Friday, March 27, 2009


The AMERICORPS CRAP BILL also known as homage to dying SENATURD TED'dont-drive-if youre-not-drunk-either-boats/cars/planes'KENNEDY passed in the US SENATURDS chamber yesterday increasing the staff from 75,000 to 225,000 all illiterate/asanine/unintelligent/barely capable of sentent thought minorities hired from 'VOTE FRAUDSTERS' such as racist DEMBHOLES from ACORN!!! PAYOFFS GALORE FOR THOSE MARXIST WANNABE MORONS SUPPORTING 'the OBAMA'!!! Meanwhile everywhere in this country(save NEBRASKA) workers are losing their jobs - BUT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS EXPANDING TO FURTHER TAP OUR WALLETS WITH TAXES FOR THEIR INCREASED COSTS!!! Great SHIT-BILL this AMERICORPS - more posturing for SENATURD 'another-chivas-rocks'KENNEDY and for PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA playing to his ignorant feckless base of useless minorities now employed by this government!!! DISGUSTING.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

CIRCUMCISSION cuts cancer risk - news not new!!!

Over 40+ years ago i learned in college/university that women having sex with uncircumcised males had a 10 fold greater risk of developing cancer of the uterus!!! DAH. The JEWS realized this over 2000+ years ago!!! Now there are renewed calls for males to get cut. March 25, 2009 - Circumcised men have a 25% lower risk of genital herpes and a 35% lower risk of HPV, the virus that causes genital warts and cancers.
The data come from a study in Uganda that already has shown circumcision effective in reducing a man's risk of HIV infection from heterosexual sex. The two-year study by Johns Hopkins researcher Aaron A.R. Tobian, MD, PhD, and colleagues enrolled nearly 3,400 men negative for HSV-2, the genital herpes virus. OBVIOUSLY MEN WHO ARE CUT POSE LESS OF A THREAT FOR PASSING THE 'HERPES VIRUS' AND POSSIBLE CANCER CAUSE ON TO FEMALE PARTNERS.

The monied organ-grinder and his pet monkey=SOROS+OBAMA...

GORGE SOROS has stated "...he and his hedge funds are having a very good crisis." SOROS has made $BILLIONS while others suffer. Nothing new as SOROS has been indicted/tried/convicted in FRANCE for fraudulent currency arbitrage. SOROS was one of the original backers of PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA - as both share a perverse hatred of the UNITED STATES FREE MARKET CAPITALIST SYSTEM and embrace MARXIST DICTATES and CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS!!! When SOROS 'fixed 'the OBAMA's contributions from outside the USA - during the campaign, SOROS, proved he was capable of doing anything for 'his trained monkey' and erstwhile SOCIALIST enabler at the helm of WORLD ECONOMICS & POWER!!! Watch as SOROS's trained MARXIST monkey ruins the WORLD ECONOMY - all to SOROS and his evil hedge funds benefit!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

ACORN conducts bus tours of AIG home-owners!!!

Vote fraudsters from ACORN[PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA's former employer as CHICAGO STREET PUNK HUSTLER who was awarded $3.1BILLION DOLLARS in the latest DEMBHOLE SHIT STIMULUS PORK ROLL!!!]organized a bus and stocked it with the unworthy/unemployed/unproductive members of society and toured all 2 of the countless AIG employees homes in CONNECTICUTT with the NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA in a slavish motorcade!!! MORE 'CLASS WARFARE' POPULISM FROM 'the OBAMA' + HIS COMRADES!!! It is not the BONUSES ASSHOLES at ACORN/'the OBAMA's APARATCHIKS - IT IS THE FACT THAT US SENATURD CHRIS'ise-got-my-discount-loans-from Cuntrywide'DODD WROTE THIS EXEMPTION INTO THIS SHIT BILL TO BENEFIT AIG SO THE CASH WOULD KEEP FLOWING TO HIM AND FOR HIS RELATIVES (READ HIS WIFE+OTHERS) TO KEEP GETTING THEIR BUCKS!!! Wakeup FOOLS at the ASSHOLE MEDIA - YOU ARE AS CORRUPT AS ACORN!!!

SENATOR CARDIN now wants to 'BAIL-OUT' newspapers!!!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

where 'the OBAMA' ranks...

Recently PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA called SIMON COWELL to go out to dinner - COWELL the host of AMERIKAN IDOL told the 'special Olympics bowler' to buzz off SIMON was too busy for this BLACK CHICAGO STREET PUNK HUSTLER - was he too busy with people who had talent and a future to be involved this egomaniacal FOOKN MARXIST FRAUD??? A true A-list celebrity dissing this fookn clown and letting 'the OBAMA' know he doesn't carry no weight in TINSELTOWN with real CELEBRITIES and IMPORTANT PEOPLE!!! Ha. [Didja go bowling BARRY - didja roll another less than 40 game??? HaHaHa.]


Taxachusetts REPREHENSIBLE BARNEY'play-with-my-schmeckle-get-a-loan'FRANK a leading bullshitter causing the bank crisis called Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia a "homophobe" in a recent interview with the gay news Web site The DEMBHOLE lawmaker, who is a gay panzy, was discussing gay marriage and his expectation that the high court would some day be called upon to decide whether the Constitution allows the federal government to deny recognition to same-sex marriages. "I wouldn't want it to go to the United States Supreme Court now because that homophobe Antonin Scalia has too many votes on this current court," said Frank. REPREHENSIBLE FRANK was 'caught' running a male prostitution ring out of his office and awarding 'political favors' to his live-in lover. IT HAS NEVER BEEN OFFICIALLY DETERMINED WHETHER HE IS A 'PITCHER OR CATCHER'. FRANK-the-faggot is a supporter of MNBLA the pederast orgainzation which tries to bugger little boys with fat-unctious-old-men as repulsive as BARNEY!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Great 'WALL STREET SCAM of 23-March 2009'!!!

Today, March 23, 2009, WALL STREET rocketed ahead on the TIM'goffer-for Goldman-Sucks' GEITHNER/BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA SCAM of allowing the US TAXPAYER to assume the 'risk' in the toxic loan scandal!!! GOLDMAN-SUCKS+other corrupt big banks called their clients and bought the 'market' so they could make money and bugger the rest of the stoopid AMERIKAN PUBLIC. This SCHEME places the onus on the AMERIKAN TAXPAYER to assume the bad/toxic-debt/of-these-crapped out banks with virtually no risk to them - who wouldn't be happy in having all risk and bad debt transferred off your ledger sheets - and on the backs/account of someone else??? AND WALL STREET CELEBRATED THIS SCAM/SCHEME BY ROCKETING AHEAD!!! HOORAY WE'VE BUGGERED THE AMERIKAN PEOPLE/THE WORLD YET AGAIN!!! The deficit in this cuntry will now soar geometrically each year of our new enslaved indebtedness. All hail 'the OBAMA' our new COMRADE DICTATOR and manipulator/master of millions of dumb-ass MARXIST MORONS.

More MONEY for the 'BAIL-OUT'!!!

'the OBAMA' + DIPWAD@TREASURY GEITHNER print 1TRILLION+DOLLARS of new money and say this will fix the TOXIC ASSETTS in the BANKS+PRIVATE INVESTMENT!!! Basically this dimishes the 'risk for GOLDMAN-SUCKS[the MOB BROKERAGE HOUSE] and other big firms - GREAT. What happened to the original 787$billion dollars THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO 'FIX' THE BANKS??? WHERE DID THAT MONEY GO??? The stock market is up today - but how long will it last??? A day - a week - two weeks??? The OMB says the deficit could reach 3-5TRILLION DOLLARS... WHAT THEN???? Congrats to PREZ BARCH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA who has bankrupted this nation into being a third world economy while he, 'the OBAMA' tells bad jokes on LENO!!! Ugh.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

nautch girl - because it is NATIONAL WOMEN'S MONTH

nautch girl

Isadora Duncan
would dance
for them all...
gyrating in a sheer sari
humming ragas as a Delhi street girl
all of her essence nakedly on display
And they would bring
white flowers,
lilies, flowers
one brings
to a funeral...
While she fluttered out of reach
like some jellyfish her sinuous limbs undulating like tentacles,
covered in diaphanous veils
a glimpse of shape shown
submissive to their erotic dreams...
Like some Hindi goddess
all her many arms beckoning tantatalizingly
Teasing all of them
with shared secrets.

And after encore moments, chauffered away always
arranging a long white scarf to float
behind her

in an open touring car;
As carefree as a momentary breeze.

A pose to draw attention utterly chique.

Top down so her public could see her exposed personnae,
which rivalled her staged tableaus.

Never imagining
that whispy white tentacle
would wrap around an axel anchor,
strangling current movement.

What's 'good' for the USA...

TIM GEITHNER used to be PAULSEN'S STOOGE at GOLDMAN-SUCKS[the MOB BROKERAGE HOUSE]. Now little asshole TIMMY took over PAULSEN'S gig as SECRETARY of the TREASURY. Used to be a maxim that what was good for GeneralMotors was good for the USA. Now the fookn MARXIST MORONS like 'the OBAMA'+his COMRADES seem to think what is good for GOLDMAN-SUCKS is good for the USA!!! Ha. NAMELY THE DESTRUCTION OF THE CAPITALISTIC SYSTEM AS LONG AS THEIR BUDDIES LIKE SCHUMER, DODD, PELOSI, FRANK, LIDDY & OTHERS GET TO BE OUR COMMISIRS!!! All hail 'the OBAMA'=our new DICTATOR STALIN. Ugh.

late-night jokes on 'the OBAMA'...

What is as stoopid as bowling pins??? Why 'the OBAMA's cabinet appointees - they just stand and talk and wonder when they'll get run-over by a bowling ball - not inexpertly guided/nuanced/aimed by PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA who is smarts cuz he wents to HARVARD!!! Ha.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Feel safe JEWS now that 'the OBAMA' makes 'nice' to IRAN???

Aren't you glad now JEWS that you voted for PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA and he is making 'nice' with terorist-and-almost-'nookier'[JIMMY'afraid-of-wabbits-i-am-pronounciation'CARTER] IRAN??? WHO WILL ORODUCE MUSHROOM CLOUDS FIRST - ISRAEL or IRAN??? BARACH HUSSEIN OBAMA - the terrorist's best friend. 'the OBAMA' can't bowl, can't pick college basketball even when he picks the favs, and don't no shit-from-shinola about eechonomiks!!! Ha. Conned by a BLACK CHICAGO STREET PUNK.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The idiot PELOSI at it again...

REPREHENSIBLE NANCY'sphincter-of-the-US-House-of-FOOLS'PELOSI stated "...raids by the IMMIGRATION CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT agency against illegal immigrants were unpatriotic and is un-AMERIKAN." 'Botox-Brain'PELOSI chanted "Si se puede," or "Yes we can" to a group meeting in SAN FRANCISCO. It was undetermined how many of the group were legal or ILLEGAL citizens. Meanwhile 'Sphincter'PELOSI requested a US AIR FORCE helicopter for her transportation needs. When you kick the ILLEGALS out of this cuntry - see if you can boot 'Sphincter'PELOSI + 'the OBAMA' with em???


With the FED creating over $1trillion+dollars of nothing yesterday the SOCIALIST STATES of AMERIKA has enslaved the world into a worse DEFLATIONARY CYCLE since the end of WWI!!! Take it from 'the OBAMA' who doesn't know his BLACK ASS from the shitter of his moronic toadies ass-sucking GEITHNER, SUMMERS, et al - MARXIST MANIA and dictatorship are on the way for this stoopid fookn cuntry!!! All hail PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA=our next DICTATOR COMRADE STALIN controlling everything - wages, prices, thought, ideas, the media cuz 'the OBAMA' is smart he wents to HARVARD!!! Ha. WAKE UP AMERIKA AND REMOVE THIS MARXIST WANNABE TYRANT!!! Do not let your cuntry be taken over so cheaply by this CHICAGO STREET PUNK HUSTLER!!! Yeah 'the OBAMA' EECHONOMIKS means no value to arbitrage of the DOLLAR - means no 'new' drilling/finding OIL - means UNION THUGS will do away with 'secret ballot' - means you will be forced to 'share-the-wealth' you made and created with 'the OBAMA's base of indolent unemployed non-achievers!!! WELCOME TO 'the OBAMA's vision of his MARXIST WORLD!!! LOCKED IN MASSIVE DEFLATIONARY ANGST&MISERY!!!

Is CHRIS DODD as fookn scummy as his father???

US SENATURD CHRIS'ise-got-me-special-loans-from-Cuntrywide'DODD first blames others for the AIG BONUS scenario now says the language he used was changed so it ain't his fault in the TARP SHITTY BILL which exempted AIG from restrictions on BONUSES???!!! Is DODD Jr. now a big as sleazebag/scumbag/thief as his old man former SENATURD CHRIS'fookn-thief'DODD Sr.??? The only 'sitting' SENATURD not renominated by the DEMBHOLES cuz he was such an outrageous corrupt SCUMHOLE??? WHO SAYS THE APPLE DOES NOT FALL FAR FROM THE TREE???

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The WBC is what BEISBOL should be!!!

The USA BEISBOL TEAM came from behind in the last inning to beat PUERTO RICO in an elimination game last night in MIAMI. The game featured great fielding(BELTRAN'S catch/robbery off McCANN and ROBERT'S play at second were superb), the intensity of the fans was great, and of course the USA winning in the last inning over PUERTO RICO was indeed thrilling.[Knew CABRERA would blow-up in wildness because of the pressure -Doubt Puerto Rico's KROD would have mlted like that!?] ALL IN ALL A GREAT GAME AND MORE BEISBOL TO COME. AH THIS IS HEAVEN WATCHING BEISBOL AND GETTING TO IGNORE THE WORLD'S PROBLEMS!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Senator on AIG execs: Quit or commit suicide

US SENATURD REPUBLICANT CHARLES'ise-a-fool-and-ise-knows-it'GRASSLEY of IOWA stated on the SENATURD floor that "...AIG execs should take a lesson from the Japanese and commit seppuku or just resign." WHO SAYS YOU HAVE TO BE 'SMART' TO BE ELECTED A SENATURD FROM IOWA??? CHUCK go back to shucking corn instead of trying to prove you stinks like a populist!!! You voted/approved the massive bailout of AIG and now you and your fellow TURDS which to absolve yourselves of all responsibility!!! The 'ones' QUITTING or coimitting SUICIDE should be you/your fellow US SENATURDS/REPREHENSIBLES for getting us in this economic situation in the first place CHUCK!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Who owns A.I.G.???

Aside from the monies given by the UNITED STATES government - the largest shareholders are GOLDMAN-SUCKS(the MOB BROKERAGE HOUSE) and WARREN'short-laughing-pudgy'BUFFET besides 'original owners' forced out by the NY AG E - L - I - O - T SPITZER when he was not dabbling with PROS-TEE-TOOT-EES on the public's money - and now NY AG ANDY'lil-mafioso-in-training'CUOMO has taken up the 'populist' class-warfare banner in the hopes it will land him in the GOVERNOR'S MANSION or a SENATURD SEAT!!! AIG is one of the largest insurance underwriters in the world and much of the 'BAILOUT' MONIES went to GOLDMAN-SUCKS + 'Bullshitter'BUFFETT and only a fraction FRACTION to BONUSES!!! But heh 'the OBAMA' is 'outraged' so it must be so right??? JUST LIKE PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA told us the economy was in the shitter when he needed his STIMULUS SHIT PORK ROLL + BUDGET BULLSHIT PASSSED for all those DEMBHOLE+REPUBLICANT pork projects or the world would end??? Ha. WHAT STOOPID FOOKERS FOR LISTENING TO THESE ASSHOLES!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

foul-mouthed VEEP JOE BIDEN...

VEEP JOE'it-was-a-hairplug-not-a-brain-transplant-rhetorical-flourishes-outta-my-bunghole'BIDEN uttered into a live microphone the other day at yet another SHIT STIMUUS SCHEME 'giveaway':""Gimme a fooking break," he said replying to his fellow former US SENATURDS and CORRUPT POLS/HACKS as referring to him as VICE-PREZ BIDEN. 'Hairplug'JOE will now have to resort to his 'visions' of growing-up in Depressionville PENNSYLVANIA where his dad referred to him as CHUMP - and kept telling him to get up CHUMP(cause 'Hairplug'JOE must have gotten the shit beat outta him to cause this severe brain damage!!!) get up CHUMP. AND NOW BECAUSE OF THE ACTIONS OF 'HAIRPLUG'JOE +PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA with their SHITTY SOCIALIST SCHEMES and CRUSHING DEFICITS and ESCALATING TAXES - ALL OF US get to experience DEPRESSIONVILLE with 'Hairplug'JOE and his foul-mind/mouth again!!! When you elekt MARXIST MORONS - this is what you get!!! ASSHOLES.

because it is almost BEISBOL SEASON at Fenway Park...

I’m in love with baseball's Boston Red Sox
[in honour of the RED SOX
recent World Series triumph]

October 3, 1978 was the last time
I allowed a man to think he used me.

He took me to “green—monstered” Fenway where
G-d—fearing—ascetic Brahmin bankers

smiled sleazily at my body. Imitating
British accents as they supposedly cheered

for my home team. But the lawless Bronx warlords,
the Yankees, won that one—game play off.

And I remember how forlorn the Bosox looked-
as If they knew the imminence of death while

he laid me on his bed in that BackBay apartment.
Regarding me as some ordinary sexual contest

overcome by my desire for bat and ball and box seat.
A blonde primitive little Amish doll, to do certain chores,

his reward. Payment for a ticket impossible to attain.
Never realizing that I replayed the game,

over and over in my mind. Every pitch, every hit.
Mouthing words of encouragement for players

doomed like I was when one—day or one—night stands
turn into seasons of major headaches. Sighing

In disbelief as Dent took Torres deep. Swearing
shockingly when Yaz popped out to end my ordeal.

Never allowing fulfillment. Afterwards, saying to fans
lusting for triumph everywhere, “I wish it was longer.”

Thursday, March 12, 2009

How big a fookn fool is JOHN KERRY???

US SENATURD JOHN'the-Fraud'KERRY has stated:"Climate change is not governed by a recession, it's governed by scientific facts about what's happening to Earth. And you either accept the realities of the science or you don't," said the DEMBHOLE TURD from TAXACHUSETTS who always prefers marrying wealthy women - to maintain the 'life-style' he could never earn on his own!!! WHAT REALITIES SENATURD JOHN'the-Fraud'??? Now is the time for you and AL'fat-fuck'GORE to prove your assertions with some/any real science you keep claiming exists???!!! When you can't it is time for both of you and any other 'GLOBAL-WARMING' NUTTER to embark to say the SOUTH POLE so that we never have to witness or hear your FOOKN STOOPIDITIES ever again!!! GOOD RIDDANCE.

Is it vengeance - or justice with JOHN DEMJANJUK???

JOHN DEMJANJUK, 88 years old of CLEVELAND OHIO has been charged in EUROPEAN COURTS of being a NAZI death camp guard and guilty of assisting 29,ooo JEWS, GYPSIES, CATHOLICS, GAYS to their untimely gruesome deaths. Is this charge against DEMJANJUK justice after so many years - or vengeance??? How many 'witnesses' can testify against him after all these years??? How much 'life' does the former auto-worker have left in him??? DEMJANJUK was a UKRAINIAN who emigrated to the UNITED STATES in 1952 and is being tried by the MUNICH GERMANY prosecutor's office. Is justice delayed - justice denied???

for national WOMEN'S MONTH...

the way a woman...

When I see a woman hoist
A child easily upon her hip
Words fail my grown man's voice
As I witness such compelling ease

And I am reminded by this image
A child easily upon her hip
How women are our anchorage
As I witness such coupling ease

How she is no longer just sex object
A child easily upon her hip
How she is ready to protect
As I witness such compelling grace

She stands there rooted secure
A child easily upon her hip
Complete in that erotic jutting contour
As I witness such coupling grace

She stands holding the world begun
A child easily upon her hip
A bond eternal broken by none
As I witness such awesome creatorship.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yet another 'the OBAMA' LIE!!! NO EARMARKS-NO PORK!!!


DEMBHOLE-DOUCHESBAGS all for 'card-check' - figures!!!

'CARD-CHECK' is the latest attempt by ASSHOLE UNIONISTAS to do away with the 'secret ballot' to install UNION THUG REPRESENTATION all over!!! See how well the UAW did for the soon bankrupt AUTO INDUSTRY. MORE OF THE SAME TO COME FOR WAL-MART AND OTHER FIRMS WHO DO NOT BEND TO 'THE OBAMA'S MARXIST MOBSTERS!!! STOP 'CARD-CHECK' AND DEFEAT UNION THUGGERY IN THE GUISE OF FREE CHOICE!!! DEMBHOLES need the bucks from these UNIONS - so they support em - if they could the 'secret ballot' for all elections would be abolished!!! KILL THE UNIONS AND UNION THUGS NOW!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Who needs private jets??? NOT PELOSI...

REPREHENSIBLE NANCY'sphincter-of-the-House-of-Fools'PELOSI regards the UNITED STATES AIR FORCE as her personal airline!!! Who needs 'private-jets' when BOTOX BUTTFACE PELOSI requires jet plane's at her disposal to go to ITALY to see the POPE - ALL ON TAXPAYER'S MONIES??? WHAT A DEMBHOLE DOUCHESBAG EH???

because it is almost PRO BEISBOL SEASON en ESTADES UNIDOS...

A partner to play catch with the sky’s lightning

A tribe of primitive throwbacks crouches
solitary and silent beneath
blazing ceremonial poles that light
purple summer nights
Catchers dressed in ceremonial attire
squat and assume a sacred position
Sneaking quick glances at
Thick-ribbed batters
Who take practice swings
that cleave the air
Leaving cool breezes of false confidence
These catchers grab rough dirt
with stubby fingers awaiting
hitters in apparent unhurried ease
Tapping on cleated shoes
Rubbing a hardwood club with dark pinetar
As if they could stickily summon
friendly spirits which would guarantee
Reaching a white pillowed base of safety
And at last this would—be slugger
enters the box of sacred white lines
For it is then that the fairness
or foulness of life spreads outward
from this starting place
Like a curtain slowly parting
to observe a passion play
As thousands in this concrete cavern roar
Calling on heroes to begin the game
Yelling at an all seeing umpire
Hidden behind an impartial mask

But all must wait each inning
and between every pitch

For a catcher to offer up a sign
Just as the first man must have done
Squatting as buttocks bounce against heels
Waiting and hoping for a partner
To play catch with the sky’s lightning
Because catchers are a tribe of throwbacks
Flashing secrets with their fingers,
Broken by seasons of foul tips
Because catchers are always imagined to be there
And it is only after they allow
a throw to get by them we notice their existence
Much like G-d we view them as indispensable
but ignored until we call on them
to throw out or block evil
Catchers kneeling as if in prayer
again and again
Before a magical mound to summon offerings
Barbaric breath stopping 3rdstrike sliders
Knee high and impossible to hit
Which cut corners of a meaty plate
sharper than a honed gutting knife
Drawing blood and something
much more precious
From embarrassed batters
Who hunker slowly back
through cursing shadows
To hide in dug out caves.
About This Poem:
beisbol my one true love...

'A partner to play catch with the sky’s lightning' Copyright © Zyskandar A JaimotCopyright is property of the above author.

Monday, March 9, 2009

'the OBAMA' - mindless meanderings to moderate TERRORISTS!!!

'the OBAMA' would like to 'reach-out' to moderates not in the evil REPUBLICANT PARTY in what is rapidly becoming the SOCIALIST STATES of AMERIKA - butt the moderates in IRAN, or HAMAS, or the TALIBAN, or 'MAD'VLAD's RUSSIA, or COMMIE-crapsters-in-CUBA or VENEZUELA!!! If PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA had been alive during WWII - would he have given moderate NAZI's a chance??? Just how stoopid is PREZ BUTTHEAD-BARRY-the-1st???Ha.

Saturday, March 7, 2009



It really doesn't rhyme...

I finally got the Jerry Seinfield joke

about trying to remember the name of the woman Delores,

rhyming with a female anatomy part.

Heh it's only been 10 years.

I'm slow but I eventually get there,

enjoying the reruns.

I just laughed at the onset of sex

when Daniella passed me that note

in 7th grade asking if I had any hair.

Normally it wouldn't have been embarrassing

having a thirteen-year old girl

wondering about my still slick balls.

That is until

Desideria laughed out loud and the illicit

question was confiscated by our history

teacher - and then read aloud.

I never gota chance to answer amid all the blushing

and release of pent-up hormones.

Not like when Babs brought back the black corset

and told me how the salesgirl

helped her try it on

in the backroom.

Carefully exciting me

while she applied more lotion to her gloved hands

as she rubbed harder and harder.

Sex has always been for me an addition

of emotions. Always slowly adding each

to each. Sort of like the Fibonacci sequence.

You know the numbers always the sum

of the terms proceeding it. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21.

Yeah 13 with Daniella and 21 with Babs.

And now I finally get Seinfield's clitoris joke.

Although it really doesn't rhyme.Neither does sex. Sex just gets weirder and weirder,as you get older. And it takes more time to get done with the simple stuff.© By Zyskandar A. Jaimot On 5/18/2007

Friday, March 6, 2009

'the OBAMA' - yet another outright LIE!!!

PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA has told another verifiable LIE!!! BUTTHEAD-BARRY-the-1st stated:"...for EVERY 30 SECONDS the cost of HEALTH CARE has 'bankrupted' another individual because they can not afford the cost!!!" 1 every 30 seconds eh BUTTHEAD BARRY??? AND YOU LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE so easily without a teleprompter!!! Where is the NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA to scrupulously tell/offer us the truth??? Are they all OBAMA's BUTT-BOYS???

'the OBAMA' in the role of PRISSY in 'Gone-With-The-Wind'/HILLARY naturally as Mistress SCARLETT...

***scene - the evil economic wind swept through leaving millions injured/dead prostrate on stretchers awaiting catastrophe***
take 1 - action

'The OBAMA' as PRISSY crying, weeping:"Miss SCARLETT Ise dunno nothin about no STOCK MARKET or no EECHONOMIKS!!!"

HILLARY with her asbestos-pants-suits paid for by the Jews she has just sold-out slaps the uppity Negro house servant PRSISY in the face:"SHUT-UP FOOL. Just 'rig' the cattle-futures option's market with someone else's money like I did - and all of us 'insiders' will make bucks FRIG those other JOBLESS SUCKAHS!!!"
***scene end - the destruction of 'free' capitalism in AMERIKA***

Thursday, March 5, 2009

How out-of-touch/stoopid is DIANE SAWYER???

Today, Friday, March 5, 2009 on ABC's GOOD MORNING AMERICA - DIANE SAWYER 'ran' a story on a man who had a job of $70,000 a year and now worked as a janitor for $508.00 a week. SAWYER then said:"...Wouldn't he be better on unemployment???" You dipshit SAWYER - UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE is to lend a hand for people who can't find work!!! YOUSE A FOOKN ASS SAWYER LIKE YOUR PAL CHARLES'look-at-those-Amish-in-their-costumes'GIBSON ANOTHER PART OF THE ASSHOLE MEDIA!!! Learn about this country and its laws provisions before you open your big stioopid politically-correct yap!!! OR DO YOU WANT/ENCOURAGE AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN TO BE ON THE UNEMPLOYMENT LINE??? STOOPID MEDIA CUNT.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Why hasn't 'the OBAMA' cut any GOVERNMENT JOBS???

With all the 'problems' with the economy and private businesses 'laying-off' workers - why hasn't PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA laid-off/furloughed GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES to lessen our TAX BURDEN??? Why is 'the OBAMA' planning to hire from 100,000 to 250,000 new workers that we the TAXPAYERS must pay for??? If PRIVATE CAPITALISM has to make job cuts to meet budgets - why WHY DOES NOT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT of the new STALIN 'the OBAMA'???

How ya doing JEWS - now that HILLARY/BILL have sold you out???

Well Madam HILLARY with her "...asbestos pants-suits"(paid for by all you good JEWS in donations) and her pretend-husband DICKHEAD have sold you-out!!! HILLARY that shrewdest of DEMBHOLE cunt's has thrown you over for 'the OBAMA's feel-good policy to the PALESTINIANS/HAMAS. Also for our friends the POLES/SLOVAKS who we ditched for a letter from 'the OBAMA' to 'MAD'VLAD's RUSSIA to help us with IRAN - which they laughed at in both MOSCOW & TEHERAN. HOW DO YOU FEEL NOW 'JEWS' TO BE SO UNCEREMONIOUSLY DUMPED??? Not to worry 'the OBAMA' will protect you when the missiles and nukes rain down on ISRAEL from IRAN!!! Ha. STOOPID FOOLS YOU JEWS TO TRUST A BLACK DICTATORIAL DESPOT FROM PUNK-ASS CHICAGO AND MADAM HILLARY WHO CAN SO EZILY BE BOUGHT.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

'SMART DIPLOMACY'??? 'the OBAMA' gets a stoopid letter dissed!!!

Senaturd CHUCK'the-schmuck'SCHUMER stated that 'the OBAMA' letter to the RUSSKI'S selling-out the POLES/SLOVAKS for 'help' from 'MAD'VLAD's RUSSIA with IRAN - was 'SMART DIPLOMACY' - LIKE WHEN CHUCK'THE-SCHMUCK' WAS CAUGHT CHEATING AT HARVARD BUT HIS PATRON BOUGHT HARVARD OFF WITH A BRIBE/DONATION!!! This 'smart' letter was laughed at in MOSCOW & TEHERAN!!! 'the OBAMA' offered to halt the missile defense shield in exchange for 'HELP'. The POLES&SLIVAKS must feel great at being sold-out so easily for nothing!!! GREAT FOREIGN POLICY FROM THIS 'the OBAMA' the MARXIST FOOKN WANKER - & STOOPID GIT.

remembrances of BEISBOL season's past...

An 'old matador' returns for another season 1996

In from the bullpen
meatyFernando Valenzuela
black hair slick
as he anticipates
hungry exertions of love
regally walks the paseo
as the crowds roar in approval
remembering once great moments
Sacrificial bloodied hitters
looking stunned after having their being sliced
by his wicked left—handed “scroogie”
As he taunted them
Hiding his art
behind an expressionless face which served
as a curtain never allowing outsiders a glimpse
of the agony where for every hit
a pitcher is gored
by sharp invisible horns
A single nicking his thigh
A double stabbing his side
A triple gouging deep in his groin
A home—run piercing his heart
And they still snort and lunge after him
Enraged like wild things
at how easy he made
it all seem
How it used to be
Desperate final swings
turning their tormented faces
deep red as raw liver
on a plate before a mound
manicured carefully
as a sandy ring for slaughter
But now the young bulls
experience no bursts of panic
as they batter around
A matador who has lost his youth
along with his stylish slider.

'the OBAMA':"...stock market is like a political tracking poll."

BUTTHEAD BARRY knows friggin nothing about economics!!! PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA claims STOCK MARKET gyrations are akin to the bobs and weaves of a POLITICAL TRACKING POLL!!! You don't get it - your SHARE-the-WEALTH policies and your STIMULUS SHIT ROLL of DEMBHOLE PORK + your figgin taxes on everybody has caused the STOCK MARKETS to lose money at an ever increasing phenomenal rate!!! THE MARKETS=PRIVATE CAPITAL HAVE NO CONFIDENCE IN YOU - YOU CHICAGO COMMUNITY ACTIVIST HUSTLER!!! 'the OBAMA'=the new STALIN our DICTATORIAL DESPOT for the UNITED SOCIALIST STATES of AMERIKA!!! FOOKN BLACK MARXIST MORON.

Monday, March 2, 2009

In ORLANDO, FL. - we help BILLIONAIRES - FUCK education!!!

The ARENA SCAM, led by MAYOR BUDDY BUFFOON, CORRUPT POLS/HACKS, The ORLANDO SLANTINEL, & OTHER FOOLS - allowed the $BILLIONAIRE DeVOS FAMILY not to pay for a new basketball court for the ORLANDO MAGYKLESS all to the tune of $3BILLION DOLLARS paid for by TAXPAYERS!!! Course the ASSHOLE MEDIA + CORRUPT SCUMBAGS told us the 'tourist tax' would pay for this not us - the TAXPAYERS. GUESS WHAT??? TOURISM HAS STOPPED AND FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 30 YEARS - PROPERTY TAX WENT UP IN ORANGE COUNTY!!! And now - teachers and the school systems claim they have no money. GET IT FROM THE 'ARENA SCAM'!!! We'd rather FUCK and SELL/PIMP our CHILDREN then give up seats to a new basketball court that all the TAXPAYERS get to pay for while the INSIDERS reap/rape all the monies from this ARENA SCAM!!! HELP those $BILLIONAIRES + CORRUPT SCUMMY POLS - FUCK our KID's education!!!