Monday, July 27, 2009
JOHN SMOLTZ has 'Hall-of-Fame' credentials - but why is he still pitching???
JOHN SMOLTZ has a long and stellar career. Eventually SMOLTZ will be a 'Hall-of-Famer. The question is he is 1-4 for the REDSOX and why is he pitching in the major leagues - even in a 'reliever' roll??? PLEASE LET THE 'GOOD' YOUNG PTCHERS PITCH - IT IS TIME FOR SMOLTZ TO GO.
SENATURDS CONRAD and DODD are LAIRS/THIEVES/SCUM - so what's new???!!!
DEMBHOLE SENATURDS CHRIS'ise-got-me-loans-frum-COUNTRYWIDE-fook-everybody-else'DODD + KENT'ise-vice-of-Budget-ise-got-mines-too'CONRAD both 'knew' of especiale loanns/mortgages frum COUNTRYWIDE - even though they denied these arrangements under oath!!! Some DEMBHOLE SENATURDS eh???!!! What's the next excuse - WE LIE BECAUSE YOU ARE SO STOOPID AND THE PUBLIC WILL BELIEVE ANYTHING??? Both DipshitDOOD + CONRAD'the-Cunt' stated:CONRAD/DODD initially said in June 2008, "If they did us a favor, they did it without our knowledge and without us requesting it." YEAH AND THE MOON IS MADE OF GREEN-SMELLY-DEMBHOLE CHEESE + SEE THERE'S A FLYING PIG!!! Ha. Ain't it lovely to live in OBAMALAND??? And these clowns will be in charge of HEALTH CARE??? Gimme that poison pill now!!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Recently both the BLACK PUNK FLY-SWATTER-n-CHIEF 'the OBAMA' + DEVOL'dipshit'PATRICK both disparaged the Cambridge police for the SKIPPY GATES incident in Gov. 'dipshit'PATRICK's TAXACHUSETTES without knowing any of the 'FACTS'!!! 'the OBAMA' tried to blame the WHITEY police for SKIPPY's disorderly arrest stating they acted "...stoopidly"!!! You and the other BLACK dipshit acted stoopidly you MARXIST MORON!!! JUST THE FACT THAT THE WHITE-HOUSE OFFICE OF SPIN/LIES/PROPOGANDA STATED THAT THE POLICE UNION ENDORSED 'The-old-fool'McCAIN - SHOULD SHOWCASE TO ONE AND ALL THAT 'the OBAMA'+HIS ADMINISTRATION OF MARXIST SCUMBHOLES ARE THE 'REAL' RACISTS IN THIS SELF-CREATED IMBROGLIO!!! Restore HEALTH & WEALTH to this nation and TAXACHUSETTES - remove the BLACK PUNKS 'the OBAMA' + DEVOL'DISHIT'PATRICK now!!! But this is a case of 'RACIAL PROFILING' from WHITEY just like SKIPPY GATES liked to say in his rants about still being judged by WHITEY!!! ARE THESE 3 BLACK SHITHEADS - OR ARE YOUSE ALL THIS FOOKN STOOPID???
Thursday, July 23, 2009
'the OBAMA' knows shit about HEALTH CARE but he 'knew' what happened in Cambridge, Ma...
HENRY LOUIS GATES Jr. known as 'SKIPPY' to his acquaintances - was outraged that the Cambridge police officer didn't know who he was on sight and so refused as a proud BLACK man not to identify himself three times when axsked[ebonics spellung]when he appeared to be breaking into his house!!! Still not willing to give his name, 'SKIPPY', hectoring(Harvard term for giving the officer a ration of shit after the event!!!) the WHITE policeman arrested HLGJr. Imagine if 'the OBAMA' was with him - just his messianic/supernatural powers could have opened the door!!! Ha. The BLACK PUNK FLY-SWATTER-n-CHIEF knows nothing about HEALTH CARE, BANKING, AUTOS; but his telepathic poweers know exactly what happened in CAMBRIGE, MA., cuz he wents to HARVARD LAW!!! Restore the HEALTH & WEALTH of AMERIKA - remove 'the OBAMA' and his MARXIST mindreaders now!!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The NYYANQUIS are in first place....
these NYers are an in-and-out team at best. Their strengths are in individual players - AROD, TEIXERIA, MARIANO RIVERA - their pitchers they paid too much for BURNETT + SABATHIA have not produced. YANQUIS have no middle relief to get to RIVERA!!!Both the BOSOX and the RAYS have better pitching and overall team strength. It should be a wild time in the AL EAST.[The YANQUIS are 0-8 v. the REDSOX and almost equally dismal against the RAYS!!!]
cunning linguist 'the OBAMA' says shit to the nation...
Return the HEALTH & WEALTH to the nation of AMERIKA - remove the BLACK PUNK FLY-SWATTER-n-CHIEF 'the OBAMA' and his non-factual answers to any fookn problem except his bullshit now!!! GET RID OF THIS ASSHOLE PIECE OF SHIT NOW!!! DO NOT WAIT - ENOUGH OF THIS MARXIST MORON.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
After the failure of 'the OBAMA' and...
his fooked-up MARXIST MADNESS - does HILLARY + her"...asbestos pants-suits" run against the BLACK PUNK FLY-SWATTER-n-CHIEF for the DIMWIT-DEMBHOLE nomination in 2012??? Yes HILLARY is a DEMBHOLE-DOUCHESBAG and all but will she seek to end BARRY-the-1st's asanine presidential ambitions/meanderings in MARXISM???
wants more Federal spending to avoid the depression 'the OBAMA' helped create. GRAYSON is a MARXIST STOOGE who is a corrupt HACK who found his way to $50MILLION supposedly to study hurricanes for his vote on STIMULUS SHIT!!! Now this MARXIST MORON wants the Fed to spend us into a deeper hole. How about putting GRAYSON and the other DEMBHOLE REPREHENSIBLES + 'the OBAMA' in a big fucking hole and BURY THEM ALL SO WE NEVER FIND OURSELVES IN THIS MESS AGAIN???!!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
JOE is at it again...
VEEP fart-comik JOE'its-just-a-hair-implant-not-a-brain-transplant-rhetorical-flourishes-outta-all-my-buttholes-when-my-daughter-aint-dealing-cocaine'BIDEN said the following at a recent AARP meeting about the STIMULUS-SHIT moronski JOE said about the BAIL-OUT BULLSHIT is working!!!:“Now, people when I say that look at me and say, ‘What are you talking about, Joe? You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’” Biden said. “The answer is yes, that's what I’m telling you.” (Listen to Audio) BULLSHIT JOE a true believer in his and 'the OBAMA's own STOOPIDITIES!!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Just a day in CALIFORNIA...WE SCARE YOU!!!
DEMBHOLE SENATURD Barbara Boxer says, there will be dire results if the 'CLIMATE BILL' ain't passed: droughts, floods, fires, loss of species, damage to agriculture, worsening air pollution and more. NOT TO MENTION BANKRUPTCY - OR IS THAT JUST ANOTHER DAY IN KAHLEEFORNYA???[The Gobernator AHRNOLD's pronounciation] TALK ABOUT NUTTY COMMIE CUNTS IN CALIFORNIA!!!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Are all fookn KENNEDY's this stoopid???
KATHLEEN KENNEDY TOWNSEND a fookn KENNEDY from MARYLAND inanely states that BARCH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA - IS MORE CATHOLIC THAN THE POPE???!!! Yes that POPE in ROME!!! 'the OBAMA' believes in killing the unborn and is against the rights of the individual!!! WHAT FOOKN ASSHOLES BOTH KENNEDY-TOWNSEND AND THE BLACK PUNK FLY-SWATTER-n-CHIEF!!!
BURRIS had to go to make room for a KENNEDY!!!
DEMBHOLE SENATURD ROLLIE BURRIS, the BLACK replacement for 'the OBAMA' in ILLINOIS - had to go to make way for yet another SCUMMY KENNEDY - this time one of ROBERT'S spawn. A BLACK MAN MUST ALWAYS YIELD TO A KENNEDY - NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCES!!! Ha.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The 'experts' know stocks - yeah right!!!
The DOW JONES average went up this past Monday July 6 40+ points and the EXPERTS trumpeted that the price of OIL went down to facilitate this. On Tuesday the DOW plunged over 161+ - and OIL still fell. WHAT DO YOU SAY TO THIS ASSHOLE EXPERTS??? YOU TALK TALK TALK AS IF YOU KNOW SOMETHING - ASSHOLES!!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The greatest sports story of the last 50years - LANCE ARMSTRONG!!!
After several years hiatus and fighting cancer and the hysteria of FRENCH phobism - LANCE ARMSTRONG is 2nd in this year's TOURE DE FRANCE bicycle race. NO MATTER WHERE LANCE FINISHES - THIS IS AN INCREDIBLE STORY OF DETERMINATION AND ATHLETICISM. GO LANCE - hand those French 'frogs' another defeat!!! GO LANCE - GO USA - FOOK the FRENCH and EURO ASSWIPES!!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
review 'The Biplane Houses' by LES MURRAY...
LES MURRAY's 12th book of poetry crackles with lightning like Japanese swords in his poem 'Japanese Sword Blades in the British Museum'. Really enjoyed 'The Nostril Songs'. 99 pages published by Farrar, Strauss, and Giuroux Books 2006. A VERY GOOD READ. Mr. MURRAY is a resident of New South Wales, Australia.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Why is MIKE HUCKABEE such a schmuck???
Today on FNS - Gov. HUCKLEBUCKLE dared compare his travails with the media in ARKANSAS with the skewering SARAH PALIN received by the NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA + MARXIST MORONS. The more we see of HUCKLEBUCKLE the more he reminds us of the creature WILLIE STARK character in 'LION IN THE STREETS' played by jowly BRODERICK CRAWFORD. Today he had egg on his face when Lt.Gov. of Alaska, SEAN PARNELL, reminded him that he was just an ARKANSAS PUTZ preening his hubris for the audience. HUCKLEBUCKLE=ROBERT PENN WARREN's typical thug Southern politician in love with his own ego.
review of MARY OLIVER's PROVINCETOWN: A Poet's Landscape
Have just listened to MARY OLIVER reading and read for myself her poems of nature and Provincetown. UNINTERESTING and UNINSPRIRING proving once and for all that MARY OLIVER ain't much of a poet but a wannabe literary lite!!! PASS ON THIS MEALY MOUTH MUNDANE CRAPPOLA MASQUERADING AS 'POETRY'.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Why SARAH PALIN does not fit the mold...
SARAH PALIN went to college in IDAHO as well as several community colleges. She did not as 'FLY-SWATTER-n-CHIEF BLACK MARXIST PUNK OBAMA' and his nominee COMMIE CUNT SONIA SOTOMAYOR graduate 'so-called' prestigious schools that teach communism+servitude to the moronic mob!!! Whether PALIN a one time mayor, a hunter, a governor of ALASKA, a beauty queen, a committed PRO-LIFE supporter, a committed religionist and is an independent thinker from a middle class background continues as a political force remains to be seen in the coming months and years. PALIN's candid resignation speech as ALASKAN Governor was a bit of a surprise - as was her arrival on the national political stage.
The 'new' MAGICLESS ARENA SCAM is on time - isn't that great??? HELL NO!!!
What is really 'impressive' about pandering to the MAGICLESS is that your TAX MONIES were taken from ORLANDO + ORANGE COUNTY residents by shithead MAYORS BUDDY BUFFOON (of Orlando) + RICH CRUDDY (major asshole of Orange County) and paid for this ARENA SCAM!!! YOUR TAX MONIES - MORE THAN $2BILLION WENT SUPPOSEDLY TO AN 'ART COMPLEX'[to satisfy the 'effetes' who like the arts and not Blacks playing b-ball] + THIS ARENA SCAM BECAUSE THE DeVOS FAMILY OF FOOKN BILLIONAIRES DIDN'T WANT TO PAY FOR IT!!! Come to ORLANDO where 'suckahs' grow like ripe oranges hanging off the trees - ha!!! The corrupt POLS/HACKS + LAND PIMPS make out with new seats in 'your basketball arena' while TAXES go up 30% to pay for the MAGICLESS!!! ENJOY THE SHOW MORONS YOUSE PAID FOR IT!!! Ha. The DeVOS FAMILY kept their money and laughed at how stoopid the people of ORLANDO and how e-z it was to con you and the putrid POLS down here with promises!!! Give 'em 'special seats' at the ARENA SCAM - they'll be happy and some concession jobs for their relatives and the MAGICLESS get their ARENA SCAM almost for free!!! GO MAGICLESS FLEECE THOSE SUCKAHS AS THEY CHEER FOR YOUR TEAM!!! Team greed and special influence!!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
For all fathers...
a father’s greatest gift
the greatest gift of embrace
comes when a new father
ties his child's first shoelace
the greatest gift of embrace
comes when a new father
ties his child's first shoelace
CHRISTINA ROMER is one of 'the BLACK PUNK OBAMA's economic advisors whose answers or lack thereof to the worsening 'FLY-SWATTER-n-CHIEF's eekonomix debacle is:"...Well it was a worse economic situation than we realized when we started to improve it." THIS DEMBHOLE DIMWIT CUNT studied her onsey-twosey tables at U-of-BERKELEY with the rest of the MARXIST MORONS!!! BLAME BUSH BLAME BUSH is their standard mantra as the SHITPUNK sinks this cuntry into the MARXIST MORASS!!! WAY TO GO ASSHOLES!!!
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