Sunday, September 30, 2007
28 members of the WASHINGTON, D.C. government bureaucracy under MAYOR WILLIAMS were given over $500,000 in bonuses they were not entitled too - some not even working at the time for WASHINGTON, D.C. government at the time!!! Now guess - GUESS - which political party they represented that's right all of them are 'lifelong' DEMBHOLES[operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES] DIMWITS on the 'take' as usual right NANCY'new-stinker-of-the-House-of-foolish-reps'PELOSI??? CULTURE-of-CORRUPTION indeed!!!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Another melodic Drunken night in NEWPORT, R.I.
On Thames Street
last octaves of sky
give way to purple ribbons
hot nightly phrases.
A curtain of thick fog laughs
at ‘wannabe’ sophisticates
wrapped in false environmental mist.
To befit their ‘position and stature’
ensconced in manses on Belleview Avenue
these polyphonal participants
gather to be spotted or seen.
Fishing trawlers bump against barnacled moorings
as i lurch from lamppost to lamppost
in the hopes to find some rest
for this desire for yet another tequila shooter.
Charmless sounds cloy and suffocate
like those caught belowdecks in a 3-metre skiff
buffeted by a vivacissimo of a sudden squall
while William Vanderbilt
grand-son of the ‘Commodore’
sleeps it off on a bench of ‘Dos Yanquis’.
A real ‘Mexicano’ restorante
pleasuring all with ‘blue daiquiris’
where arabesques of refrain and melody
join the blare from a passing cruise ship.
As the owner/manager Paul J. contemplates divorce
in bluesy bittersweet tangled energy
from his wife who has given him two children
and $1400dollars a month in magazine bills.
The restorante resonates as a double-reed fog horn
bellows from the Goat Island lighthouse
with tones of expressive power
as images bounce back and forth in my drunken haze
where Mrs. Caroline Skelly the ‘Sun Oil heiress’
aka ‘The Mole Woman’
[because of horrible disfigurement
that set her head on fire in a beauty salon]
sups with Mrs. Anita Hamilton
you know ‘tanned’ George’s mom –
they look enough alike to be twins
while both Mrs. Hamilton and ‘Mole-Woman’ wear
sable furs worth more than the income of Newport’s
subsidized ‘poor’ population.
Muted cello swatches combine
in slidechorals of horns from passing Canada geese
flying low and steady
adding to this smaze of nocturn
coalescing into super-rich string strains
and T. Curtis Forbes of the proper Forbes famille
conjugates his social status with incredible ‘bloodlines’.
Good-looking ‘Poturgai’ waitresses
a liedertafel chorus of gulls
fidgety feathered coloraturas
accomplish various sex acts
in the seedy bathrooms.
Always careful to ‘wipe’ themselves
before the next customer or nightly aggressive scherzo.
All wish to be centerstage
in this musical creation epic
hungry for scraps and scales.
Tunes eminate from the ‘Blue Pelican Jazz Club’
up near the new police station
and a single flute of a windsong intermission
signals the relaxing vapors
of the good-smoked herb spead far into
the melodies of another hot drunken night.
On Thames Street
last octaves of sky
give way to purple ribbons
hot nightly phrases.
A curtain of thick fog laughs
at ‘wannabe’ sophisticates
wrapped in false environmental mist.
To befit their ‘position and stature’
ensconced in manses on Belleview Avenue
these polyphonal participants
gather to be spotted or seen.
Fishing trawlers bump against barnacled moorings
as i lurch from lamppost to lamppost
in the hopes to find some rest
for this desire for yet another tequila shooter.
Charmless sounds cloy and suffocate
like those caught belowdecks in a 3-metre skiff
buffeted by a vivacissimo of a sudden squall
while William Vanderbilt
grand-son of the ‘Commodore’
sleeps it off on a bench of ‘Dos Yanquis’.
A real ‘Mexicano’ restorante
pleasuring all with ‘blue daiquiris’
where arabesques of refrain and melody
join the blare from a passing cruise ship.
As the owner/manager Paul J. contemplates divorce
in bluesy bittersweet tangled energy
from his wife who has given him two children
and $1400dollars a month in magazine bills.
The restorante resonates as a double-reed fog horn
bellows from the Goat Island lighthouse
with tones of expressive power
as images bounce back and forth in my drunken haze
where Mrs. Caroline Skelly the ‘Sun Oil heiress’
aka ‘The Mole Woman’
[because of horrible disfigurement
that set her head on fire in a beauty salon]
sups with Mrs. Anita Hamilton
you know ‘tanned’ George’s mom –
they look enough alike to be twins
while both Mrs. Hamilton and ‘Mole-Woman’ wear
sable furs worth more than the income of Newport’s
subsidized ‘poor’ population.
Muted cello swatches combine
in slidechorals of horns from passing Canada geese
flying low and steady
adding to this smaze of nocturn
coalescing into super-rich string strains
and T. Curtis Forbes of the proper Forbes famille
conjugates his social status with incredible ‘bloodlines’.
Good-looking ‘Poturgai’ waitresses
a liedertafel chorus of gulls
fidgety feathered coloraturas
accomplish various sex acts
in the seedy bathrooms.
Always careful to ‘wipe’ themselves
before the next customer or nightly aggressive scherzo.
All wish to be centerstage
in this musical creation epic
hungry for scraps and scales.
Tunes eminate from the ‘Blue Pelican Jazz Club’
up near the new police station
and a single flute of a windsong intermission
signals the relaxing vapors
of the good-smoked herb spead far into
the melodies of another hot drunken night.
There once was a man named MAHMOUD
Who claimed he was quite misunderstood
IRAN he said has no GAYS
In AMERICA they exist in infidel displays
Women in IRAN are so free
We put them to death if they disagree
Zionists are the cause of the Palestinians plight
So we’ll kill all the Jews and make it right
No nuclear bombs for IRAN
Our goal to all is just plane
Combustion of the non-believer infidels
Sure to be accompanied by IRANI sanctus-bells.
There once was a man named MAHMOUD
Who claimed he was quite misunderstood
IRAN he said has no GAYS
In AMERICA they exist in infidel displays
Women in IRAN are so free
We put them to death if they disagree
Zionists are the cause of the Palestinians plight
So we’ll kill all the Jews and make it right
No nuclear bombs for IRAN
Our goal to all is just plane
Combustion of the non-believer infidels
Sure to be accompanied by IRANI sanctus-bells.
Senator HILLARY wants to give each baby born in the U.S.A. - $5000dollars from you!!!
BITCH HILLARY, U.S. SENATURD from N.Y. stated to the BLACK CONGRESSIONAL CAUCUS that:"...all babies born in the UNITED STATES should receive $5000dollars each!!!" BITCH HILLARY is obviously unaware there are over 4million babies born in the U.S. each year $5000dollars X 4million=over 4BILLION DOLLARS over your tax monies!!! [Impoverished families around the world are lining-up for this 'free' fee for haing a baby in the U.S. paid for by BITCH HILLARY's generosity!!!] The same BITCH HILLARY who itemized her used underwears that she donated for a tax deduction - HILLARY the new FASCIST BENITO!!! ALWAYS WITH YOUR MONEY - NEVER HERS OR DICKHEADS!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The U.S. HOUSE increases 'child health care' !!! WHAT A FRAUD!!!
The mostly DEMBHOLE [operant relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES] U.S HOUSE of 'FOOLISHG' REPRESENTATIVES passed a bill to increase 'health-care' to supposed indigent children. Except the 'children' are now minors up until age 25 and are now 'indigent' even if their respective families earn up to $86,ooo dollars in income. Further people who can afford 'private insurance' will now receive mandatory 'government insurance' paid for by our TAX DOLLARS!!! Some 'SOCIALIST DEMBHOLE RIP-OFF eh??? 'Let's do it for the chilluns' - Ha!!! DEMBHOLE SOCIALISTA TURDHEADS!!!
When is the next 'GAY PRIDE DAY' or 'Women's Pride Day' in TEHERAN???
According to MAHMOUD ACHMADINAJEAD "...there is no problem with 'homosexuals in IRAN - there aren't any," told too laughing COLUMBIA COMMUNITY ASSHOLES of that institution.[If MAHMOUD had stated they didn't have 'problems' with Jews cuz IRAN has driven out or killed most of them would the 'assholes' of the COLUMBIA COMMUNITY be laughing at that too???] According to ACHMADINAJEAD IRAN has the 'free-est' women on the planet - violate S'HARIA LAW and get 'stoned' as in put to death - not getting high!!! SOME GREAT SOCIETY IRAN HUH???
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Why did 'BERLINERS' and the 'WORLD' look away???
achtung achtung SCHIWE SIZN es verbotten!
Throughout March
When yellow stars of crocus
Come and go
Throughout the ‘gleichshaltung’
When Herr Goebbels distorted
Stalingrad into victory
Throughout the beginnings of 1943
When allied bombs
Began to crumple buildings
German women –
Most “pure” Aryans –
Marched to ‘polizei’ headquarters
On the Rosenstrasse
Demanding release of their spouses
Jewish men – consigned to die
By goose-stepping troopers ready to bring storm
From Berlin’s railway station
The trains continued to roll
Whistles signaling a horrible premonition
Or was it a recurring ‘nachtmare’
Images of snarling dogs
Herding frightened prisoners
Silently consigned to Riga, Osciem, Thereisenstadt,
Across flowering fields
Where yellow stars of crocus
Come and shortly go
Never realizing the dreaded Gestapo
Efficiently snapped pictures
And made meticulous notes about
These purebred German women
Carrying banners defying the invincible Reich
Insisting on freedom for their husbands
And the people of Berlin
Hid their eyes and closed their minds
While these women screamed and shouted
For illusory justice
Hoping to end
Ongoing ‘konzentrationslager’ madness
Hoping to end atrocity
At least for their own ‘ehemanns’
And on a bright day
When yellow stars of crocus briefly bloom
Jail cells opened as train whistles wailed
Or was it
A child’s screaming in terror
Which summons recurring dread
As the recently released cry
Thankful for another day
Praying that those packed on trains
Should be as lucky
As they were now – ‘zugts afen mir’
Leaving for homes momentarily saved
By love of those Aryan wives
Only a few
Observing the ritual ‘schiwe sizn’ –
Sitting on low stools mourning
Coming death
They and their wives
Would soon be permanently taken away
From life
As fleeting as the yellow stars of crocus.
{this is a true story of German women’s
bravery on the Rosenstrasse during WWII}
Throughout March
When yellow stars of crocus
Come and go
Throughout the ‘gleichshaltung’
When Herr Goebbels distorted
Stalingrad into victory
Throughout the beginnings of 1943
When allied bombs
Began to crumple buildings
German women –
Most “pure” Aryans –
Marched to ‘polizei’ headquarters
On the Rosenstrasse
Demanding release of their spouses
Jewish men – consigned to die
By goose-stepping troopers ready to bring storm
From Berlin’s railway station
The trains continued to roll
Whistles signaling a horrible premonition
Or was it a recurring ‘nachtmare’
Images of snarling dogs
Herding frightened prisoners
Silently consigned to Riga, Osciem, Thereisenstadt,
Across flowering fields
Where yellow stars of crocus
Come and shortly go
Never realizing the dreaded Gestapo
Efficiently snapped pictures
And made meticulous notes about
These purebred German women
Carrying banners defying the invincible Reich
Insisting on freedom for their husbands
And the people of Berlin
Hid their eyes and closed their minds
While these women screamed and shouted
For illusory justice
Hoping to end
Ongoing ‘konzentrationslager’ madness
Hoping to end atrocity
At least for their own ‘ehemanns’
And on a bright day
When yellow stars of crocus briefly bloom
Jail cells opened as train whistles wailed
Or was it
A child’s screaming in terror
Which summons recurring dread
As the recently released cry
Thankful for another day
Praying that those packed on trains
Should be as lucky
As they were now – ‘zugts afen mir’
Leaving for homes momentarily saved
By love of those Aryan wives
Only a few
Observing the ritual ‘schiwe sizn’ –
Sitting on low stools mourning
Coming death
They and their wives
Would soon be permanently taken away
From life
As fleeting as the yellow stars of crocus.
{this is a true story of German women’s
bravery on the Rosenstrasse during WWII}
Monday, September 24, 2007
HILLARY does her 'SCHIESS-CACKLING' tour of 5 'news channels'!!!
Yesterday Sunday September 23, 2007 - BITCH HILLARY did her 'schiess cackling tour' of 5 'news channels'. BITCH HILLARY didn't answer questions but gave scripted set responses a la 'IL DUCE - BENITO MUSSOLINI' except BITCH HILLARY ain't as 'good looking' or articulate as BENITO. No, nada, none, 0 of these so-called 'objective journalists' dared question BITCH HILLARY about the illegal donations of one NORMAN HSU the fugitive felon and foreign agent??? HOW COME??? Meanwhile DICKHEAD dutifully took notes to protect the long-term goals of CLINTON INC. BENITO WAS HUNG ALONG WITH ONE OF HIS MISTRESSES FROM A GARAGE - WHICH 'GAS/OIL BRAND' DO YOU PREFER DICKHEAD??? Perhaps the CHINESE COMMIES will give you more campaign donations for missile technology while you are dangling/kicking your heels there??? As for you BITCH HILLARY - we still burn witches in this country right???
Saturday, September 22, 2007
The problem of being a 'celebrity' for BRITNEY!!!
BRITNEY SPEARS has been charged with a 'hit-and-run & leaving-the-scene-of-an-accident' after tapping a vehicle in a parking-lot on AUG. 5 of this year!!! SOMEONE WITH A DESPERATE NEED TO 'EXTORT' CASH FROM MS. SPEARS HAS USED THE 'LAW' AND HOPEFULLY SPEARS CELEBRITY STATUS TO PRESSURE THE 'TROUBLED POP SINING STAR' INTO A SETTLEMENT FOR VERY LITTLE IF ANY DAMAGE TO HIS/HER VEHICLE!!! Surprise this litigant's excellent attorney didn't try to claim whip-lash even though the alledged damaged car was empty???!!! Ah the price of celebrity!!!
A 'choir' boy in the JENA 'race kerfuffle'???
It seems that MICHAEL BELL, the BLACK yeen-ager held in custody despite the protests of AL'get-dose-Koreans-n-interlopers[read Jews]'SHARPTON and JESSE'nyc-is-hymietown'JACKSON - is not the 'choir-boy' he is made out to be!!! BELL has various 'assaults' on his record inckuding a vicious assault on a female family member of his own family!!! SUM POSTER-BOY FOR RACIAL INJUSTICE EH??? And no wonder why he hasn't ne released on bail huh??? A MENACE IS A MENACE NO MATTER THE RACE!!! Get the 'facts' before you open your disgusting ignurant mouths AL&JESSE or do you really wanna' have another TAWANA BRAWLEY situation on your oh so BLACK hands???
Friday, September 21, 2007
JOHN GRISHAM thinks the BUSH ADMINISTRATION has "evil intent"!!!
JOHN GRISHAN who made a fortune selling 'politically-correct books' to DEMBHOLE-DOOFUSES 'thinks' that the BUSH ADMINISTRATION is fullof "shit and evil intent". REALLY??? Is that why JOHNNIE GRUESOME is throwing a party for the 'despicable thief/liar/possible murderer/fraudster' BITCH HILLARY this week. JOHNNIE G. CHECK THE GROUNDS CAREFULLY AFTER BITCH HILLARY LEAVES - DON'T WANT ANY BODIES SHOWING-UP LIKE JAMES McDOUGAL OR VINCE FOSTER OR ANY OF DICKHEAD'S 'LONG-LIST OF BIMBETTES' DO WE???
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
JESSE JACKSON sayz OBAMA is 'acting' like a 'WHITE GUY'!!!
The latest racial insult by JESSE'hymietown-is-NYJewtown'JACKSON is his mystifying diatribe about BARAK'big-ears'OBAMA regarding the beating of a WHITE student in JENA, LOUISIANA by a group of 'BLACKS'. BARAK'big-ears' was too WHITE for the 'RACIST' JACKSON and should have condemned the WHITES for getting beat-up by the BLACKS in JENA??? Jumping in was HILLARY calling in to a 'radio show' hosted by AL SHARPTON. HILLARY stated " we both repudiate violence..." WHAT??? HOW MANY BODIES[JAMES McDOUGAL, VINCE FOSTER, and other associates of HILLARY&DICKHEAD have to be dug-up + the REV. AL's inciteful rhetoric about TAWANA BRAWLEY's accused, and KOREAN SHOPS+GROCERS, and 'Jewish' inhabitants of BROOKLYNN, NY have to be murdered] BEFORE THESE TWO DEMBHOLE MURDERERS FINALLY ADMIT TO BEING THE REAL 'RACISTS' IN ALL OF THIS??? WHAT THE 'RULES' HATE-CRIMES ONLY APPLY TO WHITES AND NOT TO BLACKS???
Monday, September 17, 2007
SALLY FIELD opens her 'old' mouth at the EMMYS!!!
SALLY FIELD decided to 'use' the EMMYS to vent her ANTI-IRAQ WAR spiel/shit. Perhaps the former 'FLYING NUN' would feel better as the 'FLYING BURKHA'??? ANOTHER 'HOLLYWOOD' TYPE WITH NOT MUCH BRAINS. YOU HAD IT 'RIGHT' WHEN YOU PLAYED THE PSYCHOTIC-NUTSO ON ER - DIDN'T YOU??? Perfect type-casting. An 'EMMY' for being a 'gudt' DEMBHOLE-BORG!!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
No doubt solidifying his 'standing' as a favorite of the MOVEON.ORG CROWD and other haters of AMERIKA, DENNIS'set-the-Cleveland-River-on-fire-and-sporting-a-TURD-on-my-head'KUCINICH wants to embarass AMERIKA worse than he looks wearing that 'TURD' on his head and 'thinks' it's a 'snappy-toupee' and he is 'fooling' everybody that it is his hair???!!! FOOLING NO ONE WITH HIS ANTI-AMERICAN RANTS AND SHITTY 'TURD' THAT EVERYONE IS LAUGHING AT!!! KUCINICH GO BACK TO CLEVELAND THEIR FOOTBALL TEAM NEEDS SOME LAUGHS TO TAKE THE 'FANS' MINDS OFF WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING - AND YOU ARE THE PERFECT COMIC FOOL!!!
Friday, September 7, 2007
FLORIDA 'rules' that using monies without 'vote' is illegal!!!
The STATE of FLORIDA has 'ruled' that using TOURIST TAX MONIES without a 'vote' by how it is used by its residents is ILLEGAL!!! What will the 'backers' of ORLANDO ARENA's SCAM do now??? What will the 'assholes' of the SLEAZY-SENTINEL do to protect 'their gravy train' of advertising $dollars + other non-named 'perks' from the MAGICLESS??? BYE-BYE MAGICLESS - 'DEVIOUS DeVOS' WILL LEAVE ORLANDO cuz he won't cough-up the 'dough' to pay for a 'new arena'!!! Ah too bad - too bad!!!
CHUCK SCHUMER in a 'loony' world of his own-making!!!
SENATURD CHUCK'the-schmuck'SCHUMER' stayed on 6-Sept 2007 that quote: "...the SHEIKS in IRAQ kicked-out al-QUAEDA and not the U.S. MILITARY - THE SURGE IS STILL FAILING" WHAT??? CHUCKIE'the-old-schmuckeroo' is so blinded by DEMBHOLE POLITICS that he denigrates the U.S. MILITARY and gives 'credit/props' to the SHEIKS in certain provinces in IRAQ - for actually requesting U.S. FORCES to give the boot to the IRAQUI TERRORISTS for them!!! A strange world you live-in/inhabit CHUCK'the-schmuck'??? DID YOU EVER DENY BEING 'CAUGHT' CHEATING AT HARVARD LAW AND HOW YOUR 'SPONSOR' 'BRIBED' HARVARD WITH A DONATION NOT TO BOOT YOUR ASS??? EVER 'PRACTICE' LAW C'the-schmuck'S or were you absent those 'dayz' from classes???CHUCK'the-schmuck'SCHUMER a DEMBHOLE(operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLE+DUMB-DEMOCRAT=DEMHOLE) DIMWIT for NEW-YORKers, natch!!! BLUE-STATE BOOBS!!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Don't tell JOHN EDWARDS that...
the GERMANS and the DANES have arrested several 'terrorists' about to inflict acts of violence in their countries. Wouldn't want JOHN'christened-the-faggot-by-AnneCoulter'EDWARDS to have to retrack on his asine quote that its just a tee-shirt slogan war. JOHN EDWARDS still 'studying' poverty while terrorists inflict violence and destruction all over - stay safe studying you DEMBHOLE-DIMWIT!!!
The ORLANDO-SENTINEL 'proves' its prejudices once again!!!
In a supposed 'news blog' by the SKUNKY-SENTINEL they 'forgot' to identify disgraced BROWARD COUNTY SHERIFF KEN JENNE as you guessed it a DEMBHOLE HACK!!! But then the SLIMEBAGS-of-the-SENTINEL often 'forget' too identify DEMBHOLES when they are caught violating or skirting the law!!! Not so the same for those 'EVIL REPUBLICANTS' - identified and marked with a large 'R' everytime. A LITTLE DEMBHOLE BIAS YOU THINK??? WOULD THE SLEAZY-SENTINEL RESORT TO SOMETHING SO PETTY???
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Is HILLARY constantly 'surprised' at everything???
BITCH HILLARY has claimed that she was 'surprised' NORMAN HSU was a fugitive convicted felon giving her $MILLIONS in campaign donations - just as she was 'surprised' that her WHITEWATER BILLING RECORDS didn't surface on a desk in the WHITE HOUSE residence quarters until after the 'statute of limitations' had expired - just as she was 'surprised' that 'FATTY MONICA' and all the other 'BIMBETTES' were doing her 'pretend-husband' DICKHEAD - just as she was 'surprised' at whom fired those WHITE HOUSE TRAVEL PEOPLE - just as she was 'surprised' that someone had taken her personal papers/files from VINCE FOSTER's ofice after he was found dead - what's next??? "Oh BILL(aka DICKHEAD) you are happy to see me - an erection after all these years" - YEAH QUITE A SURPRISE EH??? BITCH HILLARY 'THE MOST SURPRISED FEMALE ON THE PLANET'.
Monday, September 3, 2007
How can this be - U.S. POLICY is 'working' on NKOREA???
The BUSH POLICY of 'dealing with NKOREA on 'NUCLEAR POLICY' is actually working - how is that??? NO MORE FAT-ASS MADDY ALLWRONG doing the 'makerana' with the DESPOT -WHY HOW COULD ACTUAL DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THE FAILURES OF 'DICKHEAD CLINTON' WORK??? Ha-Ha all you effete DEMBHOLE-DIMWITS the 'cowboy know-nothing' from TEXAS via YALE/HARVARD achieved what DICKHEAD couldn't or rather wouldn't!!! NKOREA HAS 'PLEDGED' TO END ITS NUCLEAR AMBITIONS!!! HOORRAY FOR THE GOOD GUYS!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Another THOROUGHBRED HORSE-TRAINER 'BUSTED' for administering 'illegal' drugs to horses!!!
PATRICK BIANCONE -'BIG-TIME' HORSE-TRAINER was 'busted' for administering illegal drugs to his race-horses. BIANCONE joins TODD PLETCHER and others as being suspended for getting caught 'doping' horses just this year!!! 'The sport of kings' has become the 'sport of how to hop horses'!!! SOME SPORT, EH??? WHICH HORSE HAS THE 'BEST' HOP OR ILLEGAL DRUGS??? DO YOU REALLY WANT TO BET ON THESE HORSES THAT 'ASSHOLE TRAINERS' MANIPULATE???
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