the IRAQ WAR has cost CENTRAL FLORIDA $25BILLION DOLLARS!!!
In more 'merde-throwing' MOVEON.ORG has 'guestimated' the IRAQ WAR has cost CENTRAL FLORIDIANS $25BILLION DOLLARS (according to the SKUNKY-ORLANDO SENTINEL) - but what would be the cost for MUSLIM 'foot-baths', women forced to wear chodors+veils, all men to wear facial hair, and all of us to be governed under S'haria Law - Answer: PRICELESS FOR OUR FREEDOMS!!! NO MATTER THE COST IN DOLLARS AND LIVES!!! MOVEON.ORG - impossible platitudes for those who oppose AMERICAN FREEDOMS!!!
It is August, and there are "purple fields of fire" in Notheast MAINE...
The Blueberry Fields of August Machias, Maine
(the lowbush upland blueberry, vaccinium lamarckii, is thinned out every two years by burning to improve the next season’s yield)
Gardeners blister berries of indigo
With terrible measures of fire
Scorching each spine and ridge
Singeing obedience on rows of enveloped sadness
Their cupped hands scooping out swirls of arsoned acreage
As refilled buckets drip kerosene below
Summoning forth flaming fists of metaphor
As gleaners sow garlands of fire
From pails fueling a ritual flame
To fields of August purple madness
Swept away by fiercer embraces hotter than any summer sky’s
While vines wither in a terrible burning roar
Scalding blasts fierce as a prophet’s oratorio
Score purple fields of fire forever
Roots fully plump like nurturing mothers
Withstanding storms of cremating caresses
Summer fire-walkers spread rows of sadness to others
Blazing bracelets of blueberries set aglow
A season and an hour on a hill
Scorched bald and fruitless by ceremonial fire
From which a man of lonely pilgrimage
Atop a rood of cedar waits sinless
From which He might watch and judge
Green leafed innocence charred black and still
As heavy pails empty on dreams below
Gleaners sow terrible measures of fire
Exploding gentle berries of indigo
To spatter the juices of burning ritual madness
Onto bodies stained forever in this summer tableau
Where weary souls set blameless vines aglow.
(the lowbush upland blueberry, vaccinium lamarckii, is thinned out every two years by burning to improve the next season’s yield)
Gardeners blister berries of indigo
With terrible measures of fire
Scorching each spine and ridge
Singeing obedience on rows of enveloped sadness
Their cupped hands scooping out swirls of arsoned acreage
As refilled buckets drip kerosene below
Summoning forth flaming fists of metaphor
As gleaners sow garlands of fire
From pails fueling a ritual flame
To fields of August purple madness
Swept away by fiercer embraces hotter than any summer sky’s
While vines wither in a terrible burning roar
Scalding blasts fierce as a prophet’s oratorio
Score purple fields of fire forever
Roots fully plump like nurturing mothers
Withstanding storms of cremating caresses
Summer fire-walkers spread rows of sadness to others
Blazing bracelets of blueberries set aglow
A season and an hour on a hill
Scorched bald and fruitless by ceremonial fire
From which a man of lonely pilgrimage
Atop a rood of cedar waits sinless
From which He might watch and judge
Green leafed innocence charred black and still
As heavy pails empty on dreams below
Gleaners sow terrible measures of fire
Exploding gentle berries of indigo
To spatter the juices of burning ritual madness
Onto bodies stained forever in this summer tableau
Where weary souls set blameless vines aglow.
Could his name become as famous as 'famous' as JIM THORPE'S???
JOBA CHAMBERLAIN is a 'native AMERICAN INDIAN' who plays baseball for the NYYANKEES. JIM THORPE excelled in football, track, and baseball and was arguably the greatest athlete on the planet and was a 'native AMERICAN INDIAN'. JOBA is a young flame-throwing pitcher - perhaps his name will someday join the 'immortals' in NY's pantheon of sports legends and perhaps all of us will thrill to the feats of this son of 'native AMERICAN INDIAN' parents from NEBRASKA. WHO KNOWS - ONLY THE 'BEISBOL' GODS???
Saturday, August 18, 2007
IRAN'S REVOLUTIONARY GUARDS threaten to 'punch' the U.S.A.!!!
IRAN'S REVOLUTIONARY GUARDS have 'blustered' to harm the U.S.A. Sounds just like the same 'talk' of IRAQ'S REVOLUTIONARY GUARDS - and look what happened to them!!! 'NUKE' these 'son-of-a-bitches or whatever dogs they spawn from' we can find pistachios and carpets/rugs elsewhere!!! DEATH TO IRAN AND ITS ASSHOLE 'AYATOLLAHS'!!! NO MERCY THIS TIME ELIMINATE THEM ALL!!! The only thing IRAN'S REVOLUTIONARY GONZOS should be 'guarding' is toll booths FOR CHUMP-CHANGE when we run over them on our way streaking up the highway to TEHERAN!!! Adios assholes - that is if ISRAEL doesn't obliterate you first???
Friday, August 17, 2007
JOHN EDWARDS 'expands' his knowledge of 'POVERTY'!!!
JOHN'the-faggot so-christened by Ann Coulter'EDWARDS owns $16MILLION DOLLARS invested by FORTRESS FUNDS an 'evil' HEDGE FUND in private homes in NEW ORLEANS which FORTRESS has foreclosed-on!!! POVERTY AIN'T GOOD IS IT JOHN'the-faggot'??? EDWARDS also 'worked' for FORTRESS for a time 'learning' about poverty eh JOHN'the-faggot'??? DEMBHOLES(operant/relevant portons of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) always eager to discover new paths to poverty eh JOHN'the-faggot'???
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
HILLARY sayz: "most things are invisible to this ADMINISTRATION"!!! REALLY????
BITCH HILLARY sayz:" Women with children and no health-care, Labor union thugs, the U.S. MILITARY in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN is invisible to the 'EVIL' BUSH ADMINISTRATION" REALLY Hmmm...And the only 'thing' invisible we suppose to BITCH HILLARY is all DICKHEAD'S [Her pretend-husband's] BIMBETTES and current cum-receptacle Ms. STRONACH??? ALSO WHERE BITCH HILLARY 'LEFT/FORGOT' THE F.B.I. FILES SHE STOLE AS SHE DID THE 'WHITEWATER BILLING RECORDS' WHICH MIRACULOUSLY APPEARED ON A TABLE IN THE WHITE HOUSE AFTER THE STAUTE OF LIMITATIONS HAD EXPIRED??? Sum great gurl for PREZ eh???
A DEMOCRAT STRATEGIST sayz "We know 'everything' about HILLARY already - don't investigate anymore!"
LAORA SCHWARTZ, DEMBHOLE(operant/relevant portions of AAHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) STRATEGIST on FOX NEWS 8/15/2007 stated that: "...We know 'everything about HILLARY what is left to learn - she has been investigated enough!" REALLY??? Well what happened to those F.B.I. FILES that BITCH HILLARY + DICKHEAD stole - where are they??? Also BITCH HILLARY has over 2 MILLION PAGES of her role as co-conspiator during DICKHEAD'S MASSAGE PARLOUR PRESIDECY under lock+key - afraid what might turn-up??? To defend BITCH HILLARY, Ms. SCHWARTZ chided the present BUSH ADMINISTRATION ' the most secret regime in our nation's history!" OH REALLY??? SO TELL US LAURA HOW DID BITCH HILLARY NOT KNOW ABOUT DICKHEAD AND HIS 'MANY BIMBETTES' - DID SHE JUST NOT KNOW OR DIDN'T CARE CAUSE SHE KNEW ABOUT THEM ALL JUST LIKE IN ARKANSAS!!! When did BITCH HILLARY 'know' we were trading missile technology/nuclear secrets to the RED CHINESE for 'campain contributions'??? YEAH WE KNOWS 'EVERYTHING' ABOUT BITCH HILLARY - WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT!!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Why can't politicians just tell the truth???
Point 1 - DEMBHOLE(operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) PREZ CANDIDATE BILL RICHARDSON squirmed areound answering at the GAY DEBATE if he felt/thought GAYS/LESBIANS were that way at birth or choice - obviouslt he didn't get the DEMBHOLE MEMO!!! MITT ROMNEY 'EVIL' REPUBLICANT tried to waffle at his position for CHOICE - why couldn't MITT-the-MORMON admit that to be GOVERNOR of TAXACHUSETTS he had to 'lie' to the PEOPLES REPUBLIC to get elected - and now that he is running for PREZ has to reverse positions and say he is against abortion??? WHAT IS SO HARD ABOUT TELLING THE TRUTH???
Monday, August 13, 2007
3MEN who changed the way we thought/looked at AMERICA share a surprising trait!!!
With the announcement that KARL ROVE is stepping-aside as PRESIDENT BUSH's political advisor - ROVE joins RUSH LIMBAUGH and MICHEAL MOORE as 3 MEN 'who never were college graduates' yet influenced the way AMERICANS perceive things.[ROVE in point-of-fact never graduated high-school either] 3 of the many AMERICANS who made a difference in all our lives who never graduated from colege along with the likes of such as BILL GATES and other great innovators and inventors.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
The 'BAHGDAD DIARIST' admits/exposed as a FRAUD!!!
The 'BAHGDAD DIARIST', A.K.A. Private S.T. BEAUCHAMP admitted that he had fabircated 'all stories' written by him including various acrs of rape, killing IRAQUIIS, driving over 'dogs'/people in 'HUMVEES', wearing skulls on helmets - was ALL FICTION and designed to express his 'disgust/revulsiob' at the IRAQ WAR and with the 'BUSH ADMINISTRATION'!!! SOME OBJECTIVE 'REPORTING' EH - AND OF COURSE CLOSELY FACT-CHECKED AND VERIFIED BY THE ASSHOLES-OF-THE-NATIONAL MEDIA-EH??? SOME OF THESE DEMBHOLE-DOUSCHEBAG SO-CALLED MEDIA ARE STO;; STICKING TO THIS HORSE-SHIT STORY - WHAT A SURPRISE EH FOR THE LIAR/FICTIONATOR/FRAUD S.T. BEAUCHAMP BUT NOT TO YOU JOHN'the-fraud'KERRY YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF DUNG!!!
Former SENATOR MIKE GRAVEL is a history 'adept' - all from the movies!!!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
KATE BLANCHETT refuses to wash her hair to 'pevent' GLOBAL WARMING!!!
KATE BLANCHETT now resides in the U.K. but has plenty of HOLLYWOOD 'WHACKADOO' PILLS to keep her going as the 'star' actress refuses to wash her hair to forestall GLOBAL WARMING!!! WOW - why don't you just not bathe at all KATE??? Imagine how much you could aid the 'NUTTERS' then??? In fact why don't you join 'THE RAVING LOONY PARTY' in the U.K. your attitudes fit right in??? DON'T WORRY ABOUT YOUR STENCH/SMELL YOU'LL BE JUST ANOTHER 'BAG-LADY' THEN??? WHAT IS A LITTLE SMELL SO LONG AS YOU 'SAVE' THE PLANET???
HILLARY is your girl-sistah!!!
BITCH HILLARY according to her is the fighter against the RIGHT-WING CONSERVATIVES just call/label her '...your girl'!!! Also BITCH HILLARY labeled herself '...a sistah' in front of the UNION ASSHOLES in CHITOWN last night!!! A sterling tour-de-force triumph in her eloquence and espousal of women's issues don'tja think??? HA!!!
The 'race' to be 'MOST PATHETIC' at the DEMOCRAT DEBATE...
Last night in CHITOWN, at the DEMBHOLES(operant/relevant portios of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) DEBATE sponsored by UNION LOCALS+SCUM - a parade of chosen 'unforunates' asxked(ebonics spelling) questions of the 'losers' wanting to be the DEMBHOLE CANDIDATE FOR PREZ at this gathering: A former 'veteran' said he had lost his job when the company moved to MEXICO while he served in the military - what will you do? ANSWER BLAME THAT 'SCUMHOLE' DICKHEAD CLINTON FOR PASSING/PROMOTING NAFTA!!! A woman who lost her husband in the SEYGO MINE TRAGEDY - axsked(ebonics spelling again) what will you do? ANSWER STOP MINING COAL IT PROMOTES 'GLOBAL WARMING' YOU 'REDNECK IGNUR-ANT' BITCH!!! A man who had no medical coverage for his sick wife who had been a UNION LACKEY all his working life - demanded AMERICA do something to help him and his wife with their medical expenses. ANSWER - BAN ALL CORRUPT UNIONSCUM LIKE YOU AND HOW ABOUT JUST COMMITTING SUICIDE AND MURDERING YOUR WIFE TO PUT US OUT OF 'OUR MISERY'!!! THE RACE TO BE MOST PATHETIC - AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN GOT TO THEIR 'SUPPOSED CANDIDATES'!!! AMAZING!!!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
JOHN WALKER LINDH should be pardoned sayz the LASlimes!!!
JOHN WALKER LINDH, AMERICAN-born member of the TALIBAN who fought against the U.S. MILITARY in AFGHANISTAN and was captured with rifle and grenades - should be pardoned according to the DEMBHOLES(operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) PROGRESSIVES/no SOCIALISTAS/ no COMMUNISTAS because its too harsh a sentence. WHAT??? LINDH actively takes up arms/fights against this country and its too harsh a sentence??? YEAH ONLY 21 YEARS INSTEAD OF LIFE!!!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
With the BOURNE IDENTITY(a terriffic picture by the way) the HOLLYWOOD LEFTIES[i.e. DEMBHOLES/LIBERALS/PROGRESSIVES/SOCIALISTAS/and COMMUNISTA WANNABES] comeout swinging saying/writing/moviepropagandizeing that the C.I.A.+the U.S.GOVERNMENT is corrupt and carried away by the far right]. Fair enough in that MATT DAMON who plays JASON BOURNE aka DAVID WEBB is rescued by a 'good' C.I.A. person named LANDY who turned-in the bad-C.I.A.-guys for her love of country and the C.I.A. THERE IS A SUBTLE NUANCE HERE THAT NEEDS FURTHER EXTRAPOLATION. Will BITCH HILLARY and DICKHEAD CLINTON 'excuse' their theft of F.B.I. FILES because it was 'in the best interests of this nation'??? HOW FAR WILL BITCH & DICKHEAD GO TO WRAP THEMSELVES IN THE FLAG AND EXCUSE THEIR PERFIDEOUS ACTS??? WILL BITCH HILLARY CLAIM HER F.B.I. FILE THEFT WAS FOR THE GOOD OF THE NATION - HOW FAR WILL IT GO??? Every movie due to come out casts some slur on the U.S. GOVERNMENT - how far will it go for the HOLLYWOOD LEFT??? Look for MERYL STREEP, TOM CRUISE, and others to come out soon with movies 'trashing-the-U.S.' but wrapping themselves in 'the correct aspects' [to their LEFTY way of thinking] of the flag in what AMERIKA is all about!!!
DAILY-KOS -- where true 'NUTZ' gather - and also DEMOCRAT PREZ PRETENDERS!!!
DAILY-KOS held its gathering of 'NUTZ' or rather PROGRESSIVES/ or rather SOCIALISTAS/ or rather COMMUNISTAS/ or rather DEMBHOLES(operant/relevant ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) this weekend in CHICAGO. The cowardly DEMBHOLE PREZ CANDIDATES pandered to the 'NUTZ' by appearing and 'treating' this assortment to 'their anti-IRAQ WAR credentials'!!! Some campaign requirements eh for DEMBHOLES??? TO BE ENDORSED BY 'DAILY-KOS NUTZ!!!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Stupidest comment in a while by ---
Friday, August 3, 2007
DEMBHOLES blame BUSH for 'bridge collapse'!!!
DEMBHOLES(operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) of CONGRESS immediately blamed PRESIDENT BUSH for the collapse of the bridge in MINNESOTTA and blamed this on not raising taxes. REALLY??? MINNESOTTA HAD A 2.1BILLION SURPLUS and have invested in diverse 'venues' including a new stadium for the MINNESOTTA VIKINGS - WHY DIDN'T THE STATE INVEST IT IN A BRIDGE LABELED 'UNSAFE'??? Why did the LOUISIANA DEMBHOLES in NEW ORLEANS not fix the 'LEVY's'(as SPIKE LEE said wrote in his 'ANTI-JEWISH' comments???) but used that money for graft??? A bridge that was over 40 years old, was declared unsafe, and yet it is the IRAQ WAR that is preventing AMERICA FROM FIXING ITS INFRASTRUCTURE - WHAT BULLSHIT!!! DEMBHOLES stand under all the various 'unsafe' bridges - maybe you can add to victimhood and gin up our casualty rates due to the BUSH ADMINISTRATION!!!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
BOSTON REDSOX improve their relief corps!!!
Some 'ETHICS' Reform for CONGRESS???
House REPS led by NANCY'new-stinker-of-the-House'PELOSI and now the SENATE led by HARRY'bought-and-paid-for-by-the-Vegas-mob'REID promised to end 'the-culture-of-corruption' and have therefore denied/eliminated 'free-meals' and 'private-jet-flights' for members of CONGRESS - BUT WHAT THEY FAILED TO 'LIMIT' AND IN FACT EXASCERBATED WAS 'EARMARKS' [THE SPECIAL PORK FOR LEGISLATORS DISTRICTS/STATES] AND THESE 'PORK-LADEN SPECIAL BOOSTS' NOW TOTAL OVER 30 BILLION DOLLARS THAT GO LARGELY UNCHECKED AND UNACCOUNTED FOR - WHY??? This is not ethics reform but another ETHICS SCAM - WHY ARE BOTH DEMBHOLES + EVIL REPUBLICANS ALLOWED TO DO THIS???
OBAMA wants to invade PAKISTAN!!!
PREZ 'wannabe' BARAK'don't-call-me-big-ears'OBAMA doesn't want to win in IRAQ or AFGHANISTAN -but wants the U.S. " invade PASKISTAN"!!! WHAT??? Didn't they teach you military tactics or geography at HARVARD LAW??? YOU ARE A FOOLISH DEMBHOLE(operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLE+DUMB-DEMOCRAT=DEMBHOLES) who really knows nuthin' eh 'BIG-EARS' BARAK???
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
'STATES' decide to sue gang members to make them stop!!!
In a desperation move, 'STATES' have decided to sue gang members tp try and harass/intimidate them from gathering together. While o applaud any action to limit drus, violence, intimidation in our communities THIS MEASURE IS DOOMED TO FAIL IN APPELLATE COURTS AND FINALLY AT THE SUPREME COURT LEVEL - THE RIGHT OF 'FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY' IS TANTAMOUNT TO OUR SOCIETY . WHAT'S NEXT 'CONGREGATIONALISTES' CAN'T MEET TOGETHER BECAUSE THEY ARE MOSTKY FRUIT-CAKES LIKE HOWIE'don't-call-me-short'DEAN or BARAK'don't-say-i-have-big-ears'OBAMA??? OR ITALIANS CAN'T MEET TOGETHER BECAUSE 'WE KNOW' THEY ARE ALL MAFIA???
Sunday, July 29, 2007
PLAGIARISM it has happened to me!!! PUNISH THIS SCUM!!!
Today, Sunday July-29,2007; I 'caught' was made aware of someone plagiarizing my poetry - he identifies himself as SETH - SETH KNAPP of the pacific northwest region...Rememer the name SETH - SETH KNAPP AND BE AWARE HE IS A THIEF HAS HE PLAGIARIZED ANYONE ELSE'S WORKS BEFORE??? DROP ME A LINE AT JAIMOT@HOTMAIL.COM
DKEMBE M'TUMBO, NBA Star (along with other NBA and sports celebrities) donated monies to build a 'state-of-the-art' hospital in the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO. KUDOS and MAJOR ACCOLADES to M'TUMBO and all those involved. Thanks to your magnificent gesture - thousands and eventually millions will benefit from your kindness and generousity!!! THE WORLD'S THANKS TO YOU M'TUMBO AND THE REST OF YOU SPORTS STARS WHO MADE THE LIGHT OF HOPE SHINE ON SO MANY YOU DON'T KNOW!!!
Just how 'STUPID' is the NYSlimes???
The NYSlimes ran a 'story' promoting the asinine logic that if u could only basketball games to 'win' with no point spread there wouldn't be any illegal betting by REFS. Oh yeah??? WHY NOT WHILE WE'RE AT IT NO POINT SPREADS IN FOOTBALL, NO RUNS 'GIVEN' IN BASEBALL BETTING, AND DEFINITELY NO EXOTIC/EXACTA BETTING ON HORSE RACING - WIN BETTING ONLY!!! How asamine are thosae folks at the NYSlimes - don't know just watch GOVERNOR ELLIOTT SPITZER (a NYSlimes fav) jiggle through his current troubles with using the NY STATE POLICE 'to watch/tail/gather dirt' on political opponents!!! The NYSlimes always offfering 'solutions' that make little or no sense to current issues!!!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
PATRICK ARNOLD, the chemist who devised the 'CLEAR' states...
that the streoid was undetectable until recently and that he and MR. CONTIof BALCO sold this 'CLEAR' to certain athletes including GARY'big-mouth'SHEFFIELD and BARRY'bublehead'BONDS since 2001!!!Some innocent 'mistake' eh Mrssr. BONDS + SHEFFIELD??? WHEN WILL BASEBALL KICK 'ALL' THESE STEROID FREAKS OUT??? DOES IT HAVE THE BALLS???
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
WARD CHURCHILL winds-up in FEDERAL COURT after being fired!!!
WARD CHURCHILL, committed nutso and professor in COLORADO was fired for plagiarism and 'cause' - despite his FEDERAL SUIT to reinstate him + damages. WHAT A SURPRISE HUH??? A FEDERAL LAWSUIT filed to make sure a) CHURCHILL's attorney gets paid{for those 'ignorant' of FEDERAL LAW the attorney gets paid in a FEDERAL LAWSUIT even if the 'plaintiff' in this case 'WHACKY' WARD doesn't win, and b) FEDERAL COURTS are notoriously sympathetic to what 'COMMIE-ANARCHIST' CHURCHILL claims are his "free-speech" rights defaming 9/11 survivors while comparing victims of 9/11 " little EICHMANN's who deserved what they got!"!!!
How whacked-out is SENATURD ARLEN SPECTOR???
Is SENATURD ARLEN SPECTOR 'off' his meds again??? Did all that treatment for radiation do sumthing to his mental capacities??? Did all those illegal 'biribes/gifts' from his buddies in PENNSYLVANIA finally convince 'ASSHOLE' ARLEN to go off the deep end??? SENATURD SPECTOR wants to review the testimony of JUDGES ALITO + ROBERTS, and see if they 'lied' to him and CONGRESS to get appointed to the SUPREME COURT!!! GET ON YOUR MEDS ASSHOLE ARLEN OR THEY WILL COME TO TAKE YOU AWAY TO A 'NICE' DEMBHOLE REST HOME WHERE EX-REPUBLICASNS GO TO GET MORE 'MEDS' AND FURTHER DISLODGE THE REMAINING SENTIENT THOUGHT STILL IN YOUR ADDLED MIND!!!
Just how 'whacky' is LIZZIE EDWARDS???
ELIZABETH EDWARDS, DEMHOLE wife of JOHN'the faggot - christened by Ann Coultert'EDWARDS(demhole operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLE) states that she will 'suffer' because she will not 'buy' a tangerine in NORTH CAROLINA cuz' tangerines 'impose' too great a carbon footprint cuz' tangerines don't grow in N.C. Does this mean no banannas for LIZZIE or JOHN cuz' they don't grow in N.C.??? WISE-UP U CREEPS - THIS IS A GLOBAL ECONOMY AND YOUR FUCKED-UP IDEAS SHOULD BE USED AS PURE SHIT FERTILIZER!!! Another DEMHOLE IDJIT!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Is HILLARY and BARAK auditioning for their own 'TITUS ANDRONICUS'???
In Will Shakespeare's play, TITUS ANDRONICUS, Aaron the Moore with the help of evil Queen Tamora - wreaks evil and havoc including cutting the arms/legs, tongue, eyes, of Lavinia - is BITCH HILLARY and BARAK OBAMA planning to do the same to AMERICA if they are chosen as the DEMBHOLES(operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) CANDIDATES in 2008???? Will BITCH HILLARY and BARAK eviscerate AMERICA in the same gruesome way that Aaron the Moore and bloodthirsty Queen Tamora 'raped' and 'destroyed' Lavinia and the rest of the cast of TITUS ANDRONICUS???
Aaron the Moore: Ah, why should wrath be mute, and fury dumb?
Aaron the Moore: Ah, why should wrath be mute, and fury dumb?
PRAVDA prints 'species' live beneath NORTH POLE!!!
Ever reliable PRAVDA has resurrected 'tales' of species living under the frozen-wastes of the NORTH POLE. Interestingly, the late ADMIRAL RICHARD E. BYRD believed that MARTIANS(ya' know 'green-men' like in Mel Gibson's movie SIGNS) lived under the SOUTH POLE where he wrote his best-selling book, ALONE, while isolated in his camp in that frozen wasteland. The ADMIRAL's family, his late son RICHARD E. BYRD Jr., his sons RICHARD E. BYRD III, LEVERETT, HARRY, TOM (all named for previous family members) all tried to keep '...his bizarre speculations from the press and public'. Perhaps the self-imposed 'exhile' in the wilds of the ANTARCTIC had taken their toll on his mental capabilities? Whatever, 'eccentric' or just plain 'whacko'; BYRD joins a long-list now joined by the 'RUSSKIS' at PRAVDA with visions of 'species' living in ARCTIC or ANTARCTIC CLIMES!!!
HILLARY states she is a 'MODERN PROGRESSIVE' - what???
BITCH HILLARY at a debate for 'fellow travelers' last night stated that "...LIBERAL was a passe term and she was now a MODERN PROGRESSIVE!!!" WOW! She likened herself back to TEDDY ROOSEVELT, JACOB RIIS, LINCOLN STEPHENS and the subsequent turmoils of the siver/gold standard debate, labor movements, and NOW ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS SHOULD BE PARAMOUNT. In short BITCH HILLARY wants to take us back 100years and be the FASCIST DICTATOR of her new PROGRESSIVE 'MANTRA'!!! SHE WILL DETERMINE WHAT IS GOOD AND BAD AND WHO TO TAX AND WHO NOT TOO - AND ABOVE ALL WHERE THE PROFITS OF INDIVIDUALS, CORPORATIONS, CONGLOMERATES SHOULD GO!!! ALL HAIL BITCH HILLARY THE NEW FUHRER!!! She will make the laws and determine who is 'worthy' of saving or of disposing. All hail the 'smartest woman' on the planet. WHAT A JOKE!!! BEWARE THIS 'LADY MACBETH' AND WORSE THIS CREATURE IS TAMORA RIGHT OUT OF 'TITUS ANDRONICUS'!!! BEWARE BITCH HILLARY!!! BEWARE!!!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Two relevant questions tonight for HILLARY that won't get asked???
The first question for BITCH HILLARY should be will she reprise the mantra from the 1st + 2nd CLINTON ADMINISTRATION of a "...GLATT KOSHER KITCHEN installed in the WHITE HOUSE for all our Jewish friends" - well will she??? The second question should be will her fake-hubby D^CKHEAD have his own bedroom/playpen for his current 'bimbette' MS. STRONACH???
Sunday, July 22, 2007
What a season for A-ROD!!!
(Still think it is a 'wasted season' for the NYYankees and doubt if they will make the PLAYOFFS!!!) And ALEX RODRIGUEZ, A-ROD is having a phenomenal season - so far has almost a R.B.I. per game as well as almost a RUN SCORED per game!!! A-ROD leads the majors with 34 HOME RUNS and has stolen bases and been on base when his team needs him. HE HAS PLAYED A LARGELY STELLAR DEFENSIVE ROLE AT 3RD BASE - AND IS ARGUABLY THE 'BEST PLAYER' IN THE MAJORS TODAY!!! KUDOS TO THE TALENTED MR. RODRIGUEZ!!! AMAZING!!!
An apology to MERYL STREEP.
A few years ago, i wrote this haiku about what i thought was MERYL STREEP's ridiculous affectations and accents considering her roles in the HBO series/redux in 'ANGELS in AMERICA' a dramatization of the AIDS crisis. After viewing STREEP's performance with excruciating perfection in 'THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA' - i rebuke myself for judging her acting talent too quickly. My apologies Ms. STREEP you are a consummate actress.
the redacted and totally inappropriate haiku:
meryl streep woman
of a thousand characters
which all play the same
the redacted and totally inappropriate haiku:
meryl streep woman
of a thousand characters
which all play the same
Saturday, July 21, 2007
What is 'middle-class' or 'poor'???
According to DEMBHOLES(operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) in Congress the S.C.H.I.P. PRPGRAM for medically 'needy' families is now $80,000 for a family of four!!! WHAT EXACTLY ARE DEMBHOLES THINKING AS POOR OR MIDDLE-CLASS??? No matter another asinine attempt at socialized medicine for everyone!!! DEMBHOLES TAKE CARE OF EVERYONE WITH YOUR MONEY!!!
Wondering why your NBA TEAM 'loses' or doesn't cover the spread??? WONDER NO MORE!!!
Couldn't figure why the MAGICLESS 'stunk' for so long - now i know - it was the damned REFS betting on games they had fixed!!! WOWEE there is a stench from the NBA and it ain't RUSS AUERBACH's stinky embalmed cigars!!! THE REFS ARE THE REAL TROGLODYTES AND WHAT WILL THEY DO 'COSMETICALLY' FIX THIS GAMBLING SCANDAL??? ASSIGN PRIVATE DICKS TO 'SHADOW' EVERY REF, EVERY PLAYER, EVERY AGENT, EVERY POP-CORN VENDOR??? AND THEN WHAT???
Friday, July 20, 2007
LAURIE DAVID files for divorce.
LAURIE DAVID wife of HOOLYWOOOD HONCHO and DEMBHOLE(operant/relevant portions of words ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) DIPWAD LARRY DAVID has filed for divorce. See what using too many sheets of toilet-paper and 'helping' GLOBAL WARMING will do even in LaLaLAND where they have plenty of TP to wipe up all that shit???
MAD MEN on AMC Thursdays at 9 p.m.
MAD MEN the story of Madison Avenue's Advertising in the late 1950's in NYC premiered on AMC last night. The show showcased our despicable attitudes toward subjugating WOMEN, BLACKS, JEWS as if we have changed nowadays but our sophistication has hidden our prejudices/bigotries. The sets were amazingly sanitized and stark. (Did we ever think DICK NIXON was a handsome, naval hero, deserving to be President??? Wasn't it mandated by law that the other handsome, naval hero; was ordained to be PRESIENT - you know JFK and his family of baby-sitter rapists and commie-witch-hunters and carousers fucking HOLLYWOOD STARS and extended family who killed neighbors and BUFFOONS like TEDDY 'have-another-chivas-rocks' hidingunder cars at HARVARD to try and evade the police or fucking another man's wife while not going back for yet another 'intern' while she crowned at CHAPPAQUIDICK - the KENNEDY's quite a family history why we musn't leave out drunk JOHN-JOHN and his plane crash or GRANDPA JOE and his support of DER FUHRER and his hatred of JEWS!!! ARE YOU LISTENING HAYDEN STONE the brokerage house near MADSION AVE.???) The hour of birth control pills and MADISON AVE. 'SPIEL' WENT QUICKLY AND WE'LL HAVE TO SEE IF THE CHARACTERS/PLOT INVITE US BACK???
Thursday, July 19, 2007
The 'PLAME C.I.A. SCANDAL' headed to the big screen???
With the refusal of any court to deal with the lies/stories of VALERIE'lameo' PLAME and her hubby JOE'the putz' WILSON has HOLLYWOOD already signed DEMBHOLE(operant/relevant portions of words Assholes+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) actors/actresses for the stellar roles??? Word has it that ALEC'no talent'BALDWIN or perhaps one of his 'druggy brothers' has offered his services AND SHARON'i am smart yes i am'STONE has offered to do her 'trademark spread' and stink out the joint as VALERIE 'queen of sexing her way out of being a secretary at C.I.A.'!!! A STINKER COMING SOON TO A DEMBHOLE THEATRE NEAR YOU!!!
There were a lot of lies trotted out by DICKHEAD CLINTON in his defense of BITCH HILLARY from 'attacks' by MRS. JOHN EDWARDS!!! First off DICKHEAD said BITCH HILLARY was a man just like he was when he was so ably defending this nation - HUH??? YOU MEAN BITCH HILLARY 'KNEW' ABOUT 'FATTY'MONICA AND ALL THE OTHER 'BIMBOS' YOU DIDDLED WHILE AMERICA DID NOTHING ABOUT MUSLIM TERRORISM??? OR DID BITCH TAKE 'HOME MOVIES' SO SHE COULD 'HOLD' IT OVER YOUR HEAD FOREVER??? Oh forgot she still has the stolen F.B.I. FILES. BITCH HILLARY did a lot for womens&chilluns eh??? Like what??? Making sure they weren't 'put-in-jail' for being porked with cigars and other phallic items by DICKHEAD??? IS DOING A LOT MAKING SURE THEY WEREN'T IMPREGNATED BY DICKHEAD??? BITCH HILLARY witness to our miliary's decline - ah a true DEMHOLE leader!!!
JOHN KERRY states 'there was no bloodbath after we left VIETNAM'???!!! WHAT???
JOHN'the-fraud'KERRY stated all the COMMUNISTS did was to 'run' re-education camps right JOHN'the-fraud'??? IN FACT - members of the COMMUNIST NORTH - shot every teacher every professor every person with obvious antipathy to the COMMIE NORTH before they were 'allowed' to grace 're-education camps'!!! Just like 'TAXACHUESTTS' eh JOHN'the-fraud' like in the TAXACHUSETTS COLLEGES with their 're-education courts and proceedings' run by your fellow COMMIES+DEVIANTS!!! YOU STILL HAVE NEVER ANSWERED YOUR UNIQUE METHOD OF INTERVIEWING ALL-FEMALE STAFF IN YOUR 'COOKIE BUSINESS' OR YOUR USURPING/STEALING ANOTHER VETS EXPLOITS IN CAMBODIA WITH THE C.I.A. TO 'USE' TO PROP UP YOUR OWN IMAGE/RESUME???
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Let's all hear it for Senator 'always drunk' BILL NELSON of FLORIDA!!!
Always drunk and needing a seat-belt for his SENATE chair, BILL'the idjit'NELSON - stated for the AMERICAN PRESS/PUBLIC Tues. Jul 17, 2007 that "...intercourse was tough after his service in VIETNAM"!!! Really alcoholic tough as say the three times your son was arrested for DRUNK+DISORDERLY or was it for drugs??? Oh sorry to invade your personal space and problems...So how is your wife 'the lush' heard she could 'knock-em-back' almost shot for shot with you??? Hey, how's intercourse now 'IDJIT' BILL??? OR ARE YOU JUST AS ASININE AND STPID AS EVER???
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