Tuesday, June 30, 2009

With the asanine CAP-and-TRADE bill...

the SHIT will really hit the fan!!! Several large OIL COMPANIES including CONOCO/PHILLIPS, SHELL, SINCLAIR will close operations in the BLACK SHITHEAD PUNK's AMERIKA due to the higher TAXES/FEES and import oil!!! The 'FLY-SWATTER-n-CHIEF' will consign the OIL&GAS INDUSTRY to the scrap heap costing JOBS and INCOME. ADD TO THE FACT WE HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT THE WORLDWIDE TEMPS WILL DECREASE UNTIL AT LEAST 2030 - WHAT IS THE BULLSHIT ABOUT 'GLOBAL WARMING'???!!! DEMBHOLE ASSHOLES led by a BLACK PUNK MARXIST MORON who is 'a-pet-monkey-on-the-leash-of-monied-organ-grinder-convicted/fraudster-George"im-having-a-very-good-crisis'Soros controling this Harvard educated FOOL!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

'the OBAMA' is upset...

along with 'Fatty'CHAVEZ, and FIDEL-the-FOOKWAD, as well as commandante ORTEGA that the HONDURAN military has removed its President ZELAYA after he tried to extend his reign with fake elections!!! ZELAYA is a MARXIST-LEFTY who was destroying HONDURAS and has been exiled to COSTA RICA while the government continues to be administered by elected officials. Is the MARXIST-FASCIST would-be-dicktator BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA foreseeing his ultimate end??? REMOVAL and EXILE???!!! Ha. THINGS TOO HOPE FOR.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Some transparent SHIT by 'THE-FLY-SWATTER BLACK PUNK in CHIEF' + the DOUCHESBAG-DEMBHOLES in the 1400+page that these REPREHENSIBLES did not read at 3 a.m.[but the SHITHEAD OBAMA promised all of us we would have time to read it-analyze it???!!!] this stoopid fookn bill!!! Hello new TAXES and less FREEDOMS!!! WHEN IS THE NEXT TRAIN OR SHIP OR PLANE OUT OF THIS CUNTRY OF MARXIST MORONS???

Friday, June 26, 2009

"It's all in the family" in DETROIT POLITICS!!!


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Where are the bonus rules for GOLDMAN-SUCKS & CITIGROUP???

Is it because former/present employs of GOLDMAN-SUCKS & CITIGROUP are in 'the OBAMA' asshole-administration??? GOLMAN-SUCKS announced a record bonus for the first half and CITIGROUP stated they were increaing salaries because they have done so well with the help of TAX-PAYER MONIES!!! DO THE RULES SET UP BY THE ASSHOLE/FLY-SWATTER-IN-CHIEF NOT APPLY TO HIS FRIENDS AND FELLOW CORRUPT SCUM???!!! Let's get the band of niggers known as ACORN to go after them huh??? What'dyasay BLACK PUNK from CHICAGO COWARDLY ASSHOLE & SCUMBAG DELUXE???!!!

MARK SANFORD admits 'canoodling' in SA...

MARK SANFORD REPUBLICANT Governor SOUTH CAROLINA has admitted 'canoodling' with a female in Argentina over the weekend. SANFORD follows a long line of public officials including REPUBLICANT SENATURD JOHN ENSIGN of Nevada, former SENATURD & DEMBHOLE VEEP candidate JOHN'just-drilling-Rielle'EWARDS, former DEMBHOLE Governor of NewYork E - L - I - O - T SPITZER [aka clent #9 - even though he only has 5+1/2], and of course the former president DICKHEAD!!! GREAT PUBLIC SERVANTS ALL. But then again it's really only about private SEX - isn't it??? Ha.

'the OBAMA' is a fookn coward!!!

Because SHIT-PUNK ASSHOLE 'FLY-SWATTER-IN-CHIEF' wants "...a vigorous debate with IRAN" - hundreds of IRANIANS have been killed/beaten/tortured/imprisoned by the murderous 'MULLAHS'. INSTEAD OF OPPOSING DUCTATORSHIP AND SUBJUGATION OF WOMEN - THE WUSSIE SHIT-FUCK WITH 'RABBIT-EARS' ATTUNED TO CRITICISM - INVITES IRANI SCUM&THUGS [like his UNION buddies] TO THE USA 4TH OF JULY FESTIVITIES!!! Is this how BLACK PUNKS celebrate the 4th in CHICAGO??? Invite their enemies in the 'hood' to rejoice with them in the diminuition of what was the USA??? You are a fookn PUNK ASS COWARD FLY-SWATTER SHIT-FUCK allowing these people to hop in the freedoms the USA used to stand for as you pronounce your SHIT SPEAK fgrom on high - producing nothing but death and angst over the world.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

HEALTH CARE reform - who benefits???

If you listen to the 'Fly-swatter'-in-Chief, 'the OBAMA', everyone. But his buddies the UNION THUGS&SCUMBAGS are exempt from any TAXES that everyone no much how little or great their income is - have to pay!!! HEALTH CARE virtually free for UNION ASSHOLES!!! The SOCIALIST STATES of AMERIKA - what a great place for MARXIST MORONS and followers of the BLACK PUNK SHITHEAD from CHICAGO alias our new COMRADE COMMIESIR STALIN='the OBAMA' the ultimate fookwad!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Before 'the OBAMA' SHIT-SQUAD-of-dishonesty/lies shows up to take 'credit' for whatever happens in the IRANIAN MUSLIM REPUBLIC --- remember Senaturd HARRY'the-war-is-lost'REID and all the rest of you DUMB-DEMBHOLES - what is happening in IRAN is because the UNITED STATES 'freed' the IRAQUIS from the dictatorship with the cost of US military/personnel lives and now IRANIANS are envious of people voting freely next door!!! REMEMBER THAT BEFORE THE 'FLY-KILLER' OBAMA TRIES AND TAKES CREDIT - THE NON-TRANSPARENT ASSHOLE PUNK!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Told/wrote you so on 16-Oct. 2008 this OBAMA SHIT would happen!!!

Posted by: Wisconsin Voter October 16, 2008 8:13 AMReport Offensive Comment
The ‘Brave New World’ of BARRY OBAMA

SENATURD BARRY’incurably-dishonest’OBAMA promises to put SOCIALISM/MARXISM as the course for his ‘change’ AMERIKA moment. Nevermind it has never ‘worked’ anywhere it was tried. BARRY will make it work [telling a plumber in a campaign rally yesterday “…you must be prepared to share your money with everyone behind you in line that has not made it.” WHAT??? What kind of pure MARXIST ‘schiess-spiele’ is that???] In BARRY O.’s ‘Lost World’ taxation is the goal to make everyone equal in dismality. $ONE TRILLION DOLLARS + packages from DEMBHOLES to ‘boost’ the economy will give ‘control’ over BANKS and moratoriums of heretofore private loans/mortgages. In short SENATURD BARRY will be able to force lenders to permit those not paying legitmate incumberances – to evict or proceed with evictions. This because BARRY’the-legal-beagle’OBAMA taught confrontation and ‘race-tricks’ to ACORN employees aside from VOTER FRAUD to advance his own political SOCIALIST/MARXIST agenda. OBAMA has paid ACORN over $1MILLION-DOLLARS this calendar year to encourage ‘VOTE FRAUD’ in key supposedly ‘swing-states’. How many of BARRY’s “…57 states” has ACORN ‘got out the vote for BARRY???’ BARRY’incurably-dishonest’OBAMA has always LIED when ever it suits his political MARXIST agenda. Examples are too numerous too list in toto, but following are ‘OBAMABISMS’ most easily fact-checked as FALSE and outright tergivisations. #1) BARRY told us his parents had met in Selma during a ‘civil-rights’ march – LIE. [Point-of-FACT OBAMA'S WHITE MOM WAS IMPREGNATED BY A KENYAN WHEN SHE WAS 17 - BEFORE HE LEFT HER WITH BABY BARRY TO FOOK SOMEONE ELSE!!!] #2) OBAMA said his first-name was derived from the Hebrew ‘baruch’ – LIE.[How many JEWS do you named BARACK HUSSEIN???] #3) BARRY claimed he never submitted ‘a sex bill’ for kindergartners while he was a ILLINOIS STATE SENATOR – LIE. The bill was ILLINOIS SENATE BILL #0099 and contained ‘specific’ sex training for grades K-6, not just don’t go home with some guy or woman claiming to be your uncle or auntie!!! #4) BARRY claimed he never worked for ACORN – LIE. BARRY initiated litigation on their behalf against banks and further ‘taught’/instructed courses on how to game the vote system. #5) BARRY claimed he only ‘knew’ terrorist/murderer + fellow MARXIST – BILL AYERS as a guy from “…the neighborhood” – LIE. Both BARRY + MICHELLE OBAMA met/were friendly with BILL AYERS+BERNADETTE DORN from the 1980’s when BERNADETTE met MICHELLE at the law office they both worked at. BARRY’s first political meeting was at a coffee ‘klotch’ in the home of fellow MARXIST BILL AYERS. In OBAMA’s ‘Lost World’ it is now the SOCIALIST STATES of AMERIKA presided over by the hegemony of REPREHENSIBLE NANCY’sphincter –of –the House-of-Fools’PELOSI + REPREHENSIBLE bank chairman BARNEY’play-with-my-little-schmeckle-or-you-r-a-racist-and-won't-get-a-Fannie/Freddue-loan’FRANK who will insure that the ‘secret vote ‘ is outlawed to start in ‘union elections’ and your tax monies are doled out to support companies they alone approve of!!! To paraphrase the quote from MASTER SHAKESPEARE - : “Oh brave new world – what MOODY Marxist MORONS HAS SUCH CREATURES IN IT???” DO NOT LET BARRY’incurably-dishonest’OBAMA GUIDE US TO HIS ‘BRAVE NEW WORLD –of MARXISM ’!!!
Posted by: Zyskandar A. Jaimot October 16, 2008 8:05 AMReport Offensive Comment

The NKOREAN threat...

Now that the SOCIALIST STATES of AMERIKA has shown what we will do when 'threatened' by missiles from a menacing cuntry such as NKOREA, or IRAN, or PAKHISTAN, or even 'MAD'VLAD's RUSSIA - what 'secrets are left to divulge to these ASSHOLES??? AMERIKA can track NKOREA ships but not board them. AMERIKA always 'talks' a good game like certain PUNK PLAYERS such as 'the OBAMA' & DEMBHOLE/MARXIST friends swatting-at-bloodthirsty flies - but its all just talk!!! BOARD THE SHIPS SEIZE THE CONTRABAND AND KNOCK THE FOOKN MISSILES OUT OF THE SKY OR OFF THE LAUNCHING PADS!!! Why ARE YOU SUCH A FOOKN WUSSIE MR. OBAMA with that 37 in bowling???

SENATURD BOXER tells a general - what to call her...

SENATURD 'BABS' BOXER told a general testifying before her to call her SENATURD - [Not "ma'am" as a mark of respect taught in the military when addressing a superior]not the usual DEMBHOLE STOOPID CUNT as she is usually addressed for her SENATURD shenanigans!!! STOOPID DEMBHOLE CALIFORNIA CUNT!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

for OBAMA and the rest of his DEMBHOLE BROS.!!!

[with apologies to Vachel Lindsay]
The Congo Cunt of CHICAGO
(A Study of ‘the Obama’)

I. His Basic Marxism
Thin Black buck in a ‘White-House’ room,
Bowler-king, with feet unstable,
Sagged and reeled and pounded on the
Pounded on the table,
Beat an empty ideaology with the handle of a
Hard as ‘the Obama’ was able,
Boom, boom, Boom,
With a silk umbrella and the handle of a
broom,Boomlay, boomlay, boomlay, Boom.
THEN he claimed religion.
That he wasn’t Muslim.
’the Obama’ marveled in de-
Then along that river-bank
A thousand miles
Tattoed Black Panthers cannibals danced bloodying voters;
Then I heard the boom of the blood-lust
And a thigh-bone beating on a tin-pan
And "BLOOD" screamed the whistles and
the fifes of the fly warriors,
"BLOOD" screamed the skull-faced, lean
witch-doctors of Acorn,
"Whirl ye the deadly voodoo rattle,
Harry the earners,
Steal GM and all the Banks,
Rattle-rattle, rattle-rattle,Bing!
Boomlay, boomlay, boomlay, Boom,
"A roaring, epic, rag-time tuneFrom the mouth of the Congo
To the Mountains of the Moon.
Death is an Elephant,
Torch-eyed and horrible,Foam-flanked and terrible.
Boom, steal the tax-monies,
Boom, kill the Jews,Boom, kill the White men,
Like the windHoo, Hoo, Hoo.
Listen to the yell of Wahington’s ghost
Burning in hell for his freedom-maimed host.
Hear how the demons chuckle and yell.
Cutting his hands off, down in Hell.
Listen to the creepy proclamation,
Blown through the lairs of the forest-nation,
Blown past the white-ants' hill of clay,
Blown past the marsh where the butterflies
play: -"Be careful what you do,Or Mumbo-jumbo', God of the Congo,
And all of the other
Gods of the Congo,
Mumbo-jumbo will hoo-doo you,
Mumbo-jumbo will hoo-doo you,Mumbo-jumbo will hoo-doo you."
II. Those Dembholes Irrepressible High Spirits
Wild crap-shooters with a whoop and a call and Rahm
Danced the juba in their Rose garden gambling-hall
And laughed fit to kill, and shook the town,
And guyed the policemen and laughed them
downWith a boomlay, boomlay, boomlay,

A Black fairyland swung into view,A minstrel river
Where dreams come true.The ebony palace soared on high
Through the blossoming trees to the eve-
ning sky.
The inlaid porches and casement shoneWith gold and ivory and elephant-bone.And the Black crowd laughed till their sides
were sore
As George S. your master pulled your
Tether even more,
At the baboon butler in the agate door,
And the well-known tunes of the parrot
bandThat trilled on the bushes of that magic
A troupe of skull-faced Witch-men came Through the agate doorway in suits of
flame,Yea, long-tailed coats with a gold-leaf crust
And hats that were covered with diamond-
And the crowd in the court gave a whoop
and a callAnd danced the juba from wall to wall.
But the witch-men suddenly stilled the

With a stern cold glare, and a stern old
song: -"Mumbo-jumbo will hoo-doo you." . . .Just then from the doorway, as fat as shotes,
Came the cake-walk princes in their long
red coats,
Shoes with a patent-leather shine,And tall silk hats that were red as wine.And they pranced with their butterfly part-

ners there,Coal-black maidens with pearls in their
hair,Knee-skirts trimmed with the jessamine
sweet,And bells on their ankles and little black
feet.And the couples railed at the chant and the
frownOf the witch-men lean, and laughed them
down.(O rare was the revel and well worth whileThat made those glowering witch-men
smile.)The cake-walk royalty then beganTo walk for a cake that was tall as a manTo the tune of " Boomlay, boomlay,
Boom,"While the witch-men laughed with a sin-
ister air,And sang with the scalawags prancing

there: "Walk with care, walk with care
Or Mumbo-jumbo, God of the Congo,And all of the otherGods of the Congo,Mumbo-jumbo will hoo-doo you.Beware, beware, walk with care,Boomlay, boomlay, boomlay, boom,Boomlay, boomlay, boomlay, boom,Boomlay, boomlay, boomlay,Boom."Oh, rare was the revel, and well worth

That made those glowering witch-men
III. The Hope of Their ReligionA good old Negro in the slums of the town
Preached at a sister for her velvet gown.
Howled at a brother for his low-down

ways,His prowling, guzzling, sneak-thief days.Beat on the Bible till he wore it out,Starting the jubilee revival shout.And some had visions, as they stood on
chairs,And sang of Jacob, and the golden stairs,And they all repented, a thousand strong,From their stupor and savagery and sin and
wrongAnd slammed their hymn books till they
shook the roomWith " Glory, glory, glory,"And "Boom, boom, Boom."THEN I SAW THE CONGO, CREEPING THROUGH
GOLDEN TRACK.And the gray sky opened like a new-rent
veilAnd showed the apostles with their coats
of mail.In bright white steel they were seated roundAnd their fire-eyes watched where the
Congo wound.And the twelve apostles, from their thrones
on high,Thrilled all the forest with their heavenly
cry: -"Mumbo-jumbo will die in the jungle;Never again will he hoo-doo you,Never again will he hoo-doo you."Then along that river-bank, a thousand
miles,The vine-snared trees fell down in files.Pioneer angels cleared the wayFor a Congo paradise, for babes at play,For sacred capitals, for temples clean.Gone were the skull-faced witch-men lean.There, where the wild ghost-gods had
A million boats of the angels sailed
With oars of silver, and prows of blueAnd silken pennants that the sun shone
through.'Twas a land transfigured, 'twas a new crea-
tion,Oh, a singing wind swept the Negro nation;And on through the backwoods clearing
flew: -Mumbo-jumbo is dead in the jungle.Never again will he hoo-doo you.Never again will he hoo-doo you."
Redeemed were the forests, the beasts and
the men,And only the vulture dared againBy the far, lone mountains of the moonTo cry, in the silence, the Congo tune: -Mumbo-jumbo will hoo-doo you.Mumbo-jumbo will hoo-doo you, Mumbo ... jumbo ... will ... hoo-doo
. ... you.

OBAMA the dumb SHIT!!!

Pres. BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA stated that "...there is no difference between MOUUSAVI and ACHMINDEAJEAD". So SHITHEAD OBAMA was there a difference between YELTSIN and GORBACHEV??? Or how about LECH WALESEA and the COMMIES??? YOUSE AN UTTER ASSHOLE BOY - YOUSE REPRESENTS THE FORMER AMERIKA-of-FREEDOM --- NOT NOT YOUR PERVERTED VIEW OF HISTORY OR REALITY YOU MARXIST MOTHER-FUCKER!!! So much for IRAN - is that because of your MUSLIM ROOTS - or just your BLACK KENYAN daddy fookn your WHITE mother when she was 17 - NOT NOT at a 'civil rights' rally in SELMA as you have LIED about!!! STOOPID BLACK ASSHOLE too afraid of criticism you insecure son-of-a-bitch!!! Why don't you go bowling or 'fake' some more 3-point shots with your video operation!!! DEMBHOLE DUMBSHIT. Or marvel that you 'swatted' a fly on TV. You are a hero - to the ASSHOLES of the NATIONAL MEDIA. YOU FOOKN JOKE. PATHETIC FRAUD. GO BACK TO CHICAGO TO THE PUNKS AND MARXIST MORONS THERE.

'the OBAMA' cultural revolution...

The BLACK SHITASSS PUNK from CHICAGO is attempting to change AMERIKA via the fooked principles of MAO in his 'cultural revolution' of CHINA!!! HOW FOOKED IS OBAMA AND THE REST OF THE DEMBHOLE WANNABE MARXISTS??? You are a relatively stoopid little BLACK WANKER Mr. BARACH'pet-monkey-on-the-leash-of-George-Soros-convicted/fraudster-hater-of-capitalism-while-growing-richer-from-this-crisis-betting-against-Amerika'OBAMA who is obedient to his master's tether as he despoils this cuntry's wealth and "...returns it to its rughtful ownership". OBAMA you are scum and shit who has never 'accomplished' anything except using your mother's getting fooked by a BLACK KENYAN at 17 and lying about your origins and history!!! OBAMA YOU ARE A MANY TIMES LIAR AND THIEF WHO WILL EVENTUALLY ROT IN A HELL OF YOUR OWN MANUFACTURE!!! FUCK YOU YOU BLACK PIECE OF SHIT AND ALL YOUR MARXIST/DEMBHOLE BUDDIES!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

ABC to host OBAMA telethon on HEALTH CARE...

Maybe CHARLES'there-are-those-Amish-in-their-quaint-costumes'GIBSON will do his interview in 'BLACK-FACE' so 'the OBAMA' can feel more at ease with what will be the impartial/objective questions the PREZ ASSHOLE will get???!!! Ha. ABC the ultimate ASS-LICKERS!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hey OBAMA you are a fookn DOUCHESBAG!!!

That's right you BLACK piece of PUNK-SHIT from CHICAGO!!! You are a MARXIST MORON and DEMBHOLE DIMNWIT!!! HOW MANY MORE 'INSPECTOR GENERAL'S WILL YOU FIRE ILLEGALLY BECAUSE THGEY'VE DISCOVERED YOUR BLACK BROS. STEALING FROM THE PUBLIC??? 'the OBAMA' likes to read from his teleprompted script about 'TRANSPARENCY' while his DEMBHOLE sycophants amd UNION THUGS rape GovernmentMotors&Chrysler&the-BANKS+INSURERS while ACORN counts all the people and their STIMULUS MONIES!!! You are a fookn coward 'the OBAMA'. Welcome to the SOCIALIST STATES of AMERIKA under 'the OBAMA'- our new COMMIESIR STALIN Czar of everything!!! FUCK YOU ASSHOLE BLACK PUNK!!! TAKE ANOTHER 'DATE-TRIP' TO NYC SO WE GET TO PAY FOR IT!!! BLACK MARXIST ASSHOLE!!!

Whatever happened to the 5 murders in...

KAREEM ABDUL JABBAR's mosque many years ago??? The former LEW ALCINDOR who i saw play at POWER MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL in NYC - was never charged/involved/questioned about the 5 BLACK MUSLIM's murdered in the WASHINGTON DC mosque. WHY NOT??? WHAT HAS BECOME OF THIS CASE.

It is 'BLOOMSDAY' today...

from JAMES JOYCE 'ULYSEES' --- "The summer evening had begun to hold the world in its mysterious embrace." The appearance of this novel serialized in the 'Little Review' would change the 'obscenity laws' for all time. So quaff a beverage to the magnificent Jew and Dubliner LEO BLOOM today!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009


"...the economy was worse than everyone thought because of BUSH - that is why only 600,000 jobs will be created instead of 3.5million." QUITE A DEMBHOLE DOUCHESBAG EH??? This comik-fart-sidekick JOE'it-was-a-hair-transplant-not-a-brain-implant-rhetorical-flourishes-outta-all-my-bungholes-when-my-daughter-aint-doin-no-cocaine'BIDEN as he makes things easy for his son's/brother to get deals in DC through his influence [read graft/extortion/nepotism]!!! ENOUGH WITH THESE DEMBHOLE SHITHEAD QUASI-MARXIST FOOLS!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

SENATURDS telling us how to fritter away 'our' monies...

reprint from Oct. 1, 2009

Poof - waving their 'magic wand' the UNITED STATES SENATURDS have transformed this SOCIALIST-SCHIESS+SILLY-SPIN into something they deem palatable for the idiot 'common people'!!! AMAZING that they condone to share the same air as us this group of 'privileged'+above all intelligent millionaires???!!! Why shouldn't the SECRETARY get $700BILLION DOLLARS of our TAX MONIES to do with as he pleases because we already gave $85BILLION DOLLARS to AIG - because BECAUSE his former employer GOLDMAN-SUCKS has a $20BILLION DOLLAR STAKE in AIG???!!! AH our TAX MONIES so well spent because SENATURDS tell us!!! Ha. [Meanwhile not a peep, tremor about the REAL CULPRITS who caused this mess - in JAPAN cretins like REPREHENISBLE BARNEY'play-with-my-schmeckle-get-a-loan-from-Fannie/Freddie'FRANK, SENATURD 'COUNTRYWIDE MORTGAGE' DODD, economic whizzes RAINES+JOHNSON, D^CKHEAD CLINTON, the present President BUSH and ALLEN GREENSPAN - would be asked to resign or commit seppuke(hari-kari) to atone for their various disgraces!!!] PASS THE CHOP-SUEY. AND NOW WE ARE TOLD MORE BAIL-OUTS FROM 'the OBAMA' --- AND NOW BESIDES GOVERNMENT MOTORS WE ARE GOING TO HAVE GOVERNMENT HEALTH-CARE!!! Whoee pass the SHIT SALAD and CHOW DOWN!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA told us that just his words in a speech at CAIRO would change the election results in IRAN...The NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA quickly went along with this horseshit from 'the OBAMA' --- THE RESULT --- the raving nutter AHMADINEAJEAD won in a landslide!!! OBAMA has been shown to be a BLACK PUNK FOOL from CHICAGO full of SHIT&HUBRIS but his sycophants continue to marvel and listen&watch breathlessly the BLACK BOY READ AND SPEAK FROM A TELEPROMPTER!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

ED WHITACRE, new head of GM says...

he knows nothing "...about the car business." WHITACRE was formerly a head of AT&T. GovernmentMotors and Chrysler with their severing of certain 'dealers'[But not in REPREHENSIBLE BARNEY'play-with-my-schmeckle-get-a-loan-or-exempted-for-closing-a-dealership'FRANK district!!!] have FUCKED the AMERIKAN working tax-payer big time!!! WE WILL NEVER BUY A GOVERNMENT MOTORS OR A CHRYSLER PRODUCT AGAIN!!!
fuck you OBAMA shits and FUCK YOU
your scummy UNION THUGS!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A food taster for 'the OBAMA' in Paris...

PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA could not find time to dine with the SARKOZY's but had a 'food-taster' to make sure there was no CRAP in the CREPES, or POISON in the POISSON, or BULLSHIT in the BRE, or FUCK-YOU in the FRITES - all on the TAX-PAYER's dime of ESTADOS UNIDOS!!! What a superciliuous BLACK PUNK ASSHOLE from CHICAGO. Check the food when you and VEEP comik-fart sidekick JOE'it-was-a-hair-transplant-not-a-brain-transplant-rhetorical-flourishes-outta-all-my-bungholes'BIDEN go to a burger joint you MARXIST MORON!!! Do you think you are essential or perhaps you are a ROMAN EMPEROR with a fucking food taster??? BLACK SHITHEAD!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

DAVID CARRADINE - dead in Bangkok...

DAVID CARRADINE, son of the famous actor JOHN CARRADINE; was found dead, naked, and hanged in a BANGKOK, THAILAND hotel room where he was 'shooting' a film. CARRADINE it is rumored was attempting to fellate himself or erotically-self-stimulate himself and accidentally hung hinself. One of the stars of the movie 'KILL BILL' is as gruesome in death&speculation as some of his movie roles were. DAVID CARRADINE is survived by two sons also in the acting business.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Yet more LIES from 'the OBAMA'...

According to BLACK PUNK SHITHEAD BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA the SOCIAIST STATES of AMERIKA is now one "...of the largest MUSLIM nations of the world!!!" Additionally - according to this BLACK SHITHEAD's math (remember this ASSHOLE thinks there are 57 states in our nation!) there are almost 7 million MUSLIMS in this cuntry!!![Actually closer to 3million or less than 1% of the total population.] This BLACK PUNK ASSHOLE's LIES IN BOTH CAIRO and DRESDEN are not worthy of comment but ridicule!!! PURE BULLSHIT from a BLACK PUNK ASSHOLE from CHICAGO!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Shadings of sinister SOTOMAYOR ruling's to come...

A CHICAGO COURT of APPEALS has denied a lawsuit trying to overturn limit/ban handguns/weapons in CHICAGO. These geniuses state that the 2nd AMENDMENT 'with its right-to-bear-arms' does not apply to states in the SOCIALIST STATES of AMERIKA!!! A harbinger of things to come with the DUMB MARXIST DEMBHOLE RICAN CUNT SOTOMAYOR!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

the con of the ARENA SCAM continues...

In ORLANDO, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA - the management of the NBA basketball East chmpion ORLANDO MAGICLESS congratulated themselves for increasing tourism in ORLANDO. Yes all the bars and tee-shirt shops were busy - thus justifying according to the MAGICLESS the outlay of public funds of 2+BILLION DOLLARS for a new stadium paid for by a 30% increase in property taxes for ORANGE COUNTY residents!!! The DeVOS FAMILY - of BILLIONAIRES couldn't be bothered paying for the ARENA which they would own with their own money!!! LET THE TAX-PAYING SUCKERS AND FANS OF OUR MAGICLESS DRIBBLE THE BILL FOR OUR NEW STADIUM - EVEN THOUGH THE OLD ONE IS ONLY LESS THAN 20-YEARS OLD Ha!!! All approved by ORLANDO Mayor BUDDY BUFFOON + ORANGE COUNTY Mayor RICH CRUDDY + their coterie of corrupt HACKS/POLS all on the payroll!!! Some TAX for a depressed economy eh??? How do you spell ORANGE COUNTY VOTERS - S-U-C-K-E-R-S???!!!

'the OBAMA's latest proven LIE...

On March 30, 2009 PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA stated:"...we have no interest in owning or running GM."

TODAY JUNE, 2009 --- GM became GOVERNMENT MOTORS and would be 'run' by 'the OBAMA' but only the 'big decisions' would be controlled by your government!!!
'the OBAMA' is a BLACK PUNK MARXIST/FASCIST from CHICAGO --- all hail our new COMMIESIR COMRADE 'the OBAMA'=our new STALIN!!! The government will now purchase cars exclusively from UNION THUG&'the OBAMA' GOVERNMENT MOTORS!!!