Thursday, November 29, 2007

How many DEMOCRAT 'SHILLS' can CNN fit in an audience???

ANDERSON COOPER 'moderator' of this so-called REPUBLICAN debate [COOPER failed-actor/failed-personality/failed-anchor/failed-tellall-author/soon-to-be-failed-homosexual] claimed he had no knowledge that 5 or 6 of the questions were DEMBHOLE OPERATIVES!!! UNBELIEVABLE - the man who said he was GAY and a former general works for HILLARY and her GAY/LESBIAN task force!!! THIS DEBATE WAS A FARCE AND SHOWED THE DESPERATION OF THE DEMBHOLES AND the CommunistNewsNetwork - 'plants' as far as the questions were concerned and potted 'plants' in the audience including KERR and others flown to FLORIDA from CALIFORNIA by CNN!!! Watch out ANDRSON COOPER - another of your relatives[a VANDERBILT no less] is committing suicide by jumping from a building!!! WHAT A YUTZ EVEN FOR A GAY GUY!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Where are you 'safer' BAGHDAD or say DETROIT, ATLANTA, or LOS ANGELES???

Yep things have changed in BAGHDAD. You can walk on the streets and not be murdered. CAN THE SAME BE SAID ABOUT DETROIT, ATLANTA, or LOS ANGELES???? But according to the DEMBHOLE-DIMWITS 'we have lost in IRAQ'. Sure - and according to the NYSlimes MARIO'mr. mafia-according-to-DICKHEAD'CUOMO is still 10 points ahead in his race with MR. PATAKI for governor of NEW YORK!!! Ah ha-ha-ha-h-ha-ha!!! AND THE SCHIP PROGRAM WILL PASS EVENTUALLY - Yeah the only thing it'll pass through is your sphincters you pieces of shit!!!

BILL CLINTON 'revises' history -- yet again!!!

DICKHEAD speaking to DEMBHOLES at one of BITCH HILLARY's campaign 'schiess-spiel' rallies stated that "...he (DICKHEAD) was against the IRAQ WAR from the beginning..." and further went on to add "...that why should he (DICKHEAD) get charged a lower tax during a war"...AMAZING FROM THE SAME DICKHEAD AND BITCH HILLARY WHO SAID THEY WORKED AS HARD AS THEY EVER DID TRYING TO FIND SADDAM HUSSEIN'S WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!! What exactly did you do in your years in the WHITE HOUSE DICKHEAD - just get LEWINSKYS from FATTY MONICA??? 'REVISIONIST' history a la DICKHEAD!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The EcoExplorer sinks in the ANTARCTIC!!!

A boat full of 'environmental whackoos' sunk in the ANTARCTIC --- and nary a peep or a story about the toxic oil spilled or the incessant whining that usually accompanies any disaster...WHY??? COULD IT BE THAT THE 'ECO-EXPLORERS' OPWNER IS A FRIEND OF AL'FAT-FUCK'GORE'S??? SOME NEWS REPORTING EH???

Friday, November 23, 2007

If MUSHARRAF is 'bad' what then is CHAVEZ???

The ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA writes/pronounces PERVEZ MUSHARRAF is a thug/dictator/and much worse in attemptong to keep PAKHISTAN out of the control of the ISLAMIC TERRORISTS and SOCIALISTIC/COMMUNIST appeasers!!! But what do they say about the actual despot/murderer/tyrant HUGO CHAVEZ who hides behind his SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM while 'defrauding' everyone except his 'USEFUL IDIOTS' in VENEZUELA and elsewhere??? WELL - WHAT ABOUT IT ASSHOLES of the INTERNATIONAL MEDIA??? Where are the 'stories' of CHAVEZ abolishing VENEZUELA'S CONSTITUTION and proclaiming the 'fat-fucking-asshole' as dictator/despot for life???

Thursday, November 22, 2007


This COEN BROTHERS MOVIE was a series of violent metaphors on top of violent metaphors leading into strained expectations of nothingness!!! Of course every effete P.C. ASSHOLE MEDIA NESWPAPER/CABLE CHANNEL 'gushed' over this film's insipid mediocrity pretending some kind of intellectual depth. For starters if ANTON could find MR. LEWELYN MOSS with a 'transponder' - how did the MEXICAN BANDITOS find MOSS??? ALSO is this movie supposed to be a subliminal message for bette medical coverage insurance and care with all the dead/mangled bodies in almost every frame??? NEEDLESS TO SAY WE ARE HAPPY THAT WOODY HARRELSON PLAYING MR. C. WELLS WAS 'BLOWN-AWAY' SO QUICKLY AND THAT A WOMAN OFFERING 'COLD BEER' WAS MR. MOSS' ULTIMATE DOWNFALL - OTHERWISE THE QUESTIONS LEFT FOR US TO 'DITHER' OVER AREN'T DEEP AND WHO CARES IF MOSS' WIFE LIVES/DIES OR IF THE PSYCHOPATH ANTON IS EVER CAUGHT. MONEY AND DRUGS DRUGS MONEY AND DEATH IN THIS MOVIE TURN INTO 'BORING' METAPHORS FOR WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN ANOTHER DESCENT COEN BROTHERS PRODUCTION.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

FRANCE & SARKOZY face a dilemna!!!

As great as the 'crisis' DeDAULE faced when the military refused to obey 'Le Grande CHARLES' during the 'ALGERIAN INSURRECTION' - NIKKY SARKOZY faces of f against the FRENCH SOCIALIST UNIONS with their 33 hour work-weeks and jobs for life and will reform FRANCE and its now archaic 'non-work' socialistic structure of FRANCE will cease to be a Western nation but 'fall' into sociak/economic chaos of a third world country!!! SARKOZY WILL PREVAIL - THE FRENCH TRADE UNIONS ARE 'SPLINTERING' AS WE POST THIS!!!! VIVE LA FRANCE DEATH TO THE SOCIALISTS/COMMUNISTS!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Just how stupid is REPUBLICANT JOHN McCAIN??? First it was the idiot McCAIN-FEINGOLD BILL which did nothing but create the mess we are in with CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAWS!!![ Oh forgot McCAIN was a 'hero' for being shot-down/captured in VIETNAM where many say he 'ratted' on his fellow inmates in the HANOI HILTON!!!] THEN McCAIN wanted the AMNESTY BILL for ILLEGALS - another brilliant stroke!!! Now the 'mentalmidget' wants foreign drugs with no chance for retribution/recourse if you buy 'defective' drugs from say CANADA, CHINA, MEXICO or some other dipwad drug manufacturer outside the U.S. SAY ANUTHING YOU THINK THE PEOPLE WANT TO HEAR EH JOHNNY??? McCAIN married to the money (his current wife) NOT PRINCIPAL/OR PRINCIPLED/OR EVEN SMART!!! ANOTHER DEBACLE WAITING TO HAPPEN JUST LIKE McCAIN-FEINGOLD!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

What were the 2 worst movies ever made??? Hint - DUSTIN HOFFMAN was in both!!!

DUSTIN HOFFMAN follows the very worst movie ever ISHTAR with another stinkerooni spectacular MR. MANGURIUM house of drek/and barf!!! WAY TO GO DUSTIN - FIRST IT WAS WARREN BEATTY IN THE 'AWFULNESS' OF ISHTAR NOW IT'S NATALIE PORTMAN+JASON BATEMAN INTRODUCED TO YOUR AWFUL SHIT!!! DUSTIN HOFFMAN now known as mr. killer at the box office.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

BARRY BONDS indicted!!!

BARRY'bubblehead'BONDS has been 'indicted' by a grand-jury for OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE + PERJURY in his denials that he took/used perfomance enhancing steroids + HGH!!! BONDS whose head size magically grew 2 sizes larger in the past several years will go to 'trial' later this year or early next!!! BARRY'bubblehead' will likely have all his records stripped from baseball's record books!!! GOOD RIDDANCE TO BARRY 'bubblehead'!!!

Pass the 'laced' KOOL-AID ---MARK PENN reveals the outcome of the 'ELECTORAL COLLEGE'!!!

MARK PENN, DEMBHOLE-DOUSCHEBAG + chief of BITCH HILLARY's campaign machine prophesied that if the election were held tomorrow BITCH HILLARY would garber 360 ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES over any REPUBLICANT including RUDY GIULIANI. WHAT??? Have another hit on that joint MARK or some more 'laced' KOOL-AID!!! OPTIMISM is one thing FICTION THAT SOUNDS/READS more like DESPERATION is quite another!!! BITCH HILLARY will be 'lucky' to win her adopted STATE of NY ket alone CONN., MA., N.J., unless she gets DON CORZEINI with his 'gumbas' at GOLDMAN-SUCKS to buy the 'election' and he DON CORZEINI runs as BITCH HILLARY's 'conseigliere'.!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

SAN FRANCISCO issues ID 'CARDS' to everyone legal or NOT!!!


Monday, November 12, 2007

HILLARY didn't know/is 'surprised' yet again!!!

BITCH HILLART now claims 'knowing nothing about' any rigged questions from IOWA TOWN HALL MEETINGS!!! What a surprise eh??? BITCH HILLARY claims she didn't know - even though the NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA has already/written/proclaimed BITCH HILLARY CAMPAIGN 'BLITZKRIEG' as a 'perfect' well oiled-machine running without mistake or flaw!?! WHAT??? BITCH HILLARY again the 'surprised' female on the planet that this happened, Just like she was surprised at all those donations from CHINESE DISHWASHERS!!! BITCH HILLARY just as surprised that 77% of AMERICANS are against DRIVERS LICENSES for ILLEGALS!!! Wow HILLARY is ‘surprised’ that HSU fled and abandoned his $2milliom dollar bond and was ‘caught’ so quickly. Just as she and D^CKHEAD were ‘surprised’ that CHARLIE TRE, JOHHNY CHUNG and 120 other CHINESE/FOREIGN AGENTS fled this country not to testify against CLINTON INC. Just as she and D^CKHEAD were ‘surprised’ at the death of RON BROWN – COMMERCE SECRETARY under D^CKHEAD only after he was ‘appointed’ to handle FOREIGN AGENTS DONATIONS at the COMMERCE DIVISION. Just as HILLARY was ‘surprised’ at the death of her long-time WHITEWATER ‘PARTNER’ JAMES McDOUGAL.
HILLARY has claimed that she was 'surprised' NORMAN HSU was a fugitive convicted felon giving her $MILLIONS in campaign donations - just as she was 'surprised' that her WHITEWATER BILLING RECORDS didn't surface on a desk in the WHITE HOUSE residence quarters until after the 'statute of limitations' had expired - just as she was 'surprised' that 'FATTY MONICA' and all the other 'BIMBETTES' were doing her 'pretend-husband' D ^CKHEAD - just as she was 'surprised' at whom fired those WHITE HOUSE TRAVEL PEOPLE - just as she was 'surprised' that someone had taken her personal papers/files from VINCE FOSTER's ofice immediately after he was found dead – kist as she was ‘surprised’ that those F.B.I. FILES haven’t ‘shownup’ yet even though HILLARY & D^CKHEAF ‘stole them’ when they left the WHITE HOUSE - what's next??? "Oh BILL(aka D ^CKHEAD) you are happy to see me – quite a ‘STIFFY’ after all these years" - YEAH QUITE A ‘STIFF’ SURPRISE EH??? HILLARY 'THE MOST SURPRISED FEMALE ON THE PLANET'.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Q&A 'TOWN HALL MNEETINGS' with SENATOR CLINTON had 'rigged' questions!!!

TOWN HALL MEETINGS in IOWA allegedly with participants asking questions of DEMBHOLE BITCH HILLARY was discovered to have 'salted' the questioners with those approved by the BITCH and her staff!!! WHAT ELSE CAN YOU EXPECT OF CLINTON TRASH??? Hoenest answers to anything lead her into trouble visa vis BITCH HILLARY's abysmal/incredulous responses to DRIVERS LICENSES for ILLEGALS. The manipulative mechanations of the FEMALE FASCIST not as smart not as articulate not as good-looking as 'IL DUCE - BENITO MUSSOLINI' but then again 'pants-suits' hide a lot of 'UGLINESS' on display for the world to sea how trashy she and her DEMBHOLE-DIMWIT SYCOPHANTS are!!!Iyy uO

Friday, November 9, 2007

The CLINTON 'CAMPAIGN' says the waitress who claims she didn't get a tip - is lying!!!

BITCH HILLARY 'claims' she tipped the waitress in IOWA. The waitress says she most certainly got no tip from BITCH HILLARY or anybody in her CAMPAIGN CROWD - WHOM DO YOU BELIEVE??? A waitress with no axe to grind or BITCH HILLARY a proven liar and repeat offender non-tipper??? Maybe BITCH HILLARY 'thought' the waitress was one of DICKHEAD's BIMBETTES and smeared/lied/treated her like the piece of shit BITCH reserves for all of DICKHEAD'S female 'friends'??? BITCH HILLARY a vicious conniving non-tipping cunt!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

GOVERNOR CORZINE of NJ says 'the voters didn't understand' what stem cell research means for them - OH YEH???

DON CORZEINI former capo at GOLDMAN-SUCKS(the mob brokerage house) subjects the voters in NEW JERSEY [TONY SOPRANO's home-town mob dumping grounds] to scorn, villification, rebuke when 'THE PEOPLE' rejected overwhelmingly a proposed referendum of 450MILLION DOLLARS + interest to 'build' a "stem cell facility" read 'embryonic stem cell' research area because DON CORZEINI claimed in the tired-old-DEMBHOLE excuse-for-everything " is too complicated for 'voters' to understand." ARE YOU SAYING YOUR VOTERS IN NJ ARE JUST PLAIN STUPID??? Or maybe the 'voters' are smart enough to not want any more TAXES in one of the higher taxed states in the US??? OR MAYBE THE 'PEOPLE' OF NJ WANT TO FIND OUT WHETHER YOU, YOUR MOB FRIENDS, OR THERE 'GUMBAS'; HAVE A BENEFICIAL INTEREST[READ A HIDDEN INTEREST LIKE TONY SOPRANO AND HIS ASSOCIATES IN MOST THINGS IN NJ] IN THIS 'EXPENDITURE' OF PUBLIC TAX MONIES TO BENEFIT YOU AND THE REST OF THE 'MOB' WITH THIS 'STEM CELL' PROJECT'??? DON CORZEINI once a 'MOB' guy always on the 'take' and open to any 'scam'!!!

A sure 'sign' of things to come with HILLARY!!!

BITCH HILLARY's campaign tour landed the 'MAID-RIGHT' restaurant/grill in sime 'jerkwater' IOWA town the other day. BITCH HILLARY positioned her 'fat-disgusting-ass' on a counter stool and 'schmoozed' with the waitress while throngs of her sycophants and DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS hangers-on took up space for this photo op 'BITCH HILLARY' associates with the commoners...TROUBLE IS WHEN BITCH HILLARY LEFT NO ONE - NO ONE FROM HER HUNDREDS OF 'SCUMSUCKING WANNABES' --- LEFT A TIP!!! Foreshadowing of the RICH BITCH HILLARY's ways or just an inconvenient truth, eh??? Use em' then lose em'/forget about em', eh BITCH??? Would you treat 'CHINESE DISHWASHERS' with equal disdain BITCH???

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Don't treat MUSHARRAF the same way we dumped the SHAH!!!

O.K. DEMBHOLES of the 'NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA' and CONGRESSIONAL DEMBHOLE-DIMWITS do not DO NOT jump all over PERVEZ MUSHARRAF with the same bugotted/nonsensical/asanine protestations you used against REZA PAHLAVI aka the SHAH of IRAN!!! In that time period JIMMY'afraid-of-wabbits-i-am'CARTER offered the SHAH on a platter of ignorant DEMBHOLE 'mantras' and we were left with terrorists/ISLAMIC FASCICTS in control of IRAN and the MIDDLE EAST. Whether MUSHARRAF is correct or not declaring 'marshal law' in PAKHISTAN - to thwart 'TERRORISM' and supposedly maintain his control on the government v. 'PINKY' BHUTTO - we can not guess??? Our hopes are for the return of 'democracy' in PAKHISTAN but only after the condition is stable - not when the members of the DEMBHOLE PRESS and IDJITS of the U.S. CONGRESS and 'PEACE' PARTY stop screaming/moaning about 'rights' that wouldn't exist in 'PINKY' BHUTTO's COMMUNIST SOCIETY or the growing ISLAMIC TERRORIST GROWING CALIPHATE!!! DON'T MAKE THE SAME EXTENT WE DID WITH 'THROWING-OUT' THE SHAH!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

HILLARY 'claims' all of her 'health-care papers' have been released...REALLY???

BITCH HILLARY claims that 'ALL' of her 'health-care papers' at DICKHEAD's Presidential library have been released - Oh really??? Does that include the over 3million that haven't been or some 1000 emails or over 100 photos still 'locked' in DICKHEAD's vault along with more cum-stained souvenires??? HILLARY not as smart - not as articulate - not as good-looking as 'IL DUCE - BENITO MUSSOLINI' but then again 'pants-suits' hide a lot of 'UGLINESS'!!! HILLARY a FEMALE FASCIST and congenital liar - like all the CLINTONS!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007


GOVERNOR'the little pisher'ELIOT and SENATURD BITCH HILLARY have said that giving ILLEGALS DRIVER'S LICENSES will make NEW YORK safer...Yeah and pigs will fly!!! What giving DL's to ILLEGALS will do is allow ILLEGALS to vote - you DEMBHOLE-DOUSCHEBAGS for more DEMBHOLES-BANKRUPT of BRAINS like you two pieces of human shit-for-brains!!! AH DEMBHOLES always the DIMWITS and out for the SOCIALIST SCUMBAGS of the world!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

What exactly is 'TORTURE'???

We are tortured daily with useless 'drivel-spin-promotion' of DEMBHOLE - TALKING POINTS re:"let's do it for the chilluns", "Bush lied - troops died", "new taxes are good for you", "Dembholes are smarter than Republicants", and my newest favorite "drivers licenses bring ILLEGALS out of 'the shadows'" - are these ridiculous boiler-plate stupidisms any less torture than water-boarding??? At least 'water-boarding' elicits a useful protective result for this nation and western civilization!!! But then again with HILLARY the new FEMALE FUHRER as head FASCIST - WE WON'T NEED 'WATER-BOARDING' WE'LL ALL JUST BE HAPPY LIBERALS/sorry PROGRESSIVES/sorry COMMUNISTAS/ sorry BORGS all thinking with one brain cell that won't allow us too see or comprehend D^CKHEAD and his ongoing afairs with MS. STRONACH and his other 'BIMBETTES' all ignored by HILLARY clone of 'IL DUCE -BENITO' not as smart -not as articulate -not as good-looking but 'pants-suits' hide lottsa''UGLINESS'!!! HILLARY the answer to 'water-boarding' torture in everybody's nightmares!!!