The UNITY ‘SCAM’ that keeps on giving!!!
BARACK OBAMA pretended to make ‘NICE’ to HILLARY today by giving her money for her campaign debt. HILLARY some $20MILLION DOLLARS owed mostly with loans to herself
makes out like the DEMBHOLE bandit she is and ‘pretends’ she tolerates OBAMA to get her bucks back!!! Figures a DEMBHOLE MILLIONAIRE interested in getting back money for herself. As another
DEMBHOLE might say of this scam of getting OBAMA and his supporters to fund HILLARY’s failed ambitions:”Fugget about this classic way of extortion!!!” Corrupt DEMBHOLES in “…asbestos pants-suits” hiding ‘UGLINESS/CORRUPTION/DECEPTION-and-outright-SCAMS always about the money not principle but just pretend ‘UNITY’!!!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
NANCY PELOSI wants to resume the 'FAIRNESS DOCTRINE'...
Yeah NANCY'the-sphincter-of-the-House-of-Fools'PELOSI wants every 'bony-butt-bitch-who-needs-botox' like her to get free injections on the taxpayers dime like she does!!! The terms NANCY'sphincter-bony-butt'PELOSI does not go hand in WANKER-BUTT-HEAVEN like PATTY'fuck-my-ass'KENNEDY --- yeah real parity with NANCY'bony-butt'PELOSI as arbiter right??? GOODBYE FREE SPEECH WITH NANCY'sphincter'PELOSI IN CONTROL!!!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
BARACK OBAMA as well as JOHN McCAIN seem to...
have as many 'stories/excuses' for every scenario the 2 SENATURDS can imagine!!! With OBAMA at first "...race wouldn't defeat him"[Nov. 2007 in the 'NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA], then it was 'PUBLIC FINANCING' before he got on the SOROS/MOVEON.ORG gravy train, now it is 'ETHANOL LOBBYISIS' in his campaign despite his claim of 'NO - LOBBYISTS'!!! QUITE A LYING PUNK-ASS BITCH FROM CHICAGO AIN'T HE???!!! JOHN'the-old-fool'McCAIN claims he is on the 'STRAIGHT-TALK EXPRESS' - First he is for the enviro-whackadoos then McCAIN wants to drill - drill - drill. McCAIN was against BUSH 'TAX CUTS' - NOW HE IS FOR THEM!!! McCAIN is for preventing 'GLOBAL WARMING' but at the expense of UNITED STATES interests around the world!!! ONE SENATURD'S A SOCIALIST ONE IS AN OUTRIGHT MARXIST - THEY BOTH LIE!!! THE WORST 'PICKS' FOR PRERSIDENT IN A LONG TIME - POSSIBLY EVER!!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
BARACK OBAMA - he sure do like his ethanol!!!
The BLACK MARXIST BARACK OBAMA has 'pledged' his Presidency would be one of 'CHANGE' + 'HOPE'. INTERESTING - like his promise to accept public financing until he realized how GEORGE SOROS and MOVEON.ORG and their ilk could raise his 'SCAM' in private funds. NOW -'the-MARXIST-HYPOCRITE'OBAMA has allied himself with the very 'LOBBYISTS' he stated would not be part of his campaign - and placed the 'ETHANOL-PIMPS' on his executive boards. First to get his snout at the trough was TOM'i-can-be-a-lobbyist-like-my-wife'DASCHLE discredited former SENATURD from DAKOTA. DEMBHOLE-DUMMY DASCHLE is on no less than 3 'ETHANOL HEDGE-FUNDS' waiting to get their 'hooks' into President OBAMA with money/favours/deals!!! SOUNDS LIKE TONY REZKO ALL OVER AGAIN DOESN'T IT??? OBAMA a candidate for 'CHANGE' and 'HOPE' - yeah right???!!! WHAT A TWO-BIT PUNK MARXIST NOW IN CHICAGO!!! How did this faker and 'wuss' ever grow-up anywhere where he had to make it on his own - without taking bribes or graft or is that getting-or-giving head??? WHAT A 'WUSS' AND ABJECT LIAR!!! OBAMA change for a MARXIST - yeah right. Ha!!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
What is going on in GLOUCESTER, MA.???
A certain number of girls at GLOUCESTER HIGH SCHOOL in GLOUCESTER TAXACHUSETTS made a 'pact' to all get pregnant and raise their babies together!!! 18 of these girls many younger than 16 - are pregnant by different 'handy' males many of whom are over twenty years of age and one a 'homeless man' aged 24!!! Now aside from the obvious psychiatric implications of worth, love, family responsibility, and whether contraception should be issued in high school - THE PERCENTAGES OF PREGNANCIES IS ASTOUNDING!!! HOW MANY GIRLS WERE IN ON THIS 'PREGNANT PACT'??? WHAT IS IN THE WATER OR WHAT ARE THEY EATING IN GLOUCESTER??? Or is this merely an adjunct of 'Good Portugai + New England Stock' Breeders???
You are correct there is a 'CULTURE-of-CORRUPTION' in BALTIMORE ---
NANCY'sphincter-of-the-House-of-Fools'PELOSI and your family of corrupt/venal/scumbag DEMBHOLE-DOUCHESBAG POLS the D'ALESANDROS raped/stole/trud on the publik graft so long you thought it was natural - you BOTOX-FACED-SKINNY-ASS BITCH!!! NOW that BALTIMORE MAYOR DUMB-DEMBHOLE SHEILA DIXON is 'being investigated' with her 'house raided' and a fur coat manufacturer's records 'subpoenaed' to MS. DIXON's availability of what we are sure is just 'gifts' for the homeless - YOU AND YOUR CORRUPT CREW OF DEMBHOLE-DOUCHESBAGS TOGETHER WITH YOUR 'SCUMMY' FAMILY ARE GOING TO GET THE KIND OF SCRUTINY YOU DESERVE!!! What a STOOPID-ASS SHEILA DIXON must be!!! YOUR 'CULTURE-of-CORRUPTION' COMES 'HOME-TO-ROOST'!!! Ha!!!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
restaurant review: THE RAVENOUS PIG, winter park florida
Just ate at THE RAVENOUS PIG, 1234 ORANGE AVE., WINTER PARK, FLORIDA - phone #407) 628-2333
and the food and service were excellent!!! The menu changes every day/night open for lunches TUES - SAT dinner starts at 5:30pm full bar and wine list. The food is cvreative and original - TRY IT WE ARE SURE YOU WILL ENJOY YOUR MEAL THERE!!! FINE DINING COMES TO CENTRAL FLORIDA --- the only criticism slight as it may be is there is no padding on the floors - noise can be worrisome OTHERWISE A GREAT DINING EXPERIENCE!!! THE RAVENOUS PIG, 1234 OANGE AVENUE, WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 407 - 628 - 2333
and the food and service were excellent!!! The menu changes every day/night open for lunches TUES - SAT dinner starts at 5:30pm full bar and wine list. The food is cvreative and original - TRY IT WE ARE SURE YOU WILL ENJOY YOUR MEAL THERE!!! FINE DINING COMES TO CENTRAL FLORIDA --- the only criticism slight as it may be is there is no padding on the floors - noise can be worrisome OTHERWISE A GREAT DINING EXPERIENCE!!! THE RAVENOUS PIG, 1234 OANGE AVENUE, WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 407 - 628 - 2333
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Do all ORLANDO MAGICLESS rejects succeed in the N.B.A.???
First congrats to BOSTON'S CELTICS - for giving the LAKERS a good whipping!!! Second why is 'DOC RIVERS' the coach of the BOSTON CELTICS and not the ORLANDO MAGICLESS??? Oh yeah forgot ORLANDO wanted their ARENA SCAM more than a championship coach or team!!! Build a new 'ARENA SCAM' have the ORLANDO 'suckers' pay for it - we don't need no 'DOC RIVERS' or a championship!!! The MAGICLESS - a pathetic franchise existing on an ongoing scam of the populace!!! CONGRATS to you DOC - great season!!!
Who the 'REAL OIL SPECULATORS' are???!!!
'Speculators' are part of any day's trading on the various commodities exchanges. End-users such as airlines such as SOUTHWEST in the UNITED STATES or UNITED PARCEL 'take positions' to insure themselves of a supply of gas/oil. Unfortunately 'money-changers' like WARREN BUFFET, GEORGE SOROS(the convicted felon in FRANCE for 'fixing' monetary futures), and GOLDMAN-SUCKS[among other brokerage house + 'hedge funds'] have decided to make money not only taking OIL/GAS POSITIONS for increased price but against the UNITED STATES interest BUT also taking positions 'shorting the AMERICAN DOLLAR' while forcing up the GOLD CONTRACT!!! BETTING AGAINST THE U.S. IN OIL-GAS-GOLD-THE PRICE OF THE DOLLAR!!! If you do not believe this or doubt this statement - look at investigate the 'futures' trades records and WHO purchased these bets on the various commodity exchanges!!! THESE PEOPLE BUFFET, SOROS, THOSE AT GOLDMAN-SUCKS all use the 'AMERICAN SYSTEM' for their gain and AMERICA's LOSS!!! THEY GIVE SPECULATORS A BAD NAME - THEY ARE THE TRUE MONEY-CHANGERS IN THE TEMPLE!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
OBAMA - the perfect 'public figure' for the 16th CENTURY!!!
BARACK OBAMA would be the perfect 'publik figure' for the 16th CENTURY - after all he is a competent orator!!! Not much else - no 'smarts' to speak of - or as ARISTOTLE might have said OBAMA the 'fucking' MARXIST nothing new here!!! Controlled by the likes of CONVICTED FELONS such as GEORGE SOROS and the criminal killer BILL AYERS - is this 'rhetorician' in an empty suit really the candidate that you want??? An OLIGARCH to be sure - controlled by others!!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
The source of the 'MICHELLE OBAMA SMEAR'???
LARRY JOHNSON - longtime DEBHOLE DOUCHESBAG and 'BITCH HILLARY' supporter!!! While the AP and DEMBHOLE 'bloggers' blame REPUBLICANTS/CONSERVATIVES such as RUSH LIMBAUGH - it was/is LARRY JOHNSON authoring this 'SMEAR' for 'BITCH HILLARY' --- previously LARRY JOHNSON had 'authored' the totally wrong rumour that KARL ROVE had been indicted!!! ALL NOT TRUE - ALL THE PRODUCT OF A DIMWIT-DEMBHOLE LARRY JOHNSON PROFESSIONAL ASSHOLE!!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The most recent decision by the SUPREME COURT on...
GUANTANAMO will rank along with the DREDD SCOTT DECISION and NYSlimes v. SULLIVAN as one of the most abominable writs by the high court. While acknowledging that the UNITED STATES has no jurisdiction - these HIGH COURT 'HYNIES' open the door to mandating/operating all U.S. MILITARY 'stations' any where in the world. What are we now to 'mirandize' all combatants in all wars??? Absurdist views like these prop-up non-thinking LEFTIST ASSHOLES of the world!!!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The NANCY-BOY WANKER GORE VIDAL criticizes President BUSH from Europe.
GORE VIDAL, WANKER and former 'icon' of the GAY DEMBHOLE LEFTIST DOUCHESBAG intelligentsia - has stated in interviews that the UNITED STATES is 'fascist' only under various REPUBLICANT PRESIDENTS - not NOT IDJIT DEMBHOLE DOUCHESBAGS who want to limit all our freedoms and TAX us while they install MARXIST DIPWADS!!! VIDAL has been a long-time WANKER and is incapable of uttering any word but 'FASCIST' when it comes to this country. Thanks GORE the WANKER - good to know you are still slightly alive!!! [Say hello to your relative AL'fat-fuck'GORE famous for trying to imitate your 'MYRA BRECKENRIDGE' character in his presidential bid!]
Friday, June 13, 2008
SENATOR CHRIS DODD - 'like father like son'???
SENATURD CHRIS DODD SR. DEMBHOLE-DOUCHESBAG from CONNECTICUTT was one of the most corrupt venal and stoopid pols in U.S. history!!! So not to be outdone his son SDENATURD CHRIS DODD JR. has been discovered to have received 'sweetheart' loans from COUNTRYWIDE MORTGAGE CO. along with several other high-ranking DEMBHOLES including DONNA SHALALA[a DICKHEAD CLINTON appointee] among others including JIM JOHNSON recently of B. HUSSEIN OBAMA's VP search committee and longtime DEMBHOLE 'plumber'. SENATURD DODD the SR. was the only incumbent SENATURD not renominated by his 'PARTY' because they could not stand the stench of corruption emmitting from his 'foul' carcass!!! SENATURD DODD the JR. now trys to surpass the corruption/slime his father emmitted while in office!!! When will the sentient voters of CONNECTICUTT realize how 'foul' this DODD is - or will they ever????
The list of murders - rapes - atrocities grows ever longer for ROBERT MUGABE's thugs in ZIMBABWE - and surprise the UNITED NATIONS and the UNITED STATES does nothing!!!! WHERE ARE THE HOWLS OF INDIGNANT PROTEST WHEN THEN SOUTH AFRICA 'SPONSORED' APARTHEID??? Where are such stars and 'deep thinkers' as DANNY GLOVER and others when ZIMBABWE's citizens are routinely tortured and murdered by cutting off limbs and 'gas-bombing' them locked in their homes??? WHERE IS THE WORLD'S OUTRAGE??? But then again the 'LEFTISTS' on the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT are too worried about giving 'foreign fighters' their due rights under our Constitution then showing concern for the daily carnage in ZIMBABWE by the murderer MUGABE and his pack of animals!!!S IT THAT MUGABE IS/WAS A 'LEFTY' AND BLACK THAT YOU DO NOT CRITICIZE HIM??? KILL AND OVERTHROW THIS ENEMY OF FREEDOM NOW BEFORE HE KILLS/TORTURES/MAIMS EVEN MORE!!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Has anyone else questioned SERGEY BRIN --
one of the co-founder's of GOOGLE on his $20MILLION DOLLAR SPACE FLIGHT on the RUSSIAN SOYUZ??? How many people could he feed with that cash or how much is he contributing to GLOBAL WARMING never mind pollution just to gratify his ego??? ISN'T THE ENVIRONMENT MORE IMPORTANT THAN BRIN'S CAPRICES??? BETCHA HE IS AN ASSHOLE DEMBHOLE DOUCHESBAG???
Will OBAMA inflict a 'windfall profits tax' on JIM JOHNSON???
JIM JOHNSON is a long-time DEMBHOLE DOUCHESBAG now 'vetting' VP's candidates for B. HUSSEIN OBAMA - the MARXIST DEMBHOLE candidate for president!!! Unfortunately JOHNSON made over $21MILLION DOLLARS in his position at FANNIE-MAE and has a beneficial interest in the SOROS[you remember the felon financier still wanted in FRANCE for fixing rates on money!!!] hedge form PERSEUS - think the MARXIST OBAMA will hit JOHNSON and other DEMBHOLES with a 'windfall tax' like he wants too with 'BIG OIL'??? OH the MARXIST OBAMA further muddled his position by first denying JOHNSON worked for him then saying it would become too cumbersome to have someone"...vetting the vetters". WHAT??? JUST HOW MUCH STOOPIDITY CAN WE ENDURE FROM A BLACK HARVARD EDUCATED MARXIST???
***update update at 6:45 pm est*** JIM JOHNSON was forced to resign his position at OBAMA's campaign as further revelations of his obtaining 'special loan rates' from COUNTRYWIDE MORTGAGE COMPANY made it to the NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA!!! OBAMA will never be accused of being 'lily-white & pure' obviously!!! Another DEMBHOLE DOUCHESBAG is exposed for the 'fraudster' he is/was!!!
***update update at 6:45 pm est*** JIM JOHNSON was forced to resign his position at OBAMA's campaign as further revelations of his obtaining 'special loan rates' from COUNTRYWIDE MORTGAGE COMPANY made it to the NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA!!! OBAMA will never be accused of being 'lily-white & pure' obviously!!! Another DEMBHOLE DOUCHESBAG is exposed for the 'fraudster' he is/was!!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
OBAMA makes nice with the JEWS!!!
BARACK OBAMA at an AIPAC meeting in WASHINGTON D.C. - told the AMERICAN-ISREALI PAC audience his first name BARACK was somehow etymologically derived from the Hebrew 'Baruch' - talk about your 'NONSENSICAL HUTZPAH!!!['Baruch' in Hebrew means blessed] How will OBAMA translate his middle name HUSSEIN into Hebrew??? Should be interesting. LET THE OUTRIGHT PANDERING BEGIN - THE ELECTION SEASON IS HERE!!! And all of these SENATURD ASSHOLES will hope you believe all the 'SCHIESS-SPIEL' they will inundate/subject all of us too get our votes!!!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
BIG BROWN loses ignominiously!!!
Horses are not machines. The failure of BIG BROWN in the BELMONT should make that quite clear. Now the questions must be asked about ‘STEROIDS’ - IS THIS WHY ‘BIG BROWN’ RAN SO POORLY NOT BEING GIVEN HIS USUAL DOSAGE??? For years it was ‘rumored’ that BAFFERT, LUCAS & OTHER LEADING TRAINERS administered ‘drug cocktails’ to allow their horses to run so much better as if ‘magically’ having them in their barn made average horses super stars - is it time to stop ‘pussy-footing’ around STEROIDS in horse-racing and DEMAND that this sport be drug free??? YES I WROTE DRUG FREE - AND THAT INCLUDES THE SUPPOSED ANTI-BLEEDING MEDICATION LASIX WHICH IN TRUTH HAS THE ABILITY TO MASK OTHER DRUGS!!! Feed, hay, vitamins and the occassional ‘jug’ [of proteins, nutrients] should be in horses that’s it!!! Will BIG BROWN race again - at this point don’t know don’t care. ‘Crushing defeats’ like this are hard to take or just to watch - true champions try harder no matter the outcome. Had more respect for SECRETARIAT being beat first by his stable-mate and ‘rabbit’ ANGLE LIGHT and then ONION than what i saw at yesterday’s BELMONT. BELMONT is indeed the ‘graveyard of prospective champions’. CONGRATS TO ZITO AND ALL THE OTHER TRAINERS/OWNERS HORSES WHO FINISHED AHEAD OF BIG BROWN IN YESTERDAY’S RACE!!!
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