Thursday, October 29, 2009

‘the OBAMA’ crumpin in AFGHANISTAN…

‘the OBAMA’ crumpin in AFGHANISTAN…

BLACK PUNK CHICAGO COMMIE ‘the OBAMA’ in his immenseness will shortly deliver his fiat upon the AMERIKAN military’s involvement in AFGHANISTAN. ‘the OBAMA’ in his hip/hop crumpin style will probably order only 20,000 more troops to encamp to the region And not the 40-60,000 requested by GENERAL STANLEY McCRYSTAL. But then agin McCRYSTAL is onlee a general and not as smart as El Presidente BLACK MARXIST piece-of-SHIT ‘the OBAMA’!!! Ha. Besides getting jerked on the leash held by monied/convicted fraudster GEORGE SOROS who likes to see the gruntled-pet-monkey-on-his-tether subserviently do his bidding!!! Also SHITFOOK ‘the OBAMA’s mindless MARXIST base of DEMBHOLE-DOUCHESBAGS want peace at anee cost even though this will cost more military lives!!! But heh military officers are onlee good for serving appetizers according to President DICKHEAD&HILLARY!!![This is not to say/write.conclude that i think we should be in AFGHANISTAN or maling ‘drone-war’ in PAKHISTAN!] With ‘the OBAMA’s announcement of a smart-ass strategy of less troops for AFGHANISTAN – how long til SHITFOOK’s administration blames awl their foreign police disasters on HILLARY wid her “…asbestos pants-suits” hitched around her neck to introduce new SECRETARY-of-STOOPID DEMBHOLE SENATURD JOHN’the-Fraud’ KERRY!!![For awl youse wannabe-SHITFOOK’s-in-training this has nuthin to do with JOHN’the-Fraud’S 90 DAY SERVICE IN Vietnam but his various calumnies in Boston and his habit of doing coke in a bar at Faneuill Hall and his interesting way of interviewin girls/women for his chocolate chip bizziness and other sordid behaviors besides ‘stealing’ other vets Vietnam war stories and utilizing them for his own gratification/adoration/ridikulusness!!! But then what’s a C- student at Yale to do except go to Suffolk Law and become a legal ass!!!] One of the not so original plans is to buy off the PASHTOONS and other moderate tribespeople!!! Jes like CHCAGO eh??? Like EX-GOV. ROD BLAGO and SENATURD BURRIS – if you can’t convince em that you are a cunning linguist jes BUY EM OFF WITH BRIBES!!! Not since the time of ISKANDRA-of-Macedon has a SHITFOOK this FOOKN STOOPID attempted to subdue the AFGHAN TRIBES with his CHICAGO COMMIE politicks/ways!!! ‘the OBAMA’ in his immenseness with his abilitee as a cunning linguist will conquer this difficult situashun!!! After all this is a “…war of necessity” not some DEMBHOLE-DOUCHESBAG plan to take over the AUTO INDUSTRY for the UNION’s benefit – Ha. Not ta worree SHITFOOK ‘the OBAMA’ is crumpin in AFGHANISTAN. YEAH THIS IS GONNA WORK OUT AS GOOD AS 'the OBAMA’ bowls.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumpkins only smile when they’re lit

Pumpkins only smile when they’re lit

Knocking and ringing at doors
Some yell ‘trick or treat’
Others still quite shy
Linger on lamp—lit street

Newts—eye, fresh snot boogers, mixed with witches spells
As ‘first’ princesses in raptures of’ joy caught
While little fingers poke at door bells
Certain costumes are store—bought
While many are creatively hand—made
All watched over by doting guardians ­

During this happy masquerade

This procession of children out for Autumn play
A fitting prelude to the onetime seriousness
On ‘All-Hallows Day’
Many houses festooned with jack—o—lanterns
Smiling bright
For a special celebration that casts
Warm glows this night

With bags Lull of sweet-tooth desires
Boys and girls reach their goals
But there are some who turn out their lights
And sit in dark cubby-holes
Those ill—prepared grown—ups afraid
To be seen and stir about
Embarrassed as red-faced children,caught
When their candy all too quickly runs—out.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

'the OBAMA' dithers about troops...

Presidente BARACH'pet-monkey-on-the-leash-of-monied-organ-grinder-George"im-having-a-very-good-crisis"Soros'the OBAMA continues to dither/Proofrock like about necessary AMERIKAN troops in AFGHANISTAN because the convicted-fraudster GEORGE SOROS doesn't want more troops in AFGHANISTAN or IRAQ. SOROS makes money from anarchy and the coming of FASCISM/MARXISM - as long as he controls the leash+puppet strings of his monkey/puppet!!! Ever wonder why the price of OIL goes up and the DOW JONES average goes up at the same time??? Ever wonder why the AMERIKAN dollar loses value against the EURO and the stock market still rises??? Welcome to the world of convicted/fraudster GEORGIE SOROS!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

BLACKS/PC CROWD versus RUSH LIMBAUGH for an NFL franchise...

RUSH LIMBAUGH has gained international fame, influence, and multi-millions of dollars from his daily radio show.

LIMBAUGH is an outspoken conservative and delights in tweaking/prodding/pointing out what he considers the faults of LIBERALS – read PROGRESSIVES or however you choose to define yourselves.

With his money, connections; and his passion for pro-football LIMBAUGH wants to be a shareholder in a consortium angling to purchase the NFL’s St. Louis RAMS.[LIMBAUGH was born in Missouri and has further ties to the St. Louis NFL franchise.]

LIMBAUGH is a highly polarizing figure because of opinions voiced on his radio show. It might be stated that LIMBAUGH resurrected the medium of ‘talk radio’ since the late 1980’s.
Not being a religious listener/reader to Mr. LIMBAUGH or his show – the bits and snippets i have heard on occasion have been incendiary, pointed, and designed to draw reaction.
‘BLACKS’ comprise 70% of the players in the NFL. Notable ‘BLACK’ leaders such as the Rev. AL SHARPTON[ Of TAWANA BRAILEY fame in 1999 where on various instances he accused the State of New York’s Attorney General of covering Ms. BRAILEY in human feces and writing racial epithets on her naked body – obscuring the fact that Ms. BRAILEY concocted her own alleged kidnapping/abuse to avoid punishment by her strict parents which was proved in court at subsequent trials. SHARPTON & his cohorts in this nefarious plan went so far on tape/audio to proclaim that getting over with this scam/con “…Would make us the biggest niggers in New York!”] have taken umbrage with the likes of LIMBAUGH having an ownership position in a BLACK player dominated league.

Mr. SHARPTON sent a letter to NFL commissioner Roger Goodell saying Limbaugh has been divisive and “anti-NFL” in some of his comments.

SHARPTON has also criticized a recent quote in which Limbaugh, who grew up in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, said the NFL was beginning to look like a gang fight between the Crips and Bloods without the weapons.

NFL owner JIM IRSAY of the INDIANOPLIS COLTS said that Limbaugh’s rhetoric made him unattractive as a potential partner in the league.

LIMBAUGH joins the ownership group headed by DAVE CHECKETTS vying to become selected by GOLDMAN-SUCKS[ Ironic is it not that the real MOB is involved in everything from STIMULUS-SHIT SCAMS to BANKING BAIL-OUTS to selling off sports teams to the ‘best bidders’?!] brokerage group representing the family of former owner GEORGIA FRONTIERE as agent.

Quotes attributed to LIMBAUGH are vehemently denied particularly regarding ‘slavery’ which the radio talk show host believes are just fabricated and repeated incessantly by ‘Liberal Haters’.

Knowing a little about using words to incite and irritate ‘Liberal-Loons’ on this site – i can appreciate LIMBAUGH’s predicament.

Successful, wealthy, free-to-do as he pleases – LIMBAUGH is a prisoner of his own success.
If, if he did utter those vituperations utter absurdities about ‘BLACKS’, slavery – it should be easy to prove as LIMBAUGH’s every remark is recorded.

The question is as NFL commissioner GOODELLstated to the assembled press more to do with LIMBAUGH’s remarks made about Eagles QB DONOVAN McNABB when he was an analyst for ESPN.

"The comments Rush made specifically about Donovan, I disagree with very strongly," Goodell said."It's a polarizing comment that we don't think reflect accurately on the NFL or our players. I obviously do not believe those comments are positive and they are divisive. That's a negative thing for us, obviously."

LIMBAUGH remarked that McNABB received inordinately good press as the ‘media’ was afraid to subject a BLACK quarterback to intense scrutiny and wanted McNABB to succeed simply because he was BLACK.

Whether RUSH LIMBAUGH manages to achieve his goal of an ownership position is not the sole question to be answered in this complicated tale of money, influence, race, and yes envy.

In this country, in the age of ‘the OBAMA’[…and his remarks without factual information about Cambridge WHITE police “…reacting stoopidly”] is it perceived statements attributed to someone of different political ethos which will contribute to the eventual outcome under consideration???

Will the LIMBAUGH consortium’s fate be held by the racial hate-monger AL SHARPTON and his ilk?

Will commissioner GOODELL be swaged by the politically correct of our society?
And who does this matter really effect/affect exactly – besides some millionaire owners and players of the NFL?

How much is this issue based on envy both by the media power and for his monetary success which Mr. LIMBAUGH has achhieved by his life's endeavors?

If the NFL is to prosper and succeed in the future – it should not be by denying ownership for ‘made-up’ quotes to fit the current political animus of the times!

Further is this the future of this nation – much like at the time of the glorious French Revolution – instant democracy no matter the consequence. If you get enough of a committed mob together, no matter the truths or veracity of their beliefs; should they become the law?

In short if these scurrilous comments attributed to Mr. LIMBAUGH can be proved – case closed regarding ownership.

But if they can’t, if they can not be verified on tape or recording – BLACK players should be asked if they would accept checks from Mr. LIMBAUGH’s concern regardless of his politics – my wager in this event would be that the issue is settled.

Zyskandar A. Jaimot, Orlando, Fl., state of STOOPID FASCIST CORRUPT OBAMALAND
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

MASSIVE 'DEFLATION' goes largely unremarked upon...

The run-up in OIL/GOLD prices belies the fact that many commodities are undergoing massive DEFLATION to the consumer. The most notable the prices of live/feeder cattle approaching record season LOWS!!! AS FAST AS GOLD GOES UP - THE PRICE OF BEEF IS COMING DOWN!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

'the OBAMA' gets his leash jerked again...

BARACH'pet-monkey-on-the-leash-of-monied-organ-grinder-convicted/fraudster-George'im-having-a-very-good-crisis'Soros is prepared once again to 'make-more-money' for his mastah in the field of GLOBAL WARMING - GREEN BULLSHIT!!![ Youse remember the SCAM the BLACK-PUNK-CHICAGO-COMMIE-FLY-SWATTER-n-CHIEF-now-NOBUL-PIZZA-SLICE-winner-'the OBAMA' tried to perpetrate by 'giving ' Brazil's PETROBRAS gas supplier $BILLIONS+BILLIONS of our TAX DOLLARS when scumbag SOROS attempted to take control of the company don't youse??? Even though SHITFOOK 'the OBAMA' won't allow AMERIKA to drill for its own oil??? But DEMBHOLE DOUCHESBAGS are allowed to 'do' all the drilling these wants on their video associates right former SENATURD JOHN'and-former-veep-candiate'EDWARDS and his female drill partner RIELLE???!!! Ha.] So watch for SHITFOOK 'the OBAMA' to use $BILLIONS of youse TAX DOLLARS to make money for his mastah GEORGE'the-scumbag-fraudster'SOROS!!! WHO SAYS 'SLAVERY' IS DEAD??? Da mastah jerks his leash and the pet-monkey duz his bidding!!! Whereas SHITFOOK 'the OBAMA' was stooped in the PETROBRAS SCAM by SOROS STOOPIDITY/HUBRIS - there may not NOT be such a fortunate outcome under the 'GREEN' guise of helping the planet. What is ahead is more BEISBOL players wearing earmuffs/body-warmers cuz GLOBAL WARMING is so severe!!! Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

'Nobul Pizza Prize' awarded to 'the OBAMA'...

SHITFOOK 'the OBAMA' wuz awarded the 'Nobull Pizza Prize'[ebonics spellung] yesterday - runner-up was JANENE GARAFALO rezident of the hillarious Hollyweed nutcases!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

'the OBAMA' & CO. crap-out in Copenhagen...

BLACK PUNK CHICAGO COMMIE FLY SWATTER-n-CHIEF 'the OBAMA' + his wife the monsterous MICHELLE + OPRAH WINFREY[who is now busily 'eating' ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, WALES, IRELAND in her manic diappointment] + the CHICAGO CRONIES of MAYOR DIPSHIT DEMBHOLE DALEY - all were relying on the 'cult' of 'the OBAMA' to win the corruption of the IOC to award CHICAGO the 2016 OLYMPICS - crapped out big time and were the first city eliminated!!! BLAME IT ON RACISM EH GUYS???!!! All that 'slum property' bought that you thought you'd turn into the OLYMPIC VILLAGE with huge profits to you SCUMHOLES!!! EAT SHIT AND DIE SHITFOOKS of 'the OBAMA' CULT!!! No OLYMPIC FUNDS of CORRUPTION for you CHICAGO COMMIE CRAPSTERS!!!