Saturday, February 28, 2009

'the OBAMA' doublespeak translator...

PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA states that the UNITED STATES military will wthdraw from IRAQ and cease combat operations by August 31, 2010. But -BUTT - the UNITED STATES will leave 50,000 troops there - do you really think 50,000 men+women with weapons will not engage in combat operations???
PREZ BUTTHEAD-BARRY-the-1st states that 95% of TAXPAYERS will receive a TAX CUT of $13DOLLARS-A-WEEK starting this APRIL. But - BUTT - this 'TAX CUT' is actually a TAX CREDIT and will be billed to us on next year's income tax in a lump sum - not weekly!!!
PREZ BARRY'incurably-fraudulent'OBAMA states that with an increase of $3TRILLION DOLLARS that he claims isn't PORK STIMULUS SHIT - 'the OBAMA' will cut the deficit by 50%!!! 'the OBAMA' will also walk on the waters before JEFFERSON's monument while 'SHARING-the-WEALTH' others have generated
with the 'minorities'+feckless MARXIST IDIOTS that are his political base along with 'guilty' WHITE DEMBHOLES embracing this BLACK FRAUD although he went to COLUMBIA+HARVARD!!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

the alternative universe of BARRY OBAMA...

In this world created by PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishoenest'OBAMA, budget deficits are 'solved' by spending-spending-spending ridiculous monies on PORK-ROLL DEMBHOLE SHIT while telling everyone 'HE' will cut the budget deficit by 2011 in half!!! VOTERS=STOOPID SUCKAHS will believe anything from this IMMACULATE BLACK 'MAGYK-NEGRO' via COLUMBIA and HARVARD LAW.

In this alternative universe - class warfare is the name of the game with SENATUIRDS&REPREHENSIBLES who have never accomplished anything controlling businesses they know nothing about - ie, banking, auto manufacturing, the private plane industry, even the 'court system' being able to renegotiate mortgage contracts, all aspects of climate control, cap&trade ridiculousaness on the fraud of 'GLOBAL WARMING', the salaries of anyone connected with the government. IT IS NOW PERMISSIBLE TO YELL AND SCREAM ABOUT ANYONE'S RATE OF COMPENSATION OR SALARY. CAPITALISM is now evil and SOCIALISM is good.

In this alternative universe - troop withdrawal means leaving 50,000 AMERILAN MILITARY in IRAQ - while transferring most US servicepersonnel to AFGHANISTAN!!!

****OBAMA's latest LIE****In BUTTHEAD-BARRY-the-1st speak TAX CUTS are actually TAX CREDITS which will have to be declared as TAX INCOME [all $600 dollars of this supposed TAX CUT!!!] next year. As 'Texas Guinan' used to greet customers to her speak-easy: "Hello and welcome suckers!!!"****

In PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA speak there is no PORK in the DEMBHOLE STIMULIUS SHIT BILL. REALLY. What about those PORK 'EARMARKS' for field mice, for rail lines, for green golf carts, for STD&FAMILY PLANNING, over 4000 PORK EARMARKS for your fellow DEMBHOLE DOUCHESBAGS!!!

Greetings from the alternative universe where everything is a LIE told to you by the GREAT LIAR & ENSLAVER of FREEDOMS the MARXIST TAX OVERSEER - PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest&fraudulent'OBAMA. [But he went to HARVARD how could this happen we now owe $3TRILLION DOLLARS for DUMB-DEMBHOLE SHIT???]

You voted in this MARXIST MANIAC and you were warned - but your guilt at what WHITES did to BLACKS in this nation overcame your reason. NOW YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN AND THEIR CHILDREN ARE 'ENSLAVED' WITH HIGHER DEBT/TAXES AND LOSS OF YOUR FREEDOMS. Should have remembered that DEMBHOLES were 'Copperheads' during the 'War-of-the-Southern-States-Rebellion' and should never be trusted - except to turn to MARXISM/SOCIALISM and people like the OBAMA - as our new STALIN - an ultimate BLACK DICTATOR and DESPOT!!!(REPUBLICANTS find someone to 'run' against this ASSHOLE or we will have to endure another 4 years of this MARXIST MORON and his plans to SHARE-the-WEALTH with everyone except those who imagined it/who earned it/generated it!!!)

will we see 'MANNY being MANNY' this BEISBOL SEASON???

Manny being Manny

Manny Ramirez
Manny Ramirez
# 24 at play near FENWAY’S GREEN MONSTER
galumphing along

as if in a field of buttercups
enchanted with the motion of bright butterflies

RED SOX # 24
takes his time

A large ox-like creature
Uniform always askew
never ‘crisp’ like a head of lettuce
or starched white shirt

Sometime using ‘visits’ to relieve himself
inside the hidden recesses of the sacred verdant tin-wall

Manny just being Manny
returns the ball to the infield

Awkward in the field unconcerned
just galumphing along

Manny at bat#24 becomes a fearsome hitter
His eyes darken with intent
a true student of rapping out hits
a keen eye at the plate
works the pitch-count
from atop his 6foot 5inch frame
Dreadlocks fly in disarray
at the force of his swing
as if he were some different galumpher

Arms outsretched heavenward in triumph
after another home-run
while he just stands watching nightly cheers fade
just memories
along with the transient sparkle of millions
Manny just being Manny

Thursday, February 26, 2009


In Cuba - they play the same game

At sun drenched Junco beisbol stadium
amid a backdrop of palm trees
in this repeatedly self-proclaimed people's government
free of imperialismos,
the Cienfuegos Henequeneros battle
on the field against
the home town Havana Sugar Kings.
Cigar smoking fans, factory workers
and field hands mostly, sit under
straw hats while eyeing pretty muchachas
whose skin sweats from excitement.
These young women simmer
almost to the boiling point
waiting for an appearance
by the league's pitching star.
The Kings el premiero lanzadore de besbol,
Rudolpho Vascancellos. Rudi. ..Rudi ...Rudi
they stand and shout at Rudi...Rudi...Rudi
hoping he will acknowledge their passion
and pent-up desires. Rudi is a Cuban version
of Randy Johnson, or Roger Clemens, or Pedro Martinez.
When Rudi takes the mound, listening to shouts
of Poncholo-Poncholo-Poncholo echo from fans
demanding strike-outs, strike-outs, and more strike-outs.
Showing his superiority and machismo.
Handsome, light-skinned, his arms and legs whipping
with lean fluid motion as he fires pelotas past
stunned batters who with lesser throwers
rap out honrons or glide into second
with easy doubles. But with Rudi -
these les hombres hits merely swing
and miss. Swing and miss. And then sit
as if like everything else, toilet paper
or butter or free speech - hits were rationed.
Awed schoolboys, 'Young Pioneers' taught
and outfitted in political blue monochrome,
have stood in lines waiting for tickets
to stand in other lines waiting for seats,
holding beaten leather mitts waiting for
autographs from Rudi...Rudi...Rudi...
But first up, the visiting Henequeneros bateadors.
Hitting lead-off, a short very dark young man
whose family origins on this isle began shortly after
Columbus from the hold of a slave ship.
The hitter taps his cleats professional style
and steps into the batter's box.
Rudi delivers a fast ball shoe-top high.
The umpire who traces his pure blood
from the 15th century conqueror Diaz
smiles as he yells the strike.
The batter turns and glares.
In Cuba - they play the same game.

How big a FOOL is VEEP BIDEN???

Comik-fart-sidekick VEEP JOE'it-was-a-hairplug-not-a-brain-transplant-rhetorical-flourishes-outta-my-bunghole'BIDEN sought to diminish REPUBLICANT Governor BOBBY JINDAL of Lousiana by stating that under JINDAL:"...Lousiana was losing 400 jobs a day!!!" WRONG. THIS IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE AND FALSEHOOD. Under Governor JINDAL - LOUISIANA is busily adding jobs/workers according to the Lousiana Bureau of EMPLOYMENT. ARE YOU REALLY THAT STOOPID 'HAIRPLUG'JOE - OR JUST THAT STOOPIDLY PARTISAN??? FOOKN MORON!!! Some VEEP huh??? Ha.[Or don't your scummy sons & brother have any corrupt deals in Louisiana???] Ha.

The new 'ELITE' klass in the SOCIALIST-STATES-of-AMERIKA...

With the elektion of PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA, the SOCIALIST-STATES-of-AMERIKA; at the apeothis of this trend 'voters'have highlighted elekting people of little ability or accomplishment. Mr. OBAMA graduated from IVEY LEAGUE schools and was elekted to then be a US SENATURD. He has no other accomplishments or achievements.
US SENATURD JOHN'the-old-fool'McCAIN was elekted largely on the largesse of his second wife's beer fortune!!! Yes, we are indebted to Mr. McCAIN's military service - And NO a 'hero' is not merely a prisoner-of-war in the HANOI HILTON!!! Every bill/proposal by SENATURD McCAIN has resulted in near catastrophic consequences for the UNITED STATES!!![IE - McCAIN/FEINGOLD - failed to restrict campaign contributions, McCAIN/KENNEDY - would legalize ILEGAL IMMIGRATION. CAP&TRADE - the ultimate SCAM to appease the 'GLOBAL WARMING WHACKOOS'!!!] THIS MAN IS NOTHING BUT AN OLD FOOL.
MADAM HILLARY"...asbestos-pants-suits"CINTON - was elekted a US SENATURD because people 'pitied' her because DICKHEAD made her eat-shit all those years in the WHITE HOUSE for which SHE WAS EQUALLY COMPLICIT!!! Aceepting illegal monies, influence, knowing of her pretend-husband's infidileties and illegal 'deals'. Now she was made SECRETARY-of-STATE having never accomplished anything except surviving her and DICKHEAD's calumnies.
US SENATURD ARLEN SPECTER - elekted by the monied-JEWS of CVS to which he bows his head in leashed servitude. Or perhaps it is all the cancer drugs which have warped his mind - if there ever was one there???
US SENATURD CHARLES'chuck-the-schmuck'SCHUMER - was 'caught' cheating at HARVARD LAW but his patron bought this 'indiscretion' off with a large donation. CHUCK'the-schmuck' most recently stated of the STIMULUS SHIT-ROLL :"...that AMERIKANS don't care about the PORK that is in this bill!!!".
US SENATURD CHIRS'ise-got-me-a-mortgage-discount-from-Countrywide'DODD - the son of the only SENATURD so vile, so nefarious, so villainous; that his own party the DEMBHOLES refused to put his name as a sitting SENATURD for renomination. LIKE FATHER LIKE SON EH???? DODD has taken favors, loans, monies from various companies and from FANNIE-MAE&FREDDIE-MAC - who supposedly he was investigating for FRAUD and other ILLICIT ACTS!!!
REPREHENSIBLE NANCY'sphincter-of-the-House-of-Fools'PELOSI - a daughter of the D'ELASANDRO family of thieves/fraudsters/corrupt-POLS/HACKS of BALTIMORE believes she is entitled to her own plane and staff for vacations/trips to see the POPE no less all on TAXPAYER'S MONIES!!!
US PREPREHENSIBLE BARNEY'play-with-my-schmeckle-get-a-loan'FRANK - chairman of House-of-Fools BANK COMMITTE went to HARVARD LAW on the people of MASSACHUSETTS money. Was convicted of letting a male prostitute 'operate' out of his home and FEDERAL OFFICE!!!
Comik-fart-sidekick VEEP JOE'it-was-a-hairplug-not-a-brain-transplant-rhetorical-flourishes-outta-my-bunghole'BIDEN who is linked to illicit 'deals' for his sons&brother while being 'named' SUPERVISOR-of-the-STIMULUS-SHIT-MONIES. He is a certified MORON who knows nothing about CONSTITUTIONAL LAW which he claims to be a 'scholar'. 'Hair-plug'JOE likens himself to JON VOIGHT or WALLACE BERRY's movie roles in 'THE CHAMP'.
US REPREHENSIBLE CHARLES'ise-bankrupted-the-Apollo-with-scummy-deals/contracts-for-me+friends'RANGEL who refused to pay taxes on his properties in FLORIDA+THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC+favors on property in NYC was named of course CHAIRMAN of the TAX RECONSIDERATIONS OF OBAMA's INFALLIBILITY SEMINARS!!! RANGEL should be in jail for his purposeful illegalities.
These elekted officials have established 'sinecures' where they have placed themselves above the LAW.
Both DEMBHOLES and REPUBLICANTS have participated in this abuse of authority, reason, law for the purposes of profiting mightily from their elekted status.
This STIMULUS-SHIT-BILL will further erode our precious freedoms with crushing HIGHER-TAXES and DICTATORIAL DEMANDS that encumber all of this magykical 'free money' from the divinely consecrated PREZ BUTTHEAD-BARRY-the-1st.
Only US SENATURD ROBERT'bring-back-the-KKK'BYRD has stated that these willful proclamations by PREZ OBAMA & his lackeys are in violation of the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION and border on TOTALIATERIANISM!!! GOOD FOR YOU - BOBBY'KKK'BYRD YOU SEE THE DANGER IN MANIC MARXISM!!! All hail PREZ BARRY'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA our new STALIN!!!

BOB BAFFERT - drugger of horses - nominated to RACING'S HALL of FAME...

BOB BAFFERT, thoroughbred horse-trainer who has been suspended numerous times for administering 'banned substances' to horses in his care[besides steroids, growth-hormone deemed permissable by racing bodies]; has been nominated to RACING'S HALL of FAME!!! DOES IT MATTER ANYMORE THAT MOST OF THE 'LEADING TRAINERS' HAVE BEEN CAUGHT/SUSPENDED FOR ADMINISTERING DRUGS(BANNED SUBSTANCES) TO THEIR HORSES??? Should BAFFERT[or any other drug-cheater TRAINER?] now be inducted into the RACING HALL of SHAME??? DOES ANYONE CARE???

because it is 'BIKE WEEK' in DAYTONA, FLORIDA

Biketoberfest in Daytona
Bikers all wearing dark glasses
to make sure their eyes never betray
inner secrets invade this sandy
seaside resort every March

Bikers outfitted in de rigeur black leather,
big boots, gloves, wrist bands, sprout metal studs
Bikers with tatoo and piercings incorpareted
as supposedly noncomformist art
Strip to shiny thongs
flexing biceps, buttocks, breasts
all decorated like wild colorful nomads
while they suck down cold beer

Causing momentary stares from older residents
outfitted in terrycloth furry bathrobes
and white beach hats
Cars and traffic crawl along Route One
as onlookers; tourists and 'biker wannabes' lounge on sidewalks
taking in the supposedly raw annual playtime

Bikers depart towing chromed, polished,
bikes on shiny new trailers –
virginal bikes which have never been ridden
reality all pretend just for lusty show.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

beisbol season draws closer...

baseball cards traded
year after year games replayed
faces ever young
players always just the same
change of teams the only trade

PREZ OBAMA's address to CONGRESS devoid of fact or substantive plans for CHANGE!!!

PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA addressed the CONGRESS last night and gave a thumping 'campaign' speech devoid of any exact solutions. Oh yes comik-fart comic joke VEEP JOE'it-was-a-hair-transplant-not-a-brain-transplant-rhetorical-flourishes-outta-his-bunghole'BIDEN was named 'SUPERVISOR-of-STIMULUS-SHIT-MONIES!!! NOW DON'T WE ALL FEEL BETTER THAT WE'VE HAD A 'GOOD FART' TO SUPERVISE US ALL??? Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha. OBAMA wants parents to supervise their children, to cure 'cancer' in our lifetimes, and told us while more monies on DEMBHOLE STIMULUS-SHIT-PORK-ROLL PROJECTS will increase - OBAMA 'our savior' will magically reduce the budget deficit. NO FACTS OR PROPOSALS FOR ANY OF THESE WAS ON THE TELEPROPMPTER SO OUR IMMACULATE BUTTHEAD-BARRY-the-1st COULD NOT READ THEM EVEN THOUGH HE WENT TO IVEY LEAGUE SCHOOLS!!! OBAMA wants us to "...get all of us back to our core values" and for all of us " prepared to sacrifice". THAT IS ALL OF US EXCEPT THE CRAVEN/THIEVING/PRIVILIEGED CLASS OF CONGRESSIONAL SENATURDS/REPREHENSIBLES - who increase their pay-offs/influence/fraud and the TAXPAYER'S SUFFERING with every stoopid STIMULUS SHIT PORK ROLL they can cram into this ridiculous spending spree on our dime!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Uner auspices of PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA yesterday convened/arranged 'groups' of US SENATURDS & REPREHENSIBLES to solve all the nation's problems. Appointed to head the TAX REFORM GROUP was DEMBHOLE REPREHENSIBLE CHARLES'ise-bankrupted-the-Apollo-and-dont-pay-no-Taxes-on-my-foreign-or-US-properties'RANGEL who warned that there would be partisan fights over the closing of 'loopholes'!!! See 'tax-rip-off'RANGEL don't pay no taxes so he don't need no 'loopholes'!!! Some 'working-groups' eh PREZ BUTTHEAD-BARRY-the-1st??? A TAX GROUP LED NY A TAX CHEAT AND FRAUD!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

JIM BUNNING predicts an early demise for JUSTICE GINSBERG...

SENATURD JIM BUNNING said in a speech that JUSTUCE RUTH BADER GINSBERG would be dead within 9 months from pancreatic cancer.(While we despise JUSTICE GINSBERG's politics/decisions on the SUPREME COURT - we hope/pray for her remission of this disease that afflicts her.) As regards SENATURD BUNNING - you are an ex-BEISBOL player go take some steroids and stop hoping for death and destruction to your political enemies!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Today Governor DEMBHOLE JENNIFER'ise-a-canadienne-retred-cunt' GRANHOLM blithely ignored all the 'problems' in her state of MICHIGAN on FOXNewsSunday and reinforced that her state would prostrate itself for all the STIMULUS help they could use. THAT AND GIVE BLOW-JOBS OR LET THE UNIONS FOOK HER UP THE ASS FOR THEIR CONTINUED VOTING SUPPORT!!! What Governor GRANHOLM conveniently forgot to state is why besides her abysmal eeckonomik practices/taxes she+DEMBHOLES in her state pushed MICHIGAN into bankruptcy, is why 47% of the people in her city of DETROIT can't read. DO YOU THINK THAT IS PART OF MICHIGAN'S WOES YOU DEMBHOLE DIPSHIT EXCUSE FOR A GOVERNOR???


REPREHENSIBLE JAMES'ise-stoopid n black-and-ise-proud-of-id'CLYBURN US member of the House-of-Fools from SOUTH CAROLINA stated that any White Governor "...who refused PREZ OBAMA's STIMULUS-SHIT-MONIES-of-slavery was a racist attack against BLACKS"!!! WHAT??? Are you saying all BLACKS need help from WHITEY??? Are you saying all BLACKS are too STOOPID to realize the government strings attached by BUTTHEAD-BARRY-the-1st??? You are a typical DUMB-DEMBHOLE CLYBURN - except in this case you are a FOOKN BLACK WANKER who is trying to place the 'race card' yet again!!!

JOE CREDE signs with TWINS

JOE CREDE, formerly with the CHICAGO WHITE SOX - has signed with the MINNESOTTA TWINS. CREDE a hard-slugging third-baseman has a notoriously 'dicey' back problem which may not hold-up in the TWINS dome field. CREDE has in 2768 at bats in the majors has driven in 422 runs, had 125 home runs, and hit for a .257 average. HE IS A SUPERB FIELDER. If his health problems don't plague him - CREDE should help the TWINS battle the WHITE SOX for the CENTRAL DIVISION crown - which they lost in a one game play-off to their CHICAGO rivals last season.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The insipidness of the POETRY PIMPS at the NYTIMES today 2/21...

Today, Saturday, Feb. 21-2009 in the reign of BUTTHEAD-BARRY-the-1st; the terribly mediocre poet DAVID ORR attempts to justify why we should read the asanine/contrived/doltish work of the 'FRAUD' JOHN ASSBURIED!!! ORR does not specify that because ASSBURIED was a homosexual/GAY/faggot or whatever of the intelectual/academic class - his POETRY even though it was largely indecipherable was fawned over by suck-ups such as ORR and the not-so-important anymore NYer and APR juntas. ASSBURIED never had any talent and this written paen -glorifying this buttfook poet ASSBURIED is the height of sycophantism - or maybe you could just fellate him or fook his asshole MR. ORR[alive or dead -probably makes no difference to him or the likes of you] - as long as you 'save'/engender/reserve a spot to get another salacious review or placing of your middling poetry in the NYSlimes!!! DAVID ORR writes laudingly over ASSBURIED to wit "What we should be doing is asking why a poet as gifted as Ashbery has written so many poems that are boring or repetitive (or both), because such questions will allow us to better understand the poems he has written that are moving and funny and beautiful." THE POINT IS ORR YOU COMPLETE SUCK-UP IS WHY WE HAVE NOT LABELED ASSBURIED FOR THE COMPLETE FRAUD HE IS AND HAS BEEN??? HE IS THE 'EMPEROR' WITHOUT CLOTHES - EMBRACED BY HACKS LIKE YOU!!! It is not a matter of subjective 'taste' - ASSBURIED's poem about ice cream cones and other ridiculous notions/twaddle is one of the worst poems ever published in the toady NYer - catering to POETIC HACKS + MIDDLING WRITER/WANKERS such as you have proved with this fawning pre-eulogy!!! Or as they said in 'Heart-of-Darkness':"Mr. KURTZ - he dead yet?!" In truth ASSBURIED was never ever alive.

TAMPA BAY RAYS try to compete in AL EAST ---

unfortunately signing banged-up former major-league 'closers' like JASON ISRINGHAUSEN [to even minor league deals] will not WILL NOT move them closer to RED SOX NATION or the steroid-ridden NYYanquis even in the short term!!! Produce from your own depth of young player personnel - don't rely on 'getting-lucky' with former injured has-been's - it seldom works out!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009



Heavy maples shake leaves of brutal fury
Willows bend gently dreaming in their windy beauty.

because it is BESIBOL SEASON and enough talk of AROD...

i never want to grow old
like Willie Mays
i hope his age never shows

Willie Mays jogs toward centerfield
and doesn't see the reality
that it is 1972 and he is playing for the NYMets
and that he is no longer young
that he is not 'The Say-Hey Kid' anymore
And I watch him move without grace
Willie Mays the most nimble of outfielders
bends down to field an easy single
a nothing ground ball to the outfield
in a game that doesn't matter
and a base hit that turns into tragedy
as the ball rolls past his outstretched gloved hand
And for a moment he can not believe
the ball rolling behind him
not entrapped in the leather glove
that made a mockery
of so many sure hits
in that 'basket style sweeping' catch
And I begin to cry
remembering the Mays of 1957
the Giant who
swatted three homers
against the Cubs
as I watched
from my outfield seat at the Polo Grounds
marveling at how the white baseballs
seemed to leap out of the stadium
when Willie snapped that perfect swing
Willi is always the ‘Say-Hey Kid’
while Mr. Leo smiles acknowledging perfection
Watching ‘the kid’ spinning throwing tumbling
like some continuously twirling top
only to lose inertia and fall returning to earth
the way he did in the World Series of ‘54
to rob Cleveland’s Vic Wertz in black-and-white footage
of another yet amazing over-the-shoulder catch
Just proving he could do the impossible
Sprinting turning his back to the infield
Running into our youthful memories
And I weep not just for Willie
but for myself as I want never
to grow old to grow old as Willie Mays
looked this day and how embarrassed
finally to be relegated
to play first base for the Mets
Because first basemen are always ‘butter-fingered’ or ‘has-beens’
especially when they join ‘the mahvelous Mets’
A freakish attraction of what once was
And I never want to fumble
reaching for something
that isn't there anymore
And I still cry as I can remember
how old he and I became
when that easy ground ball
rolled by Willie and me forever.

About This Poem:
My first baseball game was at the now gone POLO GROUNDS when WILLIE bombed-out three homers out of the park - BEISBOL has been my love ever since...

for BLACK HISTORY month...

I was all over this white guy - once

Yeah we was both shufflin' and busin'
Tables down this casino restaurant in Vegas
Ya know hustlin' for tokes and tips
Cleanin' all the stuff the waiters told us
Cuz that's where the real money is
Waitin' on those rich players
Ya know all servers make beaucoup bucks
Don’t have to do all de grunt work
And one time I was rappin'
Wid dis fine bunch of Chicano chics
And dis waiter the Jew from New Yowk
Says I was makin' fun of him or
Sumthin' and not to do it again
Cuz he tells me he was in da movies
Once in some film about Jews and Nazis
And I rented it and sure enough
There he was on this street where
Dis old bald guy was runnin' and
They all recognized him as a killer
Who took their diamonds and stuff
Naw I don't have nothin' gainst Jews
My pops was a butcher for this guy
At a whad’ja call a kosher butcher and he learned him
Real good enough to put my two brothas
And a sistah through college
Got nothin bad to say about em'
And I go to junior college now cuz
My grades ain't too good though I can
Wrassle in fact I won a coupla' championships
Ain't big enough to dunk on dat ring
Or tall enough to jump like a rocket
Playin' b-ball wid otha' long tall bros
So I wrassle and I was walkin' down
To the lunchroom cuz when ya works
Eight hours they gots to feed ya
So mostly they only let ya work six
Was checking out dose keino girls
Dressed in their little skirts and heels
Booty almost showing through spandex
And I am with this white guy
This older dude he about 35-40 sumthin'
Like that and I tell him I can wrassle
And he says he used too and right then
Dunno' but we squared off
And sonofabitch he sweeps my leg
Real quick like and he is behind me
And finally I throws him down with me on top
On that shiny hard linoleum floor
And I go to put him in a hold
Right then a manager cums up
And pulls us apart axsking
What is going on to the older white dude
So he says nothin' jus' foolin' around
And he tells us both to beat it---

So the next day I find out -
That he made the white guy a waiter.

The first 'job hires' under STIMULUS!!!

The first people to be employed under BUTTHEAD-BARRY-the1st's STIMULUS SHIT ROLL -- are LAWYERS!!! YES FOOKIN LAWYERS to make sure this DEMBHOLE DICTATOR'S pronouncements are adhered too!!! LAWYERS will now supervise the administration of cash - doesn't that make you feel secure??? Ha. And 'Comic-fart' sidekick VEEP JOE'it-was-a-hair-transplant-not-a-brain-transplant'BIDEN said before the nation's mayors "...we are on our way to a more decent, more fair cuntry..." Read DECENT/FAIR=MARTXIST/SOCIALISM to share our WEALTH!!! ASSHOLE DIPSHIT FROM DELAWARE!!!

PELOSI jets to EUROPE on your dime...

REPREHENSIBLE NANCY'sphincter-of-the-House-of-Fools'PELOSI and her all DEMBHOLE DOUCHESBAGS hangers-on jetted to ROME for a private audience with the POPE - all paid for by the recession bound AMERIKAN taxpayer!!! After 'railing' about executive spending and perks like corporate jets - DEMBHOLE PELOSI from a long line of Italian thieves the D'ALLESANDRO'S of BALTIMORE - spends your money like she was FOOKN entitled too!!! From now on PELOSI's picture will grace every fucking package of bacon=read PORK in this country!!! Some perk huh - a trip to ITALY paid for entirely by you!!! NOW GO PAY YOUR MORTGAGE BEFORE THEY PUT YOU INTO FORECLOSURE. STOOPID VOTING FOOKERS. Ha.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

'MAD'VLAD's RUSSIA sinks further into dictatorship...

from the AP--- A jury in Moscow voted unanimously Thursday to acquit three men in the killing of journalist Anna Politkovskaya, dimming hopes for justice in a case that has mocked Russia's claims to be a modern democratic nation. 'MAD'VLAD controls the thugs who killed this woman and several other reporters and controls the courts!!! SO MUCH FOR DEMOCRACY IN 'MAD'VLAD's RUSSIA!!! 'FATTY'CHAVEZ in VALENEZUELA will do the same and PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA will do the same in his new SOCIALIST-STATES-of-AMERIKA!!! Beware our FREEDOMS are under attack!!!

for BLACK HISTORY month...

Backstretch Tales

He sat there sucking on his unlit calumet.
An old Black—man reciting tales of racetrack epithet.

His cap jauntily tilted to one side with flair.
Long slender fingers like those of a pianist’s pair.

Safe in his world of bridles bits and racing tack.
Resting his head on a padded chair—back.

Remembering horses like Citation and Whirlaway
and mean spirited Kelso and Northern Dancer the little grey.

Talk of trainers races and failed sure tips.
While I rolled a stray piece of straw between my lips.

That shedrow floor raked and spotlessly clean inside.
Shanks and halters all carefully hung and oiled with pride.

The modern South of greed did not exist for him.
Once racing was a serious sport and not just a passing whim

for foolish people who couldn’t spell “hoss” in his home dialect
all these new—wealthy folk burning up-money with just no respect.

His eyelids drooping as he reminisced of Aiken and palmettos
expensive cars and gamblers with their women in fancy clothes.

I squatted there amid the fading visions and dancing moonbeams
listening to the sound of cicadas gently applauding both our dreams.

© By Zyskandar A. Jaimot On

for BLACK HISTORY month - Gangsta' Style (for Tupac)

Gangsta’ Style (for Tupac)

Back in the day of crack fiends, black queens,
and prettyass Mercedes ride machines...
He was a playah a brother a fuckin mother
He was a young soulpartymastah makin, fightin
all in heavy calibers of music rappin...
He lived and died by a 9mm cap like his fine rap
Sure you tried to jail him, dis him,
but you never could dismiss him...
With secret hand signals he spoke his rhyme
Never jonesin but fightin back, with a knack,
with words always like gunfire on the attack...
Talkin trash nonstop to the cops put his records on top
Which moved even pure caucasians, on occasion,
to get down in hiphop animation...
Wearin that littleass goatee and crass scowl
Your view of life, one of constant strife,
expressions and images carved with a cutting knife...
Bodybags full of revolutionary spirit can you hear it
WuTang and Dr. Dre, by degree, poor facsimiles
of the riots you created all on CD...
So when you axsked him to hide y’shouldah jes stepped aside
On those streets you cruised dead set,
composing epithets, wonderin who would take the final bullet...
You had your people, your dogs, your crew strutting down that avenue
In a code created by you shots ringout, all about,
drive by shootings of words throughout...
In darker prisons of shadow where hommies waited for DR to show
How they could abuse you, how they would finally shoot you,
but we ain’t ever gonna lose you...
And yeah they threw down on you, killed you, chilled you
We know you played hard, you played fast,
tattooed to a body that wouldn’t last...
Gettin tingly with his words you still adore him abhor him
And it’s elementary as the penitentiary,
nothin to it but to do it
cuz this verse and episodes never ended.

Mayor RON BLOOMBERG cites 'rich' taxpayers inability to pay more...

NYC's Mayor RON BLOOMBERG stated that 40,000 NewYorkers pay 50% of the BIG APPLE'S TAXES!!! To increase the % of taxes on those making more than $100,000.00dollars would be negated by the loss=fleeing of this monied class to pay for those who don't work!!! BLOOMBERG admitted that 40% of NYC's population don't pay TAXES or receive checks from the government!!! YOUR WELFARE SYSTEM AT WORK!!! Ha.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

OBAMA's program for forcelosures...

Some amazing 'SPIN' going on here in PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA'S so-called plan to prevent foreclosures - which it won't and can't!!! . Yes, $75BILLION DOLLARS sounds like a lotta money. Until you realize we have 9MILLION homes in 'foreclosure' or about to be. Most of them should have never got legitimate loans in the first place. SO NOW DIVIDE THE 9M HOMES INTO $75B and presto you get $8000+ FOR EVERY MORTGAGE HOLDER!!! Not very much help is it??? WAKE-UP PEOPLE THIS IS NOT TO HELP HARD-WORKING PEOPLE - IT IS TO SUBSIDIZE SUB-STANDARD MORTGAGE HOLDERS 'SKATE' THROUGH THE MESS THE GOVERNMENT CAUSED BY GIVING THEM LOANS THEY DIDN'T QUALIFY FOR AT THE OUTSET!!! Another PREZ OBAMA PLAN - doomed to failure because it only benefits, slightly if at all, the very lowest of our society. DID THIS GUY REALLY GO TO HARVARD OR DID HE TAKE 'EXTENSION COURSES' BECAUSE HE KNOWS NOTHING AFTER ONLY 30 DAYS. More like the 'visions' of some of the DOOBIE SMOKIN FOOKN NUTTERS who used to hang-out in HARVARD or CENTRAL SQUARE!!!

ERIC HOLDER - BLACK slimeball and hypocrite!!!

ERIC HOLDER the ATTORNEY-GENERAL of the UNITED STATES stated before the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT that:"Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards," said Holder, the nation's first black ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Unfortunately, HOLDER did not have the courage to admit his complicitly in the MARC RICH pardon and flight to avoid prosecution and the 'help' he gave RICH in procuring JACK QUINN[DICKHEAD CLINTON attorney and scumbag] for RICH's defense. BUT THEN AGAIN YOU ARE A BLACK SCUMBHOLE AS WELL AS A BOUGHT AND PAID FOR DEMBHOLE. AREN'T YOU HOLDER??? YOU, RICH, QUINN, DICKHEAD SHOULD ALL HAVE BEEN DOING JAIL-TIME YOU PIECE OF SANCTIMONIOUS SHIT!!!


The latest 'SCAMSTER' on the WORLD FINANCIAL SCENE is ALLEN STANFORD bilking people out of $8BILLIONS+[now of parts unknown cuz he has fled the US or made himself unavailable to authorities!] His 'friends' included among the top recipients and favorites getting the 'SCAMSTERS' illicit monies/favors: Senaturd Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), REPREHENSIBLE Congressman Pete Sessions (R-Texas), Senaturd John McCain (R-Ariz.), Senaturd Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) and Senaturd John Cornyn (R-Texas), one of the members who took a trip to Antigua where he was entertained by Stanford. GREAT ROSTER OF SCUMMY SYCOPHANTS EH THESE US SENATURDS???

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

OBAMA's latest lie...

Quote PREZ OBAMA about his STIMULUS-SHIT-BILL in Denver this afternoon 17/2/2009:"...this bill does not have the same PORK-BARREL spending..." WHAT??? $30MILLION DOLLARS for REPREHENSIBLE NANCY'sphincter-of-the-House-of-Fools'PELOSI's district in SANFRAN for field mice, $8BILLION DOLLARS for SENATURD HARRY'bought-and-paid-for-by-the-Vegas-mob'REID for a rail-line, $2BILLION DOLLARS for vote-fraudsters ACORN, $MILLIONS for 'GREEN' GOLF CARTS, the elimination of WELFARE REFORMS -- what the FOOK are you talking about you DEMBHOLE LYING DUNG-BAG???

Women'sTennisAssociation endorses 'RACISM'!!!

The WTA has allowed the UnitedArabEmirates to bar ISRAELI tennis player SHAHAR PE'ER from their tournament!!! SHAHAR PE'ER a ranked women's player was barred because she is a JEW!!! The WTA has sanctioned this tournament - and what they should have done is imposed penalties to all players entering this obviously RACIST TOURNAMENT!!! THE WTA ARE GUTLESS COWARDS!!! DO NOT SUPPORT WOMEN'S TENNIS OR THE WTA - MAKE THEM PAY FOR THEIR RACISM!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

"Boys playing with nuclear toys!!!"

The BRITT nookier(JIMMY'afraid-of-wabbits-i-am'CARTER pronounciation of 'NUCLEAR') sub VANGARD collided with the FRENCH nookier sub Le TRIOMPHANT in deep waters of the ATLANTIC this past week. This is little more than 'boys playing with nuclear toys' to paraphrase the line from the JAMES BOND flick 'GOLDENEYE'!!! NO MAJOR DAMAGE WAS REPORTED ALTHOUGH THE 'FROG' SUB NEEDED HELP TO RETURN TO ITS BASE.

the GREAT LIAR = OBAMA (we keep score)

From the STIMULUS SHIT PORK ROLL - we will now tally OBAMA's LIES!!!(We have dismissed those LIES told en route to his OVAL OFFICE such as his "...parents met in Selma" and other outright deliberate falsehoods!!!
1) Quote OBAMA "The worst economic situation since the THE GREAT DEPRESSION." Didn't you live through the CARTER years, BUTTHEAD BARRYthe1st???
2) Quote OBAMA "We will publish this STIMULUS SHIT BILL 48 hours before hand on-line so y'all can look at it." OH REALLY BUTTHEAD BARRYthe1st????
4) Quote OBAMA "There will be no 'lobbyists' in my administration." Oh really BUTTHEAD BARRYthe1st what about LYNNE at DEFENSE or HOLDER as AG or MADAME HILLARY with her asbestos-pants-suits at STATE or GEITHNER (the mob boy from GOLDMAN-SUCKS!) at TREASURYor any of the other swine you said were necessary and deserved'exemptions'???
5) Quote OBAMA "CATERPILLAR will hire-back employees as soon as the STIMULUS SHIT ROLL is passed." Oh really BUTTHEAD BARRYthe1st -not according to CATERPILLAR's CEO??? WHAT HAPPENED OBAMA JUST ANOTHER LIE???
6) Quote OBAMA 'We will put every 'PORK' PROJECT on line." Oh really - what about monies for STD&FAMILY PLANNING, monies for field mice in SANFRAN, monies for RAIL in Vegas, monies for ACORN and other 'EARMARK PORK' PROJECTS BUTTHEAD BARRYthe1st???

for BLACK HISTORY month...

A FEELING OF ISLAND PROVENANCE(at Club Med, Fort-de-France, Martinique)

In one transcending moment, all stops
along this sandy beach. The parasailers hang
motionless. The jet skiers throttle down roar.
The servers at outdoor drink stands freeze,
motionless like mannequins caught among
the silence as steel drum vibratos
of Carib Goombay bands fade to whispers
beside almost naked light-skinned tourists,
looking as if they were sides of beef
roasting in an oven while sweat sizzles.
Everyone trying to ignore poverty
and the ever present women beyond
the chain link fence. Large dark women wearing
djebas and print dresses, once as colorful
as plumes of strutting peacocks,
now grayed and worn from daily travail.
Women, whose descendants were once fastened
to merchant ships which sold, leased,
bartered flesh to sons and daughters
of wealthy French planters enabling
sugar plantations to prosper—
these dark women beg money from female tourists.
Trying to do anything to earn dollars for food.
Braiding hair with cornrows of beads.
Deftly working with their hands,
quick and forceful like ka drum beats
keeping rhythm. Weaving, combing,
always with forced smiles. Imitating looks
of the interested entrepreneur, an ability
learned from blue-green European eyes,
eager for a larger tip. Agreeing with customers
by nodding heads and genuflecting to rich whim.
Supposedly bestowing island authenticity
with chignons arranged by natives
who now suddenly halt pulling, twisting,
bobbing and coifing. Leaving cheap beads
and feathers in their bags. Pink tongues poking
from beyond lips as if they could taste the air
beyond cycles of segregation. Heads in unison
gaze westward straining to see beyond
volcano horizons of mid-sentence reality.
They pause to sniff afternoon's heavy air
like cats, stretching necks in constant hunger.
Winds carrying gifts of rain along with chants
from tribes of Yoruba, Sonqhay, and countless others.
A flash of lightning followed by rolling thunder.
Kikuyu gods making their presence felt as
vacationers scamper to gather belongings
running to safety in carpeted hotel lobbies.
A momentary triumph over an island of multitudinous wealth.
Beyond modern chain fences, dark women once—valued
only for their children and ability to breed—
lift their arms to ancient deities,
consecrated by gentle drops as each moment clouds
with breezes spiced from the coast of l’Afrique.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

DAVID AXELROD says it is important 'to talk' bipartisanship on FOX!!!

DAVID AXELROD one of OBAMA's DEMBHOLE GURUS said on FOXNewsSUNDAY "...IT WAS IMPORTANT TO TALK BIPARTISANSHIP" - just not do anything about it!!! AXELROD 'dressed' in his GROUCHO MARX eyes, nose, + moustache said PREZ OBAMA talked to REPUBLICANTS about bipartisanship but because REPUBLICANTS did not embrace the DEMBHOLE STIMULUS SHIT-ROLL laden with PORK/EARMARKS - bipartisanship died because of those racist REPUBLICANTS!!! OBAMA has shown to be a LIAR of epic proportions on display again with his CATERPILLAR quip that people would be rehired if this STMULUS-SHIT-BILL passed!!! The CEO of CATERPILLAR said this was not the case. CAUGHT IN YET ANOTHER LIE OF HIS OWN MAKING!!!

UK CARDINAL blames 'capitalism' for world's ills!!!t

ENGLISH CARDINAL MURPHY-O'CONNOR "...blames the evil lust/envy of capitalism for the world's ills." The ROMAN CATHOLIC CARDINAL[with such a fine GAELIC name] perhaps makes a case for the CHURCH's reissuing of the 'SELLING-of-INDULGENCES' on account of this sinful rampant capitalism everywhere. Or perhaps this SELLING-of-INDULGENCES is because the CHURCH has been caught in the economic downturn and needs the money??? Ha.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

"Americans don't care about pork..." - CHUCK SCHUMER

SENATURD CHUCK'the-schmuck'SCHUMER defended the DEMBHOLE SHIT-ROLL by stating that AMERICANS don't really care about PORK. OH REALLY. Do they care you were caught cheating at HARVARD LAW - and had to have your patron offer a bribe/donation to get you off the hook at HARVARD CHUCK'the-schmuck'??? SENATURD CHUCK out of touch along with so many DEMBHOLES who have stolen so much from this cuntry!!! Be a good COMRADE eh SENATURD CHUCK along with your crappy MARXIST dictator MORON OBAMA who decides to usurp the census for his own nefarious purposes!!! PORKSTER thy name is SENATURD CHUCKIE + his band of COMMIE CENSUS THIEVES.


Well COMRADES are you STMULATED??? The AMERIKAN PEOPLE just spent $TRILLIONS-of-DOLLARS for PORK-LAWS that no one read. TRANSPARENCY & RESPONSIBILITY not to mention no PORK-or-'EARMARKS' in this MARXIST DEMBHOLE SHIT BILL!!! Come on COMRADES everything is now 'done' for us except we have to suffer to make TAX monies so our CONGRESS-of-COMMISLUTSKIS can 'share-the-wealth' with others!!! Thanks to our new STALIN = BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA 'the commiesir-of-crappola'!!! WHERE IS 'ARCHIE BUNKER'

Friday, February 13, 2009

for Valentine's Day...

Feet aren’t just for smelling - A love poem

I stepped into the shower with my socks on
they needed to be washed -
My feet, I mean -are awful to smell
Like a portion of beef and kidney pie
gone rank with mold -
Forgotten for six months or so
discarded toward the back of the refrig
crumpled in the bottom bin
of the crisper section known as
the strict vegetarian’s revenge

What environmental or genetic traits
stamp families with their own repugnant
personal lima beans of history that are
passed on from generation to generation
shadowing names and occupations
in odours that linger for centuries
on tarsal and metatarsals
spreading over heels and ankles in legendary airborne fallout that assures my ancestors to be the original Morris Dancers
With bells on their legs mandated by law
traversing the countryside
not in celebration but to warn others -
of a stench soon to come
Another aromatic phenomenon also recorded by the “Log of the Mayflower”
The scenario of my relatives embarking
at Plymouth and other ports
perhaps offers an explanation why
there were so few passengers who wished
to make the original voyage
And perhaps also offers a reason why
they had to leave the old world --

Their feet stunk to high heaven
which was misconstrued as a quest
for religious and not nasal freedom
But then again people were a lot less tolerant long ago -Alongside, aunts uncles brothers and sisters
not to speak of my father and mother
who always referred to our collective feet
as having a pungent but yet refined odour as if the bouquet was of a rare cheese Stilton or Cotswold
that ennobled or enlightened our distinction
A family of uniqueness at least essence wise

Not like my lover of today
as she stands there her open-toed shoes beckoning
nails gleaming form lacquered care
And all she asks
is that I leave my sneakers and socks
in another room
and sometimes my feet with them
And sometimes I wonder
what it would be to have feet
like my lover’s -
Perfectly smooth like porcelain from some imperial collection
with a painted glaze that first attracts
and then brings a desire to touch
and then stroke satiny contours with moist fingertips
wetted by a mouth hungering to place lips
between toes which curl in raptures of deep secrets
that defies promised tomorrows of long air-conditioned afternoons
As I suck and lick
first one toe then another
Excited by a sense of colouras if I can taste passion
I devour her without fear
of interruption or offense
from noxious scent or flavour
As my own feet quiver and spasm
with nervous anticipation
And I am overcome -
by a sensation when words are all forgotten
let alone their meaning
And the smell from the juicy pulp
of an open persimmon permeates the room
where Odilon Redon’s orgiastic pastels
of red-red-red flowers transform themselves
into shimmering butterflies which begin
to sigh in a mating ritual
Bringing with quick breaths different aromas from the deepest chambers
pleasuring our soles
Which heighten our sense of mystery
any image or remembrance
of my awful feetand their piquant history.

this weekend - at DAYTONA...

NASCAR DRIVING - the sport of America

Round and round they go
At Daytona At Darlington at Dover
Round and round they race
Round and round the clorful cars streak
Moving advertisements
Flashily displayed to sell
Tires Oil Mufflers Insurance Burgers-Fries
Beer Cigarettes Sodas Headache-Powders
Autos Candy The Army
The American Dream goes round and round
Picking our favorite heroes
Mixed among poses from 'ideal women'
Accompanied by quick stops as pit crews
Send drivers out to continue the revs
And the Phhtt--Phhtt--Phhtt as they zoom by
Always turning left
Spectators intently watch
Spectators hope for an explosive crash
Just as we try and avoid
Driving around in circles
Worried our lives will wreck
As others watch
Some wish us misfortune
Others cheer us on
While countless others
Really don't care a fig
Just so long as we don't bump them
Or get in their way or passing lane

Thursday, February 12, 2009

OBAMA has his first international test - YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF...!!!

A satellite was 'knocked-out' over RUSSIA today - a RUSSKI satellite deliberately disabled an AMERIKAN satellite. CHECK-MATE #1 to 'MAD'VLAD of RUSSIA. The ASSHOLE MEDIA dismiss this as just an unfortunate accident - WAS IT??? WILL WE EVER KNOW??? How will PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest-cowardly'OBAMA eventually react??? OR WILL HE 'ROLL' OVER LIKE THE CHICAGO PUNK-ASS BITCH HE IS???


SENATURD HARRY'bought-and-paid-for-by-the-Vegas-mob'REID will get $8BILLION DOLLARS in STIMULUS SHIT for his buddies in VEGAS for a rail line!!! NO EARMARKS EH PREZ BARACHincurably-dishonest-big-ears'OBAMA??? YOU AND SENATURD DUMB-DEMBHOLE HARRY ARE FOOKN LIARS AND THIEVING MARXISTS FOOKWADS!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009



for BLACK HISTORY month - MLK jr.

MLK jr. meets GWTW as the movie opens in Atlanta, 1939

On the screen Atlanta flamed.
Ashley brooded.
Mellie succumbed.
Rhett stormed.
Scarlett lived on.
And Miss Margaret sat there viewing the hurricane of emotions portrayed at this premiere.
Blissfully ignoring pleas from those Atlanta Junior Leaguers
to afterward attend their gala ball.
Hoping Hiss Margaret would overlook their past snubs and ostracism.
Hoping Miss Margaret’s fame would add
to this epic moment.
Treating you as some glorified house servant.
Hoping to dress you in another type of slave outfit.
As they did the son of that minister
and his Ebenezer Church Choir
going about their required chores that night.
Smiling obediently with supposed happy faces in that segregated epic which serenaded
the consciences of a Coca—Cola town
where even the NAACP was horrified
at all these coloured folk serving these self—professed select citizens celebrating Miss Margaret book’s story.
After all ‘movie stars’ were White
and by definition
attractive and sexy.
And what could that son of the minister
learn in his ‘slave-costume’ that night?

That just like Scarlett, MLK jr.
would never forget or forgive
past burnings in Atlanta.

On this LINCOLN'S birthday...

it is highly ironic that our 16th President freed the slaves at the cost of the 'WAR-of-the-SOUTHERN-STATES-REBELLION' and his own life while our 44th President endeavours along with his DEMBHOLE CO-CONSPIRATORS to enlave all of us with TAXING MARXIST PROGRAMS and DICTATORIAL COMMANDS/THREATS for our future generations. 'COPPERHEADS' was the term applied to DEMBHOLES who were enemies of the UNION then - as the DEMBHOLE PARTY are now 'TRAITORS-to-the-UNION!!!'

The KENTUCKY DERBY is closer than you think...

Yes the first Saturday in May is a while away but for right now(barring injuries or the grueling 'prep races') best bred and handsomest 3 year-old is WEST SIDE BERNIE. Trained by the relatively unknown KELLY BREEN and ridden by ELVIS TRUJILLO - doubt WSB can get the job done. But youse nevah knowse! My pick as of this moment is 'THE PAMPLEMOUSSE'(a derisory term for grapefuit in la langue francais) trained by JULIO CANANI and ridden by ALEX SOLIS. Where WSB traces his bloodlines back to Bold Ruler and others 'THE PAMPLEMOUSSE'[just luv that name] traces his lines back to the desired cross of Northern Dancer x Neartic. For those of you who 'bet' colours there are at least 3 grays in the DERBY hunt for now. VINEYARD HAVEN, OLD FASHIONED and STARDOM BOUND are the horses for you! At this moment 'THE PAMPLEMOUSSE' is my choice to win the DERBY!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


PREZ OBAMA went to FORT MYERS, FLORIDA and was greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of STIMULUS BEGGARS today!!! People wanted cars, jobs, kitchens, increase in unemployment benefits - in short they were typical DEMBHOLE constituents!!! FORT MYERS - for approximately 8 years since the demise of the great 'CONDO SCAM/CON' where former car salesmen became real estate executives overnight - has been the ASSPIT of that end of the FLORIDA WEST COAST!!! THE CROWD WANTED 'FREEBIES' FROM THE GREAT FUCKER PREZ BARACH'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA!!! FREE STIMULUS SHIT MONIES ARE NEVER FREE - ALL THEY COST ALL OF US IS OUR FREEDOMS OWED TO DEMBHOLE MARXIST FOOKWADS LIKE OBAMA AND HIS DEMBHOLE COMMIE FRIENDS!!!

LAWYERS - who rates em???

Just 'caught' an ad for '' on the tele. All well and good. But slipped into the verbiage was their 'rankings/ratings' for lawyers based on information from MARTINDALE/HUBBLE. MARTINDALE/HUBBLE is a compendium paid for by the individual LAWYERS/LAW FIRMS placing advertisements in this compendium!!! Great let the same FOOKWAD THIEVES/ASSHOLES write/condone their own 'fictional accounts' of their great lawyerese!!! FILE THIS UNDER PEOPLE ARE STOOPID!!!

Stimulus monies = loss of freedoms!!!

STIMULUS MONIES ARE NOT FREE AND COME WITH STRINGS!!! Are not the individual states of the UNITED STATES as well as the city's, town's, comprising those states - supposed to allocate and fund their own projects/needs??? Is the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT now 'taking-over' the individual functions of the states??? Wait in the 'new/transparent/smarter/more-reponsible' OBAMA era - we are not responsible for anything!!! JUST PASS THIS 'STIMULUS-SHIT' - DON'T AXSK(ebonics spellung) QUESTIONS!!! OBAMA WENT TO IVEY LEAGUE SCHOOLS HE'S SMART. OBAMA WILL EVEN PAY FOR OUR MORNING COFFEES AT STARBUCKS!!! Ha. The EZily led get suckahed with the hope of 'free money' - which we all have to pay for at the loss of our freedoms/individuality!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

next week - ROOKIES in FLORIDA...

rookies hit fastballs
into bleachers bright with sun
veteran pitchers
enjoy dug-out shade waiting
patiently hiding sharp curves

Driving Down Toward Florida

Driving Down Toward Florida

Fleeing a world that is cold,
because up North it is snowing on our
self-absorbed lovers who abandoned us
never realizing we would flee their wintry tongues.
Foregoing final acts of desperation
as we pass oasis after oasis.
Marking the outskirts of a civilization
full of highway bandits -
food machines and fuel fillups
where extortionate prices
are mixed with leering smiles.
And cheese sandwiches
are only white or yellow,
glistening moist and ominous.
In obscenely bright neon lights
glaring from service center islands
as if from a dentist's office,
eerily provoking pain from sharp steel probes.
Causing you to imagine whirring drills
with no sufficient anaesthetic.
On the road passing little dwellings,
shacks really, made of rusted corrugated tin,
dented, pock-marked, where ghosts are seen
between breaths of intermittent rain.
In mile after torturous mile
of blackened rubber strips
from exploded truck tires -
which look like discarded alligators.
Flushed-out, abandoned presents
left to bake and sizzle without love
existing in the cooling snow of our yesterdays.
Dried-up carcasses cast
alongside swaying clumps of palm trees.
In whose leafy shadows hide strange lizards,
who it is said breathe from their eyes.
And we know we are getting closer,
far from frozen hearts.
We wish we could stop.

'EXPERTS' say OIL will rise - in 2-3 years!!!

WOW!!! Talk about a 'prediction' - "OIL will rise in 24 to 36 months from above $38-40dollars a barrel!!!" WHAT SHIT & SPIN BY THESE ASSHOLE-EXPERTS!!! OIL is a commodity it goes up and down based on many factors:ie supply&demand, currency arbitrage, not to mention geo-political circumstances such as war!!! MORONS!!! The recent finds in the CARIBBEAN by ANADARKO, EXXON, OCCIDENTAL & OTHER OIL DEEP DRILLERS SHOULD KEEP THE 'LID' ON PRICES FOR QUITE SOMETIME AS REGARDS SUPPLY!!! [For these ASSHOLE EXPERTS - QUESTION "Will it rain again this week or month or year or whenever???" - THIS IS THE SAME AS PREDICTING OIL WILL RISE FROM ITS CURRENT LOW PRICES!!! FOOKN FOOLS!!!]

Sunday, February 8, 2009

There are 47% of the people of DETROIT - who can't read!!!


This 'RECESSION' is not a 'DEPRESSION'!!!

Last night, Saturday, February 7; my wife and i decided to go out to dinner in Orlando, Florida. First we went to CARABBA'S on Sand Lake Road - it was busy with a long line and a wait of at least 20 minutes. Fine - CARRABA'S is a popular place for decent Italian food and it was Saturday night after all. We then went to OLIVE GARDEN - part of the DARDEN CHAIN. Same story - a line and people waiting. We traveled on to CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN in the FLORIDA MALL. They were 'busy' but no line - at long last dinner. Where is this massive cataclysm that PREZ OBAMA keeps raving about??? Yes the employment numbers are in the crapster - why are there so many people 'eating-out' in Orlando on Saturday night???

For 'BLACK HISTORY' month...

freedom in a simple word, “NO”

{On December 1, 1955 ROSA PARKS of Montgomery, Alabama said “NO” to a municipal bus driver ordering her to give up her seat and move to the back of the bus. ROSA PARKS for her refusal - was arrested and fined. So began the modern CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT.}

A local bus is a ‘strange’ place to proclaim freedom.
Amid the old worn vinyl seats
witness to so many work-a-day worlds.
A mother founded a modern movement
with the word “NO” said in adamant defiance,
of local law and at the time
‘White men’who supervised the law and its enforcement.
A Black seamstress utters the simple word “NO” -
she will not ‘give-up’ her seat for some other White passenger.
ROSA PARKS refuses to obey the instructions of that bus driver.
And the word “NO” ripples and spreads
like waves of movement that will engulf
us all with a new found respect for those
separated by race.
Before the word “NO” was spoken equality was denied innocuously – without protest.
A public transit bus so alien a place to proclaim ‘freedom’
Segregated among the ‘throw-aways’
discarded gum, wrappers, dreams of people'
from a work-a-day world.
A Black seamstress puts her stitch in the AMERICAN quilt.
Simply – profoundly – irrevocably with the word “NO."

Saturday, February 7, 2009

"There is no joy in Mudville.."--mighty AROD linked to steroids!!!

ALEX RODRIGUEZ has been linked to the use steroids of steroids in the 2003 season - according to SPORTS ILLUSTRATED and other sources. If these allegations/leaks from supposed 'confidential drug tests' conducted by the league turn out to be true - AROD, as should MARK McGWIRE, SAMMY SOSA, ALEX PALMIERO, BARRY BONDS, ANDY PETTITE, JASON GIAMBI, ROGER CLEMENS, and any other of these 'cheaters' should be barred from baseball and their performance totals stripped/erased from baseball's ledgers and further they should be denied consideration for BASEBALL'S HALL OF FAME!!! MIGHTY AROD HAS STRUCK OUT AND SADDENED ALL FANS OF BEISBOL WITH THIS CHEATER'S ATTEMPT TO PRODUCE ARTIFICIAL RESULTS WHEN NONE WAS NEEDED IN HIS CASE!!! AROD you have single-handedly damaged and possibly 'ruined' BEISBOL for us all.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

AL GORE says to students:"...You are smarter and know better than your parents..."!!!

AL-fat-fuck'GORE in his never-ending indoctrination to all gullible school administrators/students to embrace failed 'GLOBAL WARMING' tells students that they 'know more' than their parents - so don't listen to them in say FLORIDA where the temperatures were in the 20'sF for most of the state!!! Hey 'fat-fuck'AL -does this include your asshole parents who were committed 'RACISTS, HOMOPHOBES(despite your fag relative GORE VIDAL), ANTI-JEWS, THIEVES WHO EXPLOITED TOBACCO AND STEEL INDUSTRIES??? OR DON'T THEY COUNT???!!! AL'fat-fuck'GORE the latest fraudster like BERNIE MADOFF hustling 'GLOBAL WARMING' dollars for his own profit!!!

How 'big' a friggin fearmonger is Prez OBAMA???

Prez OBAMA stated that if his SHIT-STIMULUS ROLL wasn't passed immediately - this recession might be ongoing forever!!! WHAT???!!! IS THAT WHAT THEY 'TAUGHT' YOU AT HARVARD YOU FUCKING MARXIST WANKER??? Prez BARACH HUSSEIN OBAMA - a commie dictator wannabe says if Las Vegas doesn't get more neon and Austin doesn't get more golf courses and the WHITE HOUSE lawn doesn't get resodded - THE UNITED STATES ECONOMY MIGHT NEVER RECOVER!!! YOU STOOPID COMMIE FUCK - GO BACK TO YOUR SHITTY FRIENDS IN CHICAGO!!! They(CHICAGO) has never recovered from all the MARXIST MORONS and SOCIALISTA THIEVES LIKE YOU!!!

Prez OBAMA's restrictions on WALL STREET - are a JOKE!!!

More granstanding for this 'JOKER' of a President 'wannabe'. The $500,000.00 ceiling on pay technically only applies to 'new' WALL STREET FIRMS taking government monies - not firms like JP MORGAN or GOLDMAN-SUCKS where many of Prez OBAMA's(or is that 'PEZ' OBAMA the suckah???!!!) cabinet picks and advisors came from???[ie tax cheat, liar, fraudster TIM GEITHNER, LEON PANETTA who got over $700,ooo.00 from 'bad banks', Madame HILLARY of "...asbestos pants-suits" 'donations' from NY firms/banks. and others!!!] Further firms like GOLDMAN-SUCKS the 'MOB' brokerage house just have to give back the original TARP FUNDS to disentangle themselves from this farce designed to 'play' to class envy and the rise of 'Moody' MARXISM under commiesir President OBAMA???!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What may happen to ISRAEL or IRAN...

unleashed in a nanosecond – DAEMONS to despoil the world…

It lays there – alembic in amoral innocence.
about the size and width
of some normal being.
in a latex bodice
dominant mistress.
Stainless steel struts
Wrapped by layers of gold leaf
with priapic polyethylene protrusions
little fake dildos
only to penetrate once
to draw life’s essence
only for an instant of transmogrified time
like the allure of film stars
able to entice from mere visions and sounds
a sucking momentary
breathless encounter.
by the power of fission
to shatter
the air’s invulnerability
with copper threads
that strangle and cut
the dark dull grey core of plutonium
to escape with a whoosh of heat
more vicious
than a thousand Sun’s
able to melt the colours
off of butterfly’s wings
the thin bands of deuterium
as translucent as white frothy sea foam
relentlessly breaking the sandy shore
of our indurate creation.
Amorality awaits - to sizzle all life.

What are the REDSOX problems this year???

Aside from the revamped NYYanquis pitching rotation which is now the equal of REDSOX NATION or TAMPA BAY'S - the BOSOX have yet to develop strength up the middle either defensively-or-offensively!!! JACOBY ELLSBURY so far is not the offensive juggernaut in centerfield he was thought to be. ROCCO BALDELLI is old, can't run as well as he did, but can still hit. Will 'BIG' PAPI come back from an injury plagued season and the loss of 'MANNY' hitting to protect him??? The shortstop position also leaves much to be desired offensively/defensively. The team captain JASON VARITEK must endeavor to come back from a dismal season - and perhaps his skills are on an unalterable downward spiral. DEEP QUESTIONS FOR THE REDSOX THIS SEASON. [Does JOHN SMOLTZ have a full season in him??? Will ROCCO BALDELLI's legs hold up for the year??? Will KURT SCHILLING be able to 'throw' this year??? HOW WILL THE REDSOX REPLACE 'MANNY'S 100+RBI's??? TOO MANY QUESTIONS.]

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"...New era of responsibility" says President OBAMA

Some "...era of responsibility" eh President'incurably-dishonest'BARACH HUSSEIN OBAMA??? #1 - ERIC HOLDER bought and paid for by DICKHEAD/HILLARY/MARC RICH who pimped JACK QUINN liberal scummy asswipe onto the convicted felon for cash!!! #2 - TIM GEITHNER tax cheat, liar, fraudster and friends of the MOB CAPOS at GOLDMAN-SUCKS!!! #3 - Former DEMBHOLE SENATURD TOM'dimwit'DASCHLE who had 2 cars+2drivers at the same time and didn't pay taxes on either of them!!! (Mr. LYNNE named to the DEFENSE DEPARTMENT a former registered lobbyist at RAYTHEON!!!) SOME ERA OF RESPONSIBILITY YOU CHICAGO SLEAZOID/LIAR!!![Still laughing at DEMBHOLE DASCHLE's pathetic withdrawal because he 'ruined' the environment by using 2cars+2drivers Ha=Ha=Ha=Ha=Ha=Ha.]Also NANCY KILLIFRE had to 'withdraw' from OBAMA's post at OMB because of 'bad taxes' - what a hoot!!! WHAT A BUNCH OF DEMBHOLE STOOGES!!!

Sylvia so near Valentine’s Day. Feb. 11. 1963

Sylvia so near Valentine’s Day. Feb. 11. 1963

I smell spinach
when I read Sylvia
Plath’s poetry.
The odour
not the writing I think
makes me nauseous.

The lumps of green,
not fresh green like
the silk of grasses

but boiled green-
because the nutrients
and the good stuff,

if there ever was any...
have been flushed out
by misguided metaphors
from limp green college instructors.
Speaking her vocabularies
of disjointed feelings
that would rather analyze

a life obsessed with dying.

A life obsessed with dying
where no critical words
are allowed as an epitaph.

As if a life obsessed with dying
is some cruel proof of having lived.

A life where fatal words
always lurked like
an ugly birthmark.
Which no one wished to be noticed.
Artfully disguised and avoided.
Invisible but there- like some colorless gas
for the one who inhales intoxicatingly
because the act of death
and the manner of death
somehow validates an excuse
for what we have become.

Because the first condition
of fame — is death.

Because an obsession with dying is proof
that there is, that there must be
poetry in life.
When starry—eyed students and profane publishers
never imagine existence...
except after death
is used for book—sale propaganda.

And we try and hide our eyes
and poke it with our forks hoping this vermillion blob
of unpleasant life
will never gag us again.

But it always returns. Like
the Valentine that is sent
year after year- wishing
to be your sweetheart —never accepting no for an answer.

Because love is an obsession
as final as death.
Because love is an ultimate sacrifice.

Because by our sheer force of will
we believe
that love
in some form
must surely exist,
irrationally portioned out
to each of us. And we can attain
our share - with extreme acts.
Because love is an obsession
which sometimes we never outgrow.

Wishing our childhood dreams of love
could be made whole again,
after being dashed dashed dashed
against rejections
of concrete adulthood.

There’s nothing more repugnant than
overdone cold spinach.
Looking hideously green
like barbarous death
when it drops from the sky
onto your unsuspecting plate of experience.
And the image
and the memory never leave
but haunt
in nose, eyes,
and in your stomach when
you think of Sylvia’s serving
just herself.
A splat heap of jumbled verbs
within an oven
while an overcooked soul oozed out
staining minds
with psychiatric appetizers.
Just enough for books and questions
to glorify a life’s maddening obsession. It makes my stomach queasy — whether it’s Sylvia or spinach.

Monday, February 2, 2009

'Reporters' don't do well in 'MAD'VLAD's new RUSSIA!!!

NOVAYA GAZETYA'S FOURTH REPORTER WAS KILLED LAST MONTH SINCE 2004. In 'MAD'VLAD's new RUSSIA investigating news and reporting about 'MAD'VLAD's corrupt practices earn your instant entombment into the frozen tundra to silence all dissent!!! ANASTASIA BABUROVA was the latest reporter assassinated with gunshots to the head while walking. The 'shooter' was masked and used a silencer. CRITICIZE 'MAD'VLAD or his corrupt COMMIE CRAPSTERS and get shot, poisoned, beaten to death - all in very public ways to teach lessons for any others who would snipe at the emperor 'MAD'VLAD or his cohorts!!! SO MUCH FOR THE VENEER OF DEMOCRACY IN RUSSIA!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

DEMBHOLES dump more shit on SCHIP!!!

DEMBHOLE-DOUCHESBAGS dumped more shit on the SCHIP PROGRAM - making persons up to age 30 'children' and increasing income limits of a family-of-4 up to $81,000.00dollars a year to qualify as 'low-income'. The original SCHIP PROGRAM was passed by a REPUBLICANT CONGRESS in 1997. WAY TO GO DEMBHOLE SOCIALIST SHITHEADS/ASSHOLES!!!