Wednesday, October 31, 2007
HILLARY 'craps' out again!!!
Aside from the somewhat amusing DENNIS'look-at-my-new-turd-on-my-head-does-it-look-natural?'KUCINICH who repreated his 'claims' of encountering an AGENTIFEROUS UFO "which changed his heart" who sewed up the 'GENUINE ALIEN VOTE' - BITCH HILLARY tried to strong-arm her way through the 'lilliputian' DEMBHOLES at this 'joke' of a debate!!! BITCH HILLARY 'refused' to answer any questions and invoked DICKHEAD and her time as 'mythical' CO-PRESIDENT as her resune for experience. Of course DICKHEAD refuses to release any of that 'resume enhacing information' s0-o-o-o we'll just have to take BITCH's word she 'did anything'???!!! HILLARY the FEMALE FASCIST with a lie for any occassion!!! But then - what can you expect from a CLINTON??? How about an answer amd the truth eh???
Well BITCH HILLARY srepped in it last night at the DEMBHOLE 'DEBATE' in which in the space of two minutes the BITCH gave two different answers about DRIVER'S LICENSES for ILLEGALS!!! Then BITCH SAID IT WAS UP TO FORMER PRESIDENT DICKHEAD on whether to release or not records from the CLINTON YEARS of FRAUD/LIES/OBFUSCATIONS/SEX COVER-UPS at the WHITE HOUSE whem BITCH 'claimed' she was unaware but now 'claims' she helped conspire-to!!! BITCH the new FEMALE FASCIST not as articulate - not as smart - not as good-looking as 'IL DUCE - BENITO' but pants-suits cover lottsa' 'UGLINESS'!!! BITCH HILLARY our worst FASCIST NIGHTMARE!!!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
STENY HOYER says it's time to cut-down on our 'work' hours - WHAT???
STENY'house-of-whores-majority-Dembhole'HOYER sayz IT IS TIME FOR HOUSE-OF-FOOLS TO WORK EVEN LESS - IF THAT IS POSSIBLE!!! HOYER DEMBHOLE leader' of the HOUSE-OF-FOOLS relates it is for all the 'hard-work' the DEMBHOLES have 'NOT ACCOMPLISHED'!!! PRETTY SOON THOSE McDONALD WORKERS WILL BE LOOKING PRETTY PRODUCTIVE EH STENNY??? Wouldn't want to interrupt your 'legislative snoozeathon'!!! DEMBHOLE-DOUSCHEBAGS AT IT AGAIN!!!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
HILLARY says 'campaign dinations' what 'campaign donations law' law doesn't apply to a 'CLINTON'!!!
BUTCH HILLARY is at it again!!! This time the 'corrupt scum' of her campaign team has gotten thousands of 2+3 year-olds to 'donate' the maximum amounts to BITCH HILLARY!!! GREAT 'LAW' McCAIN/FEINGOLD ain't it!!! HOW MANY MORE LAWS WILL BITCH & DICKHEAD 'BE ALLOWED' TO BREAK???
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
HARRY REID says 'GLOBAL WARMING' is the cause of fores on CALIF.!!!
Senaturd HARRY'bought-and-paid-for-by-the-Vegas-mob'REID SAID THAT ONE OF THE REASONS FOR THE CALIFORNIA FIRES IS 'GLOBAL WARMING'. REALLY??? Could it be the U.S. SENATE'S failure to pass the HEALTHY FOREST ACT initiated in 2003 by PRESIDENT BUSH which mandates in part 'removal of loose kindling from forest areas and opposed by 'environmental whackadoos'??? WELL SENATURD REID you 'SHITHEAD' how about it??? YOU AND THE REST OF THE SENATURDS HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT 'BITCH&WHINE' EVER SINCE YOU GOT CONTROL!!! DEMBHOLES the ultimate piles of 'do-nothing' SHIT-HEADS!!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
DENNIS KUCINICH 'claims' he saw a UFO!!!
DENNIS'new-turd-on-my-head-looks-natural-eh?'KUCINICH who as mayor of CLEVELAND set the river on fire now claims he witnessed a large argentiferous triangle which somehow 'bonded' with his heart in some sort of 'extraterrestrial' synaesthesia!!! AMAZING...and this guy who needs a toupee to reinforce his ego or just keep his head warm with a slavering of shit - thinks he has the presidential 'right stuff'??? DENNIS'bad-toupe'KUCINICH might hope to be taken away the next time he 'sees this UFO - to that great DEMBHOLE GRAYEYARD of 'bleached bones' of SOCIALIST lackeys where all 'idjits' belong!!! DENNIS'turd-on-my-head is that so the UFO's know where to find you??? A BEACON FOR 'OUT-OF-PLANETETARY' EXPERIENCE - 'bad-toupe' KUCINICH!!!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
SPITZER NY GOVERNOR orders 'illegals' to get drivers licenses!!!
DEMBHOLE-DOUSCHEBAG GOVERNOR SPITZER of NEW YORK 'ordered' licenses be given to all 'illegals' who drive in the 'EMPIRE STATE'!!! TALK ABOUT FUCKING-ASSHOLES!!! SPITZER who likes to 'use' the NY STATE POLICE to 'spy' on political rivals - 'THINKS'[now there's an oxymoron for you SPITZER having a senrient thought!] that by giving 'drivers licenses' to ILLEGALS the little-boy-from-his-daddy's/mummy's-wealthy-condo-who-never-held-a-legitimate-job will garner ILLEGAL VOTES for himself!!! IMPEACH SPITZER DEMBHOLE-DOUSCHEBAG NOW AND PROTECT THE SAFETY OF THIS COUNTRY!!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
The 'sham/fraud' of HILLARY's CAMPAIGN DONATIONS exposed - yet again!!!
Seems that 100's of mostly CHINESE pot-washers/waiters/buspeople have given BITCH HILLARY $$MILLIONS$$ of dollars in campaign donations - and most can't be 'traced' or 'verified'!!! WHAT A SURPRISE EH??? THE CLINTON REDUX JUST LIKE JOHNNY CHUNG OR CHARLIE TRE AND 120 OTHER FOREIGN NATIONALS FLEEING NOT TO TESTIFT AGAINST DICKHEAD AND BITCH HILLARY - AH THE CLINTON 'SLEAZE' STARTS EARLY THIS TIME AROUND EH??? BITCH HILLARY the new female FASCIST - not as articulate - not as smart - not as good-looking as 'IL DUCE - BENITO MUSSOLINI' [pants-suits 'cover-up' only so much ugliness eh BITCH???] but BITCH HILLARY is the new failed female FASCIST for our time - especially to CHINESE dishwashers who can't be traced/or verified what??? Ha! Yuck!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
'AIR AMERICA' host claims 'mugging' that never happened!!
RANDI RHODES - one of the DEMOCRAT-DOUSCHEBAG 'YAPPERS' on bankrupt 'Airkess Amerika radio' claimed she was 'mugged' on the WEST SIDE of N.Y.C. True to form all the DEMOCRAT-DOUSCHEBAG DIMWITS blamed 'EVIL' REPUBLICANTS for what happened to RHODES. UNFORTUNATELY RHODES 'RECANTED' HER ORIGINAL STORY AND ADMITTED HER LITTLE 'DOG' CAUSED HER FALL AND HER INJURIES!!! IS HER DOG A SECRET REPUBLICANT OPERATIVE??? A typical 'news story' for AIRLESS AMERIKA - all wrong and no factual basis eh??? Ha!!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Instead of 'resurrecting' the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE - why doesn't the DEMBHOLE CONGRESS pass a referendum on CHINA's genocide/enslavement of TIBET???
The DEMBHOLE CONGRESS instead of 'doing' anything constructive about IRAQ[the MiddleEast] brings up the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE to provoke the TURKS(actually the OTTOMAN EMPIRE for crimes that occurred 100 or more tears ago!!!) and 'ruin' our chances for 'victory' in IRAQ. But what of CHINA's enslavement/genocide of TIBET??? AFRAID TO 'ANGER' A SOURCE OF CAMPAIGN DONATIONS EH BITCH HILLARY???DEMBHOLES always such 'political partisan' FRAUDS!!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
HILLARY 'looks like/sounds like' ---
IL DUCE -the old freakin' FASCIST BENITO MUSSOLINI except BITCH HILLARY ain't as smart or as articulate or as good-looking(why does BITCH HILLARY 'always' hide herself in her pants-suits and hide behind DICKHEAD her pretend husband???) and has accomplished nothing in her life except 'outing/denigating' DICKHEAD's 'bimbettes'??? BITCH HILLARY a new FASCIST for our time - not as good-looking or smart as IL DUCE - but what can you expect from some one who thinks TERRY McAWFULL is 'bright' and not just a 'punk thief'???
NOBEL PRIZES are now as 'irrelevant' as OSCARS/EMMYS!!!
With the recent NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 'given' to a PUTZ - i.e. AL'fat-fuck-bloviating'GORE - this 'award' is now a useless piece of 'EUROTRASH PC' WANKERS!!! 'FAT-FUCK'AL who has never 'accomplised' anything except making money off the 'GLOBAL WARMING' scam - has now been given an OSCAR, an EMMY, and NOBEL - cheer-up BEN AFFLECK you can still win a NOBEL for being a SHIT ACTOR and a DEMBHOLE-DOUSCHEBAG!!! THE NOBEL'S COMMITTEE NEW MOTTO SHOULD BE 'BLOVIATING ASSHOLES ARE OUR RAISON D'ETRE'!!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
The NOBEL PRIZES are officially a 'bad' joke!!!
AL'fat-fuck'GORE and the UNITED NATIONS COMMITTEE on SUNTANNING FOR AFRICANS 'shared' the NOBEL PUTZ PRIZE. 'FAT-FUCK'AL still thinks he 'invenyed' the internet. Now 'FAT-FUCK'AL can claim he invented GLOBAL WARMING. GORE figures the bigger he gets the 'FAT-FUCK' can block out the SUN!!! ALOT OF USELESS MENTAL MASTURBATION WENT-ON IN AWARDING THIS PUTZ PRIZE!!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
JIMMY CARTER pronounces CHENEY "...a disaster"!!!
That's quite something coming from the WORST U.S. PRESIDENT of all time!!! After-all JIMMIE'afraid-of-wabbits-i-am'CARTER advised America during the 'oil-crisis' he created " wear sweaters". The same JIMMIE'nookier'CARTER who let the revolutionaries take IRAN, gave-away the PANAMA CANAL, allowed interest rates and unemployment to soar at over 20%, and is about as stale and unnecessary as 'BILLY BEER'. THIS IS THE 'SPITTLE' WHO LABELS VICE-PRESIDENT RICHARD CHENEY "...a disaster"???!!! CARTER the epitome of a DEMBHOLE-DOUSCHEBAG!!!
[PRESIDENT BUSH - 'GENOCIDE' is not a bargaining chip to assuage
the feelings of an ally to the U.S. THIS IS HISTORY NOT 'SPIN'!]
The Turks are coming! Run for your lives - we yelled.
Disrupting the pink-and-blue restful summer's twilight
of those rocking gently on the wooden porch
Seven high-school boys packed tight into a Volkswagen "Beetle'.
High on six-packs of cheap beer that fueled
teenaged frenzy, booming our boyhood bigotries.
Trumpeting and screaming wildly as if we were mad 'Kazakhs' from the steppes of suburbia.
Disrupting the peaceful sunset thoughts of those survivors.
Their dark eyes and eagle-like faces reminders
of imagestinted in sepiamemory of a people fading to another time,
another time of religious slaughter by the faithful.
When Abdulhanid's Muslim moon-shaped knives,
whetted with blood of innocents,
laughed in oriental scabbardsexpressing cruelty and unfelt pity
as we laughed and shouted with glee mocking
the hundreds of thousands that fell at Sasum.
Our cries and hoots of cutting ridicule,
remindingthem of sunflowers spotted with blood from children
whose naked violated bodieswere buried
under a thin veil of the world'ssupposedly more important moments of tragedy.
In our perverted sense of boyhood humeurs;
we were as painful as an old scab ripped from a festering ugly wound,
never realizing in that pink-and-blue twilight time;
we were also shameless young Turks to be hated.
[PRESIDENT BUSH - 'GENOCIDE' is not a bargaining chip to assuage
the feelings of an ally to the U.S. THIS IS HISTORY NOT 'SPIN'!]
The Turks are coming! Run for your lives - we yelled.
Disrupting the pink-and-blue restful summer's twilight
of those rocking gently on the wooden porch
Seven high-school boys packed tight into a Volkswagen "Beetle'.
High on six-packs of cheap beer that fueled
teenaged frenzy, booming our boyhood bigotries.
Trumpeting and screaming wildly as if we were mad 'Kazakhs' from the steppes of suburbia.
Disrupting the peaceful sunset thoughts of those survivors.
Their dark eyes and eagle-like faces reminders
of imagestinted in sepiamemory of a people fading to another time,
another time of religious slaughter by the faithful.
When Abdulhanid's Muslim moon-shaped knives,
whetted with blood of innocents,
laughed in oriental scabbardsexpressing cruelty and unfelt pity
as we laughed and shouted with glee mocking
the hundreds of thousands that fell at Sasum.
Our cries and hoots of cutting ridicule,
remindingthem of sunflowers spotted with blood from children
whose naked violated bodieswere buried
under a thin veil of the world'ssupposedly more important moments of tragedy.
In our perverted sense of boyhood humeurs;
we were as painful as an old scab ripped from a festering ugly wound,
never realizing in that pink-and-blue twilight time;
we were also shameless young Turks to be hated.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Do 'we believe' any so-called NEWS from the 'ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA'???
modern witches of endor
We want to believe
The news we want to believe
To make our experience less stressful
Conjurers dressed in easy viewing blue
Ask us to call them by first names
Hi ya Diane Morning Katie Hello Charlie Evening Wolfe
Their smiles or seriousness flashed on cue-cards
Before our eyes
It is primetime news time all the time
So these crisp heads of continuously talking cabbage
Are our mediums for this electronic age
Speaking slowly
In no more than two syllable words
Hexadecasyllables are only for the ears of G-d
Pronouncing gossip as if it were holy writ
Interchangeable scripted seers inflame our souls
Psychotic schoolyard slaughter - close ups on faces please
Airline disaster - video montage of burning debris and bodies
Child molestation is guaranteed to boost ratings share
How will the lead go?
How to titillate and captivate with the proper tease?
How to pander to our basest needs and desires?
Necromancers now summon future and past
On magnetic tape cartridges
Everything is instant everything is now
Hurricane produces inaction/incompetence in New Orleans
Dubrovnic is as close as next door or the next moment
Apartment fire in Hong Kong feel the flames
Playing boys injured by land mines in Zaire
At college boy tasered for daring too question John‘the-Fraud’
We are caught up in the world's cataclysm
While Sadam Hussein makes his pilgrimage to Graceland
And Monica Lewinsky vows to yet prove her love
And Charlie thinks the Amish are so cute in their costumes
Looking through green vision goggles for new MiddleEast peace
“I did not have sex with that Lewinsky woman” pledges a pol
While a senator plays toe-tapping games in an airport bathroom stall
On this same channel
Everything is live or seems to be
With more details to come
Mistaken prophets set to air
Asking us to call them on a first name basis
Hi ya Diane Morning Katie Hello Charlie check out Larry
Because we want to believe what we want to believe
Words echo in the vacuum of our minds.
We want to believe
The news we want to believe
To make our experience less stressful
Conjurers dressed in easy viewing blue
Ask us to call them by first names
Hi ya Diane Morning Katie Hello Charlie Evening Wolfe
Their smiles or seriousness flashed on cue-cards
Before our eyes
It is primetime news time all the time
So these crisp heads of continuously talking cabbage
Are our mediums for this electronic age
Speaking slowly
In no more than two syllable words
Hexadecasyllables are only for the ears of G-d
Pronouncing gossip as if it were holy writ
Interchangeable scripted seers inflame our souls
Psychotic schoolyard slaughter - close ups on faces please
Airline disaster - video montage of burning debris and bodies
Child molestation is guaranteed to boost ratings share
How will the lead go?
How to titillate and captivate with the proper tease?
How to pander to our basest needs and desires?
Necromancers now summon future and past
On magnetic tape cartridges
Everything is instant everything is now
Hurricane produces inaction/incompetence in New Orleans
Dubrovnic is as close as next door or the next moment
Apartment fire in Hong Kong feel the flames
Playing boys injured by land mines in Zaire
At college boy tasered for daring too question John‘the-Fraud’
We are caught up in the world's cataclysm
While Sadam Hussein makes his pilgrimage to Graceland
And Monica Lewinsky vows to yet prove her love
And Charlie thinks the Amish are so cute in their costumes
Looking through green vision goggles for new MiddleEast peace
“I did not have sex with that Lewinsky woman” pledges a pol
While a senator plays toe-tapping games in an airport bathroom stall
On this same channel
Everything is live or seems to be
With more details to come
Mistaken prophets set to air
Asking us to call them on a first name basis
Hi ya Diane Morning Katie Hello Charlie check out Larry
Because we want to believe what we want to believe
Words echo in the vacuum of our minds.
to the dishonour of CHE and FIDEL and the ASSHOLE COMMUNISTAS...
To the ‘REDS’ - Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Oliver Stone, Maxine Waters & OTHERS - you are wrong about Fidel/Raoul
Fidel your tremendous oratory skill
Did nothing for poor Che who they would corner and kill
On that hostile drug infested Bolivian hill
Yes Fidel education for all was your sacred pledge
Conforming Cubanos with a Marxist pounding sledge
Freedom of thought not important to your type of college
Did you really think Nikita of the pounding shoe
Would loose his load of missiles merely because of you
Bidding the whole world a final adieu
Yes Fidel you watched as mistakes of the Bay of Pigs were paraded
Humiliating the Estados Unidos unaided
While young Presdient JFK's glory faded
But you found communist bloc touristicas don't pay
Your companieros still drive 48 Chevys and Fords in dismay
Leaving the economic fabric of your society in disarray
Fidel watching the ruin of your grandoise plan
Behind amber tinted windows of a new Mercedes sedan
While meeting the Pope as you played the perfect charlatan
Encouraging more socialist heroes with long boring diatribic speeches
More volunteers like little Elian returned to your beaches
Imprisoning and killing dissidents supposedly teaches
The impressionable that this is a classless workers paradise
No butter no toilet paper no electricity but what's a little sacrifice
Always offering your anti-American advice
Fidel on your tropical isle off the Gulf of Mexico
Another aging dictator who overthrew Fulgencio
Desperately hoping to outlive the prosperous capitalist tango.
Fidel your tremendous oratory skill
Did nothing for poor Che who they would corner and kill
On that hostile drug infested Bolivian hill
Yes Fidel education for all was your sacred pledge
Conforming Cubanos with a Marxist pounding sledge
Freedom of thought not important to your type of college
Did you really think Nikita of the pounding shoe
Would loose his load of missiles merely because of you
Bidding the whole world a final adieu
Yes Fidel you watched as mistakes of the Bay of Pigs were paraded
Humiliating the Estados Unidos unaided
While young Presdient JFK's glory faded
But you found communist bloc touristicas don't pay
Your companieros still drive 48 Chevys and Fords in dismay
Leaving the economic fabric of your society in disarray
Fidel watching the ruin of your grandoise plan
Behind amber tinted windows of a new Mercedes sedan
While meeting the Pope as you played the perfect charlatan
Encouraging more socialist heroes with long boring diatribic speeches
More volunteers like little Elian returned to your beaches
Imprisoning and killing dissidents supposedly teaches
The impressionable that this is a classless workers paradise
No butter no toilet paper no electricity but what's a little sacrifice
Always offering your anti-American advice
Fidel on your tropical isle off the Gulf of Mexico
Another aging dictator who overthrew Fulgencio
Desperately hoping to outlive the prosperous capitalist tango.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Yet another 'TOP' THOROUGHBRED HORSE-TRAINER banned for use of illegal substances!!!
PATRICK BIANCONE has been banned for one year for using 'illegal substances' on his horses. BIANCONE joins a growing list of 'trainers' including TODD PLETCHER who have been found guilty of 'giving' horses substances other than wayer, oats, hay. SPORT OF KINGS, ROGHT, MORE LIKE SPORT OF CHEATERS WITH DRUGS EH???
Monday, October 8, 2007
GRAHAM FROST 12year-old who responded to PRESIDENT BUSH --- IS NOT POOR!!!
GRAHAM FROST the 12year-old MARYLANDER who responded to PRSEIDENT BUSH's veto of S.C.H.I.P. PROGRAM - is not 'POOR'!!! FROST's family owns property in MARYLAND well worth more than $600,000dollars + both his parents 'work' making in excess of $100,000dollars income per year!!! MARYLAND does not 'do' asset alotment to determine eligibility in S.C.H.I.P.!!! WHAT A SURPRISE DEMBHOLES IN MARYLAND DON'T VERIFY/CHECK FACTUAL ELIGIBILITY!!! JUST LIKE THE 'ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA' DOESN'T CHECK STORIES ON 'PHONEY SOLDIERS' RIGHT??? Ha-Ha-Ha!!!
HOUSE of FOOLISH REPREHENSIBLES HENRY'nosehairs-down-to-my-armpits'WAXMAN is spending our monies investigating RUSH LIMBAUGH, SEAN HANNITY, and othe 'conservative' radio hosts!!! Will save you some money/time 'NOSEHAIRS' WAXMAN -- turn on the radio to those settings and listen!!! OR ARE YOU 'HUNTING' FOR DIRT LIKE HILLARY DID ON DICKHEAD's 'BIMBETTES'??? ANOTHER DEMBHOLE-DIMWIT HENRY'nosehairs-down-to-his-armpits' WAXMAN!!!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Is this a joke??? BILL CLINTON says HILLARY wants him to ---
DICKHEAD said in LONDON, ENGLAND that BITCH HILLARY wants him to 'restore' the image of the U.S.A.!!! HOW WILL THAT HAPPEN??? Does that mean DICKHEAD will have his personal play-pen at the WHITE HOUSE where he can diddle Ms. STRONACH his current 'bimbette' and the others DICKHEAD will just get 'blow-jobs'+'cigar-jobs'+kinky sex from interns like 'FATTY MONICA'...YEAH A GREAT WAY TO RESTORE THE IMAGE OF THE U.S.A. - HAVING 'NON-SEX' WITH A COWARD AND SOMEONE WHO NEVER ACCOMPLISHES ANYTHING BUT GETTING MONEY AND 'MEDIA SPIN' FOR HIMSELF EH BITCH???
JESSE MacBETH the 'phoney soldier' was originally named ---
al-Zayed AL-SHITHEAD and changed his name before he 'enlisted' for 44 days in the U.S. MILITARY where he did not serve in IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN and did not 'wintess' any atrocities committed by U.S. TROOPS and did not 'win' a bronze-star as he originally claimed. Of course the 'ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA' never bothered to check/verify his preposterous tales/stories!!! Way to go RUSH LIMBAUGH - he was a 'phoney soldier'!!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Why isn't the story of NKOREA's ending NUKES being covered???
The 'NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA' true to its DEMBHOLE/LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE/SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST ROOTS - has refused one iota of coverage/space to the success of the BUSH ADMINISTRATION in ending NKOREA's quest to be a nuclear power!!! Instead of dancing the 'maqarana' with dog-eating dictators a la MADELEINE ALLWRONG - 'real' diplomacy and pressure was applied by CONDY RICE of the so-hated BUSH ADMINISTRATION and another 'crisis' not handled by DICKHEAD & BITCH HILLARY so far averted!!! KUDOS TO AN ADULT ADMINISTRATION THAT KNOWS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 'PRETEND SPIN+TALKING POINTS' AND ACTUAL DIALOGUE!!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
HILLARY CLINTON 'claims' she started 'MEDIAMATTERS'!!!
On August 6, 2007, speaking before the 'NUTJOBS' at the DAILYKOS weekend SENATURD BITCH HILLARY stated:"...she started and help support MEDIA MATTERS!!!" THIS GROUP HAS SPEAD LIES/SMEARS ABOUT THE U.S. MILITARY INCLUDING THE PREVALENT CANARD ABOUT 'PHONEY SOLDIERS' SAID BY RUSH LIMBAUGH ABOUT JESSE MacBETH and his preposterous/assanine tales of atrocities in IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN!!! Will BITCH HILLARY get to use military officers to 'pass-out' hors-d'oeuvres at WHITE HOUSE gatherings again!!! MEDIAMATTERS yet another commie/socialista/fascista media ploy by BITCH HILLARY and her DEMBHOLE-DUMKOPFS!!!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Senaturd HARRY REID 'demands' an apology from RUSH LIMBAUGH - for words never spoken!!!
Senaturd HARRY'bought-and-paid-for-by-the-Vegas-mob'REID has demanded an apology from RUSH LIMBAUGH for the words 'phoney soldiers' taken out of context and used by DEMBHOLES MOVEON.ORG, MEDIAMATTERS.COM, and CLINTON INC. who routinely 'smear' the U.S. MILITARY. SENATURD REID is making himself more of a 'TURD' than he already is!!![The original phrase 'phoney soldiers' was used by LIMBAUGH to describe fraudulant soldiers who had been published by the 'ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA' who didn't verify, didn't check the made-up atrocities of these 'phoney soldiers' supposedly in IRAN or AFGHANISTAN. The 'ASSHOLE NATIONAL MEDIA' and SENATURD REID attempt to change the dialogue again!!! Hey TURD REID isn't it time you do some of the people's business instead of this 'DEMBHOLE POLITICAL CHARADE'???
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