Tuesday, July 31, 2007
'STATES' decide to sue gang members to make them stop!!!
In a desperation move, 'STATES' have decided to sue gang members tp try and harass/intimidate them from gathering together. While o applaud any action to limit drus, violence, intimidation in our communities THIS MEASURE IS DOOMED TO FAIL IN APPELLATE COURTS AND FINALLY AT THE SUPREME COURT LEVEL - THE RIGHT OF 'FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY' IS TANTAMOUNT TO OUR SOCIETY . WHAT'S NEXT 'CONGREGATIONALISTES' CAN'T MEET TOGETHER BECAUSE THEY ARE MOSTKY FRUIT-CAKES LIKE HOWIE'don't-call-me-short'DEAN or BARAK'don't-say-i-have-big-ears'OBAMA??? OR ITALIANS CAN'T MEET TOGETHER BECAUSE 'WE KNOW' THEY ARE ALL MAFIA???
Sunday, July 29, 2007
PLAGIARISM it has happened to me!!! PUNISH THIS SCUM!!!
Today, Sunday July-29,2007; I 'caught' was made aware of someone plagiarizing my poetry - he identifies himself as SETH - SETH KNAPP of the pacific northwest region...Rememer the name SETH - SETH KNAPP AND BE AWARE HE IS A THIEF HAS HE PLAGIARIZED ANYONE ELSE'S WORKS BEFORE??? DROP ME A LINE AT JAIMOT@HOTMAIL.COM
DKEMBE M'TUMBO, NBA Star (along with other NBA and sports celebrities) donated monies to build a 'state-of-the-art' hospital in the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO. KUDOS and MAJOR ACCOLADES to M'TUMBO and all those involved. Thanks to your magnificent gesture - thousands and eventually millions will benefit from your kindness and generousity!!! THE WORLD'S THANKS TO YOU M'TUMBO AND THE REST OF YOU SPORTS STARS WHO MADE THE LIGHT OF HOPE SHINE ON SO MANY YOU DON'T KNOW!!!
Just how 'STUPID' is the NYSlimes???
The NYSlimes ran a 'story' promoting the asinine logic that if u could only basketball games to 'win' with no point spread there wouldn't be any illegal betting by REFS. Oh yeah??? WHY NOT WHILE WE'RE AT IT NO POINT SPREADS IN FOOTBALL, NO RUNS 'GIVEN' IN BASEBALL BETTING, AND DEFINITELY NO EXOTIC/EXACTA BETTING ON HORSE RACING - WIN BETTING ONLY!!! How asamine are thosae folks at the NYSlimes - don't know just watch GOVERNOR ELLIOTT SPITZER (a NYSlimes fav) jiggle through his current troubles with using the NY STATE POLICE 'to watch/tail/gather dirt' on political opponents!!! The NYSlimes always offfering 'solutions' that make little or no sense to current issues!!!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
PATRICK ARNOLD, the chemist who devised the 'CLEAR' states...
that the streoid was undetectable until recently and that he and MR. CONTIof BALCO sold this 'CLEAR' to certain athletes including GARY'big-mouth'SHEFFIELD and BARRY'bublehead'BONDS since 2001!!!Some innocent 'mistake' eh Mrssr. BONDS + SHEFFIELD??? WHEN WILL BASEBALL KICK 'ALL' THESE STEROID FREAKS OUT??? DOES IT HAVE THE BALLS???
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
WARD CHURCHILL winds-up in FEDERAL COURT after being fired!!!
WARD CHURCHILL, committed nutso and professor in COLORADO was fired for plagiarism and 'cause' - despite his FEDERAL SUIT to reinstate him + damages. WHAT A SURPRISE HUH??? A FEDERAL LAWSUIT filed to make sure a) CHURCHILL's attorney gets paid{for those 'ignorant' of FEDERAL LAW the attorney gets paid in a FEDERAL LAWSUIT even if the 'plaintiff' in this case 'WHACKY' WARD doesn't win, and b) FEDERAL COURTS are notoriously sympathetic to what 'COMMIE-ANARCHIST' CHURCHILL claims are his "free-speech" rights defaming 9/11 survivors while comparing victims of 9/11 "...to little EICHMANN's who deserved what they got!"!!!
How whacked-out is SENATURD ARLEN SPECTOR???
Is SENATURD ARLEN SPECTOR 'off' his meds again??? Did all that treatment for radiation do sumthing to his mental capacities??? Did all those illegal 'biribes/gifts' from his buddies in PENNSYLVANIA finally convince 'ASSHOLE' ARLEN to go off the deep end??? SENATURD SPECTOR wants to review the testimony of JUDGES ALITO + ROBERTS, and see if they 'lied' to him and CONGRESS to get appointed to the SUPREME COURT!!! GET ON YOUR MEDS ASSHOLE ARLEN OR THEY WILL COME TO TAKE YOU AWAY TO A 'NICE' DEMBHOLE REST HOME WHERE EX-REPUBLICASNS GO TO GET MORE 'MEDS' AND FURTHER DISLODGE THE REMAINING SENTIENT THOUGHT STILL IN YOUR ADDLED MIND!!!
Just how 'whacky' is LIZZIE EDWARDS???
ELIZABETH EDWARDS, DEMHOLE wife of JOHN'the faggot - christened by Ann Coultert'EDWARDS(demhole operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLE) states that she will 'suffer' because she will not 'buy' a tangerine in NORTH CAROLINA cuz' tangerines 'impose' too great a carbon footprint cuz' tangerines don't grow in N.C. Does this mean no banannas for LIZZIE or JOHN cuz' they don't grow in N.C.??? WISE-UP U CREEPS - THIS IS A GLOBAL ECONOMY AND YOUR FUCKED-UP IDEAS SHOULD BE USED AS PURE SHIT FERTILIZER!!! Another DEMHOLE IDJIT!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Is HILLARY and BARAK auditioning for their own 'TITUS ANDRONICUS'???
In Will Shakespeare's play, TITUS ANDRONICUS, Aaron the Moore with the help of evil Queen Tamora - wreaks evil and havoc including cutting the arms/legs, tongue, eyes, of Lavinia - is BITCH HILLARY and BARAK OBAMA planning to do the same to AMERICA if they are chosen as the DEMBHOLES(operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) CANDIDATES in 2008???? Will BITCH HILLARY and BARAK eviscerate AMERICA in the same gruesome way that Aaron the Moore and bloodthirsty Queen Tamora 'raped' and 'destroyed' Lavinia and the rest of the cast of TITUS ANDRONICUS???
Aaron the Moore: Ah, why should wrath be mute, and fury dumb?
Aaron the Moore: Ah, why should wrath be mute, and fury dumb?
PRAVDA prints 'species' live beneath NORTH POLE!!!
Ever reliable PRAVDA has resurrected 'tales' of species living under the frozen-wastes of the NORTH POLE. Interestingly, the late ADMIRAL RICHARD E. BYRD believed that MARTIANS(ya' know 'green-men' like in Mel Gibson's movie SIGNS) lived under the SOUTH POLE where he wrote his best-selling book, ALONE, while isolated in his camp in that frozen wasteland. The ADMIRAL's family, his late son RICHARD E. BYRD Jr., his sons RICHARD E. BYRD III, LEVERETT, HARRY, TOM (all named for previous family members) all tried to keep '...his bizarre speculations from the press and public'. Perhaps the self-imposed 'exhile' in the wilds of the ANTARCTIC had taken their toll on his mental capabilities? Whatever, 'eccentric' or just plain 'whacko'; BYRD joins a long-list now joined by the 'RUSSKIS' at PRAVDA with visions of 'species' living in ARCTIC or ANTARCTIC CLIMES!!!
HILLARY states she is a 'MODERN PROGRESSIVE' - what???
BITCH HILLARY at a debate for 'fellow travelers' last night stated that "...LIBERAL was a passe term and she was now a MODERN PROGRESSIVE!!!" WOW! She likened herself back to TEDDY ROOSEVELT, JACOB RIIS, LINCOLN STEPHENS and the subsequent turmoils of the siver/gold standard debate, labor movements, and NOW ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS SHOULD BE PARAMOUNT. In short BITCH HILLARY wants to take us back 100years and be the FASCIST DICTATOR of her new PROGRESSIVE 'MANTRA'!!! SHE WILL DETERMINE WHAT IS GOOD AND BAD AND WHO TO TAX AND WHO NOT TOO - AND ABOVE ALL WHERE THE PROFITS OF INDIVIDUALS, CORPORATIONS, CONGLOMERATES SHOULD GO!!! ALL HAIL BITCH HILLARY THE NEW FUHRER!!! She will make the laws and determine who is 'worthy' of saving or of disposing. All hail the 'smartest woman' on the planet. WHAT A JOKE!!! BEWARE THIS 'LADY MACBETH' AND WORSE THIS CREATURE IS TAMORA RIGHT OUT OF 'TITUS ANDRONICUS'!!! BEWARE BITCH HILLARY!!! BEWARE!!!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Two relevant questions tonight for HILLARY that won't get asked???
The first question for BITCH HILLARY should be will she reprise the mantra from the 1st + 2nd CLINTON ADMINISTRATION of a "...GLATT KOSHER KITCHEN installed in the WHITE HOUSE for all our Jewish friends" - well will she??? The second question should be will her fake-hubby D^CKHEAD have his own bedroom/playpen for his current 'bimbette' MS. STRONACH???
Sunday, July 22, 2007
What a season for A-ROD!!!
(Still think it is a 'wasted season' for the NYYankees and doubt if they will make the PLAYOFFS!!!) And ALEX RODRIGUEZ, A-ROD is having a phenomenal season - so far has almost a R.B.I. per game as well as almost a RUN SCORED per game!!! A-ROD leads the majors with 34 HOME RUNS and has stolen bases and been on base when his team needs him. HE HAS PLAYED A LARGELY STELLAR DEFENSIVE ROLE AT 3RD BASE - AND IS ARGUABLY THE 'BEST PLAYER' IN THE MAJORS TODAY!!! KUDOS TO THE TALENTED MR. RODRIGUEZ!!! AMAZING!!!
An apology to MERYL STREEP.
A few years ago, i wrote this haiku about what i thought was MERYL STREEP's ridiculous affectations and accents considering her roles in the HBO series/redux in 'ANGELS in AMERICA' a dramatization of the AIDS crisis. After viewing STREEP's performance with excruciating perfection in 'THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA' - i rebuke myself for judging her acting talent too quickly. My apologies Ms. STREEP you are a consummate actress.
the redacted and totally inappropriate haiku:
meryl streep woman
of a thousand characters
which all play the same
the redacted and totally inappropriate haiku:
meryl streep woman
of a thousand characters
which all play the same
Saturday, July 21, 2007
What is 'middle-class' or 'poor'???
According to DEMBHOLES(operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) in Congress the S.C.H.I.P. PRPGRAM for medically 'needy' families is now $80,000 for a family of four!!! WHAT EXACTLY ARE DEMBHOLES THINKING AS POOR OR MIDDLE-CLASS??? No matter another asinine attempt at socialized medicine for everyone!!! DEMBHOLES TAKE CARE OF EVERYONE WITH YOUR MONEY!!!
Wondering why your NBA TEAM 'loses' or doesn't cover the spread??? WONDER NO MORE!!!
Couldn't figure why the MAGICLESS 'stunk' for so long - now i know - it was the damned REFS betting on games they had fixed!!! WOWEE there is a stench from the NBA and it ain't RUSS AUERBACH's stinky embalmed cigars!!! THE REFS ARE THE REAL TROGLODYTES AND WHAT WILL THEY DO 'COSMETICALLY' FIX THIS GAMBLING SCANDAL??? ASSIGN PRIVATE DICKS TO 'SHADOW' EVERY REF, EVERY PLAYER, EVERY AGENT, EVERY POP-CORN VENDOR??? AND THEN WHAT???
Friday, July 20, 2007
LAURIE DAVID files for divorce.
LAURIE DAVID wife of HOOLYWOOOD HONCHO and DEMBHOLE(operant/relevant portions of words ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) DIPWAD LARRY DAVID has filed for divorce. See what using too many sheets of toilet-paper and 'helping' GLOBAL WARMING will do even in LaLaLAND where they have plenty of TP to wipe up all that shit???
MAD MEN on AMC Thursdays at 9 p.m.
MAD MEN the story of Madison Avenue's Advertising in the late 1950's in NYC premiered on AMC last night. The show showcased our despicable attitudes toward subjugating WOMEN, BLACKS, JEWS as if we have changed nowadays but our sophistication has hidden our prejudices/bigotries. The sets were amazingly sanitized and stark. (Did we ever think DICK NIXON was a handsome, naval hero, deserving to be President??? Wasn't it mandated by law that the other handsome, naval hero; was ordained to be PRESIENT - you know JFK and his family of baby-sitter rapists and commie-witch-hunters and carousers fucking HOLLYWOOD STARS and extended family who killed neighbors and BUFFOONS like TEDDY 'have-another-chivas-rocks' hidingunder cars at HARVARD to try and evade the police or fucking another man's wife while not going back for yet another 'intern' while she crowned at CHAPPAQUIDICK - the KENNEDY's quite a family history why we musn't leave out drunk JOHN-JOHN and his plane crash or GRANDPA JOE and his support of DER FUHRER and his hatred of JEWS!!! ARE YOU LISTENING HAYDEN STONE the brokerage house near MADSION AVE.???) The hour of birth control pills and MADISON AVE. 'SPIEL' WENT QUICKLY AND WE'LL HAVE TO SEE IF THE CHARACTERS/PLOT INVITE US BACK???
Thursday, July 19, 2007
The 'PLAME C.I.A. SCANDAL' headed to the big screen???
With the refusal of any court to deal with the lies/stories of VALERIE'lameo' PLAME and her hubby JOE'the putz' WILSON has HOLLYWOOD already signed DEMBHOLE(operant/relevant portions of words Assholes+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) actors/actresses for the stellar roles??? Word has it that ALEC'no talent'BALDWIN or perhaps one of his 'druggy brothers' has offered his services AND SHARON'i am smart yes i am'STONE has offered to do her 'trademark spread' and stink out the joint as VALERIE 'queen of sexing her way out of being a secretary at C.I.A.'!!! A STINKER COMING SOON TO A DEMBHOLE THEATRE NEAR YOU!!!
There were a lot of lies trotted out by DICKHEAD CLINTON in his defense of BITCH HILLARY from 'attacks' by MRS. JOHN EDWARDS!!! First off DICKHEAD said BITCH HILLARY was a man just like he was when he was so ably defending this nation - HUH??? YOU MEAN BITCH HILLARY 'KNEW' ABOUT 'FATTY'MONICA AND ALL THE OTHER 'BIMBOS' YOU DIDDLED WHILE AMERICA DID NOTHING ABOUT MUSLIM TERRORISM??? OR DID BITCH TAKE 'HOME MOVIES' SO SHE COULD 'HOLD' IT OVER YOUR HEAD FOREVER??? Oh forgot she still has the stolen F.B.I. FILES. BITCH HILLARY did a lot for womens&chilluns eh??? Like what??? Making sure they weren't 'put-in-jail' for being porked with cigars and other phallic items by DICKHEAD??? IS DOING A LOT MAKING SURE THEY WEREN'T IMPREGNATED BY DICKHEAD??? BITCH HILLARY witness to our miliary's decline - ah a true DEMHOLE leader!!!
JOHN KERRY states 'there was no bloodbath after we left VIETNAM'???!!! WHAT???
JOHN'the-fraud'KERRY stated all the COMMUNISTS did was to 'run' re-education camps right JOHN'the-fraud'??? IN FACT - members of the COMMUNIST NORTH - shot every teacher every professor every person with obvious antipathy to the COMMIE NORTH before they were 'allowed' to grace 're-education camps'!!! Just like 'TAXACHUESTTS' eh JOHN'the-fraud' like in the TAXACHUSETTS COLLEGES with their 're-education courts and proceedings' run by your fellow COMMIES+DEVIANTS!!! YOU STILL HAVE NEVER ANSWERED YOUR UNIQUE METHOD OF INTERVIEWING ALL-FEMALE STAFF IN YOUR 'COOKIE BUSINESS' OR YOUR USURPING/STEALING ANOTHER VETS EXPLOITS IN CAMBODIA WITH THE C.I.A. TO 'USE' TO PROP UP YOUR OWN IMAGE/RESUME???
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Let's all hear it for Senator 'always drunk' BILL NELSON of FLORIDA!!!
Always drunk and needing a seat-belt for his SENATE chair, BILL'the idjit'NELSON - stated for the AMERICAN PRESS/PUBLIC Tues. Jul 17, 2007 that "...intercourse was tough after his service in VIETNAM"!!! Really alcoholic BILL...as tough as say the three times your son was arrested for DRUNK+DISORDERLY or was it for drugs??? Oh sorry to invade your personal space and problems...So how is your wife 'the lush' heard she could 'knock-em-back' almost shot for shot with you??? Hey, how's intercourse now 'IDJIT' BILL??? OR ARE YOU JUST AS ASININE AND STPID AS EVER???
The DEMBHOLES plan an 'all-nighter'!!!
The DEMBHOLES(relevant/operant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) members of the U.S. SENATE plan 'all-night' debates to wake-up REPUBLICANS on IRAQ policy!!! Sen. CHUCK'the schmuck'SCHUMER stated that a couple thousand U.S TROOPS in IRAQ "...WOULD BE SAFER THAN SO MANY IN BADHDAD AND LESS LIKELY TO BE ATTACKED." WHAT??? HOW BIG A FUCKING-JERK-OFF ARE YOU CHUCK??? No, don't answer that CHUCK 'the schmuck', we all know you got cheating at HARVARD LAW and illegally pried into people's credit ratings and LORDY knows what else!!! A bad 3rd rate play comes to the U.S. SENATE in the name of DUMB DEMBHOLE THEATRE!!! SURE IT WILL GET RAVE REVIEWS IN THE NYSLIMES!!!
GARY SHEFFIELD rants-on!!!
GARY SHEFFIELD is/was a very good baseball player over his career. GARY SHEFFIELD makes and deserves millions of dollars for his on-field performances. GARY SHEFFIELD has recently stated that JOE TORRE(his former manager on the NYYankees)"...treats BLACK players different from WHITE, or LATIN players" and went on to say that DEREK JETER(his former teammate on the NYYankeees and the offspring of a WHITE mother and BLACK father) "...was not BLACK enough and basically was treated like he was WHITE"!!! AH WE GET IT NOW - GARY SHEFFIELD IS ACTUALLY A BRILLIANT GENETICIST AND RACIAL ARBATER IN DISGUISE - OR IS HE JUST A RACE-BAITER??? Certainly a miniscule example of SHEFFIELD's idiotic screed must exist in sports in its treatment of other players than just plain old-fashioned 'too-slow' 'can't jump' 'aint strong enough' WHITEY eh??? But for SHEFFIELD to single out TORRE and JETER for the brunt of his loathing is merely the rants/ravings of a foolish player who wishes to continue a 'racial divide/animosity' which has gone on far too long in this country and its sports institutions. GARY SHEFFIELD is among the 'elite' persons in the world as far as salary - but his immense salary does not give him the right to make scurrilous accusations against people who he claims 'treat him and give different treatment' to others according to race. THESE ARE VILE ACCUSATIONS - AND SHOULD BE IGNORED FOR THE FOOLISH SENTIMENT THEY EXPRESS. Oh by the way, GARY SHEFFIELD, was this 'feeling' of being treated differently because you were BLACK part of the reason you used 'steroids+growth hormone' to be more like BARRY'BUBBLEHEAD'BONDS in his drug fueled attempt to gain the home-run record??? Or were you just another 'foolish' player trying to make sure you make those racially-tainted millions???
Friday, July 13, 2007
SUSAN ESTRICH on the 'NATIONAL ASSHOLE MEDIA' has been lauded as a 'gifted' jurist and legal savant - REALLY??? MS. ESTRICH rose to infamy as the 'designer' of MIKE'look-at-me-in-the-tank-guys'DUKAKIS failed campaign. Then ESTRICH swindled the STATE of MASSACHUSETTS into getting her in and paying for her law school education at HARVARD no less. NOW ESTRICH COMMENTS ON ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING BEING A LAW SCHOOL PROFESSOR IN CALIFORNIA. Tough work if you can get it only if you are a DEMBHOLE-DOUCHEBAG (operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) espousing DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG 'TALKING POINTS' to the fawning-lap-dog 'NATIONAL ASSHOLES of the MEDIA'!!! DEMBHOLES - TRUE HARD-WORKERS TAKING HAND-OUTS FROM OTHER DEMBHOLES!!!
'BIG' DEMBHOLES agree to limit debate to only them!!!
'Big DEMBHOLES'(operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) i.e. BITCH HILLARY and JOHN'the-faggot-christened-by-Ann-Coulter'EDWARDS have agreed to limit debate "and exclude these little not serious candidates"!!! SOUNDS LIKE GOOD OL' DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG DEMOCRACY TO ME!!! Does it sound that way to you BILL RICHARDSON, or DENNIS'wearing-a-turdhead-doesn't-it-look-real'KUCINNICH, or BARACK'big-ears'OBAMA OR ANY OF THE OTHER "...LITTLE NOT SERIOUS CANDIDATES"???
Thursday, July 12, 2007
REPRESENTATIVE ELLISON, MUSLIM +DEMBHOLE(operative/relevant words of ASSHOLE+DUMB-DEMOCRAT=DEMBHOLE) has compared PRESIDENT BUSH to the NAZIS!!! Is ELLISON being the MUSLIM 'HATER' of JEWS stating that like the MUSLIMS of the past most notably the 'GRAND MUFTI' of JERUSALEM buddied up to the NAZIS to 'get/eliminate' the JEWS??? DOES THIS MEAN ELLISON WILL BUDDY-UP TO THE 'SO-CALLED' NAZI BUSH??? ELLISON a true DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG RACIST and non-sentient being!!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Watching tapes of GROUCHO MARX...
Watching clips of the MARX BROTHERS - I WAS REMINDED OF THE 'SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP' OF GROUCHO AND THE GREAT CHARACTER DOWAGER MARGARET DUMONT - when she appeared as the 'butt' of all the MARX BROTHERS JOKES AND JIBES she once asked GROUCHO who she called JULIUS as that was his real name after a live perfornace on the stage after another joke at her expense"JULIUS, why are the audiebce laughing???" MARGARET DUMONT - THE PERFECT STRAITWOMAN!!!
Animal Crackers By Zyskandar A. Jaimot on 03/09/2007
Viewed: 80Reviews: 0Rating: No Rating
Animal CrackersorPiano or Sonata #21 in C, opus 53*(*known as the WALDSTEIN SONATAdedicated br Ludwig van Beethovento Count Ferdinand von Waldstein,composed 1803-1804, published 1805)the follwing 'played lightly'with great energy
(the following sung to the tune above)
Hooray for Captain Spaulding,the African explorer.
I think they call hom schnorer.
Hooray - Hooray - Hooray!!!
All of them breaking all the rules.
A theatre of the absurd.
Zannyness from pue hearts.
Scampering imps tormenting Margaret Dumont,
the dowager butt of their jokes.
Then turning off-camerato her friend Julius
-glasses, mustache, long dark coat,trousers moving
with that bent-over walk;looking like a funloving penguin.
Holding a cigar as a baton.
Leading symphonies of silliness.
Waggling his eyebrows in lascivious delight.
Asking him - who everyone knew as 'GROUCHO'
-"Why are they laughing at us?"
While glamorous women gleefully cavortamid
accents from sad-faced 'CHEEKO'as curlyheaded 'HARPO'
honks that horn!And 'GROUCHO' smiles,
unable to explain...how they have eliminated any
"San-i-ty Clause"!
Always classicTHE MARX BROTHERS.© By Zyskandar A. Jaimot On 3/9/2007 4:18:33 PM
Animal Crackers By Zyskandar A. Jaimot on 03/09/2007
Viewed: 80Reviews: 0Rating: No Rating
Animal CrackersorPiano or Sonata #21 in C, opus 53*(*known as the WALDSTEIN SONATAdedicated br Ludwig van Beethovento Count Ferdinand von Waldstein,composed 1803-1804, published 1805)the follwing 'played lightly'with great energy
(the following sung to the tune above)
Hooray for Captain Spaulding,the African explorer.
I think they call hom schnorer.
Hooray - Hooray - Hooray!!!
All of them breaking all the rules.
A theatre of the absurd.
Zannyness from pue hearts.
Scampering imps tormenting Margaret Dumont,
the dowager butt of their jokes.
Then turning off-camerato her friend Julius
-glasses, mustache, long dark coat,trousers moving
with that bent-over walk;looking like a funloving penguin.
Holding a cigar as a baton.
Leading symphonies of silliness.
Waggling his eyebrows in lascivious delight.
Asking him - who everyone knew as 'GROUCHO'
-"Why are they laughing at us?"
While glamorous women gleefully cavortamid
accents from sad-faced 'CHEEKO'as curlyheaded 'HARPO'
honks that horn!And 'GROUCHO' smiles,
unable to explain...how they have eliminated any
"San-i-ty Clause"!
Always classicTHE MARX BROTHERS.© By Zyskandar A. Jaimot On 3/9/2007 4:18:33 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
QWIK mark your callendars in 'pink' for AUGUST 9 -
for the first 'GAY DEBATE' featuring all 'gay topics'(is there such a thing and not just pandering to these 'alternative lifestyles'???) where the DEMBHOLES[operant/relevant portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES] like BITCH HILLARY, BARAK'don't-call-me-big-ears'OBAMA, and JOHNNY'the-faggot-christened-by-Ann-Coulter'EDWARDS with his $1000 dollar haircuts does he have an advantage over BITCH HILLARY's pantsuit for-the-butch-dyke set??? Tune-in don't be the only sentient being not to watch these GAY WANNABE's camp-it-up!!! AND YOU THOUGHT SUMMER T.V. RERUNS WERE GOING TO BE DULL WITH NO COLOUR OR PIZZAZZ!!! GOSH I'M YAWNING ALREADY!!!
IRAN's time is up!!!
With the addition to the AMERICAN FLEET of a third aircraft carrier in GULF waters and the ISREAL DEFENCE FORCES at a 'high state' of war readiness - an attack on IRAN is imminent!!! GOOD-HUNTING TO THE 'FLYERS' OF ISREALI AND U.S. FORCES - BOMB THOSE IRANIANS BACK TO THE 10TH CENTURY WHERE THEY WANT TO BE!!!
R.F.K.Jr. states 'SHOOT ALL the GLOBAL-WARMING deniers!!!"
ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR., DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG, states that: "All 'GLOBAL-WARMING' critics and deniers should be rounded-up and shot!!!" Ah another KENNEDY embracing the spirit of JOE KENNEDY after a coupla' of scotches brought-into the U.S.A. on the mob's trucks, boats and then THEN sopporting the ethics of the DER FUHRER ADOLF by rounding all those JEWS up and eliminating them!!! ANOTHER 'FUCKED-UP' KENNEDY SHOWING HIS FASCIST ROOTS!!! Where is LEE HARVEY OSWALD or SIRHAN-SIRHAN when you really REALLY need them???
Monday, July 9, 2007
What is going-on with 'CARS' in CHINA???
CHERY CORPORATION has entered into a partnership with CHRYSLER CORPORATION (now owned by CEREBRUS CORPORATION headed by JOHN SNOW former head of the U.S. TREASURY) to manufacture autos at around $10,000 dollars per car and eventually export them to mainland U.S.A. FINE - except that the tariff in CHINA is 25% for U.S. AUTOS while the U.S. rate/tariff would be hust 2.5%???!!! Couple that with the 40% rate that the CHINESE 'YUAN' is undervalued to the U.S. DOLLAR and you have a sure recipe for disaster!!! WHAT THE 'FUCK' IS THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION DOING TO PROTECT U.S AUTO WORKERS AND AUTI SALES???
On a Sunday afternoon - listening to G&S's MIKKADO, ORFF'S CARMINA BURANA, LEON REDBONE, and 'flamenco guitar' solos by an acquaintamce...
After listening to G&S's MIKKADO; I came to the realization how much our 'perceptions' erroneous or not have been influenced/coerced by pop culture. We largely regarded JAPANESE as small, little, creatures until PEARL HARBOR and the transistorized 1950's and now the TOYOTAIZED 2000's as the economic force and 'genius' they contribute to the world - because of GILBERT&SULLIVANS 'light opera'.Same could be said in the way the 'Western World' regarded CHINESE through the eyes of CHARLIE CHAN in books/movies 'NUMBER ONE SON' CHARLIE always 'played' by Occidental actors portraying 'CHINESE/ORIENTAL' inscrutability and cunning that is until we 'NOW' find ourselves 'buying' goods largely made in China and fearing their ‘nookier’ (JIMMY’afraid-of-wabbits-i-am’CARTER spelling/pronounciation). But it didn't/doesn't stop there - 'our' WESTERN WAY of denigrating/depicting INDIAN PEOPLES probably achieved its apeothis with movies like GUNGA DIN where the 'INDIAN FANATIC/NATIONALIST was played by SAM JAFFEE opposite handsome/erudite ERROL FLYNN, CARY GRANT, DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS JR., and VICTOR McLAGLEN as BRITT soldiers and of course there was 'THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE' (my first exposure to poetry not in children's books) with ERROL FLYNN again playing the 'good' BRITT soldier in his unrequited lovequest for OLIVIA DeHAVILLAND with the 'evil' SURAT KHAN being the 'badguy'(played deliciously by C. HENRY GORDON) [with supporting roles played by NIGEL BRUCE, SPRING BYINGTON,and little ROBERT BLAKE as ‘Prina’ son of LEO G. CARROL} INDIAN and thoroughly untrustworthy/despicable not like the inoffensive 'BABU' of the modern day SIMPSONS or the 'movie creations' for the masses of the INDIAN SUBCONTINENT pumped out in productions by 'BOLLYWOOD'...And I can't help but wonder how different would have been thought of JEWS in general if not for MASTER SHAKESPEARE's 'MERCHANT OF VENICE' with his characterization of SHYLOCK outdoing CHRIS MARLOWE's 'THE JEW OF MALTA' and all its perverse bigotry and offensive stereotypes that lead us today to regard JEWS as the 'other'...Which leads me to thoughts of the AMERICAN/WORLD CLASSIC 'UNCLE TOM'S CABIN' and the war ABE LINCOLN said "...the little woman who created this epic - started" still cringing at sobriquets like "UNCLE TOM" taken to mean exactly the opposite of the kind BLACKMAN that helped 'LITTLE LIZA'...What of CHARLES DICKENS and his story THE CHRISTMAS CAROL creating 'myths' of CHRISTMAS...Which lands me at the present wondering if J.K.ROWLING's 'HARRY POTTER BOOKS MOVIES' will change/augment our feeling about magic/'muggles' or will pop icons like BRITNEY or PARIS or ANGELINA(ANGEINA as the heart/throb of all boys/girls as the erotic/forceful Lara Croft ‘TOMB RAIDER’) somehow influence future generations with their 'out-of-control' rants and showing their 'kooze' to attract without thongs/panties notoriety or will JOHHNY DEPP his suaveness and 'throw-away witty asides' as CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW influence our regard for pirates as benevolent rogues as much as WALLACE BEERY/ROBERT NEWTON did in the original LONG JOHN SILVER TREASUE ISLAND remakes...Who and What will influence the world's way of looking-considering at things in this age of world-wide internet connection...What images/creations will set our ‘notions’ what will it be??? and I thrill to the changes of CARMINA BURANA and enjoy the idle music of ramblings as LEON REDBONE SOUTHERN-STYLE ‘blues singer/hipster’ from N.J. takes me back to a simpler time and lose myself in **** ****** mastery on a single guitar as the notes carry me away...far away...AND FINALLY I AM AT REST THIS SLEAZY SERENE SUNDAY AFTERNOON.
The 'laced' KOOL-AID is being glugged freely at the NYSlimes!!!
The NYSlimes trying desparately to make 'news'/influence-policy/and be relevant all at the same time 'announces' today JULY9, 2007 -- that the BUSH ADMINISTRATION will announce that pull-outs from the IRAQ WAR will begin momentarily - or that the BUSH ADMINISTRATION 'is debating' pull-outs - or that the BUSH ADMINISTRATION is 'deciding' when to 'announce' these pull-outs - or that pass that jug around for another coupla' shots of KOOL-AID FANTASY!!! SOME 'NEWS' HUH FROM THE NYSLIMES??? MORE LIKE 'WISHFUL THINKING' FROM ALL THOSE DEMBHOLES(relevant/operative portions of ASSHOLES+DUMB-DEMOCRATS=DEMBHOLES) THAT STILL 'READ' THE NYSLIMES??? Yes we want the IRAQ WAR to end AND AND we don't want to have to fight it again and again and again because of an eraly cessation to appease neurotic LIBERALS/no PROGRESSIVES/ no SOCIALISTS/no COMMIES/no PROGRESSIVES/ yes TOTAL ASSHOLES!!!
Friday, July 6, 2007
Just how 'STUPID' is CNN???
In a story 'highlighting' coming FORECLOSURE and HOUSING DECLINE - CNN stated that DISNEYLAND was in ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. AND PREDICTED ORANGE COUNTY WOULD SUFFER IN THE FUTURE!!! WRONGO-WRONGO-WRONGO!!! DISNEYLAND is in OSCEOLA and SEMINOLE COUNTIES - FLORIDA!!! If you are wrong about the basic FACTS - how do we believe any of your assertions/extrapolations??? WELL WE ARE WAITING???
Thursday, July 5, 2007
What role did the 'stolen F.B.I. FILES' play on the L.A. MAYOR AFFAIR???
LosANGELES Mayor ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA admitted his affair with Spanish language reporter MIRTHALA SALINAS - stating he was seeking divorce from his present wife. VILLARAIGOSA a DEMBHOLE(operant/relevant word from ASSHOLE+DUMB-DEMOCRAT=DEMBHOLE) or DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAG if you prefer 'endorsed' BITCH HILLARY just a week ago on her venture to be the new BITCH PREZ. DID BITCH HILLARY 'threaten' VILLARAIGOSA woth exposure if he didn't support BITCH CLINTON??? WHERE ARE THOSE STOLEN F.B.I. FILES BITCH & DICKHEAD??? Would you use them for political gain like say 'ILLEGAL WIRETAPS' to gain advantage - in a heartbeat you two 'asshole/scumbags' !!! THE QUESTION IS DID BITCH HILLARY PUT THE 'SCREWS' TO VILLARAIGOSA HUMPING EVERYTHING IN SIGHT JUST LIKE DICKHEAD??? VILLARAIGOSA is a made up name his VILLAR combined with his former wife's AIGOSA - what will it be know VILLAR and 'schmuck' for being outed like DICKHEAD???
WOW the PRIUS can go 100+ M.P.H.!!!
The 'environmentally friendly' PRIUS can go over 100 MilesPerHOUR - just axsk(ebonics spelling) AL GORE III if you take enough marijuana and prescriptuon drugs without a 'scrip' and blast-off!!! It was probably just an 'environmental taste' right AL'stupid-son-of-FAT-FUCK AL'GORE your auditioning for an upcoming role in your ASSHOLE FATHER'S LIFE right??? COULDN'T GET A 'YUGO' TO GO THAT FAST RIGHT YOU DUMB SHIT??? No wonder we never 'hear' 'read' about you - IS THIS THE 2ND OR 3RD TIME YOU'VE BEEN 'BUSTED' FOR DRUGS???
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Is SERENA WILLIAMS on 'steroids'???
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
What ED KOCH 'thinks' of JOHN EDWARDS ---
ED KOCH former MAYOR of N.Y.C. has stated JOHN 'the-faggot-so-christened-by-Ann-Coulter'EDWARDS "...is a FOOL and his purported campaign is FINISHED"!!! SOME ENDORSEMENT FROM A FELLOW DEMOCRAT-DOUCEBAG, EH???
The NYSlimes makes the case AGAINST 'THE FAIRNESS DOCTRINE' - what???
In today's( Tues. Jul3,2007) NYSlimes CARYN JAMES has a pseudo-film review of BRUCE WILLIS' "LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD" with the usual smarmy platitudes and non-thought typical of this 'SCHIESS-RAG'. 7/8ths of the way through this useless diatribe JAMES writes or the NYSlimes idjit-editors allowed this to be printed: "These episodes drag Orwell into 2007; the day we can't flip channels, we should really begin to worry." Sorry to Ms. JAMES AND THE NYSLIMES - that day has been here for a while!!! Go ahead - click on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, PBS; i dare you to find 'news' that is different or fresh or informed??? Go ahead watch CHARLIE the idjit on ABC and his "...Amish in their quaint costumes"!!! Turn into perky KATIE and her unbiased interviews with 'shaky' MIKE FOX!!! Or go watch WOLFF go after more REPUBLICANS on the CommunistNewsNetwork!!! i dare you to see the 'same so-called news' on every channel with the same commercial breaks at the same time??? Now that's FAIRNESS is it not??? The same stories - the same slant - the same time-frame -the same time for commercial breaks??? FAIRNESS ain't it wunnerful???
Sunday, July 1, 2007
The ALL-STAR GAME honours one of baseball's greatest players - WILLIE MAYS.
i never want to grow old
like Willie Mays
i hope his age never shows
Willie Mays jogs toward centerfield
and doesn't see the reality
that it is 1972 and he is playing for the NYMets
and that he is no longer young
that he is not 'The Say-Hey Kid' anymore
And I watch him move without grace
Willie Mays the most nimble of outfielders
bends down to field an easy single
a nothing ground ball to the outfield
in a game that doesn't matter
and a base hit that turns into tragedy
as the ball rolls past his outstretched gloved hand
And for a moment he can not believe
the ball rolling behind him
not entrapped in the leather glove
that made a mockery
of so many sure hits
in that 'basket style sweeping' catch
And I begin to cry
remembering the Mays of 1957
the Giant who
swatted three homers
against the Cubs
as I watched
from my outfield seat at the Polo Grounds
marveling at how the white baseballs
seemed to leap out of the stadium
when Willie snapped that perfect swing
Willie is always the ‘Say-Hey Kid’
while Mr. Leo smiles acknowledging perfection
Watching ‘the kid’ spinning throwing tumbling
like some continuously twirling top
only to lose inertia and fall returning to earth
the way he did in the World Series of ‘54
to rob Cleveland’s Vic Wertz in black-and-white footage
of another yet amazing over-the-shoulder catch
Just proving he could do the impossible
Sprinting turning his back to the infield
Running into our youthful memories
And I weep not just for Willie
but for myself as I want never
to grow old to grow old as Willie Mays
looked this day and how embarrassed
finally to be relegated
to play first base for the Mets
Because first basemen are always ‘butter-fingered’ or ‘has-beens’
especially when they join ‘the mahvelous Mets’
A freakish attraction of what once was
And I never want to fumble
reaching for something
that isn't there anymore
And I still cry as I can remember
how old he and I became
when that easy ground ball
rolled by Willie and me forever.
i never want to grow old
like Willie Mays
i hope his age never shows
Willie Mays jogs toward centerfield
and doesn't see the reality
that it is 1972 and he is playing for the NYMets
and that he is no longer young
that he is not 'The Say-Hey Kid' anymore
And I watch him move without grace
Willie Mays the most nimble of outfielders
bends down to field an easy single
a nothing ground ball to the outfield
in a game that doesn't matter
and a base hit that turns into tragedy
as the ball rolls past his outstretched gloved hand
And for a moment he can not believe
the ball rolling behind him
not entrapped in the leather glove
that made a mockery
of so many sure hits
in that 'basket style sweeping' catch
And I begin to cry
remembering the Mays of 1957
the Giant who
swatted three homers
against the Cubs
as I watched
from my outfield seat at the Polo Grounds
marveling at how the white baseballs
seemed to leap out of the stadium
when Willie snapped that perfect swing
Willie is always the ‘Say-Hey Kid’
while Mr. Leo smiles acknowledging perfection
Watching ‘the kid’ spinning throwing tumbling
like some continuously twirling top
only to lose inertia and fall returning to earth
the way he did in the World Series of ‘54
to rob Cleveland’s Vic Wertz in black-and-white footage
of another yet amazing over-the-shoulder catch
Just proving he could do the impossible
Sprinting turning his back to the infield
Running into our youthful memories
And I weep not just for Willie
but for myself as I want never
to grow old to grow old as Willie Mays
looked this day and how embarrassed
finally to be relegated
to play first base for the Mets
Because first basemen are always ‘butter-fingered’ or ‘has-beens’
especially when they join ‘the mahvelous Mets’
A freakish attraction of what once was
And I never want to fumble
reaching for something
that isn't there anymore
And I still cry as I can remember
how old he and I became
when that easy ground ball
rolled by Willie and me forever.
MARK GREEN is the new 'talking-head' for 'talk-radio'!!!
MARK GREEN failed J.D. from HARVARD LAW, failed N.Y.C. MAYORAL CANDIDATE, and now PREZ of AIR-AMERICA RADIO - states that "...AIR-AMERICA will show profitability faster than FOX T.V. did." HMMMM. That so MR GREEN??? GREEN claims he is not in favour of the 'FAIRNESS DOCTRINE' and refers to his and his kind as 'rogressives' - refusing to use the now derogatory term 'LIBERAL' the way COMMIES now prefer to deem themselves as SOCIALISTS. Once a fucking-no-account LIBERAL SCUMHOLE always a LIBERAL SCUMHOLE!!! Sure AIR-AMERICA will mark its nexus under your stewardship GREEN you fucking DEMBHOLE PUSSY!!! Ha-Ha-Ha!!! NOT A CHANCE!!!
Don't tell the U.K. - JOHN EDWARDS thinks there's "...NO WAR ON TERROR"!!!
Ah JOHN'the faggot so-christened by ANN COULTER'EDWARDS states there is no "...WAR ON TERROR" - wat to go you DEMBHOLE pussy(DEMBHOLE being the operant/relevant portion of ASSHOLE+DUMB-DEMOCRAT=DEMBHOLE 'pussy' is sort-of self explanatory!) preaching more 'nothingness' to DEMOCRAT-DOUCHEBAGS IDJITS!!! Sure the BRITTS and the U.K. appreciate your insightful wisdom - watch out LONDON and GLASGOW - JOHN EWARDS says there is NO WAR ON TERROR!!! MUSLIMS AREN'T REALLY TRYING TO 'BLOW-YOU-UP' ARE THEY??? JOHN EDWARDS DOESN'T THINK - sorry should be think-so but 'JOHN EDWARDS DOES NOT THINK WORKS WELL TOO!!!
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