Monday, October 27, 2008
If foreign 'terrorists' hide in SYRIA - after killing in IRAQ ---
the UNITED STATES MILITARY should by all means - wipe the fuckers out!!! If SYRIAN villagers hide those 'killers' from Al-Q'uaida - and they get killed or injured too bad!!! WIPE THEM OUT - NO MORE KILLING AMERICANS AND VANISHING INTO SYRIA!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
your basic scent
your basic scent
let me anoint your naked form
with rose petals
your gorgeous cleft split like ripe fruit
sweetness of the flowers somehow mixed
with your basic scent
the mixed aromas tantalize
i caress you softly
allow you to moan
without bruising your excited breaths
this precious moment
redolent with juice
like a peach
at last your essence on my lips and tongue
succulent flavors in my lungs and in my mind
which further summons me to taste the delights
of your primal pit
© Zyskandar A. Jaimot
let me anoint your naked form
with rose petals
your gorgeous cleft split like ripe fruit
sweetness of the flowers somehow mixed
with your basic scent
the mixed aromas tantalize
i caress you softly
allow you to moan
without bruising your excited breaths
this precious moment
redolent with juice
like a peach
at last your essence on my lips and tongue
succulent flavors in my lungs and in my mind
which further summons me to taste the delights
of your primal pit
© Zyskandar A. Jaimot
The present 'ECONOMIC DOWNTURN' will continue...
until September of 2010 - when miraculously the AMERIKAN 'ECONOMY' will assert itself despite eventual PREZ 'BUTTHEAD'BARRY'-the-1st incessant attacks with TAX HIKES upon the AMERIKAN WORKER+BUSINESS!!! HOME SALES have already rebounded, the dollar has reasserted itself, gas prices have lowered and will reduce still further, prices will have to be scaled-back on AMERIKAN goods/services; and we will have to 'steel-ourselves' to the MOODY MORONIC MARXISM of a DEMBHOLE CONGRESS that wishes to 'SHARE-the-WEALTH' with non-productive members of our society!!! SEPTEMBER 2010 AMERIKA WILL LEAD THE WORLD BACK - NO THANKS TO eventual PREZ 'BUTTHEAD'BARRY-the-1st's SHARE-the-WEALTH STOOPIDITY and hand-outs to cretins from ACORN and other such ilk!!! BUT IF COURSE DEMBHOLES WILL TRY TO TAKE 'CREDIT' INSTEAD OF ADMITTING THEY WERE IN LARGE PART RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COLLAPSE WITH THEIR DEALS/SCHEMES WITH COMPANIES SUCH AS FREDDIE+FANNIE AND 'BAIL-OUTS' TO OSTENSIBLY HELP THEIR FRIENDS!!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
The r'aison detre that REPREHENSIBLE TIM MAHONEY will not attend the TV debate is that MAHONEY is busy exploring 'drilling' with his aides as former SENATURD JOHN EDWARDS 'drilled' REILLE his video-aide. These DEMBHOLES always concerned about where and when to 'drill'.
Zyskandar A. Jaimot, Orlando, Fl.
Zyskandar A. Jaimot, Orlando, Fl.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Representative WAXMANN tries to 'cajole' witnesses!!!
REPREHENSIBLE DEMBHOLE HENRY'nose-hairs-down-to-his-armpits'WAXMANN tried hus best to cage IGNURANT FEDDIES unto admitting that FREDDIE-MAC+FANNIE-MAE "...had nothing to do with the present mortgage/loan disaster" - WHAT??? 2od eventual PREZ 'BUTTHEAD'BARRY-the-1st's 'boys' FRANKLIN RAINES + JIM JOHNSON 'raped' F+F for $TENS-of-MILLIONS-of-DOLLARS R NOW 'FINANCIAL ADVISORS' TO 'BUTTHEAD+CREW!!! A;; the IGNURANT FEDDIES testified that "...FREDDIE+FANNIE had a great deal to do with the present economic mess"!!! So REPREHENSUBLE HENRY'nose-hairs-down-to-his-armpits' convenientky scheduled more hearings NOV. 20 - after the coronation of eventual PREZ 'BUTTHEAD;BARRY-the-1sr + his fart comic sidekick SENATURD JOE'hairplug-rhetorical-flourishes-outta-his-butthole'BIDEN.[Could it be because SENATURD BARRY'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA was 2nd on the 'gravy train' for monies/donations given out by F+F??? DEMBHOLES always the stink/foul-smell of sumthin rotten.] Yes we do need 'CHANGE' away from MOODY MARXISTS + SLICK SOCIALISTS portraying themselves as loyal AMERIKANS just wanting to SPREAD-the-WEALTH to their DEMBHOLE DOUCHESBAG FRIENDS + FELLOW TRAVELERS!!! Ha.
AYN RAND book 'ATLAS SHRUGGED' is more accurate than she knew!!!
As eventual PREZ 'BUTTHEAD'BARRY-the-1st + his comic fart sidekick SENATURD JOE'hairplug-rhetorical-flourishes-outta-my-ass'BIDEN assume to be coronated - AYN RAND 'foresaw' this coming MARXIST dread in her book ATLAS SHRUGGED!!! Is this the end of the glorious republic and the beginning of the dreary SOCIALIST STATES of AMERIKA???
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
STOCKS continue down --- but WHY???
The BAIL-OUT was supposed to 'FIX' everything - so WHY are STOCKS falling in the crapper??? SIMPLE - people are taking everything out of their 401K's, MONEY MARKET FUNDS, and thus all these FUNDS based on perfectly ordinary investments are 'tanking' like the flush bowls in your toilets!!! Welcome eventual PREZ 'BUTTHEAD'BARRY-the-1st he will make sure we are all exactly the same - PAUPERS with HIGHER TAXES!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Yesterday the lines were out-the-door at the ORLANDO Library in the DR. PHILLIPS area. Tough getting to the library. Looks to be a big turn-out. As the saying in DEMBHOLE BOSTON and for ACORN registrars[still is] used to be VOTE EARLY - VOTE OFTEN!!! Ha.
'Hairplug'JOE says "...i knew them as young parliamentarians"!!!
The 'fart-sidekick' of eventual PREZ 'BUTTHEAD'BARRY-the-1st - SENATURD JOE'it-was-a-hairplug-not-a-brain-transplant'BIDEN stated yesterday"...i knew many of the world leaders as young parliamentarians."WHAT??? When were any of the leaders of the ARAB STATES "...young parliamenatrians"??? When were RUSSIA's 'MAD'VLAD, or CUBA's jesuit-trained CASTRO BROS., or VENZEUELA's fattyCHAVEZ, or NKOREA's dog-eaterKIM, ANY OF THESE ASSHOLES "...YOUNG PARLIAMENTARIANS" THAT YOUSE CLAIMED TO KNOW??? 'Hairplug'JOE youse a FOOKIN FOOL!!! A COMIC-FART JOKE with more effect than even MASTER SHAKESPEARE's FALSTAFF!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
What will the 'eventual coronation' of 'BUTTHEAD'BARRY teach/leave the republic???
With the coronation after this election season of PREZ 'BUTTHEAD'BARRY-the-1st the stink/smell left on this republic - or rather the SOCIALIST STATES of AMERIKA - will be the unremovable stain of incessant/deliberate suspicions of planned VOTER FRAUD and the ensuing 'doubts' of how many/and where they originated all these 'new' $200DOLLAR donors to flush BARRY'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA's coffers???!!! ELECTIONS BECAUSE OF JOHN'the-old-fool'McCAIN's ridiculous bill/law of finance reform will never be governable/manageable again!!! Hooray for PREZ'BUTTHEAD'BARRY-the-1st + his homies at ACORN - youse managed to 'game' the system - and all it will cost is all our freedoms from now on in a MARXIST NATION of drudge + drollery. First to go is the secret ballot in UNIONS - then the secret ballot everywhere.
The 'TURKEYS' of TAMPA 'throw-away' another???
Although it should be fairly stated - aside from actual errors - mental errors and lack of focus contributed to the REDSOX besting TAMPA at dismal TROP FIELD last night in game 6. TAMPA BAY Mgr. MADDON had NAVARRO stealing - even though the less than fleet-footed catcher looked like he was moving (running in slow-slow-motion) with five loads in his pants. JASON VARIETAK was able to throw(slow slow throw really) NAVARRO out - and broke his 0-for-14 schnide at the plate with a honron. The REDSOX relievers finished off the carcass of the 'TURKEYS'of-TAMPA 4-2 and so we play tonight to see who gets to take on the PHILLIES for the WORLD SERIES. EXCITING AIN'T IT???!!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
QWIK get TV's DR. HOUSE - OBAMA'S hemorrhaging---
QWIK get TV's DR. HOUSE - OBAMA'S hemorrhaging---
HELP - HELP 'BUTTHEAD'BARRY + his tribe of DEMBHOLE-DOUCHESBAGS are leaking statements of 'stoopidity'!!! The NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA + MARXIST SOLONS with all your LIES statements on behalf of MARXISM+SOCIALISM staunch the 'bleeding' before it proves terminal???!!! GET DR. HOUSE HE IS A MIRACLE WORKER. First - REPREHENSIBLE JOHN'the-war-is-lost-marines-are-killers-that-bribe-is-not-big-enough-for-me-yet'MURTHA just stated:"...we are not doing well in western PENNSYLVAIA because they are all racists there." WHAT??? MURTHA'the maggot' echoes SENATURD BARRY'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA's statement that:"...those people cling to their guns and religion." Then the leader of the 'BUTTHEADS', BARRY-the-1st, says while on a working tour in OHIO to 'JOE-the-plumber':" have to 'share-the-wealth' that you've earned with someone who has not made-it as you have." WHAT??? A STATEMENT DIRECTLY OUT OF 'PRAVDA' OR MOSCVA'S MOODY MARXIST TABLESIDE READING FOR USEFUL IDIOTS!!! Why is 'BUTTHEAD' BARRY now stating directly to everyman/woman that he is a 'COMMIE' like everyone at 'THE ASSHOLE MEDIA'??? Then SENATURD JOE'hairplug-so-my-sons-+-brother-can-get-rich-off-contracts-i-give-em-from-34-years-in-the-senate'BIDEN gaffes his way to another precious moment[besides the gaffes/mistakes in addressing a parapalegic to get up and walk, not knowing where he is from in pennsylavania, quoting old boxing-tearjerker movies to amplify his own personal story and the other outright frauds/lies errors of judgement such as doing the macarena with fatass maddy allwrong for the nkorean dictator, and his idea to divide iraq into three so tony rezko + his buddies could get better land deals!!!] when 'Hairplug'JOE says:"...OBAMA's most important word to youse is 3 letters --- J - O - B - S." NICE TRY JOEY - BUT JOBS IS 4 LETTERS!!! Aside from not NOT learning anything at LAW SCHOOL -couldn't they teach youse how to spell or even friggin count??? HELP HELP US DR. HOUSE BEFORE THESE SELF-INFLICTED WOUNDS OF EXHIBITING OUR STOOPIDITY LOSE US THIS ELECTION??? The more we YAP - the greater DEMBHOLE FOOLS we makes of ourselves. HELP SAVE US FROM OURSELVES. 'COMMIE + SOLONS of the NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA' can't youse help to stop the bleeding - all our stoopidisms are on display especially our 'SHARE-the-WEALTH-SHyTe' for USEFUL IDIOTS like youse!!! Help us run-out-the-clock so peebles(not to denigrates MELVYN VAN PEEBLES +his fine family of actors) don't see-hear us for the friggin MARXIST MORONS we is and want you to turn out to be!!! Save us Dr. Gregory House cuz u is a made-up character just like SENATURD 'BUTTHEAD'BARRY'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA is - save him from hisself - please.The revolution is almost here when we can take all that tax money and use it to bankroll our 'commie' freakin friends in the CONGRESS + the NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA.
HELP - HELP 'BUTTHEAD'BARRY + his tribe of DEMBHOLE-DOUCHESBAGS are leaking statements of 'stoopidity'!!! The NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA + MARXIST SOLONS with all your LIES statements on behalf of MARXISM+SOCIALISM staunch the 'bleeding' before it proves terminal???!!! GET DR. HOUSE HE IS A MIRACLE WORKER. First - REPREHENSIBLE JOHN'the-war-is-lost-marines-are-killers-that-bribe-is-not-big-enough-for-me-yet'MURTHA just stated:"...we are not doing well in western PENNSYLVAIA because they are all racists there." WHAT??? MURTHA'the maggot' echoes SENATURD BARRY'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA's statement that:"...those people cling to their guns and religion." Then the leader of the 'BUTTHEADS', BARRY-the-1st, says while on a working tour in OHIO to 'JOE-the-plumber':" have to 'share-the-wealth' that you've earned with someone who has not made-it as you have." WHAT??? A STATEMENT DIRECTLY OUT OF 'PRAVDA' OR MOSCVA'S MOODY MARXIST TABLESIDE READING FOR USEFUL IDIOTS!!! Why is 'BUTTHEAD' BARRY now stating directly to everyman/woman that he is a 'COMMIE' like everyone at 'THE ASSHOLE MEDIA'??? Then SENATURD JOE'hairplug-so-my-sons-+-brother-can-get-rich-off-contracts-i-give-em-from-34-years-in-the-senate'BIDEN gaffes his way to another precious moment[besides the gaffes/mistakes in addressing a parapalegic to get up and walk, not knowing where he is from in pennsylavania, quoting old boxing-tearjerker movies to amplify his own personal story and the other outright frauds/lies errors of judgement such as doing the macarena with fatass maddy allwrong for the nkorean dictator, and his idea to divide iraq into three so tony rezko + his buddies could get better land deals!!!] when 'Hairplug'JOE says:"...OBAMA's most important word to youse is 3 letters --- J - O - B - S." NICE TRY JOEY - BUT JOBS IS 4 LETTERS!!! Aside from not NOT learning anything at LAW SCHOOL -couldn't they teach youse how to spell or even friggin count??? HELP HELP US DR. HOUSE BEFORE THESE SELF-INFLICTED WOUNDS OF EXHIBITING OUR STOOPIDITY LOSE US THIS ELECTION??? The more we YAP - the greater DEMBHOLE FOOLS we makes of ourselves. HELP SAVE US FROM OURSELVES. 'COMMIE + SOLONS of the NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA' can't youse help to stop the bleeding - all our stoopidisms are on display especially our 'SHARE-the-WEALTH-SHyTe' for USEFUL IDIOTS like youse!!! Help us run-out-the-clock so peebles(not to denigrates MELVYN VAN PEEBLES +his fine family of actors) don't see-hear us for the friggin MARXIST MORONS we is and want you to turn out to be!!! Save us Dr. Gregory House cuz u is a made-up character just like SENATURD 'BUTTHEAD'BARRY'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA is - save him from hisself - please.The revolution is almost here when we can take all that tax money and use it to bankroll our 'commie' freakin friends in the CONGRESS + the NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The ‘Brave New Marxist World’ of BARRY OBAMA
The ‘Brave New Marxist World’ of BARRY OBAMA
SENATURD BARRY’incurably-dishonest’OBAMA promises to put SOCIALISM/MARXISM as the course for his ‘change’ AMERIKA moment. Nevermind it has never ‘worked’ anywhere it was tried. BARRY will make it work [telling a plumber in a campaign rally yesterday “…you must be prepared to share your money with everyone behind you in line that has not made it.” WHAT??? What kind of pure MARXIST ‘schiess-spiele’ is that??? In BARRY O.’s ‘Lost World’ taxation is the goal to make everyone equal in dismality. $ONE TRILLION DOLLARS + packages from DEMBHOLES to ‘boost’ the economy will give ‘control’ over BANKS and moratoriums of heretofore private loans/mortgages. In short SENATURD BARRY will be able to force lenders to permit those not paying legitmate incumberances – to evict or proceed with evictions. This because BARRY’the-legal-beagle’OBAMA taught confrontation and ‘race-tricks’ to ACORN employees aside from VOTER FRAUD to advance his own political SOCIALIST agenda. OBAMA has paid ACORN over $1MILLION-DOLLARS this calendar year to encourage ‘VOTE FRAUD’ in key supposedly ‘swing-states’. How many of BARRY’s “…57 states” has ACORN ‘got out the vote for BARRY???’ BARRY’incurably-dishonest’OBAMA has always LIED when ever it suits his political MARXIST agenda. Examples are too numerous too list in toto, but following are ‘BARAMABISMS’ most easily fact-checked as FALSE and outright tergivisations. #1) BARRY told us his parents had met in Selma during a ‘civil-rights’ march – LIE. #2) OBAMA said his first-name was derived from the Hebrew ‘baruch’ – LIE.[How many JEWS do you named BARACK HUSSEIN???] #3) BARRY claimed he never submitted ‘a sex bill’ for kindergartners while he was a ILLINOIS STATE SENATOR – LIE. The bill was ILLINOIS SENATE BILL #0099 and contained ‘specific’ sex training for grades K-6, not just don’t go home with some gut or woman claiming to be your uncle or aunt!!! #4) BARRY claimed he never worked for ACORN – LIE. BARRY initiated litigation on their behalf against banks and further ‘taught’/instructed courses on how to game the vote system. #5) BARRY claimed he only ‘knew’ terrorist/murderer + fellow MARXIST – BILL AYERS as a guy from “…the neighborhood” – LIE. Both BARRY + MICHELLE OBAMA met/were friendly with BILL AYERS+BERNADETTE DORN from the 1980’s when BERNADETTE met MICHELLE at the law office they both worked at. BARRY’s first political meeting was at a coffee ‘klotch’ in the home of fellow MARXIST BILL AYERS. In OBAMA’s ‘Lost World’ it is now the SOCIALIST STATES of AMERIKA presided over by the hegemony of REPREHENSIBLE NANCY’sphincter –of –the House-of-Fools’PELOSI + REPREHENSIBLE bank chairman BARNEY’play-with-my-little-schmeckle-or-you-r-a-racist’FRANK who will insure that the ‘secret vote ‘ is outlawed to start in ‘union elections’ and your tax monies are doled out to support companies they alone approve of!!! To paraphrase the quote from MASTER SHAKESPEARE - : “Oh brave new world – what MOODY Marxist MORONS WITH SUCH CREATURES IN IT???” DO NOT LET BARRY’incurably-dishonest’OBAMA GUIDE US TO HIS ‘BRAVE NEW WORLD –of MARXISM ’!!!
SENATURD BARRY’incurably-dishonest’OBAMA promises to put SOCIALISM/MARXISM as the course for his ‘change’ AMERIKA moment. Nevermind it has never ‘worked’ anywhere it was tried. BARRY will make it work [telling a plumber in a campaign rally yesterday “…you must be prepared to share your money with everyone behind you in line that has not made it.” WHAT??? What kind of pure MARXIST ‘schiess-spiele’ is that??? In BARRY O.’s ‘Lost World’ taxation is the goal to make everyone equal in dismality. $ONE TRILLION DOLLARS + packages from DEMBHOLES to ‘boost’ the economy will give ‘control’ over BANKS and moratoriums of heretofore private loans/mortgages. In short SENATURD BARRY will be able to force lenders to permit those not paying legitmate incumberances – to evict or proceed with evictions. This because BARRY’the-legal-beagle’OBAMA taught confrontation and ‘race-tricks’ to ACORN employees aside from VOTER FRAUD to advance his own political SOCIALIST agenda. OBAMA has paid ACORN over $1MILLION-DOLLARS this calendar year to encourage ‘VOTE FRAUD’ in key supposedly ‘swing-states’. How many of BARRY’s “…57 states” has ACORN ‘got out the vote for BARRY???’ BARRY’incurably-dishonest’OBAMA has always LIED when ever it suits his political MARXIST agenda. Examples are too numerous too list in toto, but following are ‘BARAMABISMS’ most easily fact-checked as FALSE and outright tergivisations. #1) BARRY told us his parents had met in Selma during a ‘civil-rights’ march – LIE. #2) OBAMA said his first-name was derived from the Hebrew ‘baruch’ – LIE.[How many JEWS do you named BARACK HUSSEIN???] #3) BARRY claimed he never submitted ‘a sex bill’ for kindergartners while he was a ILLINOIS STATE SENATOR – LIE. The bill was ILLINOIS SENATE BILL #0099 and contained ‘specific’ sex training for grades K-6, not just don’t go home with some gut or woman claiming to be your uncle or aunt!!! #4) BARRY claimed he never worked for ACORN – LIE. BARRY initiated litigation on their behalf against banks and further ‘taught’/instructed courses on how to game the vote system. #5) BARRY claimed he only ‘knew’ terrorist/murderer + fellow MARXIST – BILL AYERS as a guy from “…the neighborhood” – LIE. Both BARRY + MICHELLE OBAMA met/were friendly with BILL AYERS+BERNADETTE DORN from the 1980’s when BERNADETTE met MICHELLE at the law office they both worked at. BARRY’s first political meeting was at a coffee ‘klotch’ in the home of fellow MARXIST BILL AYERS. In OBAMA’s ‘Lost World’ it is now the SOCIALIST STATES of AMERIKA presided over by the hegemony of REPREHENSIBLE NANCY’sphincter –of –the House-of-Fools’PELOSI + REPREHENSIBLE bank chairman BARNEY’play-with-my-little-schmeckle-or-you-r-a-racist’FRANK who will insure that the ‘secret vote ‘ is outlawed to start in ‘union elections’ and your tax monies are doled out to support companies they alone approve of!!! To paraphrase the quote from MASTER SHAKESPEARE - : “Oh brave new world – what MOODY Marxist MORONS WITH SUCH CREATURES IN IT???” DO NOT LET BARRY’incurably-dishonest’OBAMA GUIDE US TO HIS ‘BRAVE NEW WORLD –of MARXISM ’!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
gets 'caught' fucking a whore who is listed as an 'aide'[just like former DEMBHOLE wanker JOHN EDWARDS was 'exposed' for giving his aide REILLE monies while his wife was dying of cancer to fuck and blow him] and of course nothing - not a peep is said printed about this in SALON and the rest of the NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA!!! MAHONEY took TIM FOLEY'S district 'too clean it up' from the sordidness of emails to male pages committed by REPUBLICANT FOLEY. IS THIS A MATTER OF BAD FORM IN THAT $120,000DOLLARS WAS GIVEN TO THIS 'WHORE' - BUT SALACIOUS EMAILS TO MALE PAGES ARE FAR WORSE - INVOLVING THE BOBBING-UP-AND-DOWN ON MALE MEMBERS OR ENTRIES INTO THE FORBIDDEN 'HERSHEY-HIGHWAYS' SO IN VOGUE IN PLACES LIKE FRISCO AND ELSEWHERES?? Or is this just about 'private sex with consenting adults' - ah but accomplished with taxpayer monies??? IS THIS THE DEMBHOLE 'DOUBLE-STANDARD' OR JUST A PROBLEM WITH FLORIDA'S TAP-WATER THAT LEADS TOO SUCH LIBIDINOUS GOINGS-ON??? SALON and its pathetic EDITORIAL JACK-OFFS will probably ignore this situation as it does not 'fit' their DEMBHOLE/MARXIST sensibilities. [IS THIS SOME OF THE 'CHANGE' BARRY'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA WILL BRING WITH HIS MARXIST ADMINISTRATION??? MORE 'WHORES' GETTING PAID WITH TAXPAYER MONIES???]
Monday, October 13, 2008
GERALDINE FERRARO former DEMBHOLE REPREHENSIBLE and former DEMBHOLE VEEP CANDIDATE and part of the FERRARO-ZACCARO 'corrupt' family of QUEENS NYC - stated that ACORN has done very good work in BROOKLYN, NY gettung 'out-the-vote'!!! UNFORTUNATELY FERRARO-ZACCARO[Used the named for her husband's illegal land deals!!!] NEVER TOUCHED ACORN'S INDICTMENTS FOR VOTER FRAUD
Sunday, October 12, 2008
FRANCONA 'blows' one for REDSOX NATION by...
leaving his 'starting-pitcher' BECKETT in too long!!! The BOSOX had a three HONRON inning from PEDROIA, YOUKILIS, BAY and yet threw away this game because of MANAGER TERRY FRANCONA's habit of leaving pitchers in much too long!!! BECKETT SHOULD HAVE BEEN 'SAT' DOWN WHEN THE REDSIX HAD REGAINED THE LEAD!!! BAD MANAGING!!! LESTER goes tomorrow night at FENWAY. THE ALCS SERIES IS YIED 1-1 WITH THE 'TURKEYS' FROM TAMPA. Also the announcers on TBS were banal, boring, stoopid, self-absorbed with themselves and unimformative. WAY TO 'BLOW' IT FRANCONA!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
SENATURD BARRY now just 'drilling' for votes???
SENATURD BARRY'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA should have put the 'kibosh' on SENATURD JOHN'the-old-fool'McCAIN's inept campaign by now - but BARRY's LIES keep getting in the way!!! First it was SENATURD BARRY's lies about his family[" parents met at a CIVIL-RIGHTS MARCH in Selma"] then there was SENATURD's BARRY lie about his 'chance meeting with terrorist/murderer BILL AYRES ["...AYRES was just sorta a guy i knew from the neighborhood" when in actuality BARRY knew AYRES and DORN from the early 1980's when they met through MICHELLE OBAMA's working with DORN at a law office in CHICAGO and subsequently assisted BARRY with his 'political aspirations'] AND THE LATEST LIE POOH-POOHED HERE BY ALL THE SALON LEFTY'S AND MARXIST WANNABE'S WAS EFFORTLESSLY PRONOUNCED AT THE LATEST SO-CALLED DEBATE: SENATURD BARRY said that he was 'FOR' offshore drilling for oil - for this country!!! That's right - SENATURD BARRY said that instead of checking tires to fight these MID-EAST 'meanies' with all their oil wealth - he, SENATURD BARRY would now be 'for' drilling oil off our coasts!!! Is this the same kind of drilling former SENATURD JOHN EDWARDS endorsed with his female audio-visual aides enjoyed while his wife was suffering from cancer??? Or is SENATURD BARRY now just 'drilling' for votes??? BARRY'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA keeps pronouncing LIES that he thinks the country wants to hear - and no wants to listen to LIES and more LIES from a MARXIST even though he went to HARVARD and COLUMBIA. 2 INCREDIBLY 'FLAWED' CANDIDATES - JOHN'the-old-fool'McCAIN and BARRY'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA - our 'REPUBLIC' has never been in greater jeopardy. WHICH WILL BE 'ELECTED' BY THE 'ACORN' VOTERS - AN OLD WHITE FOOL OR A SMOOTH BLACK LIAR???
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
What's a little VOTER FRAUD = ACORN!!!
ACORN has long been affiliated with 'indictments' for VOTER FRAUD. BUT THEN they had that HARVARD ace-legal beagle BARACH'irreparably-dishonest'OBAMA as their attorney-teacher-mentor!!! ACORN was listed in the first failed BAIL-OUT BILL as one of the beneficiaries of all that DEMBHOLE PORK!!! WHAT'S A LITTLE VOTER FRAUD TO ACORN??? WE HAD FREDDIE-MAC + FANNIE-MAE TURNED INTO A 'MINORITY SLUSH-FUND' FOR LOANS THAT HELPED RUIN OUR BANKING FINANCIAL SYSTEM - SO WHAT'S WRONG WITH A LITTLE VOTE FRAUD??? Help OUR MINORITIES - TEACH 'EM HOW TO 'STEAL' ELECTIONS WITH ACORN!!! Ha.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Awaiting the vote totals - in HARLEM, NYC.
It will indeed be 'interesting' to see the vote total SENATURD BARRY'irreparably-dishonest'OBAMA gets from HARLEM, NYC. WHY??? Because in the DEMBHOLE PRIMARY - BARRY received 0 none nada nunca sero votes against HILLARY and her "...asbestos pants-suits" hiding all that 'UGLINESS/CORRUPTION'. Will be interesting to see if BLACKS just like WHITE women when they cover themselves up and not women like SARAH PALIN who show their legs in skirts/dresses???!!! Or are BLACKS that prudish??? Ha.
Quote from Madeleine Allbright:
MADDY'fatass'ALLWRONG - dancer with dog-eating dictator KIM JONG IL, defender of D^CKHEAD CLINTON who still swears the PUTZ-in-CHIEF 'never lied' about LEWINSKY: "There is a special place in HELL - for women who do not support other women!!!"- AS TOLD BY SARAH PALIN GOP VEEP CANDIDATE!!! DEMBHOLE-DOUCHESBAGS always such hypocritic liars!!! Ha.
Friday, October 3, 2008
VULTURES fighting over the still-moving carcasses!!!
WELLS FARGO and CITIGROUP have both laid 'claim' to the soon-to-be carcass of WACHOVIA!!! Which predator will finally garnish the 'failed banking giant'??? PICKING AT THE 'BONES' OF WACHOVIA TO INCREASE THEIR OWN PROFITABILITY!!!
Governor SARAH PALIN confronts Senator JOE BIDEN...
SARAH PALIN in last nights's so-called 'debate' proved that a) she is competent standing-up to SENATURD JOE'it-was-a-hairplug-not-a-brain-transplant'BIDEN, b) PALIN is telogenic with a folksy mid-WEST kind of straight-talk c) PALIN[just luv printing out her name cuz LIBERALS-no-PROFRESSIVES-no-COMMIES-no-DEMBHOLES cringe at her name!!! Ha.] is just downright likeable - the same way former PUTZ-in-CHIEF BILL CLINTON is likeable - the same way GEORGE BUSH is more likeable than say former SENATURD AL GORE, SENATURD JOHN'the-Fraud'KERRY or even SENATURD JOHN'the-old-fool'McCAIN] SARAH PALIN is more LIKEABLE and definitely more HONEST than most of these SENATURDS!!! SARAH PALIN also proved that she is not 'toxic ivy' because of her FEMALE SEX or her HORMONES!!! These so-called 'debates' are not football games. They are designed to expose candidates composure, speaking ability, and stage presence. PALIN aside from asking SENATURD 'Hairplug' JOE if she could just call him 'JOE'??? knew the name of the ARMY commander in IRAQ which 'Hairplug' JOE did not mention in his bathetic attempts down maudlin memory lane is repeatedly restating how his father called him "...CHAMP"[as if he was cute RICKY SCHROEDER from the movie with JON VOIGT or perhaps JACKIE COOPER with WALLACE BERRY in the original tearjerker 'THE CHAMP' which is more in old 'Hairplug' JOE's timeframe at the dawn of 'talkies'???] 'Hairplug' JOE squawked "Talk - talk - talk" AS PROOF that he and BARRY'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA would have a better 'foreign diplomacy' than the BUSH or McCAIN administration's. TALKING was wonderful for NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN in dealing with HERR HITLER and more recently in not-confronting 'MAD'VLAD in GEORGIA wan't it??? Doubtless this 'debate' will not change many opinions/attitudes. BUT IT DOES ESTABLISH FOR SOME SARAH PALIN's BONAFIDES TO BE ON THE NATIONAL STAGE.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
$MILLIONS for OBAMA --- from EUROPE!!!
SENATURD BARRY'incurably-dishonest'OBAMA has and is continuing to garner $MILLIONS-of-DOLLARS from contributors in EUROPE!!! ONLY DONATIONS MADE BY AMERIKANS IS LEGAL - BUT THAT HAS NOT HINDERED OBAMA'S ILLICIT CAMPAIGN PRACTICES!!! As the investigatory and regulating vehicles are particularly lax any 'CITIZEN-of-the-WORLD' can shuffle money to BARRY+his SOCIALIST SCHWINEHUNTZ 'friends'!!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Your TAX MONIES well spent by the SENATE...Ha!!!
Poof - waving their 'magic wand' the UNITED STATES SENATURDS have transformed this SOCIALIST-SCHIESS+SILLY-SPIN ubto somethung they deem palatable for the idiot 'common people'!!! AMAZING that they condone to share the same air as us this group of 'privileged'+above all intelligent millionaires???!!! Why shouldn't the SECRETARY get $700BILLION DOLLARS of our TAX MONIES to do with as he pleases because we already gave $85BILLION DOLLARS to AIG - because BECAUSE his former employer GOLDMAN-SUCKS has a $20BILLION DOLLAR STAKE in AIG???!!! AH our TAX MONIES so well spent because SENATURDS tell us!!! Ha. [Meanwhile not a peep, tremor about the REAL CULPRITS who caused this mess - in JAPAN cretins like REPREHENISBLE BARNEY FRANK, SENATURD 'COUNTRYWIDE MORTGAGE' DODD, economic whizzes RAINES+JOHNSON, D^CKHEAD CLINTON, the present President BUSH and ALLEN GREENSPAN - would be asked to resign or commit seppuke(hari-kari) to atone for their various disgraces!!!] PASS THE CHOP-SUEY.
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